The LIARS Keep on LYING - Kudlow Exposes Trump for the LIAR He Is

Any idiot knows exactly how tarrifs work, what it cost the nation the tarrif is imposed upon is the income loss from the trade they lose due to their higher costs in the market. I suppose Trump didn't figure the left wing nitwits were so dayum dumb that they didn't know that. The point here is that we've had tarrifs imposed on our exports so that we didn't have reciprocal trade with China as well as many other countries. All Trump is trying to do is seek a balance with other countries with the end goal of no tarrifs for anyone so as to acheive free and fair trade for everyone. It's about dayum time someone stood up for this country and demand that we no longer take it on the chin and continue to have the entire plant picking our pockets. If you're so dayum stupid you can't see that then all it does is paint you for the fool you are. So you don't get to have boat loads of cheap Chinese shit flooding our markets for a while, big deal. It's hurting everyone but much more so them than us for a change. While our economy is steaming along there's is in the tank so it's working just exactly as planned. For a change we finally have someone batting on our side that's playing the game like they have a brain. He's playing to win the game, not an inning. He's playing for the country and it's future, not for themselves or to win one election. Your trouble is Trump is too good for you and the other demodummies and you're all too stupid to know it. Like the saying goes, ya just can't fix stupid.

So, you like Trump LYING to the AmeriKKKan people; congratulations.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
kid, you're so far off base it really isn't worth your time, cause you're too ignorant to know the base. it is amazing though how far you'll go to prove you're a parrot.
Republicans REALLY care about people's pocketbooks and wallets & if people have job.

The GOP wanted the working stiffs to cover for all the expenses for the tax cuts for the 0.01% of top income earners & for the corporations.

wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience
Republicans REALLY care about people's pocketbooks and wallets & if people have job.

The GOP wanted the working stiffs to cover for all the expenses for the tax cuts for the 0.01% of top income earners & for the corporations.

wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Sent from my iPhone using
Any idiot knows exactly how tarrifs work, what it cost the nation the tarrif is imposed upon is the income loss from the trade they lose due to their higher costs in the market. I suppose Trump didn't figure the left wing nitwits were so dayum dumb that they didn't know that. The point here is that we've had tarrifs imposed on our exports so that we didn't have reciprocal trade with China as well as many other countries. All Trump is trying to do is seek a balance with other countries with the end goal of no tarrifs for anyone so as to acheive free and fair trade for everyone. It's about dayum time someone stood up for this country and demand that we no longer take it on the chin and continue to have the entire plant picking our pockets. If you're so dayum stupid you can't see that then all it does is paint you for the fool you are. So you don't get to have boat loads of cheap Chinese shit flooding our markets for a while, big deal. It's hurting everyone but much more so them than us for a change. While our economy is steaming along there's is in the tank so it's working just exactly as planned. For a change we finally have someone batting on our side that's playing the game like they have a brain. He's playing to win the game, not an inning. He's playing for the country and it's future, not for themselves or to win one election. Your trouble is Trump is too good for you and the other demodummies and you're all too stupid to know it. Like the saying goes, ya just can't fix stupid.

So, you like Trump LYING to the AmeriKKKan people; congratulations.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
BTW, america has always been white. when wasn't it? the whites even fought to encourage the black.
Republicans REALLY care about people's pocketbooks and wallets & if people have job.

The GOP wanted the working stiffs to cover for all the expenses for the tax cuts for the 0.01% of top income earners & for the corporations.

wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

Because the retarded Left live in a Black & White world where if you like the wealthy you must hate the poor, because they were taught that you cannot CREATE wealth without taking it from someone else JUST LIKE THEM.
So, you like Trump LYING to the AmeriKKKan people; congratulations.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
BTW, america has always been white. when wasn't it?

"america has always been white"

You have to be fucking kidding me; right?
wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience
you earned the employment scenario? explain that to me?
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
BTW, america has always been white. when wasn't it?

"america has always been white"

You have to be fucking kidding me; right?
when wasn't it? it was the question.
wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.
So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.
they always dump and run. it's what they're best at.
Any idiot knows exactly how tarrifs work, what it cost the nation the tarrif is imposed upon is the income loss from the trade they lose due to their higher costs in the market. I suppose Trump didn't figure the left wing nitwits were so dayum dumb that they didn't know that. The point here is that we've had tarrifs imposed on our exports so that we didn't have reciprocal trade with China as well as many other countries. All Trump is trying to do is seek a balance with other countries with the end goal of no tarrifs for anyone so as to acheive free and fair trade for everyone. It's about dayum time someone stood up for this country and demand that we no longer take it on the chin and continue to have the entire plant picking our pockets. If you're so dayum stupid you can't see that then all it does is paint you for the fool you are. So you don't get to have boat loads of cheap Chinese shit flooding our markets for a while, big deal. It's hurting everyone but much more so them than us for a change. While our economy is steaming along there's is in the tank so it's working just exactly as planned. For a change we finally have someone batting on our side that's playing the game like they have a brain. He's playing to win the game, not an inning. He's playing for the country and it's future, not for themselves or to win one election. Your trouble is Trump is too good for you and the other demodummies and you're all too stupid to know it. Like the saying goes, ya just can't fix stupid.

So, you like Trump LYING to the AmeriKKKan people; congratulations.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again

In case you haven't noticed, The DNC wants to make America like Europe again, which means:
  1. The DNC's base is "anything but white."
  2. The DNC's base put foreigners over our own citizens.
  3. The DNC's economic policies give the shaft to whites so that everyone else gets ahead.
  4. The DNC INVENTED the KKK.
  5. The DNC's last three best picks were a Muslim foreign student hating America, a career felon stealing from America & and a career female groper and sniffer.
  6. I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here.
  7. Make America England again!
So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Sent from my iPhone using
Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
BTW, america has always been white. when wasn't it?

"america has always been white"

You have to be fucking kidding me; right?
when wasn't it? it was the question.

Your reply, "BTW, america has always been white" is not a question; it is your belief, and that only confirms the 7 points I made in my earlier post.
So, you like Trump LYING to the AmeriKKKan people; congratulations.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again

In case you haven't noticed, The DNC wants to make America like Europe again, which means:
  1. The DNC's base is "anything but white."
  2. The DNC's base put foreigners over our own citizens.
  3. The DNC's economic policies give the shaft to whites so that everyone else gets ahead.
  4. The DNC INVENTED the KKK.
  5. The DNC's last three best picks were a Muslim foreign student hating America, a career felon stealing from America & and a career female groper and sniffer.
  6. I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here.
  7. Make America England again!

Oh look; again, someone proves my earlier 7 points. Congrats

Maybe next time try & be original tho' .........
wah wah wah the rich have more than me

the rino side of the aisle is yer illegal immigration problem...... taking some of the jobs Americans would absolutely do

and some wonder why we wanna see them all hang for treason

So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience



No one "earns" a job through their education or work experience. Education suggests a certain level of knowledge and skill, work experience suggests a pattern history, these open the door to give you a chance. Then it is your performance there where they test that education and history to see how good it is that earns you the right to stay there.
So, you must believe in the theory of 'trickle down' aka 'voodoo economics' aka 'tax cuts for the wealthy'

I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience



No one "earns" a job through their education or work experience. Education suggests a certain level of knowledge and skill, work experience suggests a pattern history, these open the door to give you a chance. Then it is your performance there where they test that education and history to see how good it is that earns you the right to stay there.

education & work experience earn a (potential) path in the door
I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.
so you're a disciple of the kkk there eh? got to get the kkk mentioned anywhere as subliminal messages for your followers.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am an American.

Trump supporters are AmeriKKKans.

Glad I could clarify that 4 U.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again

In case you haven't noticed, The DNC wants to make America like Europe again, which means:
  1. The DNC's base is "anything but white."
  2. The DNC's base put foreigners over our own citizens.
  3. The DNC's economic policies give the shaft to whites so that everyone else gets ahead.
  4. The DNC INVENTED the KKK.
  5. The DNC's last three best picks were a Muslim foreign student hating America, a career felon stealing from America & and a career female groper and sniffer.
  6. I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here.
  7. Make America England again!

Oh look; again, someone proves my earlier 7 points. Congrats

Maybe next time try & be original tho' .........

Oh look; again, someone proving they are a flaming buttard again. Congrats.

Maybe next time try and say something intelligent ................
Is that why Trump hates Amazon so much, they are too successful?

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong. That now calls into question the documents you posted.

Sent from my iPhone using
I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience



No one "earns" a job through their education or work experience. Education suggests a certain level of knowledge and skill, work experience suggests a pattern history, these open the door to give you a chance. Then it is your performance there where they test that education and history to see how good it is that earns you the right to stay there.

education & work experience earn a (potential) path in the door

Selling yourself gets you the job. Education can be formal or informal, just that the formal is easier to quantify on paper. Work experience can be lied about and exaggerated. An employer does not see past work experience. Again, it comes to selling yourself in the interview then backing it up in practice.

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