The Left Loses Ground...

If god granted 'reason' translates into men getting to decide what god is for or against.....then why do men so often disagree on this topic?

This is because men approach God from their own perspective. And this is due to the subjective nature of humanity.

You're subjective. You're part of humanity. So you would be subject to all of the factors that results so consistently in invalid interpretions.

Why then would I accept your subjective, perspective based interpretations of 'god' as anything more than another invalid interpretation?

Which is why Religion is so critical to the development of Civilization. As the pursuit of an understanding of God, which is to say the pursuit of the truth, has developed the means for humanity to reason OBJECTIVELY... .

Some have reasoned that the means to do so represents the Spirit of God itself; OKA: The Holy Spirit.

But the religious people that disagree with you say that they are similarly guided directly by God. And by your own reasoning, they're self deluded souls who cling to fallacies and hallucinations.

So why are your claims be any different than theirs? Given the fact that by your own logic the reasoning of 'faith' has a record of almost perfect failure, wouldn't it be much more likely that you are among the self deluded? By your own standards, wouldn't it be a near certainty that you were?

And of course, why would ANY of you have to have gotten it right? Couldn't you all be self deluded?

Examples of sub-humanity, such as yourself, lack the spirit, thus you lack the means to so much as reason soundly, let alone objectively.

You're offering us your subjective feelings that you say are the 'holy spirit' as objective truth. Um, I don't think objective means what you think it means.

Your faith is not 'objective'. Your faith is inherently subjective.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
He's a time-wasting oxygen thief masquerading as a sentient being. He might be worse than Billy Triple Fail.
Where r my keys is likely kin to stephanie. This is pretty clear.
Really? Then who decided that the divine right of kings was not a legitimate Christian belief?

Did God?

You did. And as usual, you're wrong ... again.

You're lying. You're lying based on your own measure of what lying is. You said lying is claiming as truth something you cannot know to be true.

You cannot know God's view on what the nature of the governments of Men should be, therefore you are lying if you assert that any particular form of government is the right one in the eyes of God.

I actually can know God's view. And I absolutely DO know God's view.

Where did you get the idea that God's view was 'unknowable Gilligan?
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
He's a time-wasting oxygen thief masquerading as a sentient being. He might be worse than Billy Triple Fail.

LOL! That he is... but it so exemplifies the Left that its idiocy is truly a time saver.
Just for the record here, do you have reliable link to the so-called Charter of American Principles?

Yes... I was linked to it at birth. That link was reaffirmed in 5th grade social studies and has since reaffirmed whenever I read the lunatic rantings of you and your cult... which demonstrate the truth of those principles, by demonstrating the foolishness of unprincipled consciousness.

So it's a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.'re wrong because he imagined you are.

That's literally his argument. They're raising subjectivity to an art form.

They are making better arguments that Man created God (as opposed to the opposite) than I could,

and as a bonus, they don't even realize they're doing it.

Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth. To establish this, I used the dictionary as a source...

....he unwittingly proved my every point by dismissing the dictionary and literally made up his own definitions of words. Pulled sideways out of his ass.

And I still don't think he realizes exactly what he did.

He claimed I lied by saying that most Catholics supported birth control, because I hadn't talked to every Catholic on the planet to know that was true.

I reminded him that he claimed as fact only 2 or 3% of people were gay, despite his not having applied his own requirement to the claim.
So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
He's a time-wasting oxygen thief masquerading as a sentient being. He might be worse than Billy Triple Fail.

LOL! That he is... but it so exemplifies the Left that its idiocy is truly a time saver.

Take a time out from jerking each other off and prove that anything I said is false.
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.
So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.
He claimed I lied by saying that most Catholics supported birth control...

No Gilligan, I stated as FACT that you lied... I then challenged you to post the evidence you used to advance your assertion, which merely provided that fact with unnecessary validation, which you were more than happy to provide, through your feckless google search... which substantiated the fact that at the time you asserted the falsehood, you had no information to stand upon, supporting such.

But... in your defense, as an imbecile, there was no way you could have known that.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
He's a time-wasting oxygen thief masquerading as a sentient being. He might be worse than Billy Triple Fail.

LOL! That he is... but it so exemplifies the Left that its idiocy is truly a time saver.

Take a time out from jerking each other off and prove that anything I said is false.

They're using a completely different metric than you are. You're asking for standards of objective evidence. Something reliable that we can verify externally. They're offering their feelings as objective evidence. What they say must be true because it *feels* true.

The basis of Keyes entire perception is his 'holy spirit'. Which manifests as his personal feelings that only he can feel. That can't be experienced directly by anyone objective. Literally, whatever he God.

When you're dealing with people who accept their feelings as objective evidence......they have no need for any connection to reality. As a feeling based argument is completely self contained and self sustaining. It runs on belief. And needs nothing else.

Nor provides nothing else. Which is why their arguments so consistently fail.
So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.

When one believes the subjective has become objective fact, one has reached extremism.
Bripat, you can have this joker. He's on iggy now.

LOL! How could you ignore Gilligan? He's the funniest thing ON THIS SITE... Possible, on the WEB!

Gilligan is the personification of the Ideological Left, dumber than a bag of hammers, without the mass.
He's a time-wasting oxygen thief masquerading as a sentient being. He might be worse than Billy Triple Fail.

LOL! That he is... but it so exemplifies the Left that its idiocy is truly a time saver.

Take a time out from jerking each other off and prove that anything I said is false.

Well you're the one jerking us off Gilligan... but if it helps, you've already proven it.
Last edited:
He claimed I lied by saying that most Catholics supported birth control...

No Gilligan, I stated as FACT that you lied...

But you typing the word 'FACT' doesn't make whatever drivel follows it an actual fact. You keep asserting that whatever you believe is indisputable truth. Your subjective beliefs are not objective truth, Keyes.

Subjective is not objective. On this 4 simple words your every argument shatters. As your subjective beliefs, your subjective feelings, your subjective all you have to offer.
So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!

You admitted it when you said it only exists in your head.

Post the document. Prove me wrong. I thrive on being corrected on the facts, as rarely as that happens.

I invite it.
Imposing values per the constitution.
You're free to buy an Island and found Christlandia.

Christians founded the United States, established a government upon Judea/Christian Principles.

Which contrary to your starkly limited understanding does not establish Christianity as the National Religion, only the principles which govern Christianity, as those which govern the United States.

You should TRY to understand what that means, but you should become comfortable with the reality that such is likely WELL beyond your means to understand. As a result, the weeping and gnashing of tooth by your cult of idiocy to 'HOPE TO CHANGE' that... , like you personally... is irrelevant.

Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?

Wasn't this country settled when the consensus on the European continent was the monarchies derived their absolute powers from a divine right granted by the Christian God?

Let me save the trouble...yes they were...
They are inherent in the belief of the worth of an individual qua individual. I realize an uneducated, narrow minded bigoted drone like you can in no ways appreciate that. But there it is.

Christians believe that Jesus is divine. Jesus was the Messiah.

Do you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.

When one believes the subjective has become objective fact, one has reached extremism.


It's like watching a monkey type... it dam' near managed to get a truth tangled up in a wicked non sequitur.
Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!

You admitted it when you said it only exists in your head.

Post the document. Prove me wrong. I thrive on being corrected on the facts, as rarely as that happens.

I invite it.

ROFLMNAO! (THAT is hysterical, in every sense of the word)


But in a delicious irony, that only exists IN YOUR HEAD!

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