The left's rejection of science

If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
Hey everyone - Rigby things food or illness causes one to grow a penis or vagina!
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:
So unusually cold weather is proof of global warming?


So warmer weather means the globe is cooling?

ROFL! Of course not! No matter what happens, you idiots claim it proves global warming.

BTW, a warmer climate means milder weather. That's what history shows and what basic logic indicates.

No, global warming means more violent weather energy, so heat and cold move around more.
You are confusing climate with weather. Warmer climate does NOT AT ALL mean milder weather.
It means much more powerful weather. And weather can be cold or hot, depending on where it comes from.
There is absolutely NO history that show a warmer climate means milder weather, for example all the hurricanes and typhoons are always tropical, because the tropics have more power from the extra heat.
Nor is there ANY logic to the claim that warmer climate means milder weather, since weather is localized in time and space, and has nothing at all to do with climate, which is the sum of all weather over time and space.
And you have Anarchism wrong. That is extremely left wing, not right wing. It is to the left of communism even actually.
Soooooo the “no rules, no laws, no government at all” ideology is further left than the “total government control ideology”? You can’t be this stupid. You can’t be. This has to be a bad joke or something.

Anarchy is the very end of the spectrum on the right, stupid. It’s not government at all. The end of the spectrum on the left is total government (totalitarianism).

Please...get off of a political forum. You have no business being here when you don’t even understand the basics. Go find a video game forum and then come back when you graduate high school.

You don't understand anarchism, communism, socialism, or capitalism.
Anarchism is not without rules, but is without government coercion. It is voluntary, just like socialism and communism are voluntary in family sized units. Leftist politics do not essentially have to have anything to do with government. Being leftist is like when farmers pool resources to build a grain elevator or employees pool resources to buy or build the company they all want to work at.
It is the right that is total government, (totalitarianism), when those whose goals is profits, use competition to eliminate any competition.
That is essentially what feudalism was, and the state capitalism of Stalin and Mao.
You clearly don't know anything at all about economics or politics.
But stick around and I will try to teach you something.

Modern anarchism sprang from the secular or religious thought of the Enlightenment, particularly Jean-Jacques Rousseau's arguments for the moral centrality of freedom.[19]

As part of the political turmoil of the 1790s in the wake of the French Revolution, William Godwin developed the first expression of modern anarchist thought.[38][39]Godwin was, according to Peter Kropotkin, "the first to formulate the political and economical conceptions of anarchism, even though he did not give that name to the ideas developed in his work",[40] while Godwin attached his anarchist ideas to an early Edmund Burke.[41]

Godwin is generally regarded as the founder of the school of thought known as 'philosophical anarchism'. He argued in Political Justice (1793)[39][42] that government has an inherently malevolent influence on society, and that it perpetuates dependency and ignorance. He thought that the spread of the use of reason to the masses would eventually cause government to wither away as an unnecessary force. Although he did not accord the state with moral legitimacy, he was against the use of revolutionary tactics for removing the government from power. Rather, he advocated for its replacement through a process of peaceful evolution.[39][43]

His aversion to the imposition of a rules-based society led him to denounce, as a manifestation of the people’s ‘mental enslavement’, the foundations of law, property rights, and even the institution of marriage. He considered the basic foundations of society as constraining the natural development of individuals to use their powers of reasoning to arrive at a mutually beneficial method of social organization. In each case, government and its institutions are shown to constrain the development of our capacity to live wholly in accordance with the full and free exercise of private judgment.

In France, various anarchist currents were present during the Revolutionary period, with some revolutionaries using the term "anarchiste" in a positive light as early as September 1793.[44] The enragés opposed revolutionary government as a contradiction in terms. Denouncing the Jacobin dictatorship, Jean Varlet wrote in 1794 that "government and revolution are incompatible, unless the people wishes to set its constituted authorities in permanent insurrection against itself."[24] In his "Manifesto of the Equals," Sylvain Maréchallooked forward to the disappearance, once and for all, of "the revolting distinction between rich and poor, of great and small, of masters and valets, of governors and governed." ...}
History of anarchism - Wikipedia

The most famous anarchists are likely Bakunin and Kropotkin, but Bertrand Russel is easier to read. Anarchists have always been left of communism or socialism. And communism and socialism have nothing to do with the size of government. Government is political and things like socialism, communism, and capitalism are really just economic. They are not really interconnected. You could have any system from the full range of democracy to dictatorship politically, and still pick any economic system from the full range of communism to capitalism.
It is just that political anarchists tend to be idealistic, so economically favor something even more leftest than communism.
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If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
Food causes one to grow a penis or vagina??? :lmao::laugh2::laugh::lmao::laugh2::laugh::lmao:

Since you don't seem to understand biology, I will try to explain it to you.
Your DNA can't directly make anyone male, female, or anything.
All it can do is be transcribed by RNA and produce some hormones that can effect growth.
But plants, illnesses, pesticides, etc., can contain or produce far more hormones than your DNA can, so can totally over ride any DNA coding.
Both males and females make estrogen and testosterone, so it only takes a small imbalance in your own body, for it to start producing them in the wrong proportions. And it is those proportions that determine whether you grow a penis or vagina.
And what is even worse, is that whatever the ratio was while a fetus, can completely switch by the time one enters puberty.
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:

No, thinking does not effect anything. It is hormones that effect how you think. And hormone ratios can be different in a fetus and later during puberty.
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:
Wow, you really are this fucking stupid. It is not a fiuckinbgf choice. How manty timnres dio you ignorant fucksa need to be told this?

Its just like with you. You can think you are smart but in reality, you are just another ignorant Trump supporter.
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:
Wow, you really are this fucking stupid. It is not a fiuckinbgf choice. How manty timnres dio you ignorant fucksa need to be told this?

Its just like with you. You can think you are smart but in reality, you are just another ignorant Trump supporter.

You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

No, it is NOT at all getting colder, but warmer.
Alaska is over 10 degrees warming than normal.
You keep assuming that the eastern part of the US is the whole world, and it isn't.
You still keep making the same mistake.
Weather is local, climate is global.
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Speaking of the environment, I asked you how the massive increase in population caused by immigration would effect the environment in this country.

I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?

That's easy.
The US population is about 330 million, and immigration actually is slightly negative right now.
So if one is talking about a few hundred thousand a year, that about 0.1%, and totally insignificant.
Also it is not the people or number of people that harms the environment, but the massive industrial wastes that left over from the production of exports.
Life is a continuum, dumbass. It has no beginning.


He's actually claiming that sperm and eggs aren't alive and human. What a maroon. He thinks people come from dead sperm and eggs, apparently.
You're one post has so many lies and ignorant statements that I can't even begin to address them all. However, lets just start with this gem right here.

Ignoring all else for a moment - your claim that "life has no beginning" and then pointing to sperm and eggs as "proof" is fucking fall-down hilarious.

Sperm is not eternal, dimwit. A male baby has no sperm. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each sperm cell has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

An egg is not eternal either, dimwit. A female baby has no eggs. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each egg has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

You are the dumbest motherfucker to ever log in to USMB. You embarrass yourself every time you post.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

No, it is NOT at all getting colder, but warmer.
Alaska is over 10 degrees warming than normal.
You keep assuming that the eastern part of the US is the whole world, and it isn't.
You still keep making the same mistake.
Weather is local, climate is global.
Then why did the left rebrand it to “Climate Change”? :dunno:
Life is a continuum, dumbass. It has no beginning.


He's actually claiming that sperm and eggs aren't alive and human. What a maroon. He thinks people come from dead sperm and eggs, apparently.
You're one post has so many lies and ignorant statements that I can't even begin to address them all. However, lets just start with this gem right here.

Ignoring all else for a moment - your claim that "life has no beginning" and then pointing to sperm and eggs as "proof" is fucking fall-down hilarious.

Sperm is not eternal, dimwit. A male baby has no sperm. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each sperm cell has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

An egg is not eternal either, dimwit. A female baby has no eggs. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each egg has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

You are the dumbest motherfucker to ever log in to USMB. You embarrass yourself every time you post.
Yes...everything you post is wrong. It’s about time you started admitting it.
Also it is not the people or number of people that harms the environment, but the massive industrial wastes that left over from the production of exports.
The amount of “industrial waste” is in direct correlation to the number of people. :eusa_doh:
  • 300 million people require a lot more automobiles than 300 people
  • 300 million people require a lot more homes than 300 people
  • 300 million people require a lot more energy than 300 people
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Speaking of the environment, I asked you how the massive increase in population caused by immigration would effect the environment in this country.

I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?

That's easy.
The US population is about 330 million, and immigration actually is slightly negative right now.
So if one is talking about a few hundred thousand a year, that about 0.1%, and totally insignificant.
Also it is not the people or number of people that harms the environment, but the massive industrial wastes that left over from the production of exports.

1. It is vastly dishonest to answer a question about an event that has been occurring for generations, based on data from right this very second. The massive population increase I referred to did happen and I asked what the impact was.

You replied, but did not answer the question, because honestly answering it would admit that the High Immigration Policy is bad for the environment.

2. And I have no faith in the numbers produced by our dishonest and corrupt government on an issue the Political Class is so united on.

3. And of course the number of people impacts the environment. It is utterly absurd for you to claim otherwise.

Your unsupported assertion is not credible. You may try to support it if you want, but I expect that you will instead employ some sort of deflection or dodge instead.
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?

What criteria should one use?
DNA, hormones, physical traits, mention traits, etc.?
Do you even know what a woman is, because it is not at all clear?

It's clear to us you idiot, ever hear of an Adams Apple or a penis under the dress..

It's the first signs the girl is a guy
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

No, it is NOT at all getting colder, but warmer.
Alaska is over 10 degrees warming than normal.
You keep assuming that the eastern part of the US is the whole world, and it isn't.
You still keep making the same mistake.
Weather is local, climate is global.

Normal from what 1935, when Alaska first started to keep records?

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