The left's rejection of science

Life is a continuum, dumbass. It has no beginning.


He's actually claiming that sperm and eggs aren't alive and human. What a maroon. He thinks people come from dead sperm and eggs, apparently.
You're one post has so many lies and ignorant statements that I can't even begin to address them all. However, lets just start with this gem right here.

Ignoring all else for a moment - your claim that "life has no beginning" and then pointing to sperm and eggs as "proof" is fucking fall-down hilarious.

Sperm is not eternal, dimwit. A male baby has no sperm. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each sperm cell has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

An egg is not eternal either, dimwit. A female baby has no eggs. They cannot produce it. It is not until their body reaches an age of maturity that their body begins to "manufacture" it. And each egg has a beginning and and ending. Each and every one.

You are the dumbest motherfucker to ever log in to USMB. You embarrass yourself every time you post.
Yes...everything you post is wrong. It’s about time you started admitting it.
That is rather a sweeping generalisation, which in any case you would not have had the time to verify.
So unusually cold weather is proof of global warming?

Don't be absurd. Only you righties keep saying such a crazy thing, and everyone else laughs at you because of it.

Warming is proof of global warming. I can't dumb it down any further than that, nor can I explain it in smaller words. If you still can't get it, there's nothing further I can do.

So Bri, P@triot, is there any data that could disprove your denier beliefs in your mind?


That means you're pseudoscience cultists, and that your beliefs are entirely political and religious in nature.

In stark contrast, many things can disprove global warming theory. That's because it's real science.

Oh, here's something interesting, a recent tabulation of all the ways that your Stalinist party is censoring climate science. You and P@triot should try not to pass out from sheer Stalinist rapture when you read it.

Silencing Climate Science - Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
So Bri, P@triot, is there any data that could disprove your denier beliefs in your mind?
Yes! It’s called “reality”. Because all data indisputably proves that “Global Warming” is a scam that for the mindless minions of the left. Here you go snowflake, pages and pages and pages of undeniable, indisputable proof. Enjoy.

The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam
Yes! It’s called “reality”.

I asked if any evidence could shake your faith in your beliefs. You declined to list any, and tried to deflect by bringing up your old fraud thread. Boring. But then, everyone expected you to deflect and run. It's what you do. It's all you do.

Real science can be falsified. Your beliefs can't be falsified. There's literally no evidence of any sort that could sway you from your fanatical cult-mandated beliefs. Hence, your beliefs, across all topics, fall under the category of religious beliefs.

In contrast, mainstream climate science can be falsified in many ways. I've listed many of those ways before. That's because the mainstream climate science is real science, and it's very good science.

I wasn't surprised that you wanted to highlight how you got busted for fraud on the old thread. You actually like being exposed as a fraud and humiliated. It demonstrates to your cult leaders that you're loyal to the cult, and the cult is all you care about. It's like how on Goodfellas, young Henry Hill was congratulated by the older mobsters for getting busted and lying to defend the mob.

Now, which of those Stalinist censorship techniques I linked to gave you the biggest thrill?
Yes! It’s called “reality”.
I asked if any evidence could shake your faith in your beliefs. You declined to list any,
Your illiteracy is showing again. I did list the “evidence” that could (and I quote) “shake my beliefs”.’s called “reality”. If even 10% of the bat-shit crazy predictions your masters make came to fruition, I would at least entertain the idea of “Global Warming”. Couple the astounding failure rate with the fact that you people have been caught discussing how you falsify data and how your side was forced to rebrand it from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” after history had proven you wrong, and anyone with an ounce of common sense would come to the obvious conclusion that this is a scam that only the simple minded would buy into.


Here are the facts.
In contrast, mainstream climate science can be falsified in many ways. I've listed many of those ways before. That's because the mainstream climate science is real science, and it's very good science.
You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.

Like all fascists, he’s openly admitting that he loves the fact that it can be falsified. To him, anything that can be falsified to push the fascist agenda is “very good”.
How cold weather extremes are related to global warming.
Bwahahaha!!! You people claimed that “CO2 gasses were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up”. After history proved you wrong, you’re desperately scrambling to convince people that the trapped CO2 gas that was supposedly causing the planet to overheat is simultaneously causing the planet to freeze.

That’s like someone claiming their fever simultaneously caused them to have a body temperature of 105° and 94°. :laugh:
In contrast, mainstream climate science can be falsified in many ways. I've listed many of those ways before. That's because the mainstream climate science is real science, and it's very good science.
You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.

Like all fascists, he’s openly admitting that he loves the fact that it can be falsified. To him, anything that can be falsified to push the fascist agenda is “very good”.
Good God, Patriot, you are one stupid fuck. You really don't understand what is being said when one states that a theory can be falsified, do you. Lordy, lordy.
How cold weather extremes are related to global warming.
Bwahahaha!!! You people claimed that “CO2 gasses were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up”. After history proved you wrong, you’re desperately scrambling to convince people that the trapped CO2 gas that was supposedly causing the planet to overheat is simultaneously causing the planet to freeze.

That’s like someone claiming their fever simultaneously caused them to have a body temperature of 105° and 94°. :laugh:
Now just keep on proving what an idiot you are. Do you know what an absorption spectra is? How about the why of the jet stream? Coriolis Effect is? Why don't you retake the third grade so you can have a conversation with an adult.
In contrast, mainstream climate science can be falsified in many ways. I've listed many of those ways before. That's because the mainstream climate science is real science, and it's very good science.
You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.

Like all fascists, he’s openly admitting that he loves the fact that it can be falsified. To him, anything that can be falsified to push the fascist agenda is “very good”.
Good God, Patriot, you are one stupid fuck. You really don't understand what is being said when one states that a theory can be falsified, do you. Lordy, lordy.
You can’t spin your way out of this one, snowflake. Your girl there said “climate science can be falsified in many ways” (which we know since that’s all the left does) and then in the same breath said “climate science is real science, and it’s very good science”.
You, and the article, are liars.

Pubs.GISS: Hansen et al. 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

Publication Abstracts
Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage

The whole article is available at that site. The Northwest Passage first opened in 2007. In 2016, a 1000 passenger luxury liner went through the passage.
In contrast, mainstream climate science can be falsified in many ways. I've listed many of those ways before. That's because the mainstream climate science is real science, and it's very good science.
You heard it here, folks. Mammaries just openly admitted that climate science can be falsified. And then he called it “real science, and very good science”.

Like all fascists, he’s openly admitting that he loves the fact that it can be falsified. To him, anything that can be falsified to push the fascist agenda is “very good”.
Good God, Patriot, you are one stupid fuck. You really don't understand what is being said when one states that a theory can be falsified, do you. Lordy, lordy.
You can’t spin your way out of this one, snowflake. Your girl there said “climate science can be falsified in many ways” (which we know since that’s all the left does) and then in the same breath said “climate science is real science, and it’s very good science”.
Lordy, such ignorance. Fellow, why don't you at least make an attempt to get up to speed on what scientific terms mean?

One of the tenets behind the scientific method is that any scientific hypothesisand resultant experimental design must be inherently falsifiable. Although falsifiability is not universally accepted, it is still the foundation of the majority of scientific experiments. Most scientists accept and work with this tenet, but it has its roots in philosophy and the deeper questions of truth and our access to it.
Do you know what an absorption spectra is?
How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In January 2006 Al Gore predicted that we had ten years left before the planet turned into a “total frying pan.” We made it.
It’s been 12 years since Al Gore made that idiotic left-wing claim (that you were dumb enough to swallow whole) and we’re not even remotely a “total frying pan”. Oops...

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world have policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But here you are, with your abysmal scientific education, stating that you know better than all of the scientists in the world. You are pathetic.
Do you know what an absorption spectra is?
How dumb do you feel right now, Old Rocks? :laugh:
In January 2006 Al Gore predicted that we had ten years left before the planet turned into a “total frying pan.” We made it.
It’s been 12 years since Al Gore made that idiotic left-wing claim (that you were dumb enough to swallow whole) and we’re not even remotely a “total frying pan”. Oops...

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
That stupidity is not even worth answering, and includes much that has nothing to do with AGW.

The top ten global warming 'skeptic' arguments answered | Dana Nuccitelli

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