The left's rejection of science

/-----/ Maybe if the Gubmint raises everybody's taxes a whole big bunch while restricting our liberties the climate will stop changing.
Maybe if you keep whining mindlessly about "Gubmint" it will stop Global warming LOL

Science is winning Podunk Rubes losing

Top stories
Government Report Finds Drastic Impact of Climate Change on U.S.
New York Times · 11 hours ago
Read the Draft of the Climate Change Report
New York Times · 10 hours ago
Leaked government document 'directly contradicts' Trump on climate change
CNBC · 8 hours ago
/----/ I'm just using the Democrat base's pronunciation of Government so I'm not called a racist as in "Where be my free Gubmint cheese?"
/-----/ Maybe if the Gubmint raises everybody's taxes a whole big bunch while restricting our liberties the climate will stop changing.
Maybe if you keep whining mindlessly about "Gubmint" it will stop Global warming LOL

Science is winning Podunk Rubes losing

Top stories
Government Report Finds Drastic Impact of Climate Change on U.S.
New York Times · 11 hours ago
Read the Draft of the Climate Change Report
New York Times · 10 hours ago
Leaked government document 'directly contradicts' Trump on climate change
CNBC · 8 hours ago

Obama promised to stop the seas from rising. Guess not so much.

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/----/ The Left's PC terminology is being wiped off the books. About time
US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal
Friends - I would like to draw everyone's attention to post #608 where mamooth was caught lying.

#608 is P@triot's post, and it was his usual uncontrollable weeping about getting spanked.

He completely contradicts himself from one post to the next. Unequivocally proving he is a typical progressive liar.

I wonder what prompted this latest snowflake meltdown tirade from P@triot? After all, I hadn't humiliated him for a couple of weeks, so this just kind of came out of the blue. I was worried about his mental health, so I had been laying off him, out of concern that he might harm himself if I made him cry too much.

I think part of it is the authoritarian follower nature that all deniers share. That senseless talking point about Al Gore using too much electricity had gone out. All the other sheep had been rebleating it, so P@triot figured he better join the herd and rebleat it too, lest TheParty notice his lack of cult fervor.

I also think part of it has to do with Trump's ongoing misfortunes. P@triot worships Trump with the fanaticism of a cultist, being how Trump is the incompetent and weak Stalinist daddy-figure that P@triot craves, a perfect leader for his failure-cult. Now he sees Trump's crimes being revealed, and he sees no way out, so he's just flailing around wildly. He doesn't understand that his own stupidity and weakness isn't an actual crime, so he himself isn't in any actual danger of being prosecuted.
I also think part of it has to do with Trump's ongoing misfortunes. P@triot worships Trump with the fanaticism of a cultist don't really think you can draw everyone's attention away from you contradicting yourself, do you?

Here is Mammaries on page 7 of this thread, post #69:
The planet has been warming strongly and steadily for years. Only the most shameless frauds and liars still try to pass off the insane "it's cooling" story. Even the most brainwashed deniers don't say something that crazy any more. They've all retreated to "the warming is natural!" or "Warming is good!". Didn't you get the memo?

And here is Mammaries on page 61 of this same thread, post #602:
I don't think anyone remembers that, being it's crazy talk on your part. I'm the one who has constantly been pointing out the world was cooling naturally, until humans turned up the thermostat.
Oops! Caught her l-y-i-n-g as always.

Mammaries here is the quintessential left-winger: ignore science, reason, and reality - promote lies, misinformation, and propaganda.
But I'm a big enough man to admit when I am wrong. And I was dead-wrong about President Trump. He has been absolutely phenomenal his first 6 months on the job.
what did he do? besides lie a lot.
We could crash the USMB servers listing his accomplishments. He rolled back Barack Insane Obama's illegal regulations. Every single one of his Executive Orders have been constitutional (that's a first for a president from either side). He paid off $69 billion of the national debt already. He approved the Keystone Pipeline. He restored power to the states per the U.S. Constitution. He has created over 184,000 jobs per month. He has secured the U.S. border. The list goes on and on and on.
He did sign some pretty major sanctions legislation...that keeps him from being Putin's "cock holster".
I don't know about anyone else here - but I remember when Sea served as Barack Insane Obama's "cock holster", cheering him on fanatically for attempting to repair relations with Russia.

But now that President Trump sits in the White House, she suddenly has a "zero tolerance" policy towards Russia and is demanding we go to all out war with them.
He did sign some pretty major sanctions legislation...that keeps him from being Putin's "cock holster".
I don't know about anyone else here - but I remember when Sea served as Barack Insane Obama's "cock holster", cheering him on fanatically for attempting to repair relations with Russia.

But now that President Trump sits in the White House, she suddenly has a "zero tolerance" policy towards Russia and is demanding we go to all out war with them.

If you remember that so vividly, link to the posts. don't really think you can draw everyone's attention away from you contradicting yourself, do you?

Do you notice how even your fellow deniers don't want any part of your crybaby stalker routine? That should tell you how pathetic you look. Deniers always support other deniers, yet they all want nothing to do with you. That indicates how much you disgust all other human beings.

Here is Mammaries on page 7 of this thread, post #69:
The planet has been warming strongly and steadily for years. Only the most shameless frauds and liars still try to pass off the insane "it's cooling" story. Even the most brainwashed deniers don't say something that crazy any more. They've all retreated to "the warming is natural!" or "Warming is good!". Didn't you get the memo?

And here is Mammaries on page 61 of this same thread, post #602:
I don't think anyone remembers that, being it's crazy talk on your part. I'm the one who has constantly been pointing out the world was cooling naturally, until humans turned up the thermostat.

! Caught her l-y-i-n-g as always.

First, you pervy old fatass queer, you know I'm a guy, so quit it with your faggot stalking. Geez, everyone gets get it already, you're the ultimate limp-wristed pajama boy/girl/it.

Second, you suck at lying. I've been lied to/at/about by experts, and the poor quality of your lies is rather insulting. You need to up your game.

My first quote clearly refers to warming _now_.

My second quote clearly refers to cooling _before_ the current warming trend started.

Even you're not stupid enough to misinterpret something that obvious. You know you're lying about me. Everyone knows. You lie anyways, because you know you can't face me in honest debate. You're only capable of weeping your snowflake tears of butthurt rage at me. And that's why even your fellow deniers have ostracized you. You're a loser's idea of a loser.
Deniers always support other deniers

Another lie from our resident Princess.

LaDexter takes down

1. those spouting "solar cycle"
2. those saying "we don't know"
3. those saying "it is up to God"

LaDexter has three questions the "warmers" do not like...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
2. Why is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is in decline?
3. What is really causing the Marshall Islands to sink?

Deniers always support other deniers

Another lie from our resident Princess.

LaDexter takes down

1. those spouting "solar cycle"
2. those saying "we don't know"
3. those saying "it is up to God"

LaDexter has three questions the "warmers" do not like...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
2. Why is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is in decline?
3. What is really causing the Marshall Islands to sink?


Why is Antarctica's sea ice growing while the Arctic melts? Scientists now know why.

Why are islands disappearing? The sea is rising.

sea level rise
This is typical of the PARROT mentality of the "warmers."

They say melting ARCTIC sea ice is proof of "global" warming.... yet Antarctic sea ice is increasing, so the sub human science invalids now have a cooked up taxpayer funded "study" to "explain" that... which is too laughable to post.

The "warmers" have 3 sinking island chains in the South Pacific. Nothing else is sinking at all, because ocean levels are dropping, thanks in large part to the fact that 90% of Earth's ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

This is what passes for "science" today. Hawaii is not sinking. The CA coast is not sinking. The Marshall Islands are.... and it MUST BE "ocean rise" because the above sub human parrot parroted that...

Life in a disappearing country

What is really going on with the Marshalls, the Solomons, and the third chain near New Guinea is this - they are all right on the
"lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side. In three million years, the Marshall Islands will not just be underwater, they will be under the Earth's crust...

Do you notice how even your fellow deniers don't want any part of your crybaby stalker routine?
The battle cry of losers everywhere. The redirect of those caught lying.
And here is Mammaries on page 61 of this same thread, post #602:
First, you pervy old fatass queer, you know I'm a guy
Yes...but you're queer as a three dollar bill.
Why are islands disappearing? The sea is rising.
God I hope that is true. All we ever hear how so many nations around the world don't have clean water to drink or for farming.

(And before you embarrass yourself - yes - we can desalinate ocean water)
thanks in large part to the fact that 90% of Earth's ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying...

Dishonest cherrypicking on your part. Every other study says the Zwally study is wrong, but you ignore those studies, and pretend they don't exist.

What is really going on with the Marshalls, the Solomons, and the third chain near New Guinea is this - they are all right on the
"lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire,

The Marshalls are a thousand miles away from the Ring of Fire. And you know that. We've shown you the maps before. You choose to deliberately lie about it, because it's what cult liars do.
Why are islands disappearing? The sea is rising.
God I hope that is true. All we ever hear how so many nations around the world don't have clean water to drink or for farming.

(And before you embarrass yourself - yes - we can desalinate ocean water)

So your amazingly stupid claim here is that since the disappearing islands can desalinate ocean water, rising oceans are therefore good.

Kind of tough to drink fresh water when you're under the ocean, ya think?

Holy shit, you're stupid.
Why are islands disappearing? The sea is rising.
God I hope that is true. All we ever hear how so many nations around the world don't have clean water to drink or for farming.

(And before you embarrass yourself - yes - we can desalinate ocean water)

So your amazingly stupid claim here is that since the disappearing islands can desalinate ocean water, rising oceans are therefore good.

Kind of tough to drink fresh water when you're under the ocean, ya think?

Holy shit, you're stupid.
Not nearly as stupid as your fear mongering. Or your lying.
thanks in large part to the fact that 90% of Earth's ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying...
Dishonest cherrypicking on your part. Every other study says the Zwally study is wrong, but you ignore those studies, and pretend they don't exist.
He's not the one ignoring science and studies, mammaries. You are!

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