The Left Loses Ground...

Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.

When one believes the subjective has become objective fact, one has reached extremism.

Which might explain Keyes' proclivity for expressing his eagerness that huge swaths of people be wiped from the face of the earth.

Where_r_my_keyes said:
But if it helps, "WE" are merely patiently waiting for the signal which will present the sound moral justification, to erase you people from the face of the earth.

We do not know when, or in the precise conveyance that it will come. And while we are eager to get started, such is tempered by the unenviable nature of the task. Buoyed by the certainty that we have done everything possible to turn you from your destructive ways and that you presented no sign that you have any means to do otherwise.

So... Karl, whenever you're ready, we... are good to go.

Post 381

That was from just a few hours ago. In this very thread.

We're looking at the difference between religious fervor......and insanity.
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.

When one believes the subjective has become objective fact, one has reached extremism.

Which might explain Keyes' proclivity for expressing his eagerness that huge swaths of people be wiped from the face of the earth.

Where_r_my_keyes said:
But if it helps, "WE" are merely patiently waiting for the signal which will present the sound moral justification, to erase you people from the face of the earth.

We do not know when, or in the precise conveyance that it will come. And while we are eager to get started, such is tempered by the unenviable nature of the task. Buoyed by the certainty that we have done everything possible to turn you from your destructive ways and that you presented no sign that you have any means to do otherwise.

So... Karl, whenever you're ready, we... are good to go.

Post 381

That was from just a few hours ago. In this very thread.

We're looking at the difference between religious fervor......and insanity.


Isn't it wonderful how they are SO certain that everything around them is so permanent? All of human history being filled with endless war and because in their own pitiful lifetime, they've ne'er been subjected to so much as a bad day at work, they feel that they're immune from the consequences of their decisions, and will never suffer what nature has never failed to provide, thus, which is otherwise, absolute certainty.

Now Skylar is a British subject, which is to say a Euro-Peon. So she won't be here when our in-house Cranks fall pray to their poor choices. She'll get what's coming to her, when Islam shuts down Britain and cleaves the heads from the mouthy British Socialists... .

Now the HILARITY comes into play where that same crank, is an undying proponent of ISIS, presently engaging in "eagerness that huge swaths of people be wiped from the face of the earth."

LOL! Leftists... .
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So [The Charter of American Principle] a non-existent document. lol, and you had the gall to call me a liar.

lolol this gets more fun every minute.

Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!

Then show us the document titled 'Charter of American Principle'.

Any objective reader would notice your awkward attempts to evade this simple issue, and your complete inability to offer anything connecting your claim to reality.

Keep running. It only demonstrates how little your imagination amounted to.
Anyone need anything else?








Anyone at all?

No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!

Then show us the document titled 'Charter of American Principle'...

Why? Is it my job to teach you to reason?

Understand, my job is to belittle you for your inability to reason.

If you'd like to join Gilligan in denying that the Founders of the US issued a Charter of American Principle, then feel free to do so.

As is nearly always the case, you're not going to enjoy it, no matter what ya do... assuming you are not suddenly struck with the means to reason soundly, thus objectively.

Suffice it to say that the Charter of American Principle, as I have repeatedly explained to you, and the other respective members of the Cult of Idiocy, advanced the Principles which established the authority to separate the Colonies from their former and long oppressive governance.

But... In fairness to you, as a British subject, anti-theist and individual suffering the mental disorder that presents through sexual deviancy, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
Yesterday I was debating with Keyes that all he did was insist that his personal opinion was objective truth...

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance...

In reality, thus in truth... It was Skylar that spent the day claiming that because I noted a natural fact, that such became my opinion, thus not subject to the potential for truth.
But your 'natural fact' was just you making shit up. You were babbling about a 'natural law of marriage'. But there's no such law. Just like there's no 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized). Both are just offering your imagination and personal opinion as 'objective truth'.

For crying out loud, you even insisted that the dictionary be ignored on the meanings of words and that only your imaginary definitions are true. Proving my point: you are just offering your subjective opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.

But hey... such is what one should reasonably expect from a person incapable of objectivity... as that perspective is the one which Skylar feels best serves her own, personal, thus: Subjective... needs.

(See how that works?)'re still stuck on the fact that your subjective opinion and personal feelings aren't 'objective'. But hopelessly subjective.

Try again.

When one believes the subjective has become objective fact, one has reached extremism.

Which might explain Keyes' proclivity for expressing his eagerness that huge swaths of people be wiped from the face of the earth.

Where_r_my_keyes said:
But if it helps, "WE" are merely patiently waiting for the signal which will present the sound moral justification, to erase you people from the face of the earth.

We do not know when, or in the precise conveyance that it will come. And while we are eager to get started, such is tempered by the unenviable nature of the task. Buoyed by the certainty that we have done everything possible to turn you from your destructive ways and that you presented no sign that you have any means to do otherwise.

So... Karl, whenever you're ready, we... are good to go.

Post 381

That was from just a few hours ago. In this very thread.

We're looking at the difference between religious fervor......and insanity.


Isn't it wonderful how they are SO certain that everything around them is so permanent? All of human history being filled with endless war and because in their own pitiful lifetime, they've ne'er been subjected to so much as a bad day at work, they feel that they're immune from the consequences of their decisions, and will never suffer what nature has never failed to provide, thus, which is otherwise, absolute certainty.

Keyes, you're not nature. You're not god. You're not natural law. You're simply a person who just really wants to hurt people. Your imagination doesn't dictate any future event. Only what you tell yourself inside your own head.

None of your genocidal fantasies are actually happening. There is no 'civil war', despite your claims. No, Islam will not be 'wiped off the face of the earth' in the next 20 years, despite your claims. No, 'blacktown' will not be attacked and destroyed by 'whiteyville', despite your claims. And no, we're not wiping gays off the face of the earth either.

These feelings of hate and rage that motivate you to want to kill people? That's not god. That's you.

Now Skylar is a British subject, which is to say a Euro-Peon.

Says who? Again, you've never even asked where I was born or to whom. You're once again offering us your imagination as 'objective fact'. And once again demonstrating that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. just keep proving me right over and over and over again. Where my nationality is based on your imagination. Where the meaning of words is based on your imagination. Where 'natural law' is based on your imagination.

And none of it is. Subjective is not objective.

Prove I'm a natural born British Subject. Using actual evidence. Not your imagination.
No they don't. Everyone knows I crushed you in this argument. I think the key point is when you started inventing non-existent documents out of thin air.

LOL! Didja Gilligan... Pray tell, through what phrase did you issue your you coup de grace?

(Enjoy kids... this should be good for a couple of yuks.)

When I got you to admit that there is no such document as the Charter of American Principles.

That's for starters.


(Told ya Kids... it never fails!)

I made no such admission and there's nothing in the record of this board which could lead any reasonably objective reader of this board to such a conclusion.

Which means Gilligan, that you've been busted LYING... AGAIN!

Then show us the document titled 'Charter of American Principle'...

Why? Is it my job to teach you to reason?

Understand, my job is to belittle you for your inability to reason.

An objective person might notice you still can't produce your imaginary document. And you're still floundering in your attempts to evade.

Reader, please be aware: Almost all of Keyes' 'sources' are merely his personal opinion which he insists are 'objective truth'. As he's demonstrating right now. As when pressed for his 'objective source'.....we get nothing but more subjective personal opinion.
Christians founded the United States, established a government upon Judea/Christian Principles.

Which contrary to your starkly limited understanding does not establish Christianity as the National Religion, only the principles which govern Christianity, as those which govern the United States.

You should TRY to understand what that means, but you should become comfortable with the reality that such is likely WELL beyond your means to understand. As a result, the weeping and gnashing of tooth by your cult of idiocy to 'HOPE TO CHANGE' that... , like you personally... is irrelevant.

Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?

Wasn't this country settled when the consensus on the European continent was the monarchies derived their absolute powers from a divine right granted by the Christian God?

Let me save the trouble...yes they were...
They are inherent in the belief of the worth of an individual qua individual. I realize an uneducated, narrow minded bigoted drone like you can in no ways appreciate that. But there it is.

Christians believe that Jesus is divine. Jesus was the Messiah.

Do you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
I'm a chareidi. Check your preconceptions at the door.
Keyes, you're not nature. You're not god. You're not natural law.

That is SO true.

I only APPEAR to be all that, when I am debating YOU... but the magic is purely the stark contrast.

Now, in fairness to you, as an addled-mind malcontent, there is NO WAY you could have known that.

(Folks, Skylar is desperate to declare that anything anyone says is purely speculation and as such can never be assessed as truth.

Now the HILARITY comes in where she STANDS UPON THAT OPINION... as ABSOLUTE TRUTH... being wholly incapable of recognizing that by asserting such, she negates HER OWN SUBJECTIVE TRUTH!


TRUE STORY! But don't believe ME... Re-Read it for yourself!)
An objective person might notice you still can't produce your imaginary document.

An objective person, assuming they got past the the 3rd grade... is well versed in the document.

It's among the most celebrated documents in the world, due to the profound principle it advanced... and in the US, it is THE most celebrated document, and this with NO CLOSE SECOND.

Again... in your defense, as a Mouthy British Socialist, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
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Keyes, you're not nature. You're not god. You're not natural law.

That is SO true.

I only APPEAR to be all that, when I am debating YOU... but the magic is purely the stark contrast.

No, you really don't. You appear to be a person that wants to hurt people. And spends most of your time trying to justify all the killing you want to do. If you think you came across as 'nature' or 'god' or 'natural law' in this post....

Where_r_my_Keys said:
But if it helps, "WE" are merely patiently waiting for the signal which will present the sound moral justification, to erase you people from the face of the earth.

We do not know when, or in the precise conveyance that it will come. And while we are eager to get started, such is tempered by the unenviable nature of the task. Buoyed by the certainty that we have done everything possible to turn you from your destructive ways and that you presented no sign that you have any means to do otherwise.

So... Karl, whenever you're ready, we... are good to go.

Post 381

...then you are sorely mistaken. That post was made by someone who isn't well.

Your process is fundamentally flawed. And I think you know that. Which is why when I discuss with you all the self contradiction of your 'my feelings are objective truth!' reasoning, you run. Religious reasoning by your own standards is almost universally invalid. It produces self deception and fallacies.

Most religions are mutually exclusive. It can't be Zeus AND Jesus. It has to be one or the other if its either. Which means that virtually every faith that exists or has ever existed is wrong. And their followers are self deluded, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, feelings and inventions as "God". Again, by your own reasoning. You've similarly dismissed the whole of Islam as falling into this category.

Using your own logic, its far far more likely that you'r among the the self deluded misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, feelings and inventions as 'god'.

This is only reinforced by the fact that even when we're not discussing God, you continue to use your subjective beliefs, feelings and inventions as your 'authority'. If its the meaning of words, you'll ignore the dictionary and make up whatever you'd like. If its marriage, you'll invent an imaginary 'natural law of marriage' that you made up and insist is the only authoritative basis. If its the constitution, you'll invent a 'Charter of American Principle', and then insist the constitution is based on your imaginary document.

For crying out loud, you just tried to define my nationality by your imagination.

In every case, you insist that whatever you believe is 'objective truth'. And any source that contradicts you must be wrong. Which is exactly what the self deluded religious folks do....again by your own reasoning.

And I think you understand all of this. You just don't want to. Which is why you avoid discussing it and abandon any topic where these points are raised. But just because you ignore the fatal flaws of your process doesn't mean that those flaws disappear.

Which is why you fail.
An objective person might notice you still can't produce your imaginary document.

An objective person, assuming they got past the the 3rd grade... is well versed in the document.

Says you. But when pressed to offer us objective evidence of this 'Charter of American Principle', you offer us nothing objective. Merely more subjective personal opinion.

Which is exactly my point.

Again... in your defense, as a Mouthy British Socialist, there is NO WAY you could have known that.

Again, you're awkwardly trying to define my nationality by your imagination. And exactly as above, you have nothing but your imagination to back your claims. You can't factual establish I'm a 'British subject'. You've never even asked me where I was born, or to whom.

You simply imagine.....and conclude your imagination defines reality.

If only reality worked that way.
Bigots, like other psychopaths, always think that the rules don't apply to them.
You appear to be a person that wants to hurt people. And spends most of your time trying to justify all the killing you want to do. If you think you came across as 'nature' or 'god' or 'natural law' in this post....

ROFL... Poor Skylar.
You appear to be a person that wants to hurt people. And spends most of your time trying to justify all the killing you want to do. If you think you came across as 'nature' or 'god' or 'natural law' in this post....

ROFL... Poor Skylar.

And exactly as I predicted, you avoid all mention or discussion of the horrendous flaws in your process. Where by your own logic, you're almost certainly part of the self deluded faithful, misinterpreting their own subjective beliefs, feelings and inventions as "God".

I think you understand that's true. As you always tell me where you think your arguments are weakest by what you fastidiously avoid.
Where is representative government and the principles of the Bill of Rights in Christianity?

Wasn't this country settled when the consensus on the European continent was the monarchies derived their absolute powers from a divine right granted by the Christian God?

Let me save the trouble...yes they were...
They are inherent in the belief of the worth of an individual qua individual. I realize an uneducated, narrow minded bigoted drone like you can in no ways appreciate that. But there it is.

Christians believe that Jesus is divine. Jesus was the Messiah.

Do you?
Check the screen name, moron. What's yer point?

Ata lo charedi v'lo reformit. Ata dati, dati leumi, oh masorti?
I'm a chareidi. Check your preconceptions at the door.

Not a fan of the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim then, I take it?

Also, it seems like you are cutting it very close to Shabbat times, considering you posted comments at 7:47 PM on Friday. Charedim are generally more careful than that.

I'm curious what sort of charedi you are. Your behavior is at best halachically questionable.
An objective person might notice you still can't produce your imaginary document.

An objective person, assuming they got past the the 3rd grade... is well versed in the document.

Says you.

Says reality... You feel otherwise by virtue of your ignorance and profound foolishness.

And scamp, there's NOTHIN' I can do to help ya with either of those.

You aren't reality. Its just you citing you. And when we press you to show us the imaginary 'Charter of American Principles' (all capitalized), you give us more excuses, awkward attempts at evasions........and most predictably, more subjective personal opinion.

Which is exactly my point.

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