The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

It's so true! Illegal employers, we are coming for you.

Moving forward, DHS will focus on adopting policies and practices that achieve the following:

  • Reduce the demand for illegal employment by delivering more severe consequences to exploitative employers and their agents;
  • Increase the willingness of workers to report violations of law by exploitative employers and cooperate in employment and labor standards investigations; and,
  • Broaden and deepen mechanisms for coordination between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, and state labor agencies.

It's so true! Illegal employers, we are coming for you.

Moving forward, DHS will focus on adopting policies and practices that achieve the following:

  • Reduce the demand for illegal employment by delivering more severe consequences to exploitative employers and their agents;
  • Increase the willingness of workers to report violations of law by exploitative employers and cooperate in employment and labor standards investigations; and,
  • Broaden and deepen mechanisms for coordination between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, and state labor agencies.

empty words
It's so true! Illegal employers, we are coming for you.

Moving forward, DHS will focus on adopting policies and practices that achieve the following:

  • Reduce the demand for illegal employment by delivering more severe consequences to exploitative employers and their agents;
  • Increase the willingness of workers to report violations of law by exploitative employers and cooperate in employment and labor standards investigations; and,
  • Broaden and deepen mechanisms for coordination between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, and state labor agencies.

XIden took office and one of the first things they did was stop prosecting people who knowingly hire illegals.
XIden took office and one of the first things they did was stop prosecting people who knowingly hire illegals.
I just posted something that says the opposite. Biden isn't going to play wack a mole with illegals like Trump did. He's going to go after illegal employers. And he might not do it so that you can see what he's doing. He might not raid those companies. He might give them notice. That way we don't have to fine or arrest them.

Just like Trump had time to get rid of his illegals at Mara lago.

This is another thing you'll say "they all do it". Well, they all need to stop.

And Biden might even tell the employer to tell their illegal workers to come register so they are legal. SHIT!! If they already have a job? That's the kind of immigrant I want.
I just posted something that says the opposite. Biden isn't going to play wack a mole with illegals like Trump did. He's going to go after illegal employers. And he might not do it so that you can see what he's doing. He might not raid those companies. He might give them notice. That way we don't have to fine or arrest them.

Just like Trump had time to get rid of his illegals at Mara lago.

This is another thing you'll say "they all do it". Well, they all need to stop.

And Biden might even tell the employer to tell their illegal workers to come register so they are legal. SHIT!! If they already have a job? That's the kind of immigrant I want.
Yeah, you posted BS....

Biden Dismantles the Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants​

No, I’m much taller and whiter, also older. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how dishonest the Republican narrative around illegal immigration truly is.

Not only do Democratic policies reduce
the number of illegals coming across the border, the fines and orders issued against the employers help reduce the cost of net cost of immigration enforcement.
So what has Cackles been doing since she was appointed to oversee border security, anyway?
I just posted something that says the opposite. Biden isn't going to play wack a mole with illegals like Trump did. He's going to go after illegal employers. And he might not do it so that you can see what he's doing. He might not raid those companies. He might give them notice. That way we don't have to fine or arrest them.
Why hasn't he been doing that for the last 3 years? Why only take action in an election year? I think we know.
Just like Trump had time to get rid of his illegals at Mara lago.

This is another thing you'll say "they all do it". Well, they all need to stop.

And Biden might even tell the employer to tell their illegal workers to come register so they are legal. SHIT!! If they already have a job? That's the kind of immigrant I want.
What's Cackles been doing down at the border anyway?
This is stupid. It's already against the law to hire illegals.

Biden doesn't have the power to do that.
He has the power not to enforce the law, which is what he has been doing, not enforcing the law.
He has the power not to enforce the law, which is what he has been doing, not enforcing the law.
That's what Bush did. And he did it at a time when unemployment was high. Today we have 9 million unfilled jobs.

I need to see a truthometer on the details behind why Biden did this. Perhaps it's so we stop being cruel to immigrants who came here because we have illegal employers luring them here. Perhaps he wants to just make those employees legal and get those companies to start paying social security taxes on them.
That's what Bush did. And he did it at a time when unemployment was high. Today we have 9 million unfilled jobs.

I need to see a truthometer on the details behind why Biden did this. Perhaps it's so we stop being cruel to immigrants who came here because we have illegal employers luring them here. Perhaps he wants to just make those employees legal and get those companies to start paying social security taxes on them.
Yeah, well we are talking about Xiden, the current President. That's what he is doing.
Yeah, well we are talking about Xiden, the current President. That's what he is doing.

In 2006 us Democrats were complaining about illegal employers and we sounded a lot like Republicans today

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

when Nike began manufacturing shoes in Third World countries with labor costs below US labor costs, it didn't lead to $15 Nikes

But Dobbs and his fellow Republicans say the solution is to "secure our border" with a fence like that used by East Germany, but that stretches a distance about the same as that from Washington, DC to Chicago. It'll be a multi-billion-dollar boon to Halliburton and Bechtel, who will undoubtedly get the construction and maintenance contracts, but it won't stop illegal immigration. (Instead, people will legally come in on tourist and other visas, and not leave when their visas expire.)

"Illegal Immigration" is really about "Illegal Employers." As long as Democrats argue it on the basis of "illegal immigration" they'll lose, even when they're right. Instead, they need to be talking about "Illegal Employers."

Politically, it's not a civil rights issue, it's a jobs issue, as working Americans keep telling pollsters over and over again.

"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own. And they won't have to confront death trying to cross the desert back into Mexico - Mexican citizens can simply walk back into Mexico across the border at any legal border crossing (as about a million did every year for over a century).
Republicans, however, are not going to allow a discussion of "Illegal Employers." Instead, they will continue to hammer the issue of "Illegal Immigrants," and tie that political albatross around the necks of Democrats (who seem all too willing to accept it).
In 2006 us Democrats were complaining about illegal employers and we sounded a lot like Republicans today

Every time the media - or a Democrat - uses the phrase "Illegal Immigration" they are promoting one of Karl Rove's most potent Republican Party frames.

The reality is that we don't have an "Illegal Immigration" problem in America. We have an "Illegal Employer" problem.

Yet it's almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, because to point it out could slightly reduce the profits and CEO salaries of many of America's largest multi-state and multinational corporations - who both own the media and contribute heavily to conservative politicians. Republicans would prefer that the "criminals" covered in the press are working people, and that corporate and CEO criminals not get discussed.

Encouraging a rapid increase in the workforce by encouraging companies to hire non-citizens is one of the three most potent tools conservatives since Ronald Reagan have used to convert the American middle class into the American working poor. (The other two are destroying the governmental protections that keep labor unions viable, and ending tariffs while promoting trade deals like NAFTA/WTO/GATT that export manufacturing jobs.)

when Nike began manufacturing shoes in Third World countries with labor costs below US labor costs, it didn't lead to $15 Nikes

But Dobbs and his fellow Republicans say the solution is to "secure our border" with a fence like that used by East Germany, but that stretches a distance about the same as that from Washington, DC to Chicago. It'll be a multi-billion-dollar boon to Halliburton and Bechtel, who will undoubtedly get the construction and maintenance contracts, but it won't stop illegal immigration. (Instead, people will legally come in on tourist and other visas, and not leave when their visas expire.)

"Illegal Immigration" is really about "Illegal Employers." As long as Democrats argue it on the basis of "illegal immigration" they'll lose, even when they're right. Instead, they need to be talking about "Illegal Employers."

Politically, it's not a civil rights issue, it's a jobs issue, as working Americans keep telling pollsters over and over again.

"Mass deportations" and "Fences" are hysterics and false choices. Start penalizing "Illegal Employers" and non-citizens without a Social Security number will leave the country on their own. And they won't have to confront death trying to cross the desert back into Mexico - Mexican citizens can simply walk back into Mexico across the border at any legal border crossing (as about a million did every year for over a century).
I am not sure your point...this is 2024, Xiden's President, and Xiden made it his policy not to enforce the law, and allow employers to hire illegals.
I am not sure your point...this is 2024, Xiden's President, and Xiden made it his policy not to enforce the law, and allow employers to hire illegals.
Well I did a search and I see in the past you defended Bush lying us into Iraq. Not my words, Trump's. He said Bush lied us into Iraq and he NEVER took it back, so you defended Bush when he lied us into Iraq and you voted for man who agrees with me he lied us into Iraq. That's 1.

2. You also voted for and defended Bush when he stopped going after illegal employers.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent

The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So are you going to vote for Biden like you did Bush 2004?

And Trump is an illegal employer
Well I did a search and I see in the past you defended Bush lying us into Iraq. Not my words, Trump's. He said Bush lied us into Iraq and he NEVER took it back, so you defended Bush when he lied us into Iraq and you voted for man who agrees with me he lied us into Iraq. That's 1.

2. You also voted for and defended Bush when he stopped going after illegal employers.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent

The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So are you going to vote for Biden like you did Bush 2004?

And Trump is an illegal employer
what does Bush and Iraq have to do with Xiden not enforcing immigration laws today?
what does Bush and Iraq have to do with Xiden not enforcing immigration laws today?
Bush stopped going after illegal employers and I see tons of pages of you loving Bush and everything that he did for America including stopping going after illegal employers. If you stop going after illegal employers, forget about it. That's the reasons the illegals come here. To work for them.

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