The left's rejection of science

But here you are, with your abysmal scientific education, stating that you know better than all of the scientists in the world. You are pathetic.
Because you’re too stupid to realize that everyone of those organizations you refer to has an agenda - and that agenda is not telling the truth - but rather to advance the left-wing agenda of fascism. I don’t need a “science degree” to see that New York City isn’t under water and that the Earth didn’t become a “frying pan” in 2016.
In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty. By 2014 - the polar ice cap had expanded over 60% (more than 900,000 sq miles)
The polar ice-cap expanded 60% after Al Gore claimed it would be completely gone. That is the reality that you want to deny.

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
How about the why of the jet stream?
How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015
Well genius, it’s January 2018 and New York City isn’t even remotely under water. How dumb are you to keep believing lie after lie?

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong

The sea level at New York has risen about 1 foot. And, as we learned during Sandy, that does make a difference.
Do you know what an absorption spectra is?
How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In January 2006 Al Gore predicted that we had ten years left before the planet turned into a “total frying pan.” We made it.
It’s been 12 years since Al Gore made that idiotic left-wing claim (that you were dumb enough to swallow whole) and we’re not even remotely a “total frying pan”. Oops...

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
That stupidity is not even worth answering
That is the type of answer we can expect from someone who refuses to accept reality.
How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015
Well genius, it’s January 2018 and New York City isn’t even remotely under water. How dumb are you to keep believing lie after lie?

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
The sea level at New York has risen about 1 foot. And, as we learned during Sandy, that does make a difference.
Is New York City under water right now? Yes or No, science denier?
LOL You obviously cannot recognize reality. Reality is due to extreme weather, over 600,000 American families either lost their homes or had the badly damaged last year. That 60" of rain is not the norm. That having two 500 years floods back to back followed by a 1000 year flood is not the norm.

How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015
Well genius, it’s January 2018 and New York City isn’t even remotely under water. How dumb are you to keep believing lie after lie?

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
The sea level at New York has risen about 1 foot. And, as we learned during Sandy, that does make a difference.
Is New York City under water right now? Yes or No, science denier?
And no reputable scientist predicted that it would be by now.
But here you are, with your abysmal scientific education, stating that you know better than all of the scientists in the world. You are pathetic.
Because you’re too stupid to realize that everyone of those organizations you refer to has an agenda - and that agenda is not telling the truth - but rather to advance the left-wing agenda of fascism. I don’t need a “science degree” to see that 2013 has come and gone and we are still here.
In 2009, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center head James Wassen warned that Obama only had four years left to save the earth.
Since math isn’t your strong point Old, I’ll do it for you. Four years after 2009 would put us at 2013. It’s now 2018. Still want to keep denying reality?

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
The IPCC predictions were for far less than the amount that would flood New York at present. Although they are being exceeded now, their predictions are far closer to reality than the nutcase predictions of the deniers that nothing at all was happening.
And no reputable scientist predicted that it would be by now.
So to be clear - you are admitting that Al Gore lies?
Look, Al Gore is a journalist, not a scientist. And he did a pretty good job of putting into layman's language what the scientists were saying. But asses like you took the word
'could' and assumed that it meant 'will'. That is on you, you are either a liar or nearly illiterate. Probable both.

Come back to me with what real scientists have to say. And the scientists do not publish in Life or Newsweek, they publish in peer reviewed journals.
And no reputable scientist predicted that it would be by now.
So to be clear - you are admitting that Al Gore lies?
Look, Al Gore is a journalist, not a scientist. And he did a pretty good job of putting into layman's language what the scientists were saying.
Well now you are contradicting yourself. You just said (and I quote) “no reputable scientist predicted that”. Now you turn around and say that Al Gore “did a good job” of communicating “what the scientists were saying”.

Now you just got caught in an egregious lie because you can’t bring yourself to admit that either the scientists or Al Gore are lying. Oops...
The left's rejection of science

ISN'T IT IRONIC that the Left have MADE A SCIENCE out of how to reject science?!! :no_text11: And they usually do that by using the word "science" in everything they do, even what they call themselves. If you want to get ever-far from science as you possibly can, just look for anyone who USES the word "Science" to even moniker themselves.
You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.

The theory of gravity can be falsified. The theory of gravity is real science, and very good science.

Thus, by P@triot's very peculiar "logic", that proves the theory of gravity is a fascist conspiracy.

Holy shit, he's stupid.

My guess? Let's see. We observe rank stupidity mixed with outbursts of bitter weeping rage, along with very confused sexuality and gender identification ability. Conclusion? Senility. Just another bitter old man slowly losing his mind at the keyboard.
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Is New York City under water right now? Yes or No, science denier?

No. And no climate scientists ever predicted such a thing. Anyone who says they did is lying.

You lied. You took some puff piece by the very conservative MSM and declared it was a scientific prediction. Shockingly dishonest, but what everyone expects from you.

Why did you lie? You got some 'splainin to do. If you'll lie about that and show no regrets over it, you'd clearly lie about anything, so everyone should initially assume anything you say is a lie. And they do.

Try to find your gonads, then address that issue. Either show you didn't lie, by finding an actual prediction from a climate scientist that supports your faked claims, or apologize to the board for lying.

Not a single one of those is a prediction from a climate scientist. You're like Trump. You lie even when there's no point in doing so, just to keep in practice.
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You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.
The theory of gravity can be falsified. The theory of gravity is real science, and very good science. Thus, by P@triot's very peculiar "logic", that proves the theory of gravity is a fascist conspiracy.

1. Gravity is not a theory... :lmao:

2. Gravity cannot be “falsified” :lmao:
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death
The left continues to take their lies and their rejection of science to unprecedented levels.
The champions of social justice want you to believe that gender is fluid. Once the chains of gender science were lifted, the movement went, well… off the chain. By February 2014 there were 58 listed genders.

Four months later, there were 71. Today, there are over 112 listed genders. Mysteriously missing from the list are male and female. Wanna know why? Because they know, as all school children know, that — in reality — there are only two genders, but you can’t be reminded of that. You have to FIGHT ON FOR THE CAUSE!
Only the left could attempt to even list a third gender, much less the bat-shit crazy 112 genders.

Quick, hide the cutlery!
The left continues to take their lies and their rejection of science to unprecedented levels.
The champions of social justice want you to believe that gender is fluid. Once the chains of gender science were lifted, the movement went, well… off the chain. By February 2014 there were 58 listed genders.

Four months later, there were 71. Today, there are over 112 listed genders. Mysteriously missing from the list are male and female. Wanna know why? Because they know, as all school children know, that — in reality — there are only two genders, but you can’t be reminded of that. You have to FIGHT ON FOR THE CAUSE!
Only the left could attempt to even list a third gender, much less the bat-shit crazy 112 genders.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

It is easy to prove that is wrong.
What is the gender or a hermaphrodite, (both male and female genitalia), for example?
Your assumption is that XX is female XY is male, but the reality is that the Y chromosome is dysfunctional and damaged.
And you forget that chromosomes do not actually dictate anything, but merely nudge by producing hormones.
If different concentrations of estrogen/testosterone are present for some other reason, (such as pesticides or illness), and at the right time, you can have XX with a penis and XY with a vagina, and a decade later when puberty hits, by then things can be totally switched around once again.
So anyone who says there are only 2 genders, just does not understand biology.
The left continues to take their lies and their rejection of science to unprecedented levels.
The champions of social justice want you to believe that gender is fluid. Once the chains of gender science were lifted, the movement went, well… off the chain. By February 2014 there were 58 listed genders.

Four months later, there were 71. Today, there are over 112 listed genders. Mysteriously missing from the list are male and female. Wanna know why? Because they know, as all school children know, that — in reality — there are only two genders, but you can’t be reminded of that. You have to FIGHT ON FOR THE CAUSE!
Only the left could attempt to even list a third gender, much less the bat-shit crazy 112 genders.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

It is easy to prove that is wrong.
What is the gender or a hermaphrodite, (both male and female genitalia), for example?
Your assumption is that XX is female XY is male, but the reality is that the Y chromosome is dysfunctional and damaged.
And you forget that chromosomes do not actually dictate anything, but merely nudge by producing hormones.
If different concentrations of estrogen/testosterone are present for some other reason, (such as pesticides or illness), and at the right time, you can have XX with a penis and XY with a vagina, and a decade later when puberty hits, by then things can be totally switched around once again.
So anyone who says there are only 2 genders, just does not understand biology.
Hermaphrodites are about 0.1 % of the population. The rest of us have typically male or female genetilia.

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