The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

Hundreds of studies have been done that came to the opposite conclusion. 22 of them doesn't constitute a scientific consensus.

And linking to a conspiracy theory website doesn't constitute "widespread belief".
Ar you looking for another neg rep for lying and ignorance? We arent debating whether it is true. It isn't. But many many people believed it and it was out there in the press.

Oh, please do. I would LOVE to see you follow in Sunni's footprints.
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


I watched a clip of Gene Simmons the other night. His argument was if Tebow were a Muslim or Jew they would not be bashing him for embracing his religion, however because he is Christian they do. Given the following I have to agree.

Hakeem Olajuwon is one example, he fasted during the Holy Month and he also tries to convert Christians, but I don't hear people complaining that he is overt when he prays in on the court.

NBA star Hakeem Olajuwon talks about the gift of Ramadan and finding peace in Islam -

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was open and discussed his faith frequently. Shaquille O'Neal has taken the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca for Hajj.

Dearborn Michigan is another example. The football team embrace their religion so they practice during the evening for Ramadan from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. This allows players to break their fast at sunset, drink liquids and eat a light meal, practice in the relative cool of what has been a baking summer, then eat again before sunrise.

IDK why there is a difference.
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


First, its not libs who feel that way and second, you, TK are in no position to accuse others of double standards.

Can you explain why there was such resistance from the crowd to simply include "God" in the platform of the last Democratic National Convention?

[ame=]Democrats BOO GOD At Convention - YouTube[/ame]
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.
Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?
Your "faith" is in a fairy tale of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

Faith is very real, and just because you do not believe in a higher being, that does not mean that one does not exist. When you completely discount your opponents side of the argument, you make your own case much weaker. You are doing pretty much what they do; you're just doing it from a different angle.
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.

If faith isn't real then why put up such a fuss over a religious symbol, like a cross, that you don't happen to believe in? Why put so much legal emphasis tearing down or stopping something that doesn't have any real significance or apparently doesn't really matter? Obviously the issue of faith is more real than some are willing to want to recognize or even admit.
"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.
Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?

Your "faith" is in a fairy tale of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

Yet at the same time so many would find it much more accepting to pass down the belief of a fat man in a red suit, flying reindeer, and an invisible workshop at the North Pole filled with little elves. Then you want to try and convince those who happen to be religious that they have issues.
"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

Exactly. His religion was the only reason he got any media attention at all.

So when an actor or sports figure comes out and announces he or she is gay they don't get any media attention in comparison?
Your "faith" is in a children's story of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

KNB, thy name is intolerance.
DERP! "You're intolerant of intolerance!" DERP! Christians can shove their Bible right up their asses. 2k years of listening to Christian talking monkeys try to tell rational society that this bullshit kids' book is "absolutely true". It's "empirical truth" or whatever, remember? Your church profits billions worldwide, tax-free, every year under the guise of "helping the poor" while there are still billions of people starving. The Vatican is gayer than two guys balls deep in each other but the Christian religion keeps clinging to the idea that heterosexuality is the only way to find God. And through all of your wars and your racism and your bullshit throughout American history, you fucking right-wing Conservative Neo-Confederate Teabagger Christians keep sniveling about how YOU are being persecuted. Yeah, I'm done being tolerant of Teabagger stupidity. It's why I want to punch you fuckers in the throat whenever I hear a Teabagger start talking.

Why don't you poor, persecuted white male Christians take a look at your bodycount in Iraq over complete fucking lies and then try to tell the world again how you're peaceful and honorable. Fuck you and your stupid little God. Your fairy tale has no place in rational society.

Granted there are some religious people that use religion as a means to profit from... not all, just as those who use global warming to profit from spreading messages of doomsday global disasters. Unfortunately for those religious organizations, their belief would be better demonstrated in providing those with a real need (by that I mean more food donations and establishing shelters, not cellphones) rather than allowing government to take on that role. Religious groups need to be on the forefront of demonstrating compassion for their fellow man, more than openly pointing fingers at how others choose to live.
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The big question is this: how do you decide which science to believe and which to disregard?

I only disregard the views of scientists when other scientists review their ideas and thoroughly debunk them.

That's because you're stupid and haven't been taught anything.

Yeah. Screw those elitist scientific studies. Talking snakes and sky wizards for the win!

Again, you havent been taught anything. Therefore you default to ipse dixit arguments and fall for the fallacy of credentials.
Which of the Ten Commandments reads, "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, for it is an abomination." Is it number 18? 46? 1,955?

RuPaul is a dude who dresses up like a woman. You know that, right?

What makes you think the 10 commandments contain the most evil sins?

And RuPaul would be simply fabulous as president.
So the Ten Commandments are an incomplete list? That's the work of an infallible deity?

Since you know that RuPaul is a gay guy, and you're ranting about homosexuality being an evil illness, then endorse RuPaul for President, you should be able to see how wrong you are. Why don't you know how wrong you are? Because you have "faith" that you're correct, which only brings me back to my original point that your "faith" is a lie.

They're a very complete list. Just not the list you think they are.

What do you have against gay people that you dont want RuPaul for president? Dont you think he'd be fabulous?

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