The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie

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ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

Trump is a racist, just like 90% of his pathetic Republican Party supporters. Which is why the Republican Party basically no longer exists. It's now the Trump Party. It's dangerous, it's evil, and things are going to get much worse in this country before they get better.

Actually, your divisive tactics of telling half the country, that the GOP which represents the majority of the largest single ethnic group in this country,

your divisive tactics of telling half the country that the other half is out to get them, because they are "evil racists",

is why things are going to get worse, before they get better. IF they ever get better.

We are not out to get you. We just want national policy that doesn't fuck US at every turn.

I didn't say you were out to get me. I'm simply pointing out that Trump is a racist and 90% of his supporters are racists. Which is why you heard those disturbing "send her back" chants at his rally a few days ago.

When you say that the GOP is racist, you are telling minorities, that make a large percentage of this nation, that the GOP is out to get them.

To the extent that the minorities believe you, you are spreading fear and hate.

The whites of the GOP, btw, don't appreciate being slandered by you either. Nor do we enjoy having our reasonable policy desires painted like we were fucking nazis. That pisses US off.

If you were trying to tear this nation apart, forever, what would you do differently, than you are already doing?

I'll tell you what, racist Repug goober...when Trump condemns the racists at his rally who chanted "send her back", then I'll answer your fucktard question. When Trump apologizes for all of his racism over the years, then I'll answer your fucktard question.

So I'll be waiting a long time, Repug racist.

You are a member of the Trump Party, why is 90% racist. Therefore, I must assume that you are also a racist. Them the breaks, dumb ass.
ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

Trump is a racist, just like 90% of his pathetic Republican Party supporters. Which is why the Republican Party basically no longer exists. It's now the Trump Party. It's dangerous, it's evil, and things are going to get much worse in this country before they get better.

Actually, your divisive tactics of telling half the country, that the GOP which represents the majority of the largest single ethnic group in this country,

your divisive tactics of telling half the country that the other half is out to get them, because they are "evil racists",

is why things are going to get worse, before they get better. IF they ever get better.

We are not out to get you. We just want national policy that doesn't fuck US at every turn.

I didn't say you were out to get me. I'm simply pointing out that Trump is a racist and 90% of his supporters are racists. Which is why you heard those disturbing "send her back" chants at his rally a few days ago.

When you say that the GOP is racist, you are telling minorities, that make a large percentage of this nation, that the GOP is out to get them.

To the extent that the minorities believe you, you are spreading fear and hate.

The whites of the GOP, btw, don't appreciate being slandered by you either. Nor do we enjoy having our reasonable policy desires painted like we were fucking nazis. That pisses US off.

If you were trying to tear this nation apart, forever, what would you do differently, than you are already doing?

I could care less if you GOP racists feel that you're being "slandered". Quit the "send her back" chants, racist. That would be a step in the right direction. You made your own bed, now lay in it.

Got it. You're happy to tear this nation apart, though you won't admit why.

So, fuck you, and I look forward to a future of ever increasing racial strife. I hope someday, something happens to make you realize the part you played in it .

Dude. All I pointed out was that the Intelligence agencies are not America as a whole.
Nope you never said as a whole.
The US intelligence agencies are not America.

Yeah, I was trying to spell it out for you, cause you didn't seem to understand the obvious difference between American and America.

I kept waiting for someone to tip you off, but it seems that either the rest of the libs are just as dim as you are, or they don't like you and were happy to see you embarrass yourself.
ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

Trump is a racist, just like 90% of his pathetic Republican Party supporters. Which is why the Republican Party basically no longer exists. It's now the Trump Party. It's dangerous, it's evil, and things are going to get much worse in this country before they get better.

Actually, your divisive tactics of telling half the country, that the GOP which represents the majority of the largest single ethnic group in this country,

your divisive tactics of telling half the country that the other half is out to get them, because they are "evil racists",

is why things are going to get worse, before they get better. IF they ever get better.

We are not out to get you. We just want national policy that doesn't fuck US at every turn.

I didn't say you were out to get me. I'm simply pointing out that Trump is a racist and 90% of his supporters are racists. Which is why you heard those disturbing "send her back" chants at his rally a few days ago.

When you say that the GOP is racist, you are telling minorities, that make a large percentage of this nation, that the GOP is out to get them.

To the extent that the minorities believe you, you are spreading fear and hate.

The whites of the GOP, btw, don't appreciate being slandered by you either. Nor do we enjoy having our reasonable policy desires painted like we were fucking nazis. That pisses US off.

If you were trying to tear this nation apart, forever, what would you do differently, than you are already doing?

I'll tell you what, racist Repug goober...when Trump condemns the racists at his rally who chanted "send her back", then I'll answer your fucktard question. When Trump apologizes for all of his racism over the years, then I'll answer your fucktard question.

So I'll be waiting a long time, Repug racist.

You are a member of the Trump Party, why is 90% racist. Therefore, I must assume that you are also a racist. Them the breaks, dumb ass.

You didn't address a thing I said, nor a point I raised.

All you did was spew more hate and division.

Someday, when you are looking out our window and America is burning, you'll try to tell yourself it is all the fault of those evul republicans.

Remember this time, and know it was you, far more than it is US, you hate monger.

Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Go the fuck back to your country traitor

Yep. You can't defend your actions, all you can do, is keep pushing hate and division.

You have succeeded. I hate you. AND those like you. You vile piece of shit.
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Go the fuck back to your country traitor

Yep. You can't defend your actions, all you can do, is keep pushing hate and division.

You have succeeded. I hate you. AND those like you. You vile piece of shit.
What took you so long ?? You give hate like trump and you do, you should expect it back in spades
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Most likely, Trump has already gotten people killed. The Christchurch, New Zealand mass murderer is the most obvious and deadly doppelganger for the four knights who killed Thomas Beckett. The killer directly cited Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” But there are more subtle clues that the very worst people hear President Trump loud and clear. Hate crimes are up 17 percent since 2016. And there was the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville—the one Trump would retroactively describe as including “good people on both sides”—which led to the death of Heather Heyer.

History of Trump inciting violence.
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Go the fuck back to your country traitor

Yep. You can't defend your actions, all you can do, is keep pushing hate and division.

You have succeeded. I hate you. AND those like you. You vile piece of shit.
What took you so long ?? You give hate like trump and you do, you should expect it back in spades

Neither I nor Trump give hate.

That is just shit, that people like you spew out of your face anuses.

But now, after decades of listening to it, congratulations. You have made me hate you and yours.

I hate you. YOu hate me. Thanks purely to your actions.

You have torn this nation apart.

Good job.

Now how do you imagine this will work to your benefit?
Has there ever been a bigger spreader of hate than the blustering lying bully in our WH now??

Trump ran on valid issues of trade and immigration.

You side is the one that made the issues "hate". YOu are the ones tearing America apart.

You fucking suck.
Most likely, Trump has already gotten people killed. The Christchurch, New Zealand mass murderer is the most obvious and deadly doppelganger for the four knights who killed Thomas Beckett. The killer directly cited Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” But there are more subtle clues that the very worst people hear President Trump loud and clear. Hate crimes are up 17 percent since 2016. And there was the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville—the one Trump would retroactively describe as including “good people on both sides”—which led to the death of Heather Heyer.

History of Trump inciting violence.

It is telling that the only actual example of Trump doing what you claim he is doing, ie his comments after Charlottesville,

is a lie.

He specifically stated that he was not calling the White Supremacists good people. The transcripts have been posted in this very thread, multiple times.

Your ONLY evidence, is an already debunked lie.

How do you think Republicans feel, when we are smeared by lying pieces of shit, like you, like that?
Glad to see that neo-nazi got life. The alt right is a cancer.

The alt right, like Libertarians?

Are you purposefully exaggerating the influence of neo-nazis, because you want to help them?

Or are you doing it, just to smear good people, and spread fear and hate, cause you get off on doing that?
Neither I nor Trump give hate.
That is just shit, that people like you spew out of your face anuses.

Democrats are pathological liars. They also employ the good old fascist tactic of accusing everybody else of the horrible things that they practice themselves. They cannot be reasoned with. They must be destroyed in the political ring.

Neither I nor Trump give hate.
That is just shit, that people like you spew out of your face anuses.

Democrats are pathological liars. They also employ the good old fascist tactic of accusing everybody else of the horrible things that they practice themselves. They cannot be reasoned with. They must be destroyed in the political ring.


Hee hee, good one.
Glad to see that neo-nazi got life. The alt right is a cancer.

The alt right, like Libertarians?

Are you purposefully exaggerating the influence of neo-nazis, because you want to help them?

Or are you doing it, just to smear good people, and spread fear and hate, cause you get off on doing that?
No Libertarians are not part of the alt-right. Alt-right=neo nazis, white nationalists, etc.
Glad to see that neo-nazi got life. The alt right is a cancer.

The alt right, like Libertarians?

Are you purposefully exaggerating the influence of neo-nazis, because you want to help them?

Or are you doing it, just to smear good people, and spread fear and hate, cause you get off on doing that?
No Libertarians are not part of the alt-right. Alt-right=neo nazis, white nationalists, etc.

Have you really missed how this game is played?

You libs lump everyone to the Right of Romney, under the label, the "alt-right".

Then you call them "alt-right", as code for neo-nazi.

That way you can call people neo-nazis, who obviously aren't, and you are more likely to get away with it.

YOu must have missed the memo. YOu only got half the message.

The neo-nazis in this country are a vanishingly small fringe. No one is in them.

Unless they openly state they are neo-nazis, don't bother. You are almost certainly wrong.
In a volatile emotional situation like the confrontation in Charlottesviille you have to depend on the media to uncover the true facts but the media was only interested in trashing the Trump administration. Democrat governor Northam of Va. was in charge. The same governor who admitted to racist acts while in college and endorsed a bill that would give doctors and parents the option to drown or otherwise dispose of a newborn infant if he/she didn't live up to eugenic standards. Anyway it seems that Northam invited or even paid for bus loads of (professional) thugs to confront right wing demonstrators and ordered Va. Troopers to stand back and watch the fun. Like a true coward, democrat gov Northam pretended he wasn't involved and the liberal media pretended it was true.
In a volatile emotional situation like the confrontation in Charlottesviille you have to depend on the media to uncover the true facts but the media was only interested in trashing the Trump administration. Democrat governor Northam of Va. was in charge. The same governor who admitted to racist acts while in college and endorsed a bill that would give doctors and parents the option to drown or otherwise dispose of a newborn infant if he/she didn't live up to eugenic standards. Anyway it seems that Northam invited or even paid for bus loads of (professional) thugs to confront right wing demonstrators and ordered Va. Troopers to stand back and watch the fun. Like a true coward, democrat gov Northam pretended he wasn't involved and the liberal media pretended it was true.
Yeah man some governor paid for all the neo-nazis to show up. Don't be an idiot. You are right that the police let everything get way out of hand.
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