The LIARS Keep on LYING - Kudlow Exposes Trump for the LIAR He Is

Why do you want China to win the trade war?? Just announce the treason and we can dispose of you
There are NO winners in a trade war and this ah trump will fight to the end ,,,,,the end of YOUR blood
Americans always win
When we're united YES but trump is NOT a uniter
As close as it gets, Democrats wan to kill babies and have open border healthcare
Fk open border HC BUT womens right over their own bodies ??? When u can get pregnant you too will have a choice
What about the infant that can’t fight back? Do they get a choice?
are you offering to pay the half a million $ it takes to properly raise a kid in the USA today? if not, then just stfu, cause you're an irresponsible pos.
are you offering to pay the half a million $ it takes to properly raise a kid in the USA today? if not, then just stfu, cause you're an irresponsible pos.
No I expect the person that got pregnant to take care of the baby or put up for adoption.. not kill a baby
You proved nothing but what an airhead self-involved sissy you are like all leftards who always need to get in the last word. Must be because you get so little right you hate to miss an opportunity. I'm surprised you're not hammering on a typo somewhere where I left a letter out, or the nuance of the semantical meaning of some generalization I made. Either way, I'll take Trump's inflation any day over Obama's. At least Trump isn't shoveling it all off to his cronies at Solyndra and getting the US dollar devalued on the world market.

I am really surprised you are such a pussy, I had you pegged all wrong.

I can count the number of items I have been proven wrong on this forum on one hand...

oh, and the fact that you support tariffs shows that you are far to the left of me.

I feel so bad and dirty you do not approve of me and that you are almost always right. Can you ever forgive me, Kind Sir?
Oh, I see. Obama didn't DOUBLE the debt of the previous 43 presidents, he only increased it by 90%.

Correct, which is a smaller percentage that the guy before him increased it by

wonder why you keep evading my questions in the post I mentioned.

what questions?

Rubbish. Idiot.

You know you do not want to go there little boy

Do not send me to bed without my supper, please?
Oh, I see. Obama didn't DOUBLE the debt of the previous 43 presidents, he only increased it by 90%.

Correct, which is a smaller percentage that the guy before him increased it by

wonder why you keep evading my questions in the post I mentioned.

what questions?

Rubbish. Idiot.

You know you do not want to go there little boy

Do not send me to bed without my supper, please?

will just continue to expose you for the fraud that you are.
So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
What kind of economy was Obama left with vs what kind was Trump left with Trump is a scumbag
The Surrender Monkey couldn't do in 8 years what Trump did in 2....Listen to the LIES of the Manchurian muslim... the fucking ECONOMIC GENIUS....ROTFLMFAO

You talking about the pos born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple ,,,,borrowed 400 mill from daddy and never paid it back?

Yes we understand how fucking JEALOUS YOU SCUMBAGS ARE of rich people WHO INCIDENTALLY HIRE TENS OF THOUSANDS of little people just like you dumpling so that you can live In a nice house have a decent car and send your kids to college to do better than you ever could without the SUPPORT of people like Trump.....Your class warfare is a FAILED TALKING POINT for anyone with an IQ over 75....sorry you were left out...again!

I'd love to answer you but ,,,,I have a lawn to mow

Everybody needs to make a living.
Oh, I see. Obama didn't DOUBLE the debt of the previous 43 presidents, he only increased it by 90%.

Correct, which is a smaller percentage that the guy before him increased it by

wonder why you keep evading my questions in the post I mentioned.

what questions?

Rubbish. Idiot.

You know you do not want to go there little boy

Do not send me to bed without my supper, please?

will just continue to expose you for the fraud that you are.

"Expose" me for the "fraud" I am? Are you serious, jackass? Are you even the SLIGHTEST bit aware that I've been testing you to see what kind of jackass you really are? Playing you like a flute to see the real you? That you are SO FUCKING PETTY and starved for attention that just because FOR ONCE you were honest about something and said it took integrity to make a promise and stick to it, the LEAST I should hope to get from any normal person anywhere else that you somehow now deserved a little fucking pat on your head just because I misconstrued some stupid meaningless stat you listed like 97 posts ago about Trump?

Do you understand I couldn't give a shit if it were even TWO trillion dollars, it changes nothing?

And that even after admitting my mistake to you like 30 posts back that you are so fucking petty that you've spent 27 childish, juvenile posts and the whole fucking day chasing after me, obsessed with trying to get me to make a big deal out of it?

Is THAT the big thing you're out to EXPOSE? That you basically have the emotional stature of an 11 year old like just about every other fucking adolescent leftard on this site? CONGRATULATIONS, CHAMP, you've just proven it to the world.

Atta, Boy. Let me give you three stars for your effort.

Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING.

Larry Kudlow just makes it more obvious.

Larry Kudlow contradicts President Trump on a critical aspect of the trade war

Trump, who has argued that trade wars are “good and easy to win,” suggested on Saturday that the U.S. was “collecting” tariffs from China.

Kudlow initially explained that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit, while the impact to U.S. growth will be relatively insignificant, thanks to the “terrific” Trump economy.

But Fox host Chris Wallace pressed him on the issue.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”


As previously stated, "Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING."

Those of US with a brain know Trump is a LIAR & his base love to be LIED to.

Go to the 6:30 mark of the video to hear the discussion on 'who pays' ................. LOFL ............... Trump = the LIAR .........

Why do you want China to win the trade war?? Just announce the treason and we can dispose of you

Oh look, how sweet; a threat from some dumb ass kid that creates shit at the Lincoln Memorial who never had some stank on his hang low.
Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING.

Larry Kudlow just makes it more obvious.

Larry Kudlow contradicts President Trump on a critical aspect of the trade war

Trump, who has argued that trade wars are “good and easy to win,” suggested on Saturday that the U.S. was “collecting” tariffs from China.

Kudlow initially explained that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit, while the impact to U.S. growth will be relatively insignificant, thanks to the “terrific” Trump economy.

But Fox host Chris Wallace pressed him on the issue.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”


As previously stated, "Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING."

Those of US with a brain know Trump is a LIAR & his base love to be LIED to.

Go to the 6:30 mark of the video to hear the discussion on 'who pays' ................. LOFL ............... Trump = the LIAR .........

Why do you want China to win the trade war?? Just announce the treason and we can dispose of you

There are NO winners in a trade war and this ah trump will fight to the end ,,,,,the end of YOUR blood

Americans always win

Americans always win?

Why don't you go ask those fucking commies that killed 55K of your countrymen in Vietnam who won?

You really need to take that dumb ass red hat off your dumb ass head & go get laid, for once, boi ..............
Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING.

Larry Kudlow just makes it more obvious.

Larry Kudlow contradicts President Trump on a critical aspect of the trade war

Trump, who has argued that trade wars are “good and easy to win,” suggested on Saturday that the U.S. was “collecting” tariffs from China.

Kudlow initially explained that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit, while the impact to U.S. growth will be relatively insignificant, thanks to the “terrific” Trump economy.

But Fox host Chris Wallace pressed him on the issue.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”


As previously stated, "Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING."

Those of US with a brain know Trump is a LIAR & his base love to be LIED to.

Go to the 6:30 mark of the video to hear the discussion on 'who pays' ................. LOFL ............... Trump = the LIAR .........

NONSENSE! 4 negligent US presidents insanely gave China unrestricted access to our #1 largest and most valuable MARKET in the world, thereby doing immeasurable harm to our economy, and causing us to lose businesses and jobs by the millions.

Trump is slowly putting things back in order, and Trump haters and economic dum dums all over, are showing up to keep the wrong economics going. Do you like seeing 90% of WalMart's products bearing "Made in China" labels ?

WalMart loves China, dummy. And they love U.S. manufacturers who have shipped manufacturing over there for the cheap labor so WallyWorld can sell their goods at "lower prices". Guess who puts the screws to U.S. manufacturers to move operations overseas for that cheap labor? Think Trump's trade war is going to fix that?

Don't think so!
Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING.

Larry Kudlow just makes it more obvious.

Larry Kudlow contradicts President Trump on a critical aspect of the trade war

Trump, who has argued that trade wars are “good and easy to win,” suggested on Saturday that the U.S. was “collecting” tariffs from China.

Kudlow initially explained that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit, while the impact to U.S. growth will be relatively insignificant, thanks to the “terrific” Trump economy.

But Fox host Chris Wallace pressed him on the issue.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”


As previously stated, "Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING."

Those of US with a brain know Trump is a LIAR & his base love to be LIED to.

Go to the 6:30 mark of the video to hear the discussion on 'who pays' ................. LOFL ............... Trump = the LIAR .........

Why do you want China to win the trade war?? Just announce the treason and we can dispose of you

There are NO winners in a trade war and this ah trump will fight to the end ,,,,,the end of YOUR blood

Americans always win

Americans always win?

Why don't you go ask those fucking commies that killed 55K of your countrymen in Vietnam who won?

You really need to take that dumb ass red hat off your dumb ass head & go get laid, for once, boi ..............

Wow American hater over here
Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING.

Larry Kudlow just makes it more obvious.

Larry Kudlow contradicts President Trump on a critical aspect of the trade war

Trump, who has argued that trade wars are “good and easy to win,” suggested on Saturday that the U.S. was “collecting” tariffs from China.

Kudlow initially explained that China will suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit, while the impact to U.S. growth will be relatively insignificant, thanks to the “terrific” Trump economy.

But Fox host Chris Wallace pressed him on the issue.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”


As previously stated, "Those of US smart enuff to know Trump has been LYING about his trade wars already knew Trump was LYING."

Those of US with a brain know Trump is a LIAR & his base love to be LIED to.

Go to the 6:30 mark of the video to hear the discussion on 'who pays' ................. LOFL ............... Trump = the LIAR .........

Why do you want China to win the trade war?? Just announce the treason and we can dispose of you

There are NO winners in a trade war and this ah trump will fight to the end ,,,,,the end of YOUR blood

Americans always win

Americans always win?

Why don't you go ask those fucking commies that killed 55K of your countrymen in Vietnam who won?

You really need to take that dumb ass red hat off your dumb ass head & go get laid, for once, boi ..............

Wow American hater over here

God is said to hate the sin, yet love the sinner.

I hate the arrogance of America & of Americans but I can also forgive assholes.

Sorry you don't have the sense, nor the nuance to differentiate ...............
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
Your buddies want it to collapse. Come on let it collapse. Lets see how nice you act in a much poorer frame of mind.

Don't you know anything about the economy?

The stock market will not collapse so long as the Fed has it's back and most people respect the Fed (which they should not do - but they do anyway).

....and Trump continues to lie about China paying billions of dollars in tariffs.
So Obama was 1.6X worse than Trump? What am I mistaken about? I'm just not all panicked about the China Trade War like you. We will simply go through a necessary adjustment to balance the trade because we've grown too complacent of cheap foreign imports. Its a whole new game now. Fortunately, there is almost nothing I need or buy likely to be made in China.

No, Obama was 29.8% worse than Trump.

You were mistaken when you accused my number of being “rubbish”, but lack the integrity to admit it.

Also, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever and Trump is only marginally better despite the fact he took over a booming economy and Obama took over an economy in a recession.

So you're saying Trump is a full 25% better than Obama.
Obama DOUBLED our debt that it took the first 43 presidents 230 years to accrue and Trump has only marginally added onto it.
Trump's doing a pretty good job then considering Obama had 99% support and Trump has had nothing but 99% obstruction.
What kind of economy was Obama left with vs what kind was Trump left with Trump is a scumbag
The Surrender Monkey couldn't do in 8 years what Trump did in 2....Listen to the LIES of the Manchurian muslim... the fucking ECONOMIC GENIUS....ROTFLMFAO

You talking about the pos born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple ,,,,borrowed 400 mill from daddy and never paid it back?

amazing the TDS. truly amazing. the things you think, i repeat, you think you know. amazing. you have no qualms about it either.

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