The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

He's already admitted the Russian hacking isn't a conspiracy theory.

I will contend that it still is until the CIA, FBI, NSA, and ODNI can provide actual proof of hacking.

Remind me --- why exactly would they provide that to you?

Case in point.

If they don't have the proof, they can't prove the hacking. So why can't they give me evidence they don't have?

None of them said they don't have proof -- they said they do.
Now that we've snapped violently back into the real world, answer my question.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.
Look at it in perspective: They thought (as did I) that the move towards a Euro-social democracy was unstoppable and inevitable (I don't know, it still may be). And suddenly this happens and throws their whole worldview out the window. Literally overnight.

I guess my point is that I assumed they were a little better than this.

You really think the GOP 'takeover' of the government is going to stop and roll back progress in this country. You think 'social democracy' is dead now?

lol. Did you think that when Bush 'won' in 2001?

Progress?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Its anything but progress.

America didn't like the direction the country was taking, that progress you speak of, so they voted in Trump.

Get over it. Or not. LOL
To be fair, there's more to it than just direction.

These people are really, really unlikable.

So it was personal, too.

Oh I'm sure there is more to it.

Hell. Hillary wasn't liked by a lot of Dems.

I have Dem and liberal friends who flat out told me they were voting for Trump because they couldn't stand Hillary and thought she was dishonest and had no business in the WH.

Unlikable?? You bet and she's not the only one.

And yet she won the vote by almost 3 million.

Yep, and this is one you came up with by yourself.

She won the popular vote! She should be the president! It's a scam!
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?

Uh, you're (Reich) saying that the election of a president is in some way illegitimate.

(cue Mission Impossible theme music)
When you attribute Trump to Hitler without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

When you say he's racist without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

When you say Bush knocked down the towers without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

When you think I'm a fat kid living in his mother's basement without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

I could go on...back to my basement.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?

Uh, you're (Reich) saying that the election of a president is in some way illegitimate.

(cue Mission Impossible theme music)

A stretch of what the subject actually said, but even in this stretched form that's still not a conspiracy theory. Reich notes Rump's associates' ties to Russia/Putin, his refusal to disclose his tax returns and the CIA/FBI evidence, all of which are factual.

A conspiracy theory is where you propose that some devious act actually took place, let's say if you came out and, just to pick something crazed, suggested Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination.

Not that anyone short of an Alex Jones wacko would ever try that, but as an extreme example.
You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?

Uh, you're (Reich) saying that the election of a president is in some way illegitimate.

(cue Mission Impossible theme music)

A stretch of what the subject actually said, but even in this stretched form that's still not a conspiracy theory. Reich notes Rump's associates' ties to Russia/Putin, his refusal to disclose his tax returns and the CIA/FBI evidence, all of which are factual.

A conspiracy theory is where you propose that some devious act actually took place, let's say if you came out and, just to pick something crazed, suggested Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination.

Not that anyone short of an Alex Jones wacko would ever try that, but as an extreme example.

The thing is, he fails to mention how that delegitimizes his election.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?

Uh, you're (Reich) saying that the election of a president is in some way illegitimate.

(cue Mission Impossible theme music)

A stretch of what the subject actually said, but even in this stretched form that's still not a conspiracy theory. Reich notes Rump's associates' ties to Russia/Putin, his refusal to disclose his tax returns and the CIA/FBI evidence, all of which are factual.

A conspiracy theory is where you propose that some devious act actually took place, let's say if you came out and, just to pick something crazed, suggested Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination.

Not that anyone short of an Alex Jones wacko would ever try that, but as an extreme example.

The thing is, he fails to mention how that delegitimizes his election.

Being a Republican makes him illegitimate in the eyes of a leftwing douche bag.

--Liberal conspiracy theory, Jan 20, 2009 - present

Nope. It isn't. A conspiracy theory needs more specifics (did what?)

hen you attribute Trump to Hitler without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

Nope, it isn't. That doesn't even make grammatical sense.

A conspiracy theory needs something to happen.

When you say he's racist without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

Nope, it isn't. That's ipse dixit. An unsupported claim.

When you say Bush knocked down the towers without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

Yes, it is. Got one!

When you think I'm a fat kid living in his mother's basement without any supporting evidence

...that's a conspiracy theory

Wait ---- did you move to New Jersey?
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

Okay Carbine. Here's one you missed.

In what way is that a "conspiracy theory"?

Uh, you're (Reich) saying that the election of a president is in some way illegitimate.

(cue Mission Impossible theme music)

A stretch of what the subject actually said, but even in this stretched form that's still not a conspiracy theory. Reich notes Rump's associates' ties to Russia/Putin, his refusal to disclose his tax returns and the CIA/FBI evidence, all of which are factual.

A conspiracy theory is where you propose that some devious act actually took place, let's say if you came out and, just to pick something crazed, suggested Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination.

Not that anyone short of an Alex Jones wacko would ever try that, but as an extreme example.

The thing is, he fails to mention how that delegitimizes his election.

Actually ALL of those points, plus whatever else is in there, support that case.
And it wouldn't matter whether he supported it or not --- it doesn't make for a conspiracy theory.

Perhaps a modicum of definition is in order. For a conspiracy theory you have to first have a current event or condition, and then plug in some "how it works" nefarious theory to explain why that event happened or why that condition exists.

Event ---- JFK assassination.
Conspiracy theory ---- Ted Cruz' father did it.

Condition ---- Hillary defeats Rump in popular vote by 2.8 million
Conspiracy theory ---- "three million illegal Amish voted"


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