The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Democrats are struggling to keep racism alive as it divides the country. They are losing the black vote more and more and are in great concern. If they totally lose the black vote, it's curtains for them. They can't depend on the Hispanics because they are losing ground with them even faster.
They usually are, but we know that leftists are math-challenged. Statistically speaking, when you choose someone based on their being black, rather than their competence, and blacks are only 14% of the population, than you are getting the most excellent candidate only 14% of the time. So yes, excellence suffers when “diversity” is prioritized over ability.

Odds are the most qualified, capable candidate will be white. Again, it’s math.

Curious how you can’t understand that basic concept. Liberalism of the brain, I suppose.
What percentage of America is white?
Also, it wasn’t advertising soap to transgenders. It wasn’t advertising soap at all! That’s part of the crazy woke leftist shit. Here is a store selling fancy soaps, and the sign had nothing to do with the product they were selling. It was just a “woke” poster saying “transgender kids fit too,” to virtue signal their wakefulness.
Geezsus karen, the anger in you.
More hypocrisy for the anti-white leftist. How come you cheer on blacks when they complain their (non-existent) exclusion, but when whitey notices a statistical anomaly - people who are 70% of the population are excluded from a row of 20 posters - it‘s “triggered.”

I oppose bias based on skin color. You are OK with it, as long as it goes against whites.
Again, what is the percentage of white people in America?
And you’re a nasty leftist whom I will now ignore.

Ignore me if you wish, it will cause me zero discomfort and my world will continue to spin around the sun. All you are is a bunch of phosphor dots on a computer screen that shows up as printed words spewing lies. And, fwiw........................I'm not a leftist, nor am I a right winger. I am an Independent and have been that way for a long time. I'm also a retired Navy Sailor who proudly served over 20 years in service to this country.
When you apologize for lying about what I complained about in an effort to falsely paint me as a racist, I’ll respond. I find it reprehensible that leftists like you, in order to fit your preconceived (and wrong) idea that your enemies are racist, lie about what they have said and then attack them using the lie as a basis.

For those who entered this thread late: She said I “had a meltdown“ because I “saw ONE poster with a black person on it” when she knows fully well that the issue is the obvious display of avoiding showing ANY white people, as evidenced by store after store after store showing black, black, back, black, black, on around 20 posters. Not one single white, in one single window.
Readers Digest Version: the OP is “very upset” because she posters in store after store after store with only black people and no white people.

Fact: we only have your word that there wasn’t a single white person portrayed in store after store.

Fact: you post quite a number of threads expressing anger and even distaste towards blacks who you say are unfairly advantaged or overly represented in marketing.

Fact: you had a similar thread on Disney’s posters.

A quick google search found Disney posters with only white people, ok?

Another quick Google search of Target adverts showed broad diversity, including white people.

You make a point on how blacks are only a tiny percentage of the population and over represented in advertising, yet you don’t have an issue when Asians are similarly over represented. Why?

I am trying very hard not to call you a racist.
The majority of people in this country, and thus the majority of potential customers, are WHITE. That is what we are talking about. You bigots are fine with excluding whites from marketing material, and are coming up with ridiculous excuses for the massive favoritism toward blacks by “woke” companies.
That is a bit silly. A majority of customers in any given area or venue has nothing to do with national demographics.
/----/ You can't "sell your stuff" by alienating the majority of your customer base. This is pure politics and let the stuff sit on the shelf.
Clearly they ARE selling stuff. “Woke” (whatever that is supposed to mean) or not, they are still a business and tbe bottom line is what matters. If their approach did not generate revenue, it would have been replaced.
you are a bigot and racist because you hate change and minorities. Why you feel the need to hate your fellow human is your dilemma, not mine.
Hold on a sec here. You’re a bigot for not wanting change to what? What exactly do you expect minorities to bring? Is it capitalism, a republic, the Constitution? What change are you actually hoping for here?
You liar. is the only way you bigots have to argue a point to misrepresent the situation. It wasn’t that I had to wait for the jam. it’s that the rude waitress fot in my face and told ME I needed to behave and learn to respect her.

Yes, you should totally disrespect people who are handling your food. I am sure some day you might even get spit-free food.

Wow….great. Thanks for showing more of that anti-white racism. If a whitey dared say “hell hath no fury like an offended black person,” you’d be screeching raaaascisy.

Can't be anti-myself. I just point out that when I see white people acting kind of awfully, I point it out.
being rude to some poor person making minimum wage or less seems like a pretty Karen thing to do.

and there goes the antisemite accusing a decent person of racism. All I did was ask her for jam! You ledtist bigots are so predictable.

Jews aren't a race, and the Palestinians are more "Semitic" than the European Jews are. You can't be a bigot on religion. Either you think the world works that way or it doesn't.

And back again with the rwcist. NO, I had to deal with a black waitress who, for whatever reason, felt comfortable lecturing a white customer on how to “behave.”

You mean you were rude and racist and she didn't want to put up with it. I know you miss the days when they knew "their place".
Mike: “That’s so awesome…so now we’ve alienated evil whitey, the demographic that actually spends money but we’ve got broke as fuck ShaQuita and DaShawn and all the fucked in the head woke white guilt whackos like @JoeB131 and @Golfing Gator feeling all warm and fuzzy inside so who cares that we’ll barely be able to make rent…we won the woke contest.”

Most white people are as appalled by racists like Karen88 as black folks are.
Some people... Exactly, so apparently big corps are under the false impression that the majority of American citizens hold leftist views, so they're either stupid to wander into the political arena with their advertising or they're trying to propagandize that they're with the majority and send that false message out everywhere. The message and the politics are more important than whatever product they're trying to sell. That's why leftists have so strategically infiltrated media and big tech and taken them over, they want the country to feel like they're the majority, the simple fact is that they're not, not yet anyway.

I think it is more likely that they are under the impression that most people, left or right, aren’t triggered by seeing black folks in adverts.
Readers Digest Version: the OP is “very upset” because she posters in store after store after store with only black people and no white people.

Fact: we only have your word that there wasn’t a single white person portrayed in store after store.

Fact: you post quite a number of threads expressing anger and even distaste towards blacks who you say are unfairly advantaged or overly represented in marketing.

Fact: you had a similar thread on Disney’s posters.

A quick google search found Disney posters with only white people, ok?

Another quick Google search of Target adverts showed broad diversity, including white people.

You make a point on how blacks are only a tiny percentage of the population and over represented in advertising, yet you don’t have an issue when Asians are similarly over represented. Why?

I am trying very hard not to call you a racist.
Then you are wasting your time
Readers Digest Version: the OP is “very upset” because she posters in store after store after store with only black people and no white people.

Fact: we only have your word that there wasn’t a single white person portrayed in store after store.

Fact: you post quite a number of threads expressing anger and even distaste towards blacks who you say are unfairly advantaged or overly represented in marketing.

Fact: you had a similar thread on Disney’s posters.

A quick google search found Disney posters with only white people, ok?

Another quick Google search of Target adverts showed broad diversity, including white people.

You make a point on how blacks are only a tiny percentage of the population and over represented in advertising, yet you don’t have an issue when Asians are similarly over represented. Why?

I am trying very hard not to call you a racist.
fact: You have already been caught in a lie about what I’ve said, and thus everything else you say is not credible, either, including how you “relate” what I said about Disney. You manipulate the truth to serve your own preconceived, intolerant attitudes toward whites who will not go along with pro-black racist policies and decisions.

i, unlike you, am opposed to racism and bias, be it against blacks or whites.

I think it is more likely that they are under the impression that most people, left or right, aren’t triggered by seeing black folks in adverts.
But they are triggered by racial bias. Leftists are only triggered by racial bias against blacks. When the bias is against whites, they not only support it, but call any white who objects a racist.

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