The Left Loses Ground...


Men get to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against.

This of course excludes you, in that while you may be male, you've never been in a state which would have ever qualified you to claim the title 'Man'... because of your decidedly feminine disposition and your distinct lack of any discernible means to reason, soundly.

So if reasonable Men discern that God did not create the world in 6 days, we can reasonably reject that portion of the Bible as myth?
Yes, it was a claim maintained by the monarchy. Whether the common fold entertained it is another issue. The French Revolution demonstrated that they held no such belief by the end of the 18th century.

It was also put to rest by the reasoning set forth in the Magna Carta, which effectively found that that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law... Which is to say that "All men are created Equal", which is... what Christ said.

Which was what the Pharisees used as a justification to turn Christ over to Pilot. Ya see, Caesar took a dim view of that principle.... (FYI Gilligan, Caesar preceded the Magna Carta, by roughly 1200 years.)

So Men get to decide what God is for or against?

That's pretty much an argument for the non-existence of God.

Men get to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against.

This of course excludes you, in that while you may be male, you've never been in a state which would have ever qualified you to claim the title 'Man'... because of your decidedly feminine disposition and your distinct lack of any discernible means to reason, soundly.

So God is a creation of Man.

Goddam you're catching on.

I see... Yes Gilligan, I agree with you that Saturday comes when men raise their skirts and orange skies shine darkness on the light of sesame street. :whip:

You're the third person today I've reduced to babbling incoherently.

In hockey parlance, that's a hat trick.

Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?


Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.
Really? Then who decided that the divine right of kings was not a legitimate Christian belief?

Did God?

You did. And as usual, you're wrong ... again.

You're lying. You're lying based on your own measure of what lying is. You said lying is claiming as truth something you cannot know to be true.

You cannot know God's view on what the nature of the governments of Men should be, therefore you are lying if you assert that any particular form of government is the right one in the eyes of God.
It was also put to rest by the reasoning set forth in the Magna Carta, which effectively found that that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law... Which is to say that "All men are created Equal", which is... what Christ said.

Which was what the Pharisees used as a justification to turn Christ over to Pilot. Ya see, Caesar took a dim view of that principle.... (FYI Gilligan, Caesar preceded the Magna Carta, by roughly 1200 years.)

So Men get to decide what God is for or against?

That's pretty much an argument for the non-existence of God.

Men get to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against.

This of course excludes you, in that while you may be male, you've never been in a state which would have ever qualified you to claim the title 'Man'... because of your decidedly feminine disposition and your distinct lack of any discernible means to reason, soundly.

So God is a creation of Man.

Goddam you're catching on.

I see... Yes Gilligan, I agree with you that Saturday comes when men raise their skirts and orange skies shine darkness on the light of sesame street. :whip:

You're the third person today I've reduced to babbling incoherently.

In hockey parlance, that's a hat trick.

Yes, reasonable people tear their hair out when confronted by a weapons grade moron like you.
Ive had enough wasting time with someone who argues by putting words in people's mouths and inventing facts.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.
It was also put to rest by the reasoning set forth in the Magna Carta, which effectively found that that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law... Which is to say that "All men are created Equal", which is... what Christ said.

Which was what the Pharisees used as a justification to turn Christ over to Pilot. Ya see, Caesar took a dim view of that principle.... (FYI Gilligan, Caesar preceded the Magna Carta, by roughly 1200 years.)

So Men get to decide what God is for or against?

That's pretty much an argument for the non-existence of God.

Men get to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against.

This of course excludes you, in that while you may be male, you've never been in a state which would have ever qualified you to claim the title 'Man'... because of your decidedly feminine disposition and your distinct lack of any discernible means to reason, soundly.

So God is a creation of Man.

Goddam you're catching on.

I see... Yes Gilligan, I agree with you that Saturday comes when men raise their skirts and orange skies shine darkness on the light of sesame street. :whip:

You're the third person today I've reduced to babbling incoherently.

In hockey parlance, that's a hat trick.


So you're saying that you 'believe' that only three people have quoted you?
So Men get to decide what God is for or against?

Men 'get' to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against; although, it's more of a duty, than an opportunity.

If god granted 'reason' translates into men getting to decide what god is for or against.....then why do men so often disagree on this topic? Almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be both a pantheon of greek gods AND Jesus. It has to be one or the other by the very logic of religion.

Which means that by your own standard, with only ONE correct faith possible, that almost all believers of religion are self deluded souls who believe fallacies and falsehoods.

Again, by your own logic. If 'reason' has such a nearly perfect track record of failure in determining the will of God, why then do you assume that your application of 'reason' got it right? there where you tell us that the only people using 'reason' are those that think exactly like you do? Every religious person says that. What makes you right?

Or...and here's the elephant in the living room......why do any of them have to get it right?

Your logic simply doesn't hold up. As by your own standards, the process you're using produces almost perfectly invalid results. Virtually every time your standard is applied, it fails. Making your account implausible and ridiculously unlikely by your own logic.
Last edited:
Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?


Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So it's a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?


Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So the 'Charter of American Principles' is exactly what I described....something you defined, saying whatever you believe it does.

Shocker. Another 'appeal to authority' fallacy. Where Keyes offers his subjective personal opinion as objective truth. you have any other argument than the same empty appeal to authority fallacy? Its your go to in every discussion.
Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?


Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So it's a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.'re wrong because he imagined you are.

That's literally his argument. They're raising subjectivity to an art form.
So Men get to decide what God is for or against?

That's pretty much an argument for the non-existence of God.

Men get to use the sound reason God granted them, to discern what God is... both for and against.

This of course excludes you, in that while you may be male, you've never been in a state which would have ever qualified you to claim the title 'Man'... because of your decidedly feminine disposition and your distinct lack of any discernible means to reason, soundly.

So God is a creation of Man.

Goddam you're catching on.

I see... Yes Gilligan, I agree with you that Saturday comes when men raise their skirts and orange skies shine darkness on the light of sesame street. :whip:

You're the third person today I've reduced to babbling incoherently.

In hockey parlance, that's a hat trick.

Yes, reasonable people tear their hair out when confronted by a weapons grade moron like you.
Ive had enough wasting time with someone who argues by putting words in people's mouths and inventing facts.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

Another notch on the old belt. The defeated commit ignore hari-kari. lol

It's a shame. I was almost certain Rabbi the Jew would enlighten us on the tragic ignorance of the Christian belief that Christ was the Messiah.
So [The Charter of American Principle is] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?
Last edited:
Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?


Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So it's a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.'re wrong because he imagined you are.

That's literally his argument. They're raising subjectivity to an art form.

They are making better arguments that Man created God (as opposed to the opposite) than I could,

and as a bonus, they don't even realize they're doing it.
So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

Setting aside your erroneous attempt to answer your own question... wherein ya cited a notion that preceded the Magna Carta. (LOL! Ya poor dumbass...)

The Constitution rests directly upon the Charter of American Principles that set forth the principles which were issued as the moral justification requiring our separation from Britain.

Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So it's a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.'re wrong because he imagined you are.

That's literally his argument. They're raising subjectivity to an art form.

They are making better arguments that Man created God (as opposed to the opposite) than I could,

and as a bonus, they don't even realize they're doing it.

Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth. To establish this, I used the dictionary as a source...

....he unwittingly proved my every point by dismissing the dictionary and literally made up his own definitions of words. Pulled sideways out of his ass.

And I still don't think he realizes exactly what he did.
If god granted 'reason' translates into men getting to decide what god is for or against.....then why do men so often disagree on this topic?

This is because men approach God from their own perspective. And this is due to the subjective nature of humanity.

Which is why Religion is so critical to the development of Civilization. As the pursuit of an understanding of God, which is to say the pursuit of the truth, has developed the means for humanity to reason OBJECTIVELY... .

Some have reasoned that the means to do so represents the Spirit of God itself; OKA: The Holy Spirit.

Examples of sub-humanity, such as yourself, lack the spirit, thus you lack the means to so much as reason soundly, let alone objectively.
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)

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