The LIARS Keep on LYING - Kudlow Exposes Trump for the LIAR He Is

I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!

What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.
well if you were an american, then you would know the dems own the kkk. you need a new search engine

In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
BTW, america has always been white. when wasn't it?

"america has always been white"

You have to be fucking kidding me; right?
when wasn't it? it was the question.

Your reply, "BTW, america has always been white" is not a question; it is your belief, and that only confirms the 7 points I made in my earlier post.
well actually, I asked when wasn't it? that was the question that you ignored.
I don't know one poor person who ever gave me a job.

The Left HATE the Successful and wants to PUNISH them so the poor can all divide up their pie.
The Right simply wants there to be more of us successful with each of us creating a pie of our own!

So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience



No one "earns" a job through their education or work experience. Education suggests a certain level of knowledge and skill, work experience suggests a pattern history, these open the door to give you a chance. Then it is your performance there where they test that education and history to see how good it is that earns you the right to stay there.

education & work experience earn a (potential) path in the door
but someone offers you a job. now, what poor person offered you a job for your earned knowledge and experience?
So, you like 'trickle down' & you hate poor folk; congrats.
how is liking a source of people with money to pay salaries hating poor people? when did a poor person give you a job?

I don't recall anyone ever 'giving' me a job

I earned the employment scenario with my education & my work experience



No one "earns" a job through their education or work experience. Education suggests a certain level of knowledge and skill, work experience suggests a pattern history, these open the door to give you a chance. Then it is your performance there where they test that education and history to see how good it is that earns you the right to stay there.

education & work experience earn a (potential) path in the door

Selling yourself gets you the job. Education can be formal or informal, just that the formal is easier to quantify on paper. Work experience can be lied about and exaggerated. An employer does not see past work experience. Again, it comes to selling yourself in the interview then backing it up in practice.
and then someone has to make you an offer and then you have to accept it. Still waiting on the poor guy that gave him a job.
What does that have to do with me? Hell I gave you props for backing up your claims, I respect that

Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Sent from my iPhone using
Where did I say it had anything to do with you? I said "I'm just still trying to figure out . . . "

But I DID ask you where I went wrong before and you never replied.

I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Irrelevant. You were talking about one thing, I was talking about the DOW. I'm way past that and was referring you to post 182 anyway. That's the gig.
Pure rubbish. Where did you pull that figure from?

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 start the debt was 20.244 trillion, FY18 end debt was 21.516 trillion. That is an addition of 1.272 trillion dollars in a single FY.

That site is the Trump Administration’s own Treasury Dept site.

Whew. I thought you were going to tell me it was up 8 trillion like the first year of Obama.

For some reason I thought you of all people would have the basic integrity to admit when you were mistaken. Silly me.

Oh, and in Obama’s first full FY the debt went up 1.641 trillion.

So Obama was 1.6X worse than Trump? What am I mistaken about? I'm just not all panicked about the China Trade War like you. We will simply go through a necessary adjustment to balance the trade because we've grown too complacent of cheap foreign imports. Its a whole new game now. Fortunately, there is almost nothing I need or buy likely to be made in China.

No, Obama was 29.8% worse than Trump.

You were mistaken when you accused my number of being “rubbish”, but lack the integrity to admit it.

Also, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and Trump is only marginally better despite the fact he took over a booming economy and Obama took over an economy in a recession.

So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
I did reply. You called the amount added to the debt that I posted “rubbish”, and even after me backing it up you lacked the integrity to admit you were mistaken.

Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Irrelevant. You were talking about one thing, I was talking about the DOW. I'm way past that and was referring you to post 182 anyway. That's the gig.

So, you confirm that you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong. Thanks for at least being honest about being a chicken shit.
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
Your buddies want it to collapse. Come on let it collapse. Lets see how nice you act in a much poorer frame of mind.
I'm poorer TODAY by close to a 1/4 mil I hate trump and republicans
Keep working with your IQ I'm sure you can lose everything!
right? how fking much of a loser must one be to be losing in a market that is striving like this one. too fking funny. can't make it up.
PLEASE DEAR GOD send down something from above that will give republicans a brain ,,,,or if that's impossible a plague to rid our nation of the lying traitors and save something good for trump
Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Irrelevant. You were talking about one thing, I was talking about the DOW. I'm way past that and was referring you to post 182 anyway. That's the gig.

So, you confirm that you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong. Thanks for at least being honest about being a chicken shit.
DOW only off 1000 the last 5,6 days No big thing ??? Trump is an AH He likes the position we're in now
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

FY18 start the debt was 20.244 trillion, FY18 end debt was 21.516 trillion. That is an addition of 1.272 trillion dollars in a single FY.

That site is the Trump Administration’s own Treasury Dept site.

Whew. I thought you were going to tell me it was up 8 trillion like the first year of Obama.

For some reason I thought you of all people would have the basic integrity to admit when you were mistaken. Silly me.

Oh, and in Obama’s first full FY the debt went up 1.641 trillion.

So Obama was 1.6X worse than Trump? What am I mistaken about? I'm just not all panicked about the China Trade War like you. We will simply go through a necessary adjustment to balance the trade because we've grown too complacent of cheap foreign imports. Its a whole new game now. Fortunately, there is almost nothing I need or buy likely to be made in China.

No, Obama was 29.8% worse than Trump.

You were mistaken when you accused my number of being “rubbish”, but lack the integrity to admit it.

Also, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and Trump is only marginally better despite the fact he took over a booming economy and Obama took over an economy in a recession.

So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
What kind of economy was Obama left with vs what kind was Trump left with Trump is a scumbag
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
Your buddies want it to collapse. Come on let it collapse. Lets see how nice you act in a much poorer frame of mind.
I'm poorer TODAY by close to a 1/4 mil I hate trump and republicans
dude, your investment strategy isn't working. you need a new financial person. I'm making tens of thousands.
You short the market ?? I'm long and lost 300K TODAY
So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.

Not at all. Over the entire 8 years of his term, Obama added $ 2,848,864,083 measuring FY09 to FY16.

In the 589 days since the start of FY17 Trump has added $ 3,026,646,456 to the debt per day.

Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.

Obama did not double the debt. Counting FY to FY Obama added 69.8% to the previous debt. Counting From day one in office till his last day in office Obama added 87.6% to the previous debt. Either way the debt was not doubled. The "doubled debt" is just a lie that your party masters tell you because they realize you are too stupid to check the numbers for yourself.

Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.

Saying that Trump is doing better than Obama is like saying that johnny Manziel is better than Ryan Leaf. Sure it is true, but it is not an accomplishment to brag about.
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
Your buddies want it to collapse. Come on let it collapse. Lets see how nice you act in a much poorer frame of mind.
I'm poorer TODAY by close to a 1/4 mil I hate trump and republicans
dude, your investment strategy isn't working. you need a new financial person. I'm making tens of thousands.
You short the market ?? I'm long and lost 300K TODAY

Amazing how many people make money in a down market on these forums. Same with how many business owners and millionaires we have on here.
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
Your buddies want it to collapse. Come on let it collapse. Lets see how nice you act in a much poorer frame of mind.
I'm poorer TODAY by close to a 1/4 mil I hate trump and republicans
dude, your investment strategy isn't working. you need a new financial person. I'm making tens of thousands.
You short the market ?? I'm long and lost 300K TODAY
-$301,048.62 (-4.64%)
Day Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks Trump you sad POS
Nope. Go back to Go. Do not collect $200 and try again.

Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Irrelevant. You were talking about one thing, I was talking about the DOW. I'm way past that and was referring you to post 182 anyway. That's the gig.

So, you confirm that you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong. Thanks for at least being honest about being a chicken shit.

There it is, right back to the usual grade school circuitous crap. No, actually YOU are wrong, but you still are the undisputed master of chicken shit without a doubt. You sell it by the hectare.
Whew. I thought you were going to tell me it was up 8 trillion like the first year of Obama.

For some reason I thought you of all people would have the basic integrity to admit when you were mistaken. Silly me.

Oh, and in Obama’s first full FY the debt went up 1.641 trillion.

So Obama was 1.6X worse than Trump? What am I mistaken about? I'm just not all panicked about the China Trade War like you. We will simply go through a necessary adjustment to balance the trade because we've grown too complacent of cheap foreign imports. Its a whole new game now. Fortunately, there is almost nothing I need or buy likely to be made in China.

No, Obama was 29.8% worse than Trump.

You were mistaken when you accused my number of being “rubbish”, but lack the integrity to admit it.

Also, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and Trump is only marginally better despite the fact he took over a booming economy and Obama took over an economy in a recession.

So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
What kind of economy was Obama left with vs what kind was Trump left with Trump is a scumbag

Obama was left with the economy him and Barney Frank helped create.
Yes I know, you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong.

You apparently lack the ability to go back and read my posts.

Go read post called my number “pure rubbish”.

Irrelevant. You were talking about one thing, I was talking about the DOW. I'm way past that and was referring you to post 182 anyway. That's the gig.

So, you confirm that you lack the integrity to admit you were wrong. Thanks for at least being honest about being a chicken shit.

There it is, right back to the usual grade school circuitous crap. No, actually YOU are wrong, but you still are the undisputed master of chicken shit without a doubt. You sell it by the hectare.

You called my number rubbish, I proved it was 100% accurate and you still do not have the basic integrity to admit it. With each post it become more apparent why you worship Trump

Last edited:
For some reason I thought you of all people would have the basic integrity to admit when you were mistaken. Silly me.

Oh, and in Obama’s first full FY the debt went up 1.641 trillion.

So Obama was 1.6X worse than Trump? What am I mistaken about? I'm just not all panicked about the China Trade War like you. We will simply go through a necessary adjustment to balance the trade because we've grown too complacent of cheap foreign imports. Its a whole new game now. Fortunately, there is almost nothing I need or buy likely to be made in China.

No, Obama was 29.8% worse than Trump.

You were mistaken when you accused my number of being “rubbish”, but lack the integrity to admit it.

Also, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and Trump is only marginally better despite the fact he took over a booming economy and Obama took over an economy in a recession.

So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
What kind of economy was Obama left with vs what kind was Trump left with Trump is a scumbag

Obama was left with the economy him and Barney Frank helped create.
That's weak Pick on golfer ........Sorry golfer but you can handle this dufus better than I can
So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.

Not at all. Over the entire 8 years of his term, Obama added $ 2,848,864,083 measuring FY09 to FY16.

In the 589 days since the start of FY17 Trump has added $ 3,026,646,456 to the debt per day.

Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.

Obama did not double the debt. Counting FY to FY Obama added 69.8% to the previous debt. Counting From day one in office till his last day in office Obama added 87.6% to the previous debt. Either way the debt was not doubled. The "doubled debt" is just a lie that your party masters tell you because they realize you are too stupid to check the numbers for yourself.

Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.

Saying that Trump is doing better than Obama is like saying that johnny Manziel is better than Ryan Leaf. Sure it is true, but it is not an accomplishment to brag about.

Oh, I see. Obama didn't DOUBLE the debt of the previous 43 presidents, he only increased it by 90%.

Criticizing Trump after Obama is like criticizing the flu after being run over by a truck. Either way, I don't care. I'm like that other guy who doesn't care. After a while, all you idiots just blur together. I won't even question where you got all those numbers, ask you for a link or question their veracity or wonder why you keep evading my questions in the post I mentioned. Numbers are like polls, you can read into them what you want. Trump could do anything and you'd still bitch. I'm looking froward to the coming weeks.

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