The Liberal Way: Opposing Assimilation

1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.

assimilation isn't the problem.... it's idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them. and frankly, if assimilation meant I'd be like you, count me out.

thanks for playing, cut and paste queen.

"'s idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them."

My point exactly.

Wedding cakes must be made as per Liberal government dogma....florists must bend to same.....

....or else.

And...the same applies to freedom of speech as well as thought.

Unlike is an intelligent Liberal:
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers


Imagine how much smarter you'd appear if you actually read books.
For a place with no free speech how come morons like you will never shut the fuck up? Right, because no one is stopping you, bitch.
Calling women bitches just because they have a different opinion than you do. How progressive of you.
Duh, people -- why can't you all get on board with PavlovPete and support those practicing gender slavery, anyway? Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right? I mean, all of Pete's little peeps say the exact same thing, and all of them will call you a fascist if you don't march in complete lockstep with them so it must be so.

Are you insane, or just putting on a show?
No one is forced to assimilate. That is a cultural phenomenon, something that all of us facilitate in agreement that this is such a unique country. People have always wanted to assimilate, knowing that it was in their best interests.

Unfortunately, that culture is changing, as people who aren't fond of our uniqueness have gained influence. These are the people who are far more likely to point at our sins of the past, as if we are the only country with sins in its history. They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution, to make it ripe for significant change.

E Pluribus Unum is dead. Or at least on life support.
"They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution..."

No, but that just happens to be true, now isn't it? You don't want the truth spoken, that to be truly honest you have to deal with the fact that now long dead men wrote "All Men Are Created Equal" at the very same time they owned humans like livestock? Speaking the truth is just another example of how people might say they respect the individual but that's only true if they believe the same right-wing bullshit they do.

When they can defend a Muslim mass prayer on the courthouse steps, while two men kiss in the background and a Satanist holds a black mass, then I'll believe them. That is liberty and they can't stand the very idea of it.
Great example, thanks.
Can you defend the above courthouse scene, or are you anti-liberty like most here?
You completely missed my point. I disagree with the courthouse scene you describe.

I'm talking about our culture, and how it is changing in favor of those who aren't terribly fond of our country, its history, its traditions.
Wasn't it lucky for the two of us that [Liberal] Republicans fought the [CON$ervative] Democrat filibuster and got women suffrage???
Aren't you lucky the CON$ are not in control to take away your right to vote?

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015
Assimilation is a right-wing fascist kind of thing that goes directly against Individualism, Freedom, and Liberty to be who you are. Mutual respect for those three concepts is what you need and not what you want, a mass of unthinking, xenophobic, nationalistic, flag-wavers afraid of free-thinking people with respect for their cultural heritage within the larger society.

It's no shock that free-thinkers scare the hell out of you, anyone who thinks at all scares the hell out of you since you are unable to.

Just what made the "Melting Pot" such a success? The immigrants wanted to become Americans and find their success in the American Way, capitalism. They became owners of their own businesses and could not thrive had they not learned our language and our culture.

They found freedom and a safe place to live in America. The American Way was what brought them here, not to threaten innocent Americans. When they came here, they considered themselves Americans once naturalized, no African, Mexican or German Americans who honored their former flag more than the flag of their new home.
Please continue?

- German-American Steuben Parade New York
Wasn't it lucky for the two of us that [Liberal] Republicans fought the [CON$ervative] Democrat filibuster and got women suffrage???
Aren't you lucky the CON$ are not in control to take away your right to vote?

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015
Her heroes so now she will have to be against women voting, Fatso and Ann say so.
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.
. אתה רק ילד אבוד שנכשל להבשיל לתוך מבוגר
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.

assimilation isn't the problem.... it's idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them. and frankly, if assimilation meant I'd be like you, count me out.

thanks for playing, cut and paste queen.

"'s idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them."

My point exactly.

Wedding cakes must be made as per Liberal government dogma....florists must bend to same.....

....or else.

And...the same applies to freedom of speech as well as thought.

Unlike is an intelligent Liberal:
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers


Imagine how much smarter you'd appear if you actually read books.
For a place with no free speech how come morons like you will never shut the fuck up? Right, because no one is stopping you, bitch.

A defining characteristic: on my side of the aisle, facts and knowledge; on your side of the aisle, profanity and vulgarity.
Seems I've scored another point against ignorance, indoctrination and mythology.


The sanctimonious PoliticalChic, never vulgar?

Obama: Second Greatest Failure in 90 Years!

post 86
No one is forced to assimilate. That is a cultural phenomenon, something that all of us facilitate in agreement that this is such a unique country. People have always wanted to assimilate, knowing that it was in their best interests.

Unfortunately, that culture is changing, as people who aren't fond of our uniqueness have gained influence. These are the people who are far more likely to point at our sins of the past, as if we are the only country with sins in its history. They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution, to make it ripe for significant change.

E Pluribus Unum is dead. Or at least on life support.
"They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution..."

No, but that just happens to be true, now isn't it? You don't want the truth spoken, that to be truly honest you have to deal with the fact that now long dead men wrote "All Men Are Created Equal" at the very same time they owned humans like livestock? Speaking the truth is just another example of how people might say they respect the individual but that's only true if they believe the same right-wing bullshit they do.

When they can defend a Muslim mass prayer on the courthouse steps, while two men kiss in the background and a Satanist holds a black mass, then I'll believe them. That is liberty and they can't stand the very idea of it.
Great example, thanks.
Can you defend the above courthouse scene, or are you anti-liberty like most here?
You completely missed my point. I disagree with the courthouse scene you describe.

I'm talking about our culture, and how it is changing in favor of those who aren't terribly fond of our country, its history, its traditions.
Its history and culture are not exactly things to be fond of. Genocide, slavery, unprovoked war, Bay Watch. I can't defend those things, can you? And the OP, she doesn't even want them mentioned, at all.

And if you disagree with my courthouse scene then you refuse to defend liberty just like the rest. That would mean people saying and doing shit you disagree with, like hanging on to parts of their cultural identity even in in a new nation.
No one is forced to assimilate. That is a cultural phenomenon, something that all of us facilitate in agreement that this is such a unique country. People have always wanted to assimilate, knowing that it was in their best interests.

Unfortunately, that culture is changing, as people who aren't fond of our uniqueness have gained influence. These are the people who are far more likely to point at our sins of the past, as if we are the only country with sins in its history. They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution, to make it ripe for significant change.

E Pluribus Unum is dead. Or at least on life support.
"They'll say that the Founding Fathers were "rich white slave rapers" as a way to discredit our Constitution..."

No, but that just happens to be true, now isn't it? You don't want the truth spoken, that to be truly honest you have to deal with the fact that now long dead men wrote "All Men Are Created Equal" at the very same time they owned humans like livestock? Speaking the truth is just another example of how people might say they respect the individual but that's only true if they believe the same right-wing bullshit they do.

When they can defend a Muslim mass prayer on the courthouse steps, while two men kiss in the background and a Satanist holds a black mass, then I'll believe them. That is liberty and they can't stand the very idea of it.
Great example, thanks.
Can you defend the above courthouse scene, or are you anti-liberty like most here?
You completely missed my point. I disagree with the courthouse scene you describe.

I'm talking about our culture, and how it is changing in favor of those who aren't terribly fond of our country, its history, its traditions.
Its history and culture are not exactly things to be fond of. Genocide, slavery, unprovoked war, Bay Watch. I can't defend those things, can you? And the OP, she doesn't even want them mentioned, at all.

And if you disagree with my courthouse scene then you refuse to defend liberty just like the rest. That would mean people saying and doing shit you disagree with, like hanging on to parts of their cultural identity even in in a new nation.
No, I agree with your point on the courthouse scene.

And it appears that you agree with my point as well.
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.

I really bring out the vulgarity and anger in these dolts, don't I.

In full disclosure, I must quote Thomas Hardy...

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

In short....I love doing it!
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.
. אתה רק ילד אבוד שנכשל להבשיל לתוך מבוגר
אתה כל כך מטומטם אתה לא יודע את האמת כאשר הוא בכפית נמאס לך.
Wasn't it lucky for the two of us that [Liberal] Republicans fought the [CON$ervative] Democrat filibuster and got women suffrage???
Aren't you lucky the CON$ are not in control to take away your right to vote?

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015

Trying to twist the facts?

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Public relations term, referring to slightly altering facts to portray a desired version of a story.

In admit that Democrats fought tooth and nail against women's suffrage.

As I stated.

You've served your purpose.
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.

I really bring out the vulgarity and anger in these dolts, don't I.

In full disclosure, I must quote Thomas Hardy...

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

In short....I love doing it!
Hey, bitch, should women have the right to vote?

I'll help you since you can't use your own words.
You cannot create your own meaning for commonly defined terms.

Exactly. Equating American liberals to totalitarian thugs like Nazis(aka Fascist) and Communist dictators is disingenuous to the extent that it is a blatant lie.
Duh, people -- why can't you all get on board with PavlovPete and support those practicing gender slavery, anyway? Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right? I mean, all of Pete's little peeps say the exact same thing, and all of them will call you a fascist if you don't march in complete lockstep with them so it must be so.

Are you insane, or just putting on a show?

I have seen you on two different boards, and so understand that you struggle terribly when it comes to basic comprehension of the world around you.

Due to your severe limitations, I will therefore give you a pass.
Last edited:
Wasn't it lucky for the two of us that [Liberal] Republicans fought the [CON$ervative] Democrat filibuster and got women suffrage???
Aren't you lucky the CON$ are not in control to take away your right to vote?

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015

Trying to twist the facts?

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Public relations term, referring to slightly altering facts to portray a desired version of a story.

In admit that Democrats fought tooth and nail against women's suffrage.

As I stated.

You've served your purpose.
That is why Coulter says YOU shouldn't vote. :)
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.
. אתה רק ילד אבוד שנכשל להבשיל לתוך מבוגר

잘 자란 아이는 언어를 사용하지 않을
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.

assimilation isn't the problem.... it's idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them. and frankly, if assimilation meant I'd be like you, count me out.

thanks for playing, cut and paste queen.

"'s idiots thinking that everyone has to be like them."

My point exactly.

Wedding cakes must be made as per Liberal government dogma....florists must bend to same.....

....or else.

And...the same applies to freedom of speech as well as thought.

Unlike is an intelligent Liberal:
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers


Imagine how much smarter you'd appear if you actually read books.
For a place with no free speech how come morons like you will never shut the fuck up? Right, because no one is stopping you, bitch.
Calling women bitches just because they have a different opinion than you do. How progressive of you.
I'm calling her a bitch because she is one, and I have the right to, a right you don't want me to have right, bitch?
It's why the left hate English being the official language. A common language naturally unites people.
The left hates it because it's unnecessary, xenophobic, jingoistic, and fucking fascist. Besides that we love the idea.

Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.
. אתה רק ילד אבוד שנכשל להבשיל לתוך מבוגר

잘 자란 아이는 언어를 사용하지 않을
Sorry, this is America and we speak "American" not Gook, bitch.

Go back to where you belong if you want to use that toddler scribble.

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