the left is bonkers today

I never saw thia before. It's funny aa hell, a total melt down by the left.
Tissue, righties?

I just ask because you're all especially weepy today. You'd think you'd be happy that 5 thugs spit on the Equal Protection Clause in the name of a power grab, but you guys manage to be poor winners as well as poor losers.
Good thing al gore didn't invent the net till after 2004
Let's get this straight, not that you are concerned about facts. Gore never said he created the internet. What he did do is sponsor the legislation and funding bills to open up the Internet to America and to make it available to everyone (even idiots like yourself).

Now, about the liberals going bonkers today, THANK GOD it is only one day. conservatives have been bonkers 24/7/365 for the last 5+ years.

Here is his quote that says he created the internet. It's the same as claiming he invented it. Suck it up Liberals for liking an idiot to represent your views.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
Obama loses half the Ukraine and they talk about hobby lobby.

Oh Obama lost the Ukraine? Putin who all of the wingnuts love more than life itself had nothing to do with it, right?

You mean leading from behind is supposed to work?

You idiots want us to reenter a war in the Middle East that Bush/Cheney totally effed up. Nobody is listening to right wingers so stfu.
Oh Obama lost the Ukraine? Putin who all of the wingnuts love more than life itself had nothing to do with it, right?

You mean leading from behind is supposed to work?

You idiots want us to reenter a war in the Middle East that Bush/Cheney totally effed up. Nobody is listening to right wingers so stfu.

Well we know you will never put on a uniform. Unless your old brownie scouts, if you can fit your fat aas in it
You mean leading from behind is supposed to work?

You idiots want us to reenter a war in the Middle East that Bush/Cheney totally effed up. Nobody is listening to right wingers so stfu.

Well we know you will never put on a uniform. Unless your old brownie scouts, if you can fit your fat aas in it

You don't know anything about me, dunce. In fact you don't know much of anything, period.
The left is bonkers everyday. We'll all going to die from global warming next month if we don't take away more rights and raise prices and destroy more jobs! We'll all going to die from back alley abortions because the evil Supreme Court decided that individuals have a right to practice their religion. Damn you Hobby Lobby! We're all going to die if we have to wash our own dishes because we don't know how and we'll miss all the greasy parts on the plate and get Salmonella so we need an open border! We're all going to die if people are actually required to prove who they are when they vote because they're racists and racists have guns and guns kill people! We're all going to die because the government isn't big enough to control every aspect of my life and I'm not sure how much fiber I'm supposed to eat!!! We'll all going to die because Obama isn't a king!
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Good thing al gore didn't invent the net till after 2004

Yeah, I know the Court made the right decision seeing the Left become positively unhinged. They're claiming that women's rights have been set back decades, even though the ruling in Hobby Lobby returns things to how they were before Obamacare was enacted.

Nope. Not true at all.

Yeah "nuh-uh" isnt much of a debate.

Prior to Obamacare employers could at their discretion provide health insurance with whatever benefits they wanted. After this decision some employers can provide some benefits at their discretion.
No difference.
Actually it's worse, thanks to O-care. Prior to O-care if an employee needed a particular benefit, like maternity, they could buy a policy specifically for that. Now they cannot buy such a policy at all on their own.
Thanks, Obama!
Hobby Lobby is nuanced and will take time to digest.

It is interesting though that suddenly the court is deciding congress does have power to do something.
Let's clarify this: The court IS NOT deciding Congress does have power to do something. It was the five CONSERVATIVE members who made that decision and not the full court. You might also note that the Congress has had the right to do something for the last 5+ years but it has been the republican House that has made the decision NOT to do anything. In fact, if I am not mistaken, the House will only be in session a little over a hundred days this year. It was the about same last year. Maybe if the House decided to do something Obama would not be forced to take executive action.

Uh, bub. If you think that way, then Obama wasn't elected by the American people because he didn't get 100% of the vote....
We're actually looking at the positives. Given how heavily public opinion leaned towards the liberal side, this means a lot more votes for Democrats in 2014. This Reuters poll put it at 53-35, and other polls show similar results.

And yes, I know the kooks won't believe it, because they refuse to step outside of their reality exclusion bubbles. We're counting on their active rejection of the real world to help us win.
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