The left does more to destroy debate than any other group in this Country


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I've always been an independent who was liberal in the sense of just being open to new ideas. It didn't mean I necessarily thought every new idea in the world was a good one but I've notice on these forums and elsewhere that the left is so f'n antagonistic towards everyone else that they have nearly destroyed any sense of patients and civility in this country. In short, the are the biggest ASSHOLES on the face of the earth. I've been pretty mad at other people before but I've never turn myself into an asshole just to make a political point and that is exactly what the left does. They do everything in their power to piss you off and spend their entire time thinking of ways of destroying you. They just don't want to destroy your argument but destroy you personally and it is complete bullshit by a bunch of fascist-communist in this country. It is like they are releasing some inner narcissistic rage against you when you disagreed with them. Total fucking assholes and I honestly have wished that every single one of them would just die one day. I have fantasized about waking up one day and half the western world's population just disappeared. They would just vanish in some mass UFO abduction. I would come out and thank the aliens for removing the asshole element off of our world but I suspect that they would return them one day because even they would not be able to put up with them for long. In that case we would then say 'sorry, no refunds' and they will jettison their volatile product into the sun.
Your policies all suck and any debate of them should be destroyed.

You seriously want to defund infrastructure, science, and education? You're a fool.
Your economic policies of deregulations caused the great depression and great recession. What's not to love?
Your economic policies of deregulations caused the great depression and great recession. What's not to love?

The recovery never materialized in both situations until the democrats were completely out of office so how do you say that the economic policies ever did anything positive?
I've always been an independent who was liberal in the sense of just being open to new ideas. It didn't mean I necessarily thought every new idea in the world was a good one but I've notice on these forums and elsewhere that the left is so f'n antagonistic towards everyone else that they have nearly destroyed any sense of patients and civility in this country. In short, the are the biggest ASSHOLES on the face of the earth. I've been pretty mad at other people before but I've never turn myself into an asshole just to make a political point and that is exactly what the left does. They do everything in their power to piss you off and spend their entire time thinking of ways of destroying you. They just don't want to destroy your argument but destroy you personally and it is complete bullshit by a bunch of fascist-communist in this country. It is like they are releasing some inner narcissistic rage against you when you disagreed with them. Total fucking assholes and I honestly have wished that every single one of them would just die one day. I have fantasized about waking up one day and half the western world's population just disappeared. They would just vanish in some mass UFO abduction. I would come out and thank the aliens for removing the asshole element off of our world but I suspect that they would return them one day because even they would not be able to put up with them for long. In that case we would then say 'sorry, no refunds' and they will jettison their volatile product into the sun.
Well, it's worked for them for a long time. And remember, we're not talking about decent, traditional liberals, but the "progressives" (ha) who have taken over the party. It's how PC has become so pervasive - If you can control the language you can control the conversation. Say something they don't like and they'll attack you personally rather than your idea. Then, once they have you on the defensive, they don't have to discuss the issue.

This honest Brit liberal sees it, admits it, nails it, especially beginning at 3:24:
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I've debated libs for maybe 25 years. They can't debate the issues so going personal is coming sooner rather than later. They can't reason period. If you disagree with their leftist views you are evil and must be destroyed. If Trump died today, tomorrow Pence would get the exact same treatment. Libs are children in adult bodies.
Your policies all suck and any debate of them should be destroyed.

If our policies suck so much, of your policies are so great, then surely you would welcome an honest, open debate about these policies. Your desire to shut down any such debate only goes to show that you know damn well that your own policies and positions would not stand up to honest examination.

You seriously want to defund infrastructure, science, and education? You're a fool.


May Laurence Tureaud have compassion for you.
Your policies all suck and any debate of them should be destroyed.
If our policies suck so much, of your policies are so great, then surely you would welcome an honest, open debate about these policies. Your desire to shut down any such debate only goes to show that you know damn well that your own policies and positions would not stand up to honest examination..
They're stuck in their strategy of attacking to put others on the defensive.

They've allowed other skills - such as honest conversation - to decay because they haven't needed them.
There is no 'tolerance' on the left, much like with Islamic Extremists. Agree with them, convert, or be silenced or detroyed.
I've debated libs for maybe 25 years. They can't debate the issues so going personal is coming sooner rather than later. They can't reason period. If you disagree with their leftist views you are evil and must be destroyed. If Trump died today, tomorrow Pence would get the exact same treatment. Libs are children in adult bodies.
Exactly. They truly stand for nothing, other than finding new and creative ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a Christian (preferably a white Christian American male.)

Gay rights? Yet they somehow defend sharia law. Why? Cause it sticks a thumb in the eye of a Christian. Not that hard to see that. But but but the Christians!!! Would not matter one bit if the muslims set off a nuclear bomb. They would still go to the crusades excuse. A muslims killed 50 gays at a gay nightclub, and you would think they would get a little clue. Nope. Predictably (at least I predicted it) they blamed the NRA and Republicans. Oh, let me clarify (white American Christian males.)

It goes for every single subject. They change their stance right before your eyes. All they do is cling to their labels. That is it. A big bag of democrat talking points. We saw them change instantly on the Colbert show. They were conditioned for 6 months to hate Comey. They cheered when "Trump" fired him. They then booed immediately when Colbert told them they are supposed to be booing.

I have known this for a long time. Hence the reason why I take delight in pissing on liberals graves from time to time here. I am done with them and they are absolute enemies to all of liberty. They cannot think for themselves and they not worth our time to debate. They have their script. That is why they keep doing what I say they are going to do.

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