The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The problem with conservatives is that they are only interested in maintaining the welfare state, not eliminating it.
Where in the hell do you get that? I've never met a true conservative who is even remotely interested in maintaining the welfare state. All of them want to abolish it.
I base my claim on what they do when they get elected.
You can't be:




Uh...yes you can. Nazi stood for National Socialists, genius. Are you going to deny that the Nazis were fascists? They are all sides of the exact same coin. Communism, socialism, fascism are all forms of totalitarianism (which is exclusively left-wing).
Bismarck began Germany's socialism, and most Americans were on to
Germany's socialism, when "Time" magazine said in 1933: "The Nazi insert the word socialism into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
You can't be:




Uh...yes you can. Nazi stood for National Socialists, genius. Are you going to deny that the Nazis were fascists? They are all sides of the exact same coin. Communism, socialism, fascism are all forms of totalitarianism (which is exclusively left-wing).
Bismarck began Germany's socialism, and most Americans were on to
Germany's socialism, when "Time" magazine said in 1933: "The Nazi insert the word socialism into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Time is the Magazine that said everything was just great in the Soviet Union when 7 million Ukrainians were being starved to death.
The problem with conservatives is that they are only interested in maintaining the welfare state, not eliminating it.
Where in the hell do you get that? I've never met a true conservative who is even remotely interested in maintaining the welfare state. All of them want to abolish it.
I base my claim on what they do when they get elected.
But those aren't conservatives. George W. Bush wasn't a conservative - he was a liberal. Barack Insane Obama wasn't a liberal - he was a devout marxist.
Bismarck began Germany's socialism, and most Americans were on to Germany's socialism, when "Time" magazine said in 1933: "The Nazi insert the word socialism into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Dude...Adolf Hitler was not a capitalist. There was no free market in Germany. It was a centrally planned economy through and through. Just stop with the nonsense already.
Bismarck began Germany's socialism, and most Americans were on to Germany's socialism, when "Time" magazine said in 1933: "The Nazi insert the word socialism into their party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Dude...Adolf Hitler was not a capitalist. There was no free market in Germany. It was a centrally planned economy through and through. Just stop with the nonsense already.
So did Germany pay Messerschmidt for the airplanes Messerschmidt produced, and did Messerschmidt make a profit on the airplanes?
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

This is SO stupid. Liberals CONSTANTLY look at the past and definitions when they have no place. Just because the "left" are the "left" DOES NOT MEAN they're innocent of fascism. Look no further than our liberal college systems to find evidence of active fascism, which is exactly what progressives do.

You can stuff a label on anything and declare it genuine. Progressives do this 24/7. Perfect example is "liberal" "innocent until proved guilty". Meanwhile, Trump is guilty of nothing, but they hope to find something. They also support abortion.

You picking up what I'm putting down? Talk has no fucking meaning, and neither to declared labels.

They change definitions and rewrite history to support whatever their current narrative is because they know most of their followers won't research. They live and die by the latest talking points.

It's the left shutting down free speech and attempting to vilify anyone who disagrees with them by labelling them as hate groups. Anyone who disagrees with a single thing the left supports will be labelled and impugned. They will not debate because they often cannot win by stating facts. They have an agenda and they are pushing whatever they want as facts and refuse to defend them or allow any of their assertions to be held under the light.
The left wants the state to have complete and total control over your children (unless, of course, you are exposing them to extreme sexual deviance).

Legal Expert: If the State Wants to Take Your Child, ‘They’ve Got Him’

Sounds like they will find a way to take children from the parents if they don't agree with how the parents are raising them. No abuse or neglect necessary, just the state not approving of you. That is how the left operates. The declare themselves superior and believe anyone who doesn't measure up to their crazy standards is unfit.
This is how fascism operates - attempt to silence the free speech of your opposition at all costs...

Dem lawmaker calls Dana Loesch a ‘domestic security threat’ — and Twitter responds

This is from a Congress woman whose district is in an Area of Los Angeles where MS 13 is running rampant.
The sad part is - that's by design. Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats did everything they could to import MS-13, Al Qaeda, and anyone else they could. They opened the border and made it clear to the world that it was open to stay as long as they were in charge.
So you don't believe in any of the scholarly evidence that indicates fascism is right wing and create your own evidence. The "flat Earthers" and many primitive people do pretty much the same with the shape of the earth, but the professors and other are convinced by that left wing propaganda that it's more roundish.
Fascism is exclusively left-wing and always has been. It's totalitarianism which is the polar-opposite of the right-wing ideology. You wanted "academic scholars" and I gave you Friedrich Hayek (3 PhD's in economics, political science, and law). Now I give you yet another PhD "academic". You're not going to like this - but learning the truth is hard for the left. Hand in there Regent.

The right wing had a bonanza when they connected liberalism with communism. The problem was they may have overused the communism thing and people are now tired of it. The conservatives big prediction: Social Security would lead to communism failed, and a new scare word was needed.
Fascism doesn't do it, too many Americans are educated and know that fascism is right wing. Conservatives should pick their scare words with more care.
The left has always been fascist in nature (obviously - since fascism is a form of government oppression). But in the past few years, the left has made a rapid march towards extreme fascism.

They engage in massive speech control campaigns. If Donald Trump attempts to hold a political rally - they riot (costing a fortune in damage to public and private property). If someone attempts to merely attend a Donald Trump political rally, the left engages in violent assaults. Fascism.

They engage in massive thought control campaigns. If someone wishes to avoid homosexual acts or homosexual celebrations (whether it be for religious reasons, comfort reasons, or just plain old hate), the left attempts to turn that into a crime and advocates for the government to place a gun to the head of those individuals and force them to take part in the homosexual activities. And of course - they've advocated for and manufactured the comical "hate crime" fallacy. Fascism.

This story here is a remarkable indication of the left's embrace of extreme fascism. It revolves around the "Soldiers of Odin". A group rightfully concerned with radical islam. And yet despite being peaceful while liberals engage in violent assaults, the left wants to label these individuals as a "hate" group. So what happened when this group deployed members to a mosque in Denver? Did they brutally attack and bloody muslims like liberals do? Nope. Quite the contrary - the imam of the mosque invited the group in to sit down and talk. They had a peaceful and cordial interaction?

This "incident" is literally the shining example of America at its finest. Concerned citizens form a group of their own free will. The muslims not only continue to engage in their right to religious freedom - but they invite the concerned group into their mosque to see for themselves and to engage in dialect. Everything America was built on and intended to be. And yet the left is angry about this - desperate to falsely label the group a "hate" group and to eliminate them.

A Growing Vigilante Group Is Targeting U.S. Mosques

You just elected a FASCIST & he's sitting in the Oval office--dimwit.


Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, Trump declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them. He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

The right wing had a bonanza when they connected liberalism with communism. The problem was they may have overused the communism thing and people are now tired of it. The conservatives big prediction: Social Security would lead to communism failed, and a new scare word was needed.
Fascism doesn't do it, too many Americans are educated and know that fascism is right wing. Conservatives should pick their scare words with more care.
Another progressive who can't accept reality.... :dunno:
The right wing had a bonanza when they connected liberalism with communism.
Is regent passively-aggressively now attempting to deny that communism is not left-wing? :uhh:

The right didn't "connect" anything, genius. Communism is left-wing. Socialism is left-wing. Fascism is left-wing. Marxism is left-wing. Anarchy is right-wing. Sovereign Citizens are right-wing.

Accepting reality isn't "connecting" things. It's simply accepting reality.
You just elected a FASCIST & he's sitting in the Oval office--dimwit.
That's not possible from the left, snowflake. President Trump has not engaged in a single fascist action. He's restored power to the states and the people (the antithesis of fascism), he has not attempted to prevent free speech like you left-wing lunatics have (the antithesis of fascism), and all of his Executive Orders have been 100% constitutional (the antithesis of fascism).

It's always comical to listen to you fascist lunatics accuse everyone else of your own crimes. It's like Ted Bundy blaming his victims for being raped and murdered.
You just elected a FASCIST & he's sitting in the Oval office--dimwit.
That's not possible from the left, snowflake. President Trump has not engaged in a single fascist action. He's restored power to the states and the people (the antithesis of fascism), he has not attempted to prevent free speech like you left-wing lunatics have (the antithesis of fascism), and all of his Executive Orders have been 100% constitutional (the antithesis of fascism).

It's always comical to listen to you fascist lunatics accuse everyone else of your own crimes. It's like Ted Bundy blaming his victims for being raped and murdered.

Once AGAIN --- from the Department of Things That Are Not Going Away

Reince Priebus Admits Rump Administration Looking Into Changing First Amendment.

More here, same thing

I know right? It's so hard to find this stuff --- you have to read all the way down to Bill of Rights Number One.

Poor Buttsoiler. Trapped in a Doublethinkian bubble of his own blowing.
So you don't believe in any of the scholarly evidence that indicates fascism is right wing and create your own evidence. The "flat Earthers" and many primitive people do pretty much the same with the shape of the earth, but the professors and other are convinced by that left wing propaganda that it's more roundish.
Fascism is exclusively left-wing and always has been. It's totalitarianism which is the polar-opposite of the right-wing ideology.


>> Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5] << --- Wiki ... first paragraph

Poor Buttsoiler --- still trapped in his Orange (Norman Vincent) Peale world of self-delusion where Up is Down and "Liberal" is "Fascist" :rofl:

Sad. :itsok:

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