The Lies the Left Tells

Stanford University has blacklisted the word “American" and its derivatives along with other "harmful" words.
The so-called university "scientists" believe that this term is "too focused on the USA" and is not sufficiently connected with other countries.

These quirks are not surprising, since the university is acting as part of its Orwellian “Initiative to Eradicate Harmful Language.”
Instead of the word "American", the university promotes another term - “US citizen”, because there are other countries on the American continent. This is real nonsense, because people live on the same continent - North America.

The university has created eight categories of language supervision, the enumeration of which causes rejection in normal people. These are abelists, ageists, culturally adapted, gender-based, inaccurate formulations, institutionalized racism, personality-oriented and violent.
These "linguistic policemen" in Newspeak have chosen replacements for each "offensive" word and phrases that they themselves put into the categories they invented.

In fact, this is the literal embodiment of the novel "1984".
Americans are ironic: don't say “American", but say “US citizen". Don't say “immigrant“, but say “the person who immigrated". Avoid pronouns “he” and “she” if you do not know what gender the interlocutor considers himself to be.

Earlier, Stanford proposed replacing the word “drug addict” with the phrase “a person with a substance abuse disorder,” and the word “Karen” with “demanding or eligible white woman.”
Every few years, some college publishes an absurd manual like the one above. They are widely ridiculed, and one would assume that they are forgotten about.

The list of prohibited words is only getting longer, and the management of various institutions requires the mandatory execution of this nonsense.
In the field of language destruction, the College of Arts in Waltham (Massachusetts) also noted that it banned the use of words and phrases that it considers "cruel" or "racist".

Students of the University of Manchester fell into the same nonsense, demanding to ban the word “black” because it “causes controversy.”
A certain Ibram H. Candy claims that anything that contains the word "black" is racist towards black people.

The term "sex offender" is now also offensive to sex offenders. For the same reason, a pedophile should not be called a "pedophile".
The war with human consciousness and language is taking place not only among students. Google already has a tool for correcting normal words into newspeak. He will fix everything you type if he doesn't like it.

Analysts believe that the purpose of introducing newspeak is to narrow the circle of people's thoughts in order to destroy all other ways of thinking.
As a result, it will come to the point that even thought crime will be impossible, because words capable of expressing it will be eradicated.
Only Democrat children should be forced to learn about homosexuality.

Forced because no children seeks to know about homoexuality

Billions upon billions of people, some are taught, some learn, some are forced, some may be natural but there is no proof it is natural.
Only Democrat children should be forced to learn about homosexuality.

Forced because no children seeks to know about homoexuality

Billions upon billions of people, some are taught, some learn, some are forced, some may be natural but there is no proof it is natural.
Kids are not being forced to learn about homosexuality. All kids, by the time they are 12 or younger know about homosexuality. Homosexuality is a fact of life. Gay people are part of the fabric of every community. They are no longer relegated to the shadows society.

The real question regarding kids is is who should they learn from and what should they be learning?. Do they learn about on the street where they will be inundated with misinformation? Do they learn about it from sexual predators who will take advantage of them? Do they learn from ignorant and fearful bigots who will turn then into ignorant bigots ? OR do they learn from responsible adults including eductors who will guid them into becomming emotionally mature and well infornmed adults who are abe to accept and respect others who are different, and feel good about thenselves if they should have questions about their own sexuality?
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No one can turn a child into a homosexual. I became aware of romantic feelings toward girls when I was in the first grade. I did not become aware of homosexuality until I was about twelve years old. I felt viscerally that it was bizarre and disgusting. I still feel that way. No one taught me to feel that way. I feel that way because it is natural for me to feel that way.

1. Homosexual assaults compromise children's natural propensities and confuse them. There are countless cases of
identical twins where one is subjected to homosexual assault or recruiting and changing sides. So stop your idiotic lying.

2. It is NOT "hereditary." Nobody is the child of two men.

3. You feel naturally stupid.
1. Homosexual assaults compromise children's natural propensities and confuse them. There are countless cases of
identical twins where one is subjected to homosexual assault or recruiting and changing sides. So stop your idiotic lying.
Please post those "countless cases: And while you're at it, include the data that controlls for interveining variables that confirm a cause and effect relationship between sexual assault and homosexuality

Please also provide statistics on the umber of children who were sexualy assaulted abd wwho did or did not becomew homosexuals'

Additionally, provide that stats on those who are gay who were never sexually assaulted

Your anecdotal bullshit is just that...bullshit Identical twins are not identical in all ways. Human sexuality is far more compicated than you seem to be able to fathum
Kids are not being forced to learn about homosexuality. All kids, by the time they are 12 or younger know about homosexuality. Homosexuality is a fact of life. Gay people are part of the fabric of every community. They are no longer relegated to the shadows society.

The real question regarding kids is is who should they learn from and what should they be learning?. Do they learn about on the street where they will be inundated with misinformation? Do they learn about it from sexual predators who will take advantage of them? Do they learn from ignorant and fearful bigots who will turn then into ignorant bigots ? OR do they learn from responsible adults including eductors who will guid them into becomming emotionally mature and well infornmed adults who are abe to accept and respect others who are different, and feel good about thenselves if they should have questions about their own sexuality?
You are delusional. The only way a 12 year old or younger knows what is homosexuality is if out, homosexuals expose the children to their lifestyle or the schools teach homosexuality.

The fabric of communities, you are again delusional. The fabric of communities are families, real, natural families. Not the democrat created homisexual families.

Children learn from parents. It is time to take that right, that control, the way nature intends, back.

Nobody regulated homosexuals to the shadows, it is simply the way it was because from the perspective of nature, homosexuality is wrong and destructive.
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You are delusional. The only way a 12 year old or younger knows what is homosexuality is if out, homosexuals expose the children to their lifestyle or the schools teach homosexuality.

The fabric of communities, you are again delusional. The fabric of communities are families, real, natural families. Not the democrat created homisexual families.

Children learn from parents. It is time to take that right, that control, the way nature intends, back.

Nobody regulated homosexuals to the shadows, it is simply the way it was because from the perspective of nature, homosexuality is wrong and destructive.
That might be the only way they know the word for it.
You are delusional. The only way a 12 year old or younger knows what is homosexuality is if out, homosexuals expose the children to their lifestyle or the schools teach homosexuality.

The fabric of communities, you are again delusional. The fabric of communities are families, real, natural families. Not the democrat created homisexual families.

Children learn from parents. It is time to take that right, that control, the way nature intends, back.

Nobody regulated homosexuals to the shadows, it is simply the way it was because from the perspective of nature, homosexuality is wrong and destructive.
You are living in a bygone era that does not exist anymore. The year is 2023

Andthe word is RELEGATED
You are living in a bygone era that does not exist anymore. The year is 2023

And sexually exploiting and abusing children is no more acceptable now, than it was a century ago.

I do not care if it's 1823 or 1923 or 3023.

Your kind need to stay the fuck away from children, and if you won't, society needs to put your kind down like dangerous, subhuman animals.
You are living in a bygone era that does not exist anymore. The year is 2023

Andthe word is RELEGATED
And as you point out, children do not naturally accept homosexuality. It must be taught.

Your idea that acceptance of homosexuality is of a bygone era is proven false by the fact that you state homosexuality must be taught to children.
Your idea that acceptance of homosexuality is of a bygone era is proven false by the fact that you state homosexuality must be taught to children.

The motive is pretty damn obvious. Throughout recorded history, there have been homosexual men who prefered their sex partners very young. Pederasty was well established among the ancient Romans and Greeks. The bacha bāzī of modern Afghanistan are another example.

We do not need to guess at why the piece of filth to which you are replying is so interested in pushing faggotry on young children. It is quite obvious enough, isn't it?
It seems glaringly obvious that degenerates find it insulting to be told to leave children alone. If they can't voluntarily leave children alone I certainly hope that decent people everywhere force the issue.
My kid read Harry Potter. She still can't levitate.
Reading books about serial killers doesn't automatically make a child into a killer. That's not the question. The question is, what is appropriate? THAT'S where the debate should be.
Why shouldn’t a child learn about homosexual relationships?
Why should they? They're not yet sexually aware so let them be innocent for a while. They have enough pressure and stress on them already and they don't need yet another adult who is not one of their parents trying to cram them into a pre-defined political world view.
Why should they? They're not yet sexually aware so let them be innocent for a while. They have enough pressure and stress on them already and they don't need yet another adult who is not one of their parents trying to cram them into a pre-defined political world view.
Has nothing to do with sex, everything to do with relationships and forming families
Some families are not Mommy and Daddy
Has nothing to do with sex, everything to do with relationships and forming families
Some families are not Mommy and Daddy
Right, and when materials talking about such families don't insist on sexualizing the young, they may have merit in teaching tolerance. I have noted that tolerance seems to be in short supply among those insisting on indoctrinating young kids about sex. Simply saying it's not appropriate for a drag queen in full costume to read books to young children brings down the wrath of the intellectually non-rigorous.
Right, and when materials talking about such families don't insist on sexualizing the young, they may have merit in teaching tolerance. I have noted that tolerance seems to be in short supply among those insisting on indoctrinating young kids about sex. Simply saying it's not appropriate for a drag queen in full costume to read books to young children brings down the wrath of the intellectually non-rigorous.

Nobody is teaching young children about sexual acts….heterosexual or homosexual

Teaching that some people are different does no harm
Wish there was a clown emoji to use for this post!

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