The leftwing legacy---subjugation,misery and death


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Undeniable millions......untold millions have been killed by leftwing regimes. Yet here we are as we speak confronted with a leftwing democratic party regime that is tilting and leaning ever farther to the left than any party in our history.

One definition of isanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

Yet all those who support this radical leftist biden regime seem to have learned nothing.....absolutely nothing from nations that have been there and done that before us.

I have seen stupidity in American Politics before....but never have I seen the absolute insanity demonstrated today by the democratic party.

The Democrat party took advantage of our countries dumbest generation ever, our poorly educated, poorly parented 18-35 year olds, and used them to usher in their communist pipe dream.
Undeniable millions......untold millions have been killed by leftwing regimes. Yet here we are as we speak confronted with a leftwing democratic party regime that is tilting and leaning ever farther to the left than any party in our history.

One definition of isanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

Yet all those who support this radical leftist biden regime seem to have learned nothing.....absolutely nothing from nations that have been there and done that before us.

I have seen stupidity in American Politics before....but never have I seen the absolute insanity demonstrated today by the democratic party.

The rightist monarchies and dictatorships were not so friendly either.
The Democrat party took advantage of our countries dumbest generation ever, our poorly educated, poorly parented 18-35 year olds, and used them to usher in their communist pipe dream.
My kid(18) can fucking creme you ass at Mensa questions any damn day. You ain't shit, you are just an old fat fuck bitching on a message board who has no idea wtf is really going on.
You dipshitz from both sides hurl your pejoratives of other political philosophies and you are so stupid you don't understand or recognize what you are saying versus fact.
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The Democrat party took advantage of our countries dumbest generation ever, our poorly educated, poorly parented 18-35 year olds, and used them to usher in their communist pipe dream.
Those with higher education broke strongly for Biden. Trump took advantage of the most gullible and susceptible to disinformation to usher in his corrupt regime.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out.
What I really just don't understand is their rabid attacks just discussing matters which are benign.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out.
What I really just don't understand is their rabid attacks just discussing matters which are benign.
An ugly habit. Afraid to give an inch, ever, on anything.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Isn't that enough? They both operate under the same system so the fact that they act alike should be no surprise.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Isn't that enough? They both operate under the same system so the fact that they act alike should be no surprise.
I just don't get it why others don't get it and stop trying to claim there actually is a difference
Undeniable millions......untold millions have been killed by leftwing regimes. Yet here we are as we speak confronted with a leftwing democratic party regime that is tilting and leaning ever farther to the left than any party in our history.

One definition of isanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

Yet all those who support this radical leftist biden regime seem to have learned nothing.....absolutely nothing from nations that have been there and done that before us.

I have seen stupidity in American Politics before....but never have I seen the absolute insanity demonstrated today by the democratic party.

Yours is the kind of hateful absurd crap the right has been spouting for decades. I will admit the left has been foolish in the way they have responded to the right. We have responded the same way reasonable people have always responded to other reasonable people with differing views. We responded with facts and reasoned debate, in hopes of finding a solution that would be acceptable on both sides. The right does not and has not cared about compromise, and has continuously met our attempts at discussion with accusations of being unpatriotic and lazy. Trying to discuss differences with the right did nothing more than lend credibility to their batshit crazy claims. Instead of moving toward suitable compromise, the accusations from the right just became more absurd and hateful. I can see that there can be no compromise with the right, and any attempt at understanding their goals is a waste of time. Considering and making allowances for the goals of the right, or trying to discuss what is reality with the right is no more useful than considering the goals of a rabid animal intent on destroying you. Luckily, we saw in the last election that there are not enough of the crazies to reelect the worst president of all time, and their numbers and strength seem to be failing, But we can no longer afford to let their crazy go unchecked, and no longer afford to let diatribes like the OP go unanswered. You are wrong, and need to re-connect with reality.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out.
What I really just don't understand is their rabid attacks just discussing matters which are benign.
An ugly habit. Afraid to give an inch, ever, on anything.
I try not to sit in the same spot too long for fear of melding into the chair.
What happened in other nations is on them, in this nation we have it made...You live at a time in human history which afford us to bitch our day away instead on toiling under the sun. Yeah the world can be a fucked up place at times and humans are the cause of the majority of all the boners on the planet but all in all it's a sweet life.
Undeniable millions......untold millions have been killed by leftwing regimes. Yet here we are as we speak confronted with a leftwing democratic party regime that is tilting and leaning ever farther to the left than any party in our history.

One definition of isanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

Yet all those who support this radical leftist biden regime seem to have learned nothing.....absolutely nothing from nations that have been there and done that before us.

I have seen stupidity in American Politics before....but never have I seen the absolute insanity demonstrated today by the democratic party.

If you substituted 'authoritarian' for 'leftist' you'd be 100% right. You should spend some time in Europe, you'd see many leftist (by US standards) delivering peace and prosperity to their people. They are some of the healthiest, richest, and happiest people around.

As for your revolutions, let me ask, do the French have a fundamentally different system than ours? Two paths to the same destination. In the long term, I'd bet on democracy conquering Russia and China too.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out.
What I really just don't understand is their rabid attacks just discussing matters which are benign.
An ugly habit. Afraid to give an inch, ever, on anything.
I try not to sit in the same spot too long for fear of melding into the chair.

Scroll up and read your previous posts where you lost your nut over right wingers.

Good grief, left loon
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out.
What I really just don't understand is their rabid attacks just discussing matters which are benign.
An ugly habit. Afraid to give an inch, ever, on anything.
I try not to sit in the same spot too long for fear of melding into the chair.

Scroll up and read your previous posts where you lost your nut over right wingers.

Good grief, left loon
I even elevated my right eyebrow,,,insidiously.
I don't see much difference of Republicans or Democrats. The only difference would be the issues they champion but that is all.
Isn't that enough? They both operate under the same system so the fact that they act alike should be no surprise.
I just don't get it why others don't get it and stop trying to claim there actually is a difference
People are people and most of us don't want revolution but evolution. For all it's faults, that is what our system delivers in the long run. Ask a gay man if you don't agree.
Their behaviors can be so similar, it's tough to imagine that they don't see it. I assume they just block it out
You voted for biden

dont try to pretent otherwise

So you are part of the bad democrat behavour

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