The left's rejection of science

You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.
For Additional Information: Dr. John Christy, (256) 961-7763 [email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer, (256) 961-7960 [email protected]

Global Temperature Report: September 2017 Warmest September in satellite temperature record

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.13 C per decade September temperatures (preliminary) Global composite temp.:

+0.54 C (about 0.97 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Northern Hemisphere:

+0.51 C (about 0.92 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Southern Hemisphere:

+0.57 C (about 1.03 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Tropics:

+0.53 C (about 0.95 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. August temperatures (revised):

Global Composite: +0.41 C above 30-year average Northern Hemisphere: +0.40 C above 30-year average Southern Hemisphere: +0.41 C above 30-year average Tropics: +0.46 C above 30-year average

Nothing like a bunch of retarded asswipes analyzing scientific information.

You look say .54C & think that is nothing?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

You people are dumber than shit & it makes me sick that the future of my children can rest in such stupid ignorant hands. It makes me sick that you would doom your own children, what the fuck kind of parent are you?

My God people.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

Now that sure looks like cooling, right, you stupid ass.

Lower atmosphere temperatures dumbass.

Look, you can embrace every climate denier there is. You are still a fucking idiot who knows NOTHING about science.

I'll stick with the vast majority of climate scientists.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.
For Additional Information: Dr. John Christy, (256) 961-7763 [email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer, (256) 961-7960 [email protected]

Global Temperature Report: September 2017 Warmest September in satellite temperature record

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.13 C per decade September temperatures (preliminary) Global composite temp.:

+0.54 C (about 0.97 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Northern Hemisphere:

+0.51 C (about 0.92 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Southern Hemisphere:

+0.57 C (about 1.03 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Tropics:

+0.53 C (about 0.95 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. August temperatures (revised):

Global Composite: +0.41 C above 30-year average Northern Hemisphere: +0.40 C above 30-year average Southern Hemisphere: +0.41 C above 30-year average Tropics: +0.46 C above 30-year average

Nothing like a bunch of retarded asswipes analyzing scientific information.

You look say .54C & think that is nothing?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

You people are dumber than shit & it makes me sick that the future of my children can rest in such stupid ignorant hands. It makes me sick that you would doom your own children, what the fuck kind of parent are you?

My God people.
/----/ QUICK --- send Al Bore more money.
You look say .54C & think that is nothing?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

You people are dumber than shit & it makes me sick that the future of my children can rest in such stupid ignorant hands. It makes me sick that you would doom your own children, what the fuck kind of parent are you? My God people.
They have a name for us - it’s called “being a rational parent”. You’ve bought into the left-wing propaganda that has made Al Gore unimaginably wealthy. You’re a panic-parent. I can’t imagine the neuroses you’re instilling day to day on young, impressionable minds. Poor things will spend their life on Xanax or some shit.
I'll stick with the vast majority of climate scientists.
You mean like the one’s caught discussing in emails how they falsify their data to dupe dimwits such as yourself?
Well well,well. The moronic dumbasss speaks again.

No data was falsified.

When you collect data from a wide range of sources including some not from measuring devices but from occurrences in nature such as tree rings & ice cores, From temperature readings in remote areas to urban concrete areas, Adjustments need made to correlate the data.

Like looking at the unemployment numbers adjusted seasonally. Or looking at spending histories putting everything is today's dollar.

This is the entire problem with the climate debate. We have science vs dumbasses who know nothing but think they do.
You look say .54C & think that is nothing?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

You people are dumber than shit & it makes me sick that the future of my children can rest in such stupid ignorant hands. It makes me sick that you would doom your own children, what the fuck kind of parent are you? My God people.
They have a name for us - it’s called “being a rational parent”. You’ve bought into the left-wing propaganda that has made Al Gore unimaginably wealthy. You’re a panic-parent. I can’t imagine the neuroses you’re instilling day to day on young, impressionable minds. Poor things will spend their life on Xanax or some shit.
Being fucking dumber than shit & putting your kids furture at risk is NOT rational. It is being an ignorant POS who are sentencing their children to potential hardships just because of your ignorance.

I bought into the science. You bought into Rush Limbaugh.
I'll stick with the vast majority of climate scientists.
You mean like the one’s caught discussing in emails how they falsify their data to dupe dimwits such as yourself?
No data was falsified. When you collect data from a wide range of sources...Adjustments need made to correlate the data.
What a cute - if not desperate - excuse. Just one problem my fragile little snowflake. The “scientists” (ie fascist political activists) were caught discussing how they falsified all of their data. They are on record admitting it. Oops...
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

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Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
Hysterical considering this president is the most anti science one in presidential history. He's gotten Pruitt to fire scientists and replace them with fossil fuels CEO's.
Life begins at conception? So you can take the zygote out of the women and it will live on its own ?
Do you understand the difference between the phrases "life begins" and "life is self-sustainable"? No? What a shame.

If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun. You draw the arbitrary line at conception , but why not before ? EVERY SPERM IS SACRED!
Yes they love their fetuses until they're born then they want to cut their healthcare and food stamps.
Hysterical considering this president is the most anti science one in presidential history.
President Trump is embracing actual science. Which is why the left is so upset.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” - Isaiah 5:20
I'll stick with the vast majority of climate scientists.
You mean like the one’s caught discussing in emails how they falsify their data to dupe dimwits such as yourself?
No data was falsified. When you collect data from a wide range of sources...Adjustments need made to correlate the data.
What a cute - if not desperate - excuse. Just one problem my fragile little snowflake. The “scientists” (ie fascist political activists) were caught discussing how they falsified all of their data. They are on record admitting it. Oops...
Fascist political activists. Lol
Where do you get your science information from? Rush Limbaugh?
Hysterical considering this president is the most anti science one in presidential history.
President Trump is embracing actual science. Which is why the left is so upset.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” - Isaiah 5:20
Trump has zero knowledge of science just like every other subject. He appointed political hacks to all cabinet positions to derail those very agencies.
Steve Bannon spilled the beans on trump's intentions.

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