The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Ronald Reagan could identify the obvious back in the day - fascism is a totalitarianism form of government (which makes it exclusively left-wing).

This piece of shit should be brought up on charges if anyone actually attacks ICE agents or riots. Brought up on charges for inciting violence/riots and permanently removed from office.
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti...said that ignoring criminal behavior will somehow make the city safer and encouraged illegal aliens to both riot and attack ICE agents in opposition to normal immigration enforcement.
This is how disgusting and disturbed the left has become. Their "leaders" have no civility, no decency, and no ideas. All they have is violence.

LA Mayor Encourages Illegal Aliens To Riot And Attack ICE Agents
Ronald Reagan could identify the obvious back in the day - fascism is a totalitarianism form of government (which makes it exclusively left-wing).

Uhmmm..... no Sparkles --- it doesn't. It makes it Authoritarian. Which is by itself neither "left" nor "right".

You seem to be as clueless as Reagan's abject ignorance of his own history -- here's the quote by the way:

Reagan here is completely clueless that the Founding Fathers who created this country were conducting a grand experiment in --- Liberalism. Which has nothing to do with "controlling private enterprise" at all -- quite the contrary it stands out of the way and makes that private enterprise possible. So he's either abjectly ignorant of basic civics or lying through his teeth.

He's also misquoting an old quote attributed (erroneously) to Sinclair Lewis, which actually says:

"When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"​

--- which alludes to fascism's appeals to hyperpatriotism and religion, as it did in Nazi Germany (Kinder, Kirche, Kuche -- children, church, cooking) as the ideals for the German hausfrau.

--- which make them right-wing by the way. Funny how that works.

So what Reagan is doing here is an exercise in Doublethink. Yesterday Liberals were the Founders, today they're the enemy, and we have always been at war with Eastasia. Very easy to float a turd like that when you preface it with "yanno someone once said" --- whelp, no "someone" didn't. That was you, just now, making shit up.

Perhaps Presidential candidates should have to pass a basic history test.
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Fascists don't like free speech or ideas/communication from their opposition. They've done everything they can to stop President Trump (including resorting to violence on such a massive scale, that his rally in Chicago was cancelled while he was running for president). But people see fascism for what it is - and the more the left engages in it - the more popular President Trump becomes.

Protesters try to interrupt Trump during Iowa rally. Then something amazing happens.
Ronald Reagan could identify the obvious back in the day - fascism is a totalitarianism form of government (which makes it exclusively left-wing).

Uhmmm..... no Sparkles --- it doesn't. It makes it Authoritarian. Which is by itself neither "left" nor "right". You seem to be as clueless as Reagan's abject ignorance of his own history

Yawn..... :blahblah:

Fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. Not that it matters, but authoritarianism also cannot be right-wing by it's very nature. The further right you go (libertarianism to Sovereign Citizen to Anarchist), government continues to become smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all. That is the polar opposite of authoritarianism.
Ronald Reagan could identify the obvious back in the day - fascism is a totalitarianism form of government (which makes it exclusively left-wing).

Uhmmm..... no Sparkles --- it doesn't. It makes it Authoritarian. Which is by itself neither "left" nor "right". You seem to be as clueless as Reagan's abject ignorance of his own history

Yawn..... :blahblah:

Fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. Not that it matters, but authoritarianism also cannot be right-wing by it's very nature. The further right you go (libertarianism to Sovereign Citizen to Anarchist), government continues to become smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all. That is the polar opposite of authoritarianism.

Uh nnnno Doodles. It isn't. I just gave you an obvious example. Sorry, your Doublethink isn't going to fit Naziism into a "left wing" hole no matter how many times you try to hammer it.

You've reverted right back to the pathetic "right versus left depends on the size of government" idiocy that I called you out for years ago. Right back into the same hole.



"Left" and "Right" have nothing to do with "how big". They are independent of each other. Break down and buy a PoliSci book one of these years.

I realize even that simplified illustration is going to sail over your head since it has more than the one dimension you can handle. There's nothing I can do about that as long as you insist on living in Lineland.
Good news Buttsoiler. I found one that reduces to ONE dimension. So simple even you can get it.

Good news Buttsoiler. I found one that reduces to ONE dimension. So simple even you can get it.

So anarchy is to the left of communism in your idiotic mind? And fascism is to the right of Sovereign Citizens in your idiotic mind?

Holy shit... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I would say I'm surprised but you're the same dumb asshole who claimed that progressivism didn't exist anymore. And when thanatos144 humiliated you in post #238 with video of Hitlery Clinton calling herself a "progressive", you claimed that Hitlery didn't know what she was talking about either.

Here stupid - let me help you:
Good news Buttsoiler. I found one that reduces to ONE dimension. So simple even you can get it.

So anarchy is to the left of communism in your idiotic mind? And fascism is to the right of Sovereign Citizens in your idiotic mind?

Holy shit... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I would say I'm surprised but you're the same dumb asshole who claimed that progressivism didn't exist anymore. And when thanatos144 humiliated you in post #238 with video of Hitlery Clinton calling herself a "progressive", you claimed that Hitlery didn't know what she was talking about either.

If she's calling herself a "Progressive" --- she doesn't. Again: The Progressive Era (1890-1920)
Amazingly, the established history of a century ago still hasn't changed, even a week later. Who knew.

Poor Buttsoiler --- reduced to claiming "It's just a fact that Hitler was left wing isn't it? Please??" on the basis that Hitler's party had the word "socialist" in it and Hitler (the guy who referred to his SA Brownshirt thugs whose job it was to intimidate the actual Socialists, the "Gymnastic and Sportd Division") would never engage in propaganda :eusa_angel: ---- and now reduced to citing Hilllary Clinton as a historical source because a politician would never engage in pandering :eusa_angel:

---- and then, not to be outdone by his own idiocy, builds his source's credibility by calling her "Hitlery". :rofl:

Desperation strikes deep. :dig:

If she's calling herself a "Progressive" --- she doesn't.
:uhh: :uhh: :uhh:
--- reduced to claiming "It's just a fact that Hitler was left wing isn't it? Please??" on the basis that Hitler's party had the word "socialist" in it.
Actually...that isn't my "basis" at all. That's merely an additional piece of evidence that you ignore. My basis is that fascism is indisputably a totalitarian form of government and that is the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology.

I would tell you to read Friedrich Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) but that is far beyond your reading level and comprehension. I'll see if I can locate an elementary level book for you which covers this material. In the meantime, we will just stick to pictures:

I prefer the term "totalitarian" when describing the aims and means of the Radical Left in this country. Their objective is uniformity of thoughts, speech and actions though active suppression of any dissent. This inevitably leads to dictatorship, with or without the intermediary of private ownership.
Then why is it all the right-wing run states enacting laws that are outlawing dissent? Why is it the right is trying to pass a law that makes it illegal to boycott Israel? Why didn't republicans release their healthcare bill so people could see what was in it? Why is it the republican right is screwing millions of Americans out of healthcare, just to give the rich tax breaks?

I notice all your right wing bullshit is missing specific examples to prove your point. You're full of shit, dude.

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