The Left's Reality Disconnect, What did their Party do about things the Left cries about?

Still looking for some conservative accomplishments

Can't be that hard to find ONE can it?
the united states has become unusually strong; extremely prosperous; world renowned for innovation; a middle class who, despite some struggles at times, live better than the middle class of almost all, if not all other top tier countries. We have a lower class who have some struggles, but most have the necessities to succeed (not just survive)......

And we did it in 250 years.

Exactly how many years did it take other countries?

THAT is what conservatives accomplished.
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.


Pick up a history book.

I'll point you in the right direction.

-The New Deal.
-Integration of the Military.
-Civil Rights Act.
-Lilly Ledbetter Law.

omg YOU just want me to make a fool of you all day long right?
most of that isnt in this century?
and it doesnt even address things i mentioned like corporate subsidies
and the rest are things you still whine about (having the ACA instead of single-payer) and lillly ledbetter which hasnt stopped you idiots from saying women are still being screwed on wages

as usual nothing you post holds up to scrutiny

Healthcare, gay rights, environmental protection, removing tax cuts on the rich....all things liberals have been "whining" about and all accomplished

What have conservatives accomplished that they have been whining about?
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

Prove there's no obstruction.
Still looking for some conservative accomplishments

Can't be that hard to find ONE can it?
the united states has become unusually strong; extremely prosperous; world renowned for innovation; a middle class who, despite some struggles at times, live better than the middle class of almost all, if not all other top tier countries. We have a lower class who have some struggles, but most have the necessities to succeed (not just survive)......

And we did it in 250 years.

Exactly how many years did it take other countries?

THAT is what conservatives accomplished.

This great country was founded by liberals
We became a superpower both militarily and economically under a liberal president

But we are talking about today...what have conservatives accomplished?
If Obama and the Democrats haven't done anything for 7 years,

why are RWnuts constantly crying about how terrible an administration it's been?
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

Prove there's no obstruction.

it isnt the job of the opposition to roll over and play dead you simpleton. i never said there was no obstruction.

PROVE obstruction is the cause of PROGRESSIVE FAILURE when the same people are bragging about every thing obama/dems DID get done
i asked for ONE example of a corporate subsidy Dems ended

All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

What did we do?

We passed Obamacare which has provided insurance to 8 million previously uninsured
We passed same sex marriage laws and convinced the Supreme Court to make it the law of the land
We repealed DADT
We removed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires

Now, what have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
They blocked the worst crap the Dems wanted to roll out.
What have Dems achieved?
-Worst recovery post WW2
-Worst racial violance since 1960s
-Worst culture wars since 1960s
-Worst education system on record
-Worst government debt in history.

A total record of failure.
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

What did we do?

We passed Obamacare which has provided insurance to 8 million previously uninsured
We passed same sex marriage laws and convinced the Supreme Court to make it the law of the land
We repealed DADT
We removed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires

Now, what have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
They blocked the worst crap the Dems wanted to roll out.
What have Dems achieved?
-Worst recovery post WW2
-Worst racial violance since 1960s
-Worst culture wars since 1960s
-Worst education system on record
-Worst government debt in history.

A total record of failure.

The fact that The Rabbi opposes Democratic initiatives shows they meet their intended purpose

The Op claims that Libs have done nothing that they have proposed to do. Liberals are successfully completing their agenda

Conservatives just fume
Ah, yes...their "agenda"! When progressives took over back in 2008 the economy was reeling and millions of Americans were out of work. So what was Barry, Harry and Nancy's "agenda"? To use their majorities in the House and Senate to give us ObamaCare...a bill that hurts job creation? One of the most poorly written pieces of legislation ever passed...something that was sold to the American people with numbers that progressive leaders knew were bogus but quoted anyways?
Ah, yes...their "agenda"! When progressives took over back in 2008 the economy was reeling and millions of Americans were out of work. So what was Barry, Harry and Nancy's "agenda"? To use their majorities in the House and Senate to give us ObamaCare...a bill that hurts job creation? One of the most poorly written pieces of legislation ever passed...something that was sold to the American people with numbers that progressive leaders knew were bogus but quoted anyways?

Conservatives hate Obamacare....they hate all government involvement in healthcare
Obamacare has not cost jobs in spite of pathetic attempts from the right to say otherwise

Liberals are passing their, gay rights, Wall Street reforms, environmental protections, intrnational diplomacy
Conservatives hate every one of them

What part of the Conservative agenda has been successful?
Keystone? Repeal Obamacare? Block same sex marriage? Protect tax cuts?

All have failed
Fundamental disconnect:

Liberals look to "advance" society's desirable ends through government action; Conservatives believe people and free markets advance THEIR OWN desirable ends through personal initiative IN SPITE of government. Therefore, it is not appropriate to ask, (a) What have Libs accomplished through government action vs. (b) what have Cons accomplished through government action. Cons DON'T WANT to accomplish things through government intervention; we want to prevent Government from impinging further and further into our human possibilities through higher taxes, fees, and government mandates. Therefore, it is a conservative ACCOMPLISHMENT when some disaster of a new law or regulation is PREVENTED from coming into force. For example, when Conservatives and the American People killed Hillary-care in the early 90's.

Liberals have been whining about the "inadequate, outdated" Federal Minimum Wage for decades, and yet when they had the chance to increase it (during Barry's first two years) it didn't even come up for discussion. So how important is that, really, to Dems/Libs? Not very. (Or maybe the realize that a significant increase would be a disaster, so they just pretend to want to increase it).

Libs declared a WAR ON POVERTY 40 years ago, and yet poverty is no less present now (worse, by some accounts) after the expenditures of hundreds of billions of Tax dollars in the so-called "war."

Libs have been campaigning for more and more money to be spent on public education - presumably to improve the quality thereof - and have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in terms of Dollars/Student, and yet actual student achievement is in the toilet, largely due to the efforts of Teachers' unions, which are a principal supporter of the Democrat party.

Libs, acting through both legislation and the courts (dominated by pinko federal judges) have fought bigotry and racism through a number of illogical, unconstitutional initiatives, and yet the presumed victims of bigotry and racism claim (against all data, logic, and visible evidence) that racism and bigotry are at an all time high.

Liberals claim to be responsible for all environmental progress in this country, acting mainly through unconstitutional regulatory excesses, and yet the financial and economic costs of this progress have far outweighed the benefits, considering the huge army of bureaucrats, inspectors and regulators who are on perpetual public payrolls in the quest for "clean air, water, and land."

Even in the areas where liberal initiatives can arguably claim to be beneficial (e.g., Social Security, Obama-care), closer examination reveals costs that outweigh the benefits, coupled with lies that conceal the results and detriments of these policies. For example, if today's Boomers had been able to invest the approximately 13% of their pay during their entire working lives, instead of having it taken by Social Security, they would have mountainous retirement savings, and WOULD BE ABLE TO PASS IT ON TO THEIR HEIRS when they die, which is nothing but a cruel joke for people who now die before collecting or early into retirement. And the bills for Obama-care are JUST NOW COMING DUE, and millions upon millions of Americans will find their insurance premiums going up by 50% and more in 2016.
Liberals think that passing legislation is an accomplishment. They think that more regulations are a good thing. And if what they've created doesn't do what they wanted it to do then they think the solution is to pass more legislation and create more regulations.
Liberals think that passing legislation is an accomplishment. They think that more regulations are a good thing. And if what they've created doesn't do what they wanted it to do then they think the solution is to pass more legislation and create more regulations.

The OP asks what the Party did about the things they have been crying about
Liberals have been very successfull in passing historic initiatives

Conservatives? One failure after another

After their "historic" victories in the 2014 election, what have Republicans accomplished?
Its like winning the lottery and never getting around to cashing in the ticket
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

What did we do?

We passed Obamacare which has provided insurance to 8 million previously uninsured
We passed same sex marriage laws and convinced the Supreme Court to make it the law of the land
We repealed DADT
We removed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires

Now, what have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
They blocked the worst crap the Dems wanted to roll out.
What have Dems achieved?
-Worst recovery post WW2
-Worst racial violance since 1960s
-Worst culture wars since 1960s
-Worst education system on record
-Worst government debt in history.

A total record of failure.

The fact that The Rabbi opposes Democratic initiatives shows they meet their intended purpose

The Op claims that Libs have done nothing that they have proposed to do. Liberals are successfully completing their agenda

Conservatives just fume
I agree with you!
The lib agenda is to impoverish everyone in this country and reduce them to dependence. Mission accomplished!
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

What did we do?

We passed Obamacare which has provided insurance to 8 million previously uninsured
We passed same sex marriage laws and convinced the Supreme Court to make it the law of the land
We repealed DADT
We removed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires

Now, what have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
They blocked the worst crap the Dems wanted to roll out.
What have Dems achieved?
-Worst recovery post WW2
-Worst racial violance since 1960s
-Worst culture wars since 1960s
-Worst education system on record
-Worst government debt in history.

A total record of failure.

The fact that The Rabbi opposes Democratic initiatives shows they meet their intended purpose

The Op claims that Libs have done nothing that they have proposed to do. Liberals are successfully completing their agenda

Conservatives just fume
I agree with you!
The lib agenda is to impoverish everyone in this country and reduce them to dependence. Mission accomplished!

More rightwing hyperbole

I seem to remember the Great Bush Recession of 2008 impoverishing everyone, losing $20 trillion in household wealth, 4 million jobs, half the stock market
Ah, yes...their "agenda"! When progressives took over back in 2008 the economy was reeling and millions of Americans were out of work. So what was Barry, Harry and Nancy's "agenda"? To use their majorities in the House and Senate to give us ObamaCare...a bill that hurts job creation? One of the most poorly written pieces of legislation ever passed...something that was sold to the American people with numbers that progressive leaders knew were bogus but quoted anyways?

Conservatives hate Obamacare....they hate all government involvement in healthcare
Obamacare has not cost jobs in spite of pathetic attempts from the right to say otherwise

Liberals are passing their, gay rights, Wall Street reforms, environmental protections, intrnational diplomacy
Conservatives hate every one of them

What part of the Conservative agenda has been successful?
Keystone? Repeal Obamacare? Block same sex marriage? Protect tax cuts?

All have failed
Yes Libs have gotten their way. And then whine that everything sucks.
All you ever see from left-wingers here are pathetic whines how bad things are, how bad the system is. While they are crying how hopelessly horrible our system is many are crying their Progressive agenda is being held hostage, incredibly, by the very people they claim Progressives are so much smarter than, so superior to in every way. Really?? So how does that work?

What has the Democrat Party done about anything the Left cries about on a daily basis here?
it IS A GIVEN that the Left will cry and whine "obstruction" but when you actually look at the record what did Democrats even TRY to do about the things they complain about? How many corporate subsidies did Democrats even TRY to end for exaple? Can i have the whole list? Let's see who is afraid of the truth and who isnt here.

What did we do?

We passed Obamacare which has provided insurance to 8 million previously uninsured
We passed same sex marriage laws and convinced the Supreme Court to make it the law of the land
We repealed DADT
We removed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires

Now, what have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
They blocked the worst crap the Dems wanted to roll out.
What have Dems achieved?
-Worst recovery post WW2
-Worst racial violance since 1960s
-Worst culture wars since 1960s
-Worst education system on record
-Worst government debt in history.

A total record of failure.

The fact that The Rabbi opposes Democratic initiatives shows they meet their intended purpose

The Op claims that Libs have done nothing that they have proposed to do. Liberals are successfully completing their agenda

Conservatives just fume
I agree with you!
The lib agenda is to impoverish everyone in this country and reduce them to dependence. Mission accomplished!

More rightwing hyperbole

I seem to remember the Great Bush Recession of 2008 impoverishing everyone, losing $20 trillion in household wealth, 4 million jobs, half the stock market
Your memory is flawed of course.
Household income on the day Bush left office was higher than it is today.

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