The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

And to think....daddy was almost Vice President of the United States of America. Look at the difference - Republicans (like Donald Trump) raise bright, articulate, successful, law abiding citizens. Dumbocrats (like Tim Kaine) raise filthy, anti-social, anti-American, criminals who refuse to hold jobs or otherwise be productive members of society.
The chaos that some counter-protesters brought into the Minnesota Capitol in March during a rally in support of President Donald Trump included smoke bombs, Mace in people's faces and fireworks, prosecutors said Friday as they announced charges against eight people.

Among those charged was Linwood "Woody" Kaine, a son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton's running mate in 2016. The 24-year-old Minneapolis man is accused of fleeing police on foot and concealing his identity in a public place, both misdemeanors, and obstructing legal process, a gross misdemeanor.
Tim Kaine's son Woody Kaine charged in Trump rally protest
What does it say about progressives that North Carolina had to pass a law protecting free speech when the U.S. Constitution already does that? It speaks volumes about how radicalized and fascist the left has become over the years.
North Carolina passed a campus free-speech bill last week that will allow sanctions for students who disrupt the free speech of others. The move made the Tarheel State the fifth state to add such a law to the books.
The fact is: the left hates free speech. They hate the dissemination of information. It's why they wanted a "kill switch" for the internet and why they continue to resort to violence around the nation (especially on college campuses).

North Carolina passes campus free-speech law
If people believe that fascism is left wing, that means they learned it on the boards and will just as quickly learn fascism is anything others say it is. In "Today's Isms" a college booklet on political ideologies, the first sentence on fascism says that fascism was the second revolt against the liberal way of life. the first was communism. No book that I have on ideologies says that fascism is anything but right wing.
If people believe that fascism is left wing, that means they learned it on the boards and will just as quickly learn fascism is anything others say it is. In "Today's Isms" a college booklet on political ideologies, the first sentence on fascism says that fascism was the second revolt against the liberal way of life. the first was communism. No book that I have on ideologies says that fascism is anything but right wing.
Well clearly you don't own the definitive book on the subject...
“Not that communism and fascism are essentially the same. Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion, and it has proved as much an illusion in Stalinist Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany.”
This isn't rocket science chief. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (libertarianism to Sovereign Citizen to Anarchist). The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until it reaches totalitarianism (fascism, communism, etc.).

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.
The left has fully embraced fascism. Anything that leaves people with liberty and isn't controlled by the state is seen as a "threat" by them...

If people believe that fascism is left wing, that means they learned it on the boards and will just as quickly learn fascism is anything others say it is. In "Today's Isms" a college booklet on political ideologies, the first sentence on fascism says that fascism was the second revolt against the liberal way of life. the first was communism. No book that I have on ideologies says that fascism is anything but right wing.
That's because all you ever read is leftwing propaganda. Of a bunch of pinko professors are going to claim fascism is right wing. They are going to do everything possible to disassociate their ideology from fascism. However, if you look at what the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" mean, then fascism is clearly on the left. "Right" and "left" refer to the amount of government control of the economy, and fascists favor almost the same degree of economic control as communists. Right wingers believe in the free market. That means they believe in as little control of the economy as possible. That clearly doesn't describe a fascist.

No matter how many times these facts are pointed out to morons like you, the fail to penetrate your thick skulls. You will continue to insist fascism is leftwing until doomsday.
You can't be:





There's almost no distinction between the three. They all favor government control of the economy and massive regulation of every facet of society
So you don't believe in any of the scholarly evidence that indicates fascism is right wing and create your own evidence. The "flat Earthers" and many primitive people do pretty much the same with the shape of the earth, but the professors and other are convinced by that left wing propaganda that it's more roundish.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Yes, the left has managed to change the definition in order to teach that to the younger generations. Shameful.

Liberals have proven themselves to be quite authoritarian.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

This is SO stupid. Liberals CONSTANTLY look at the past and definitions when they have no place. Just because the "left" are the "left" DOES NOT MEAN they're innocent of fascism. Look no further than our liberal college systems to find evidence of active fascism, which is exactly what progressives do.

You can stuff a label on anything and declare it genuine. Progressives do this 24/7. Perfect example is "liberal" "innocent until proved guilty". Meanwhile, Trump is guilty of nothing, but they hope to find something. They also support abortion.

You picking up what I'm putting down? Talk has no fucking meaning, and neither to declared labels.
So you don't believe in any of the scholarly evidence that indicates fascism is right wing and create your own evidence. The "flat Earthers" and many primitive people do pretty much the same with the shape of the earth, but the professors and other are convinced by that left wing propaganda that it's more roundish.
There is no "scholarly evidence." There is only pinko propaganda. Professors in the social studies who are on the government payroll are indistinguishable from paid propagandists.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
All that shows is that English majors have been thoroughly indoctrinated and brainwashed.
If she's calling herself a "Progressive" --- she doesn't.
:uhh: :uhh: :uhh:
--- reduced to claiming "It's just a fact that Hitler was left wing isn't it? Please??" on the basis that Hitler's party had the word "socialist" in it.
Actually...that isn't my "basis" at all. That's merely an additional piece of evidence that you ignore. My basis is that fascism is indisputably a totalitarian form of government and that is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology.

I would tell you to read Friedrich Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) but that is far beyond your reading level and comprehension. I'll see if I can locate an elementary level book for you which covers this material. In the meantime, we will just stick to pictures:

View attachment 138643
"The Road to Serfdom" was published in 1944. In 1960 Hayek published an essay on why he was not a conservative. Hayek made a number of points in the essay on why he didn't trust conservatism, the main one may be that conservatism has an antidemocratic strain.
I would strongly suggest you read it.
If she's calling herself a "Progressive" --- she doesn't.
:uhh: :uhh: :uhh:
--- reduced to claiming "It's just a fact that Hitler was left wing isn't it? Please??" on the basis that Hitler's party had the word "socialist" in it.
Actually...that isn't my "basis" at all. That's merely an additional piece of evidence that you ignore. My basis is that fascism is indisputably a totalitarian form of government and that is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology.

I would tell you to read Friedrich Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) but that is far beyond your reading level and comprehension. I'll see if I can locate an elementary level book for you which covers this material. In the meantime, we will just stick to pictures:

View attachment 138643
"The Road to Serfdom" was published in 1944. In 1960 Hayek published an essay on why he was not a conservative. Hayek made a number of points in the essay on why he didn't trust conservatism, the main one may be that conservatism has an antidemocratic strain.
I would strongly suggest you read it.
I've read the road to serfdom. Hayek was a libertarian. The are even more opposed to the leftwing bullshit than conservatives. The problem with conservatives is that they are only interested in maintaining the welfare state, not eliminating it.
The problem with conservatives is that they are only interested in maintaining the welfare state, not eliminating it.
Where in the hell do you get that? I've never met a true conservative who is even remotely interested in maintaining the welfare state. All of them want to abolish it.
You can't be:




Uh...yes you can. Nazi stood for National Socialists, genius. Are you going to deny that the Nazis were fascists? They are all sides of the exact same coin. Communism, socialism, fascism are all forms of totalitarianism (which is exclusively left-wing).
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Interesting how this idiotic post has no link with it. Here is a screen shot from one of the most renowned dictionaries in the world - along with a link to it. Do you see the term "right-wing" anywhere? I don't.


Definition of FASCISM

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