The Lies the Left Tells

Right, and when materials talking about such families don't insist on sexualizing the young, they may have merit in teaching tolerance. I have noted that tolerance seems to be in short supply among those insisting on indoctrinating young kids about sex. Simply saying it's not appropriate for a drag queen in full costume to read books to young children brings down the wrath of the intellectually non-rigorous.

Dear Friend, you are wasting your time on a radical Leftist who does not want to learn
or think. Go from the presence of a foolish man.

Gender surgery.gif
And as you point out, children do not naturally accept homosexuality. It must be taught.

Your idea that acceptance of homosexuality is of a bygone era is proven false by the fact that you state homosexuality must be taught to children.
I said NO SUCH THING! What the fuck is wrong with you. I said children are well aware of it without being taught about it. What they need to be taught is how to love and accept themselves and others for whatever they are. They need guidence so that they are not turned into hateful and fearful bigots by people like you
When people do not accept their biological sex, HOW can they demand that everyone else accept and respect what they are pretending to be, described by some perverted letter?
Homosexuals die decades before normal people, on average, due to their unhealthy life choices and diseases.
I said NO SUCH THING! What the fuck is wrong with you. I said children are well aware of it without being taught about it. What they need to be taught is how to love and accept themselves and others for whatever they are. They need guidence so that they are not turned into hateful and fearful bigots by people like you
That is what I stated, exactly what you are stating. Children naturally do not accept homosexuality and as you state, they must be taught and guided to accept it.

Bigot? I am gay so how can I possibly be a bigot when I am actually basing my facts on reality?

You demonstrate that you are a bigot by assuming that gay people automatically agree with your opinion.
That is in doubt.

When it comes to who sticks what into whom, they don't need to be taught that outside their own home.

Nobody is teaching young children about sexual acts of any kind
Just conservative fear mongering and misinformation
Nobody is teaching young children about sexual acts of any kind
Just conservative fear mongering and misinformation
That is in doubt. When parents are silenced for reading in public books with sexual content that are freely available to young children, there is a problem.
I said NO SUCH THING! What the fuck is wrong with you. I said children are well aware of it without being taught about it. What they need to be taught is how to love and accept themselves and others for whatever they are. They need guidence so that they are not turned into hateful and fearful bigots by people like you
The thing is that children to still mess with other children even with all of the money, resources changing of education and more. We see them spaz out periodically.
The motive is pretty damn obvious. Throughout recorded history, there have been homosexual men who prefered their sex partners very young. Pederasty was well established among the ancient Romans and Greeks. The bacha bāzī of modern Afghanistan are another example.

We do not need to guess at why the piece of filth to which you are replying is so interested in pushing faggotry on young children. It is quite obvious enough, isn't it?
How dare you make a claim without a link, as the democrats will cry

This pedophile married a femboi 40 years younger than himself and they then adopted a toddler.

the images found in brinkin's possesion were of 2 to 3 year old black babies being raped by white men. Literal intercourse.

That is in doubt.

When it comes to who sticks what into whom, they don't need to be taught that outside their own home.

The problem, of course, is that most parents are never going to teach their children that it is normal or acceptable to let a creepy older man stick his dick into any of the child's orifices. This is very upsetting to those who want to fuck children.
That is what I stated, exactly what you are stating. Children naturally do not accept homosexuality and as you state, they must be taught and guided to accept it.

Bigot? I am gay so how can I possibly be a bigot when I am actually basing my facts on reality?

You demonstrate that you are a bigot by assuming that gay people automatically agree with your opinion.
You're gay ?? I am not. Maybe we are both surprised. I think perhapps we are mis -communicating. This all starting with somthing about "children being taught homosexuality" which I took to mean being taught to be homosexual. Now if the issue is acceptance of homosexuality -in ones self or in others -that is a different matter. In our heterocentric society-yes- children wil not accept it. But they will experience it-if not in their own lives- in the lives of others who they encounter. My point is that they should be educated to deal with that in a rational and constructive way

By the way, I did not call you a bigot, but I felt, from what you seemed to be saying, that your approach would be detrimental to the kids, You seem to doubt that kids are aware of their sexuality at the age of 12. I was a social worker in child welfare and in my experience they are very much aware of sexuaity and gender at that age. What about you?
You're gay ?? I am not. Maybe we are both surprised. I think perhapps we are mis -communicating. This all starting with somthing about "children being taught homosexuality" which I took to mean being taught to be homosexual. Now if the issue is acceptance of homosexuality -in ones self or in others -that is a different matter. In our heterocentric society-yes- children wil not accept it. But they will experience it-if not in their own lives- in the lives of others who they encounter. My point is that they should be educated to deal with that in a rational and constructive way

By the way, I did not call you a bigot, but I felt, from what you seemed to be saying, that your approach would be detrimental to the kids, You seem to doubt that kids are aware of their sexuality at the age of 12. I was a social worker in child welfare and in my experience they are very much aware of sexuaity and gender at that age. What about you?
I have much experience with children. In no way do they ever learn my private life. Certainly all children are different and all experiences of the children are different as well.

That said, schools have no business teaching children anything outside of basic biology or that there are prefators of all types.

High School, junior and senior year may be more appropriate to breach the subject, but there is nothing specific that should be taught.

CHildren, and teenagers should be taught that all people have rights and are to be treated equal. Nothing more or specific about homosexuals.

Sadly, homosexual people are no better, arguably worst, than heterosexuals. A trip to an average bookstore, or a trip to San Onofre beach # 5 is proof of who has more self control.

gender, yes it is very easy to know ones gender as soon as one is out of diapers, nobody has a choice

Sexuality? Many adults reach maturity without making that decision.

Funny side note, I am surprised how much hate some gay people have towards gay people not of thier type. True hate that is expressed in violence. Like some gay men towards trans people, or lesbians who simply hate men period. Trans are not welcome in all gay bars.

Schools should teach nothing more than assault and battery are crimes.
Over and over now, for decades, the left and the twisted crowd keep saying "this is all we want", all the while planning their next assault on decency and civil society.

Yet millions still believe them.

Now they are here for the children, which was always the end-game. They said no they weren't but they always were.

My kid read a book about Aaron Rogers and still can't throw a football like him.

Fucking left.
You seem to doubt that kids are aware of their sexuality at the age of 12. I was a social worker in child welfare and in my experience they are very much aware of sexuaity [sic] and gender at that age.

Observer bias, to be sure.

After all, you're the sort of fucked-up freak that thinks of children, as young as three, in terms of homosexuality, transsexuality, and other sick perversions.

Normal people never think of young children that way. And normal people know very well what to think of sick fucks such as yourself, who do.

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual. That is not taught nor can it be. It just happens.

Yes he used the word "gay" but there is a lot of questions about the child's understanding of what that means and even more questions about the unlikely that he has sexual feelings for anyone at that age. The fact that he used the word "gay" which he could have heard anywhere does not mean that anyone "taught him" to be anything.

It's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it openly, but I think everyone here knows what it tells us about you, that you are so interested in the sexuality of young children.

In a sane society, your kind would be put to death.
Just thinking about the left media, the gutter media, that always lies for the democrats. This will not go well for them in the long term. They ignore the fact that some of them have been the left. Biden regime ridicules them and disrespect them by ignoring their questions, insulting them as a whole, running the out of the pressers like guinea hens.

And then...the threats..the threats from the powerful left to the now whether they realize it or not, expendable leftist fawning ridiculous media.

like cops, the media betrayed the wrong side.

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