The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Thank you, Vlad!
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.
Would you like to try again RDean?

The bed wetters zealously defended their moonbat messiah no matter how dismal the results of his policies, or how much of an ass he made of himself. Obozo was HEARD ON A HOT MIC telling Medvedev that he needed to finish his 2012 con job before he could weaken our missile defense. Now they're apoplectic over a story Putin might have fucked hitlary? Especially after the meat puppet faggot tried to undermine Netanyahu's election?

Fuck those pathetic libturds. It's time they wiped their own shit off their own face.

Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Alex Jones and George snoory are jizzing all over them selves. I agree though it sucks bad.
What happened is they lost. along the way they were totally pantsed by the rooooshins, or someone, who lifted the veil of legitimacy of their little charade by publishing their own words, outing the party and campaign as utter scumballs, thereby leaving them without their usual veil of righteous indignation to hide behind.

now they're concocting whatever nonsense they can to rebuild their wall of bullshit to hide behind.

at the same time they are trying to delegitimize the candidate that won so that they can retain some shreds of power and try to destabilize the incoming administration as much as possible in an attempt to limit damage to their overall agendas to the greatest extent possible.

In other words it's business as usual for the dirty-dickin DNC, trying to propagandize their way through the smashing to bits of the agenda they thought was already carved in stone.

At this point, they have no other choice.

Brainwashing works well for Democrats. They've been using if for years. They've convinced the sheep that Socialism/ Communism is the future of this country. The Republicans are dying old white men; people that cling to their guns and Bibles; nothing but a bunch of leftover rubes in flyover country; they will be gone soon enough, just you wait!

However throughout the last eight years of DumBama, they lost the Congress, they lost the Senate, they lost governorships across the country along with hundreds of other local seats, and now they lost the White House.

If they don't make up some kind of story, their sheep will begin to lose faith. They will start to understand that it's not the Republicans that are the dying breed, it's progressivism. It matters not if there is an ounce of truth behind this Russia thing, what does matter is that their blind followers never give up hope, because once they give up hope, they won't be standing in line to vote any longer.
OP- WTF are the dupes going on about? LOL. After their candidate goes on about how the election is rigged for months, and our entire intelligence community says Putin tried to throw the election to Trump, it's insanity to look into it? GOP dupes!! Lost their shit 25 years ago...
Oh hold on!!!

You righties played dirty pool through the whole election . Now you want to go back to all nice nice !? F-off!
ROFL! No one plays dirtier than Hillary. What do you call "dirty," telling the truth about Hillary? What "dirty pool" is Trump guilty of?

Hmm let's see . Trump made up shit , told bold face lies , personal attacks like never before .
What happened is they lost. along the way they were totally pantsed by the rooooshins, or someone, who lifted the veil of legitimacy of their little charade by publishing their own words, outing the party and campaign as utter scumballs, thereby leaving them without their usual veil of righteous indignation to hide behind.

now they're concocting whatever nonsense they can to rebuild their wall of bullshit to hide behind.

at the same time they are trying to delegitimize the candidate that won so that they can retain some shreds of power and try to destabilize the incoming administration as much as possible in an attempt to limit damage to their overall agendas to the greatest extent possible.

In other words it's business as usual for the dirty-dickin DNC, trying to propagandize their way through the smashing to bits of the agenda they thought was already carved in stone.

At this point, they have no other choice.

Brainwashing works well for Democrats. They've been using if for years. They've convinced the sheep that Socialism/ Communism is the future of this country. The Republicans are dying old white men; people that cling to their guns and Bibles; nothing but a bunch of leftover rubes in flyover country; they will be gone soon enough, just you wait!

However throughout the last eight years of DumBama, they lost the Congress, they lost the Senate, they lost governorships across the country along with hundreds of other local seats, and now they lost the White House.

If they don't make up some kind of story, their sheep will begin to lose faith. They will start to understand that it's not the Republicans that are the dying breed, it's progressivism. It matters not if there is an ounce of truth behind this Russia thing, what does matter is that their blind followers never give up hope, because once they give up hope, they won't be standing in line to vote any longer.
Both parties have their stories, but it's the New BS GOP's that totally FOS. Trump recognized how easy it would be to take over the NBGOP by parroting the BS. NOW what? Well, he's already dumping all his promises based on the crap.
OP- WTF are the dupes going on about? LOL. After their candidate goes on about how the election is rigged for months, and our entire intelligence community says Putin tried to throw the election to Trump, it's insanity to look into it? GOP dupes!! Lost their shit 25 years ago...

You're the dupe. The Russians have been hacking (or trying to hack) our government systems for years now. Yet your big-eared creep leader did nothing about it; it wasn't that important until now.

But now, Hil-Liar lost, so we must blame somebody besides her or the big-eared creep. Something must be wrong because Democrats should never lose a presidency. Now we must do something........anything about it. We must investigate, we must spend millions and millions of dollars to prove to the American citizens Democrats don't lose presidential elections because they despise the liberal candidate.
OP- WTF are the dupes going on about? LOL. After their candidate goes on about how the election is rigged for months, and our entire intelligence community says Putin tried to throw the election to Trump, it's insanity to look into it? GOP dupes!! Lost their shit 25 years ago...

You're the dupe. The Russians have been hacking (or trying to hack) our government systems for years now. Yet your big-eared creep leader did nothing about it; it wasn't that important until now.

But now, Hil-Liar lost, so we must blame somebody besides her or the big-eared creep. Something must be wrong because Democrats should never lose a presidency. Now we must do something........anything about it. We must investigate, we must spend millions and millions of dollars to prove to the American citizens Democrats don't lose presidential elections because they despise the liberal candidate.
Putin hates Clinton for calling him a Hitler, so they haven't been hacking for that long- at least they didn't confess til now. A well informed electorate would never vote for this New BS GOP. Quite so.
OP- WTF are the dupes going on about? LOL. After their candidate goes on about how the election is rigged for months, and our entire intelligence community says Putin tried to throw the election to Trump, it's insanity to look into it? GOP dupes!! Lost their shit 25 years ago...

You're the dupe. The Russians have been hacking (or trying to hack) our government systems for years now. Yet your big-eared creep leader did nothing about it; it wasn't that important until now.

But now, Hil-Liar lost, so we must blame somebody besides her or the big-eared creep. Something must be wrong because Democrats should never lose a presidency. Now we must do something........anything about it. We must investigate, we must spend millions and millions of dollars to prove to the American citizens Democrats don't lose presidential elections because they despise the liberal candidate.
Putin hates Clinton for calling him a Hitler, so they haven't been hacking for that long- at least they didn't confess til now. A well informed electorate would never vote for this New BS GOP. Quite so.

They wouldn't, huh?

Then explain how the electorate gave Republican leadership to Congress. Explain how this electorate gave Republican leadership of the Senate. Explain how this electorate gave leadership to most Republican governors across the country. Explain how this electorate gave Republicans all these local state seats. Explain how this electorate gave hundreds and hundreds of seats and leadership to Republicans these last eight years.

You lost fair and square. Now lick your wounds and hide under a rock until the next election.
OP- WTF are the dupes going on about? LOL. After their candidate goes on about how the election is rigged for months, and our entire intelligence community says Putin tried to throw the election to Trump, it's insanity to look into it? GOP dupes!! Lost their shit 25 years ago...

You're the dupe. The Russians have been hacking (or trying to hack) our government systems for years now. Yet your big-eared creep leader did nothing about it; it wasn't that important until now.

But now, Hil-Liar lost, so we must blame somebody besides her or the big-eared creep. Something must be wrong because Democrats should never lose a presidency. Now we must do something........anything about it. We must investigate, we must spend millions and millions of dollars to prove to the American citizens Democrats don't lose presidential elections because they despise the liberal candidate.
Putin hates Clinton for calling him a Hitler, so they haven't been hacking for that long- at least they didn't confess til now. A well informed electorate would never vote for this New BS GOP. Quite so.

They wouldn't, huh?

Then explain how the electorate gave Republican leadership to Congress. Explain how this electorate gave Republican leadership of the Senate. Explain how this electorate gave leadership to most Republican governors across the country. Explain how this electorate gave Republicans all these local state seats. Explain how this electorate gave hundreds and hundreds of seats and leadership to Republicans these last eight years.

You lost fair and square. Now lick your wounds and hide under a rock until the next election.
Misinformed and racist electorate. Crap media. Well informed= Liberal
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?
Good grief, I did NOT want Trump as President, but claiming he invited the Russians to hack our electoral process is false, wrong and stupid.
Yep. I voted against him too, but that meme is just not true. Good example.
Mac, they were this....close to sealing our fate as a euro-socialist economy and culture before Trump came along and ruined it for them.
That's my theory too, and I can actually understand and relate to some extra shock as a result.

Still, the behaviors are so similar to those they were mocking so recently, it's so obvious.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Your true colors are showing again.
What are his "true colors?"
He says this when I criticize the Left. He's convinced I'm a crazy right winger.

The same thing happens when I criticize the Right. Someone will say I'm a crazy left winger.

Funny stuff, and it illustrates my sig perfectly.
The people who elected a Birther, who's a BFF of Alex Jones,

NOW decide they're going scoff at what THEY think are liberal conspiracy theories.
So strange how Hillary has been this criminal getting away with murder and now you suckasses want to project that guilt onto Trump.

Pretty sick and pathetic.

yeah Mac1958 ....

Yeah, lefties are off the rails. Tell us, do you think Clinton is a murderer too?
No, I sure don't.

That's an example of the silly right wing conspiracy theory the Lefties were mocking so recently.

Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important issues here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

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