The Melting Pot is Still Simmering Along

I've personally known immigrant families from several countries.
The parents can usually speak english anywhere from barely understandable to really well.
Their children go to public school and can speak excellent english, and many are also fluent speakers of their parent's native language.
The grandkids usually can only speak english, and know very little about the country their grandparents came from..
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I blame those goddamned French. They were the ones who gave us that big statue that now resides in a harbor in New York City. Then they had to put Lazarus’s damned sonnet on there, the one that read “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore...etc. etc."

Yeah, "wretched refuse" indeed. Let's allow every stinking cesspool of a country in the world use America for a dumping ground for their lowest common denominator. Fling open the prisons of the world, put them on ships and boats, and send them to those stupid, gullible Americans. Sure, they'll take them no questions asked. And when those wretched refuse of your teeming shore which you have so graciously taken in, slips into your bedrooms and slits your throats in the night while you sleep, don't fucking say someone didn't tried to warn you, because you gullible fucks got exactly what you deserved.
"By the third generation (both parents born in the U.S.), all young people report that they speak English at least “well,” and the vast majority (96%) do not report speaking another language at home. …"
As wee lads we were subject to far more bilingual exchange, so some of it stuck , but as we entered the school system we saw none of that, and later employment opportunities followed suit.

Its either this or 25 million more feral Black single mother children preying on innocent civilians according to DemCommee a good thing?

It could have been 50 million white children with mother at home, father working but DEMs killed the country way back.

Now outright voter fraud + political prisoners is the norm as they cheer.
I was being serious. You're a teacher, right?
Do you travel at all?

Get out and see the nation. LOOK at whats going on, TALK to the people there.
See whats happening.

Don't believe the "news"............go see it with your own eyes.

I've seen the country, and the world - the parts that would likely scare you into having your period early.

I am fully immersed in all of this topic every day. If anyone needs to add some experience to opinion, it's you.
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Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine, and fuck you, for that matter. You're not any kind of a person I'd want watching my six if or when this country should ever collapse or undergo an attack from a foreign country such as China.

We all know who the Russian coalitionists were in 2016: That was you Democrats, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. I'd trust you folks as little as I could pick up and throw this house I'm living in.
Calm down comrade. You will spill your vodka.
Says you. If immigrants are so proficient, why was the article you posted available in both English and Spanish?


BTW, look at the date it was written.

View attachment 763445

That’s something l noticed in the US. On notice boards and the like, translations into Spanish.

One parents’ evening l attended at an elementary school: they’d brought in a bilingual person to translate what the teachers were saying into Spanish, to the audience, a large proportion of which was Hispanic.
That’s something l noticed in the US. On notice boards and the like, translations into Spanish.

One parents’ evening l attended at an elementary school: they’d brought in a bilingual person to translate what the teachers were saying into Spanish, to the audience, a large proportion of which was Hispanic.
That’s something l noticed in the US. On notice boards and the like, translations into Spanish.

One parents’ evening l attended at an elementary school: they’d brought in a bilingual person to translate what the teachers were saying into Spanish, to the audience, a large proportion of which was Hispanic.
Much of the US - like most everything West of Mississippi - started with Spanish and French (or of course native languages), not Yankee English.
Immigrants today, as always, are integrating with the economy, culture, and civic life of America deeper and deeper with each generation. Just as it has always been.

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