The left's rejection of science

I'll stick with the vast majority of climate scientists.
You mean like the one’s caught discussing in emails how they falsify their data to dupe dimwits such as yourself?
No data was falsified. When you collect data from a wide range of sources...Adjustments need made to correlate the data.
What a cute - if not desperate - excuse. Just one problem my fragile little snowflake. The “scientists” (ie fascist political activists) were caught discussing how they falsified all of their data. They are on record admitting it. Oops...
Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid. Really really really fucking stupid.

"Fragile snowflake"? I have news. Being a dumbfuck does not make you a tough guy. .
But panicking over something that is fake does make you a big pussy... :lmao:
You calling it fake makes you a fool & an idiot.
Most scientists in the US are liberal and vote Democratic.
As are most retards who flunked every basic science class....

You aren’t a scientist, dipshit.
But liberals believe in science.

You believe in Rush Limbaugh & Donald Trump.

I am a scientist.
No, “liberals” are just people who vote for treasonous political parties.

Most “liberals” couldn’t tell you what the scientific method is if you stuck a gun to their heads.
Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

Poodle, sweetie, when you give birth to a baby you didn't want, then you can talk about "Science" and "life' all day.

I'd take you nuts more seriously on the subject if you weren't constantly trying to snag food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
This poster and I almost never agree on stuff. But here JoeB131 is SPOT ON. If you are "pro life" you legislate to support children in every way shape and form to get them the best shot at survival.

This is what being in the middle politically looks like.
I think most of us can understand why conservatives fought science for so long and with such ugly methods such as beheading of scientists. The question now is: are conservatives still fighting science or have they finally accepted it as beneficial to society?
Most scientists in the US are liberal and vote Democratic.
As are most retards who flunked every basic science class....

You aren’t a scientist, dipshit.
But liberals believe in science.

You believe in Rush Limbaugh & Donald Trump.

I am a scientist.
No, “liberals” are just people who vote for treasonous political parties.

Most “liberals” couldn’t tell you what the scientific method is if you stuck a gun to their heads.

You voted for the candidate that colluding with the Russians.

Nothing like ac Trumpette having the nerve to call anyone else stupid.

Your dear leader said Global Warming wax a hoax made up in China.

So why didn't Trump talk to Xi about it when he was there? Too busy kissing Xi's ass?
Again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on Earth has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. The fact that the deniers are swinging on the dicks of the energy companies is quite clear. What you assholes are saying is that there is an international conspiracy involving millions of scientists from all the different cultures and nations on earth to lie to all of us concerning global warming and climate change. Methinks you need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.
They just want to take from the haves and give to the have nots.
Now that is just about the dumbest thing I have heard today. I do hope that it is sarcasm.

Redistribution of wealth is what it's all about. Not cleaning up the planet.

They expect the masses to live miserly conserving everything while Democrat pundits fly around in Jets and live in Mansions. They need to practice what they preach if they expect anyone to take them seriously.
The old “ anyone who cares about the environment should take a vow of poverty “ meme again.
Just admit it. You don’t give two hoots if polluters dump waste in the rivers and streams because Trump is allowing them to do it.
Actually I would care. You are using extremes.
What I expect is to practice what you preach.
Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

Poodle, sweetie, when you give birth to a baby you didn't want, then you can talk about "Science" and "life' all day.

I'd take you nuts more seriously on the subject if you weren't constantly trying to snag food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
This poster and I almost never agree on stuff. But here JoeB131 is SPOT ON. If you are "pro life" you legislate to support children in every way shape and form to get them the best shot at survival.

This is what being in the middle politically looks like.
Sterilize the poor then they won't have to have abortions.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor if they keep begetting.
Most scientists in the US are liberal and vote Democratic.
As are most retards who flunked every basic science class....

You aren’t a scientist, dipshit.
But liberals believe in science.

You believe in Rush Limbaugh & Donald Trump.

I am a scientist.
No, “liberals” are just people who vote for treasonous political parties.

Most “liberals” couldn’t tell you what the scientific method is if you stuck a gun to their heads.

You voted for the candidate that colluding with the Russians.

Nothing like ac Trumpette having the nerve to call anyone else stupid.

Your dear leader said Global Warming wax a hoax made up in China.

So why didn't Trump talk to Xi about it when he was there? Too busy kissing Xi's ass?
He voted for Hillary?
Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

Poodle, sweetie, when you give birth to a baby you didn't want, then you can talk about "Science" and "life' all day.

I'd take you nuts more seriously on the subject if you weren't constantly trying to snag food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
This poster and I almost never agree on stuff. But here JoeB131 is SPOT ON. If you are "pro life" you legislate to support children in every way shape and form to get them the best shot at survival.

This is what being in the middle politically looks like.
Sterilize the poor then they won't have to have abortions.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor if they keep begetting.
When the poor are gone, who will the rich people exploit?
When the poor are gone, who will the rich people exploit?
When the wealthy are gone, who will you wing-nuts mooch off of, Dave? :dunno:

They tried it your way in Venezuela - it was a fucking catastrophic disaster. They tried it your way in Cuba - it was a nightmare. They tried it your way in the former U.S.S.R. - it collapsed.
When the poor are gone, who will the rich people exploit?
When the wealthy are gone, who will you wing-nuts mooch off of, Dave? :dunno:

They tried it your way in Venezuela - it was a fucking catastrophic disaster. They tried it your way in Cuba - it was a nightmare. They tried it your way in the former U.S.S.R. - it collapsed.
This is your problem. You think rich are the ones to make everything.

I have news, they are shit without the working class.

You think the wealthier some people get, the better off this country is? Really, dumbass?dine

What has Trump dine for this country? Imports his shit, imports his workers, cheats American workers out of their contract pay.

And really, you bringing up Venezuela proves what an ignorant fool you are.
And when was the last time that it looked like that we were headed for a crash like that of Venezuela? 2008, after 8 years of GOP rule. LOL And what did it take to pull us out of it? President Obama for eight years.
This is your problem. You think rich are the ones to make everything.
They do make everything, you dimwit. They make jobs. You know - that those things that you progressives try to avoid?

In the history of the world, a poor person has never made a single job. Meanwhile, the wealthiest among us (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, etc.) have created millions of jobs. Millions.

The bottom line - you're a sad little envious man who hates success and successful people. You don't want to hold a job, you don't want to carry your own weight, you don't want to take responsibility for yourself. In other words - you're the quintessential progressive. Angry, hateful, spiteful, and above all else - envious.
And when was the last time that it looked like that we were headed for a crash like that of Venezuela? 2008, after 8 years of GOP rule. LOL And what did it take to pull us out of it? President Obama for eight years.
Oh poor, poor little dimwit. President Obama and the Dumbocrats had us on the verge of Venezuela in 2010 (after 2 years of complete and total federal control and 4 years of control of Congress). The American people went to the polls in the 2010 November mid-terms and (to quote Obama himself) gave the Dumbocrats a "shellacking".

With the largest victories at the federal, state, and local levels since the (1940's was it?), conservatives went to work and immediately started the turn around of the economy. It has only grown since we took back control of the White House (over 1 million jobs created, record levels of the NYSE).

You may be profoundly ignorant - but the rest of the U.S. is not. We all know that Bush ended his presidency with the Dumbocrats controlling the House and the Senate (and starting the collapse) and that it became catastrophic into 2010 - when the American people realized it was time to change course or end up exactly like Venezuela (which is where Obama, Pelosi, and Reid wanted us).
What percentage of scientists say they are Republicans? Six per-cent so-say, and the number doesn't seem to be growing, but not too worry, that number will soon be fixed on these boards.
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do.
Well this goes back to my original statement about discipline, personal responsibility, accountability. The onus is on that mom and dad to raise that child properly. If they don't "have the will" to "nurture and raise their children" properly then they are legitimate pieces of shit - and the worst thing you can do is make excuses for them.

In addition, taking the "throw more money at it" left-wing ideology which you support and advocate, won't make a difference anyway. You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to change this child's home life? Nope.
The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school.
Again...what does this have to do with education? You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to stop this child from joining a gang? Nope.
I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Well a student will be exponentially less likely to join a gang if they are attending school in Beverly Hills. Surely even you won't attempt to deny that.
Why are you bringing up $200K pay for teachers? I never said a thing about that nor do I think thats what they should be paid. You think calling bad parents pieces of shit and letting the dice roll for their children is the best way to handle the situation then thats fine. I don't agree. I think providing nutritious meals at school is a good thing cause many students don't get 3 meals a day or a home made dinner when they get home from school. I think having after school programs for the children to get involved in is a good thing. I think providing better training for teachers is a good thing. I think having counselors available to the students to help with social issues, emotional issues, learning issues, coping mechanisms are all good things...
They aren't necessarily bad things. But none of them will get the child an education or keep them out of gangs. That sounds what you brought up. So what is you right solution for that?
Kids need role models and productive things to keep them occupied. My girl is a school counselor and she spent many years working in low income districts. You wouldnt believe how many children literally think that money comes from the government. They had no concept of earning money, no aspirations to go to college, and no support from home. For many kids having that teacher or that coach or that friend who believes in them and can set a positive example makes all the difference in the world. That's why training, sports, after school programs, and creating a safe productive environment at school is so important, cause they aren't learning anything good at home

Stop voting far left and this will disappear. The far left is never the answer!

You should renounce your far left religion immediately..

We would be best served if we stop voting far left & far right. The extremes are keeping us from coming together, hamper our ability to find solutions that work for the betterment of all Americans.
Been on this board for about 2 years, did not understand climate change so been quiet about it. have seen pollution with my own eyes, so I no its real. and have seen the results where effort has reduced air pollution.
am against the relaxing of EPA rules that increase pollution in our water. there is no life with out water.
thanks to all your many posts over the years I gave up a month ago and started trying to learn.,
beginning with carbon dioxide ( CO/2). going to take a while to get a clear picture. but its more interesting than I thought it would be.
so far now see why business like big oil company's would want it discredited.
can not figure out yet why people worried about the climate would need to try and create a sort of panic about global warming.
unless it was to move us to do something. saw Gore film years ago, did not move me an inch. more when know more.

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