The memo's are flying from everywhere.

Care to list the Indictments and for what?

Care to list the “Crimes” they committed?

When are their trials?

When are they actually being charged with anything?

Where is The Russian Collusion?

And what Level of Hell will you reside in when your life is over?

Call me when someone goes to trial and is “Convicted” of a crime for committing an actual crime.


Hey dummy!

It’s not a criminal investigation.

There were no crimes cited to be investigated because to date not one piece of evidence can be found regarding Russian Collusion.

Not one crime can be named to have occurred or was committed by President Trump after 7 Investigations a Billion Dollars and a Special Counsel.

And Mueller has leaked everything because he has little to nothing. If he did, he’d have already leaked it because it’s a political witch hunt not a real Investigation.

Mueller is no dummy. He's collecting as much evidence as possible before making a move. It may amount to nothing, but that's how criminal investigations go. Especially at his level, you don't bring forth a case and ruin your reputation based on nonsense.

Hey, dummy. Four people have already been indicted.

The Original Tree's arrogance and hackery is only surpassed by his ignorance and dishonesty.

Testimonial evidence has led to documentary evidence; no competent investigator will release anything learned and verified until the time for Discovery.

The evidence collected up the chain is used to discern if other's later interviewed and/or interrogated are telling the truth. When confronted with a lie, the subject is told if he or she cooperates they will be given leniency.

On and on this goes, and one day soon the the result of this long honored process will end, and the target will be declared culpable or not culpable.

It is a time honored method, especially when conspiracies are suspected.
It's time for Congress to stop passing notes like teenage girls and DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS.

REALLY SICK OF THIS RUSSIA BULLSHIT and everything surrounding it.

Charge the people with crimes or shut the fuck up and do what you were sent to dc to do. I'm pretty sure the job description for the House & the Senate does not include pretending to be Dick Tracy or Scooby Doo

Have patience, people, have patience...

Everything is coming out at the right time.

Justice will be done. :thup:
It's time for Congress to stop passing notes like teenage girls and DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS.

REALLY SICK OF THIS RUSSIA BULLSHIT and everything surrounding it.

Charge the people with crimes or shut the fuck up and do what you were sent to dc to do. I'm pretty sure the job description for the House & the Senate does not include pretending to be Dick Tracy or Scooby Doo
As has been pointed out before this is an investigation in search of a crime the stated purpose of the appointment of Mueller was to investigate Russian interference in the election to date we have seen nothing on that and possible collusion between the Trump campigan and Russia while collusion is disgusting and loathsome it's not criminal. The other things we have seen is about obstruction of justice claims over the Comey firing but as the President has the legal authority to fire the head of the FBI and the investigation is still going on that falls flat last we have the two indictments and two guilty pleas. Mike Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with Russia's ambassador. Next George Papadopoulos also plead guilty to making a false statement to the FBI after he lied about his interactions with foreign nationals, including two Russians, with ties to the Russian government.
Finally we have the indictments against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates which are basically over money laundering and tax evasion and are unrelated to the Trump campaign.So far this has been a lot of time and money spent to find out very little if anything which seems to be the case with all these special prosecutors.

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