The Left Loses Ground...

An objective person might notice you still can't produce your imaginary document.

An objective person, assuming they got past the the 3rd grade... is well versed in the document.

Says you.

Says reality... You feel otherwise by virtue of your ignorance and profound foolishness.

And scamp, there's NOTHIN' I can do to help ya with either of those.

You aren't reality.

LOL! Poor Skylar. Once again... Skylar comes to declare that opinion is not fact, and in so doing she unwittingly destroys any merit in her own opinion, and she does so WHOLESALE.

But hey... in fairness to Skylar, she is an idiot. So there's NO WAY she could have known that.
They are inherent in the belief of the worth of an individual qua individual. I realize an uneducated, narrow minded bigoted drone like you can in no ways appreciate that. But there it is.

Christians believe that Jesus is divine. Jesus was the Messiah.

Do you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
I'm a chareidi. Check your preconceptions at the door.

Not a fan of the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim then, I take it?

Also, it seems like you are cutting it very close to Shabbat times, considering you posted comments at 7:47 PM on Friday. Charedim are generally more careful than that.

I'm curious what sort of charedi you are. Your behavior is at best halachically questionable.
Honestly I do not need instruction from an obvious shayguts on a message board somewhere. Take your stupidity elsewhere, ben Amalek.
You appear to be a person that wants to hurt people. And spends most of your time trying to justify all the killing you want to do. If you think you came across as 'nature' or 'god' or 'natural law' in this post....

ROFL... Poor Skylar.

And exactly as I predicted, you avoid all mention or discussion of the horrendous flaws in your process.

I discussed all relevant flaws... .

Nope. You ran from them then just like you are now.

You insisted that you have the 'holy spirit' that makes you right. Manifested only as your feelings. These feelings you insist are 'objective'. But every religious person says that god directs them. And by your own logic, virtually all of them are self deluded souls chasing fantasies.

You've demonstrated nothing that even hints that you're not among the self deluded. You use the same process, based your beliefs on the same feelings, and use your subjective beliefs as the basis of 'authority'.

The same as every last one of the self deluded religious folks. There's nothing that distinguishes you from self deluded religious folks. Most likely because you're one of them.

But hey, keep showing me where you know you're wrong by what topics you fastidiously avoid. Just like you're avoiding the horrendous flaws in your religious reasoning now. Every time you run, you only demonstrate what we both know:

That I'm right.
Bigots, like other psychopaths, always think that the rules don't apply to them.

People who use the word Bigot, are demonstrating their own bigotry.

Lol. The new tactic of the Kulturkampf legion is to act as if bigot is a bad word?

Yup. They can call gays 'despised', 'loathed', an 'abomination' and talk about how they had better 'sit down and shut the fuck up' or else they'll be subject to violence that will make 'hate crimes look like Christmas dinner'. All while talking about how 'those people' will be 'wiped from the face of the earth'.

But if you call them on their're the bigot.

But then, this is the same crowd that spawned the rhetorical pile that violence against gays was justified because of how the religious have been 'assaulted' by gays getting married. So clearly you're not exactly dealing with mental titans.
Nope. You ran from them then just like you are now.

Of course... Because my record on this board is to run from the addled professions of the lowly Leftist.

(Reader, we can now rest assured that Skylar is taking unto herself, the right to define 'run', as her own subjective need requires.

Now, that doesn't mean that she's not being 'objective', because she reserves the right to define objective as normal people define subjective... so don't make THAT mistake.)

LOL! You can't make this crap up.
Bigots, like other psychopaths, always think that the rules don't apply to them.

People who use the word Bigot, are demonstrating their own bigotry.

Lol. The new tactic of the Kulturkampf legion is to act as if bigot is a bad word?

Yup. They can call gays 'despised', 'loathed', an 'abomination' and talk about how they had better 'sit down and shut the fuck up' or else they'll be subject to violence that will make 'hate crimes look like Christmas dinner'. All while talking about how 'those people' will be 'wiped from the face of the earth'.

But if you call them on their're the bigot.

But then, this is the same crowd that spawned the rhetorical pile that violence against gays was justified because of how the religious have been 'assaulted' by gays getting married. So clearly you're not exactly dealing with mental titans.
Actually it is leftists saying those things about anyone who opposes gay marriage or any part of their agenda. Recall what happened to Brendan Eich.
...then you are sorely mistaken. That post was made by someone who isn't well.

And that is relevant to what?

Its a refutation of your delusion that you appear to be god. Or nature. Or natural law.

You're just a guy who wants to hurt people. And is eager for 'those people' to be wiped off the face of the earth.

That anger and hate you feel that motivates you to want to kill so many people? That's not god. That's just you.

The point remains valid and the conclusion I advanced: is INEVITABLE.

Yawning....says you citing you. Which establishes nothing objectively nor 'inevitably'. Remember, just because you imagine something, doesn't mean its reality.

You're merely expressing how eager you are to hurt people.
Yup. They can call gays 'despised', 'loathed', an 'abomination' ...

For what it's worth, 'they' don't 'call' Sexual deviants 'despised' or 'loathed', they 'refer to such as...

And we do not 'call' them 'abominations', we note that God deemed the sexual deviant as such. If you have a problem with that, you need to take that up with God. My guess is that when you get a chance to do so, you'll opt not to mention it, given the unenviable disposition you'll be dealing with at that moment. But if ya feel strongly about it, don't forget to mention it.

The thing is, that at that moment of judgment, you'll actually be given the understanding and will clearly see why your behavior is abomination. So... don't count on it being much of an opportunity.
(Reader, we can now rest assured that Skylar is taking unto herself, the right to define 'run', as her own subjective need requires.

Now, that doesn't mean that she's not being 'objective', because she reserves the right to define objective as normal people define subjective... so don't make THAT mistake.)

And still you won't discuss the flaws in your process. You won't discuss how by your own logic, almost all of the religious faithful are self deluded, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, opinions and inventions as 'god'. You won't discuss how you're using the exact same process. And how by your own reasoning, you're almost certainly among the self deluded.

This is the application of your reasoning and your logic. As almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be both Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and Jesus. If its either, it has to be one or the other.

By your own standards, the application of religious reasoning is almost perfectly invalid. It almost always results in fallacies and fiction. And you're using religious reasoning.

You can't get around that.

Reader: notice how Keyes circles and highlights where he knows his argument is weak by fastidiously avoiding it. He won't discus it. He'll omit any mention of it when replying. If his argument had merit, he wouldn't have had to run. Yet even now....he's fleeing.
Its a refutation of your delusion that you appear to be god. Or nature. Or natural law.

LOL! Skylar, you truly are a Rhetorical Magician... you can take any opportunity to offer a soundly reasoned rebuttal, to offer a blazing Non Sequitur.

That the would-be 'contributor' is ill, in no way even speaks to the position, let alone refutes it.
(Reader, we can now rest assured that Skylar is taking unto herself, the right to define 'run', as her own subjective need requires.

Now, that doesn't mean that she's not being 'objective', because she reserves the right to define objective as normal people define subjective... so don't make THAT mistake.)

And still you won't discuss the flaws in your process. You won't discuss how by your own logic, almost all of the religious faithful are self deluded, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, opinions and inventions as 'god'. You won't discuss how you're using the exact same process. And how by your own reasoning, you're almost certainly among the self deluded.

This is the application of your reasoning and your logic. As almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be both Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and Jesus. If its either, it has to be one or the other.

By your own standards, the application of religious reasoning is almost perfectly invalid. It almost always results in fallacies and fiction. And you're using religious reasoning.

You can't get around that.

Reader: notice how Keyes circles and highlights where he knows his argument is weak by fastidiously avoiding it. He won't discus it. He'll omit any mention of it when replying. If his argument had merit, he wouldn't have had to run. Yet even now....he's fleeing.
You waste far too much time on a bitch.

Keys is a bitch. So i talk to him like hes a bitch, and keep him in his lane.

When you engage him in his fake smart banter, you make him think he is above bitch and accomplishing something.

Hes not. He is forevermore bitch status.

In other words, you are feeding a retarded troll.
Yup. They can call gays 'despised', 'loathed', an 'abomination' ...

For what it's worth, 'they' don't 'call' Sexual deviants 'despised' or 'loathed', they 'refer to such as...

And we do not 'call' them 'abominations', we note that God deemed the sexual deviant as such. If you have a problem with that, you need to take that up with God. My guess is that when you get a chance to do so, you'll opt not to mention it, given the unenviable disposition you'll be dealing with at that moment. But if ya feel strongly about it, don't forget to mention it.

God according to who? Again, you're merely offering us a series of nested assumptions backed by nothing objective. You insist you speak for god, you insist you know god's will. You insist your eagerness for 'those people' to be 'wiped off the face of the planet' is justified by 'god'.

Yet you offer us merely your subjective beliefs to back it up. And your beliefs aren't evidence of anything objective. Nor do they define anything objective.

Your arguments the same silly Appeal to Authority fallacy every time.

We don't base our laws on your personal opinion. We aren't going to hurt any gay person because you believe 'god' called them an 'abomination'. We're not going to invalidate any marriage because you don't like gay people.

Get used to the idea.

The thing is, that at that moment of judgment, you'll actually be given the understanding and will clearly see why your behavior is abomination. So... don't count on it being much of an opportunity.

Says you. And by your own logic, you're almost certainly self deluded......misinterpreting your subjective beliefs, opinions and inventions as 'god'.

That's not good enough. We aren't going to fight a 'civil war' based on your feelings. Nor are we going to deny any gay any right because you imagine that your personal feelings are 'god'.

Sorry, but your subjective feelings are gloriously irrelevant. No matter how many Appeal to Authority fallacies you cling to. Need a demonstration:

Gay marriages are performed in 37 of 50 States. You insist they don't exist. Yet they do. Your denial, your willful ignorance, your subjective beliefs change nothing.
(Reader, we can now rest assured that Skylar is taking unto herself, the right to define 'run', as her own subjective need requires.

Now, that doesn't mean that she's not being 'objective', because she reserves the right to define objective as normal people define subjective... so don't make THAT mistake.)

And still you won't discuss the flaws in your process. You won't discuss how by your own logic, almost all of the religious faithful are self deluded, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, opinions and inventions as 'god'. You won't discuss how you're using the exact same process. And how by your own reasoning, you're almost certainly among the self deluded.

This is the application of your reasoning and your logic. As almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be both Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and Jesus. If its either, it has to be one or the other.

By your own standards, the application of religious reasoning is almost perfectly invalid. It almost always results in fallacies and fiction. And you're using religious reasoning.

You can't get around that.

Reader: notice how Keyes circles and highlights where he knows his argument is weak by fastidiously avoiding it. He won't discus it. He'll omit any mention of it when replying. If his argument had merit, he wouldn't have had to run. Yet even now....he's fleeing.
You waste far too much time on a bitch.

Keys is a bitch. So i talk to him like hes a bitch, and keep him in his lane.

When you engage him in his fake smart banter, you make him think he is above bitch and accomplishing something.

Hes not. He is forevermore bitch status.

In other words, you are feeding a retarded troll.
Translation: Keys eats my lunch every single time.
Yes, he does.
(Reader, we can now rest assured that Skylar is taking unto herself, the right to define 'run', as her own subjective need requires.

Now, that doesn't mean that she's not being 'objective', because she reserves the right to define objective as normal people define subjective... so don't make THAT mistake.)

And still you won't discuss the flaws in your process. You won't discuss how by your own logic, almost all of the religious faithful are self deluded, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, opinions and inventions as 'god'. You won't discuss how you're using the exact same process. And how by your own reasoning, you're almost certainly among the self deluded.

This is the application of your reasoning and your logic. As almost all religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be both Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and Jesus. If its either, it has to be one or the other.

By your own standards, the application of religious reasoning is almost perfectly invalid. It almost always results in fallacies and fiction. And you're using religious reasoning.

You can't get around that.

Reader: notice how Keyes circles and highlights where he knows his argument is weak by fastidiously avoiding it. He won't discus it. He'll omit any mention of it when replying. If his argument had merit, he wouldn't have had to run. Yet even now....he's fleeing.
You waste far too much time on a bitch.

Keys is a bitch. So i talk to him like hes a bitch, and keep him in his lane.

When you engage him in his fake smart banter, you make him think he is above bitch and accomplishing something.

Hes not. He is forevermore bitch status.

In other words, you are feeding a retarded troll.
Translation: Keys eats my lunch every single time.
Yes, he does.
Just cuz you apparently want to suck his dick doesnt mean he is any less of an intellectually dishonest and cowardly retard than you are, rabies.

Youve won zero debates on this site. You lose by default every time by virtue of being rabfail
Christians believe that Jesus is divine. Jesus was the Messiah.

Do you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
I'm a chareidi. Check your preconceptions at the door.

Not a fan of the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim then, I take it?

Also, it seems like you are cutting it very close to Shabbat times, considering you posted comments at 7:47 PM on Friday. Charedim are generally more careful than that.

I'm curious what sort of charedi you are. Your behavior is at best halachically questionable.
Honestly I do not need instruction from an obvious shayguts on a message board somewhere. Take your stupidity elsewhere, ben Amalek.

Where is all this anger coming from? What did I or anyone else do to you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
I'm a chareidi. Check your preconceptions at the door.

Not a fan of the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim then, I take it?

Also, it seems like you are cutting it very close to Shabbat times, considering you posted comments at 7:47 PM on Friday. Charedim are generally more careful than that.

I'm curious what sort of charedi you are. Your behavior is at best halachically questionable.
Honestly I do not need instruction from an obvious shayguts on a message board somewhere. Take your stupidity elsewhere, ben Amalek.

Where is all this anger coming from? What did I or anyone else do to you?
He is the boards dusty assed curmudgeon.

Coming here for him is yelling at children to get off his lawn.
Some believe so.

"I've had several right wingers tell me now that "Pew Is a left wing thing tank headquartered in DC. They produce polls that tend to support left wing progressive talkling points." What exactly can I say to this?
As for Pew's bias, I trying to think of a thread hear lately. Seemed to me that their questions were biased to the left by asking not about an action, but about an echo of it. I thought the bias was obvious. I felt the pollsters have a vested interest that is forwarded by finding the 'facts' that their customers most likely want to hear. More left leaning customers, more left leaning results."
Credibility of Pew Research - International Skeptics Forum

So to be clear, you are arguing that Pew is not just skewing-left, but is actually engaging in studies deliberately designed to shore up the left, and your only evidence is that on another random internet forum, some random other person claimed that Pew skews left?

What I'm stating is that, in the face of the following...

"...the religious liberty movement is showing increasing, not decreasing cultural strength.While it is easy to grow discouraged in the face of events like Brendan Eich’s departure from Mozilla, the wave ofthreats directed at vendorslike Memories Pizza, Republican politicians’ continued timidity on “culture war” issues, andthe climate of intolerance that exists on campuses and in the mainstream media,the Left’s prominent failures are starting to outnumber its recent successes.

§ Cultural conservatives answeredthe Left’s attempted Chick-fil-A boycottwith a “buycott” that swamped stores nationwide, even causing some to run out of food for customers eager to show their support for a beloved restaurant, owned by people who share their moral principles.

§ Leftist pressureagainst Hobby Lobby failed.Customers were either supportive of the owners or indifferent to politics, and boycotts had no effect on Hobby Lobby’s bottom line or its willingness to fight. Not only did Hobby Lobby win its Supreme Court case, its owners are set to open a massive new Museum of the Bible near the National Mall.

§Efforts to drive Phil Robertson—ofDuck Dynastyfame—off the airafter controversial comments on sexual morality failed, giving cultural conservatives a victory in a medium (cable television) seen as almost uniformly hostile to orthodox Christianity. While Robertson has remained a polarizing figure (and often says things that make many of his supporters uncomfortable), there has been no serious repeat effort to remove him from the air.

§ In Houston, leftist government officials were forcedto backtrack within days after issuing subpoenas requiring area pastors to turn over the contents of their sermonsand other communications. The public outcry was so swift and so great that the city capitulated even before a judge could rule on motions to quash.

Even in Indiana, as Republican politicians quickly caved to corporate and media pressure,the grassroots response in support of Memories Pizza soon swamped the Left.A GoFundMe account set up to support the owners raised more than $800,000 in small donations in a matter of days (including over $200,000 in one day), putting the pizza restaurant in a far superior financial position than it had enjoyed before the controversy. The message was clear: Cultural conservatives are not, in fact, culturally isolated but rather have the support of millions of Americans who oppose leftist bullying."Imprimis A monthly digest on liberty and the defense of America s founding principles" was more than convenient for the Left to claim the Pew Poll as the fact.

This is almost a complete non-sequitor which has nothing to do with the topic at hand. What you've done is cherry picked a few examples where the anti-gay side has had some success. How is that at all relevant to answering my question?

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