The left's rejection of science

People who don't believe in global warming should be put on an island that's almost underwater.

Algore's FRAUD has three "sinking" island chains, the Marshalls, the Solomons, and one near New Guinea.

Those are the only islands "sinking." Plymouth Rock is right on the edge of the Atlantic where it was 400 years ago.

Why are those three island chains sinking while nothing else is???
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

They can't until it touches them personally.

If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.

I would never disown one of my children. unconditional .
The above poster is a TAXPAYER FUNDED "scientist" who is much more interested in electing DEMOCRATS than he is in finding anything useful via science...
Most scientists in the US are liberal and vote Democratic.
Those aren't "scientists" chief. They are paid political activists on the Democrat payroll. Scientists don't change their data and discuss pushing propaganda.
How about historians, are they primarily liberal or conservative?
The one's that lie about history are primarily progressives. The one's that accurately report the truth are primarily conservative. History has taught us that.
Those aren't "scientists" chief. They are paid political activists on the Democrat payroll. Scientists don't change their data and discuss pushing propaganda.
Of course scientists change their data as they use their method to find the truth. Are historians scientists?
Of course you would resort to such a desperate and idiotic argument after having your ass handed to you with facts. Sorry snowflake - scientist record data. They don't change it unless they have an agenda.

Cause of Global Warming Discovered: Scientists
I’m so thankful for the people who keep working to expose the liberal lies...

Delingpole: Now 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say 'Global Warming' Is a Myth
Those aren't "scientists" chief. They are paid political activists on the Democrat payroll. Scientists don't change their data and discuss pushing propaganda.
Of course scientists change their data as they use their method to find the truth. Are historians scientists?
Of course you would resort to such a desperate and idiotic argument after having your ass handed to you with facts. Sorry snowflake - scientist record data. They don't change it unless they have an agenda.

Cause of Global Warming Discovered: Scientists
Perhaps you should check out the "scientific method" and how it is used in science. You might even go deeper into science and discover the connection between science and our Constitution, It is a fascinating period in world history.
Perhaps you should check out the "scientific method" and how it is used in science. You might even go deeper into science and discover the connection between science and our Constitution, It is a fascinating period in world history.
Perhaps....just should own up to the fact that your side of the aisle are fascists who reject science and employ propaganda.

Here is the left admitting that they want to eliminate actual science and implement an (and I quote) "anti-science approach".

Feminist prof: ‘Traditional science’ racist, needs to be replaced with ‘anti-science’ approach
People who don't believe in global warming should be put on an island that's almost underwater.

Algore's FRAUD has three "sinking" island chains, the Marshalls, the Solomons, and one near New Guinea.

Those are the only islands "sinking." Plymouth Rock is right on the edge of the Atlantic where it was 400 years ago.

Why are those three island chains sinking while nothing else is???
/—-/ and why did Al Bore buy beach front property ?
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.
For Additional Information: Dr. John Christy, (256) 961-7763 [email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer, (256) 961-7960 [email protected]

Global Temperature Report: September 2017 Warmest September in satellite temperature record

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.13 C per decade September temperatures (preliminary) Global composite temp.:

+0.54 C (about 0.97 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Northern Hemisphere:

+0.51 C (about 0.92 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Southern Hemisphere:

+0.57 C (about 1.03 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. Tropics:

+0.53 C (about 0.95 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year average for September. August temperatures (revised):

Global Composite: +0.41 C above 30-year average Northern Hemisphere: +0.40 C above 30-year average Southern Hemisphere: +0.41 C above 30-year average Tropics: +0.46 C above 30-year average

You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

Now that sure looks like cooling, right, you stupid ass.
People who don't believe in global warming should be put on an island that's almost underwater.

Algore's FRAUD has three "sinking" island chains, the Marshalls, the Solomons, and one near New Guinea.

Those are the only islands "sinking." Plymouth Rock is right on the edge of the Atlantic where it was 400 years ago.

Why are those three island chains sinking while nothing else is???
/—-/ and why did Al Bore buy beach front property ?
He did not, you idiot. His house is 200' above sea level. You are really a cretin.

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