The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

God did. In Leviticus:

“None of you shall approach any one of his close relatives to uncover nakedness. I am the Lord. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother; she is your mother, you shall not uncover her nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife; it is your father's nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your sister, your father's daughter or your mother's daughter, whether brought up in the family or in another home. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your son's daughter or of your daughter's daughter, for their nakedness is your own nakedness."

Leviticus 18:6-18

And perhaps reading this would help:

Why did God allow incest in the Bible?

Thanks for that. I didnt know Christians gave the same answer as Jews.

Say what now?

The answer you link to is the same answer Jews give. Equally with the question of how Yitzchok could marry two sisters when the Torah specifically forbids it. Although that answer is more complicated.
Why isn't homosexuality listed as one of the most evil sins ever by the one true God?

That's already been answered, moron.
What makes you think it isnt?
Which of the Ten Commandments reads, "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, for it is an abomination." Is it number 18? 46? 1,955?

RuPaul is a dude who dresses up like a woman. You know that, right?
Why isn't homosexuality listed as one of the most evil sins ever by the one true God?

That's already been answered, moron.
What makes you think it isnt?
Which of the Ten Commandments reads, "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, for it is an abomination." Is it number 18? 46? 1,955?

RuPaul is a dude who dresses up like a woman. You know that, right?

What makes you think the 10 commandments contain the most evil sins?

And RuPaul would be simply fabulous as president.
If you can't read your own posts I'm not here to help you.

I said that a few quacks linked vaccines to autism. There was far from a scientific consensus. Now, I lied where?

Right there. IT was and remains a widespread belief.
Activist Post: 22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism

Hundreds of studies have been done that came to the opposite conclusion. 22 of them doesn't constitute a scientific consensus.

And linking to a conspiracy theory website doesn't constitute "widespread belief".
I said that a few quacks linked vaccines to autism. There was far from a scientific consensus. Now, I lied where?

Right there. IT was and remains a widespread belief.
Activist Post: 22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism

Hundreds of studies have been done that came to the opposite conclusion. 22 of them doesn't constitute a scientific consensus.

And linking to a conspiracy theory website doesn't constitute "widespread belief".
Ar you looking for another neg rep for lying and ignorance? We arent debating whether it is true. It isn't. But many many people believed it and it was out there in the press.
I realize you're stupid but even you maybe could understand that I brought it up to show how "science" frequently says things that aren't true.

Science also says many things that are true, such as that the Earth is round, it revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth.
I realize you're stupid but even you maybe could understand that I brought it up to show how "science" frequently says things that aren't true.

Science also says many things that are true, such as that the Earth is round, it revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth.

Thank you, Capt Obvious.

The big question is this: how do you decide which science to believe and which to disregard?

I only disregard the views of scientists when other scientists review their ideas and thoroughly debunk them.

Or when the views of scientists are clearly not based on the scientific method or any intelligent experimentation or reasoning.

Hundreds of studies have been done that came to the opposite conclusion. 22 of them doesn't constitute a scientific consensus.

And linking to a conspiracy theory website doesn't constitute "widespread belief".
Ar you looking for another neg rep for lying and ignorance? We arent debating whether it is true. It isn't. But many many people believed it and it was out there in the press.

I said there wasn't a scientific consensus. We aren't debating what armchair scientists with access to Alex Jones believe.
That's already been answered, moron.
What makes you think it isnt?
Which of the Ten Commandments reads, "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, for it is an abomination." Is it number 18? 46? 1,955?

RuPaul is a dude who dresses up like a woman. You know that, right?

What makes you think the 10 commandments contain the most evil sins?

And RuPaul would be simply fabulous as president.
So the Ten Commandments are an incomplete list? That's the work of an infallible deity?

Since you know that RuPaul is a gay guy, and you're ranting about homosexuality being an evil illness, then endorse RuPaul for President, you should be able to see how wrong you are. Why don't you know how wrong you are? Because you have "faith" that you're correct, which only brings me back to my original point that your "faith" is a lie.
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Let's stop research and vaccines and just go back to the 19th century. Do you idiots have any clue about how life was before vaccines?

Millions died every year and parents had to have large families and hope it was enough children to grow to adulthood.
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So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


Let's see....we still hear about Tebow about 3-4 years later...who's that other guy again?

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