"The Mooch" has warned you....

they already do background checks. right?

They do in Florida. I don't know about other states. I think the argument is to implement federal background checks.

Because the feds do things so much better?
ask the parents of the high school in florida, Parkland.

What would they tell me?
they lost their children due to federal policy.
they already do background checks. right?

They do in Florida. I don't know about other states. I think the argument is to implement federal background checks.

Because the feds do things so much better?
ask the parents of the high school in florida, Parkland.

What would they tell me?
they lost their children due to federal policy.

So my sarcasm was spot on.
Anthony Scaramucci is giving us a warning, something I've known ALL ALONG.

Anthony Scaramucci

For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn’t pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country.

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160382091592384513 …
Getting along is way overrated
He's butthurt because he's an idiot and managed to get himself FIRED in record time. Nobody cares what he thinks. If the economy stays as it is, Trump is highly likely to win again.

all of you RW AR nuts will be butthurt when Goldilocks throws you under the bus ...

It’s funny you think conservatives have a allegiance to any one person, doesn’t matter which person is doing the conservatives work.
I don't care about Florida or other states that do them . I don't like 'redflag' laws . See the opening post to see a possible and reasonable scenario K9 .

What is someone claims that they're "hearing voices" and that someone is out to "get them"? I had that happen to a cousin, although he didn't have any guns.
------------------------------------------------ what LAWS did he break K9Buck .

None. But if someone becomes schizophrenic, don't you believe that it's wise to take their guns and possibly other weapons?

You need to keep this in mind. Many times, it would be a mother, father, wife, daughter, son, friend calling because they don't want their loved one to get hurt and/or hurt someone else. If someone has CLEARLY lost it, then I believe it can be justified to take their guns, at least until such time that the citizen can be cleared. Now, if your position is that there can be no scenario wherein one's guns can be taken, then I would simply say that we'll have to agree to disagree.
Anthony Scaramucci is giving us a warning, something I've known ALL ALONG.

Anthony Scaramucci

For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn’t pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country.

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160382091592384513 …

:21: Mooch is just upset because he was rejected by TRUMP, he wouldn't look like such a tool for the left if he had left out the part about "soon it will be you then the entire country". :lame2:

I hope the Mooch paid attention to what happened with Cohen and doesn't think things will turn out different for him if he attempts to try and take TRUMP down.
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I don't care about Florida or other states that do them . I don't like 'redflag' laws . See the opening post to see a possible and reasonable scenario K9 .

What is someone claims that they're "hearing voices" and that someone is out to "get them"? I had that happen to a cousin, although he didn't have any guns.
------------------------------------------------ what LAWS did he break K9Buck .

None. But if someone becomes schizophrenic, don't you believe that it's wise to take their guns and possibly other weapons?

You need to keep this in mind. Many times, it would be a mother, father, wife, daughter, son, friend calling because they don't want their loved one to get hurt and/or hurt someone else. If someone has CLEARLY lost it, then I believe it can be justified to take their guns, at least until such time that the citizen can be cleared. Now, if your position is that there can be no scenario wherein one's guns can be taken, then I would simply say that we'll have to agree to disagree.
------------------------------------- Broke NO laws but RED FLAG sounds just like the old 'soviet union' that i read about in the late 60s at the library where i could read English Translation of Soviet publications . Wait till they , THEY start going after the 'ptsd' sufferers to grab their guns K9Buck .
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I don't care about Florida or other states that do them . I don't like 'redflag' laws . See the opening post to see a possible and reasonable scenario K9 .

What is someone claims that they're "hearing voices" and that someone is out to "get them"? I had that happen to a cousin, although he didn't have any guns.
------------------------------------------------ what LAWS did he break K9Buck .

None. But if someone becomes schizophrenic, don't you believe that it's wise to take their guns and possibly other weapons?

You need to keep this in mind. Many times, it would be a mother, father, wife, daughter, son, friend calling because they don't want their loved one to get hurt and/or hurt someone else. If someone has CLEARLY lost it, then I believe it can be justified to take their guns, at least until such time that the citizen can be cleared. Now, if your position is that there can be no scenario wherein one's guns can be taken, then I would simply say that we'll have to agree to disagree.
--------------------------------------- breaks no laws , no violence reported that i know about . Just some Squealer family that doesn't know how to mind their own business . And 'no one Qualified to pretend to be a Head 'doktor' eh . Probably the whole family raised on watching ' doctor phil' or some other silly tv tell all show K9Buck .
The Mooch worked his rear end off to become rich, while Trump inherited his wealth.

while The Mooch was making america great again, Trump took a hike to play golf
The Mooch was fired quickly from Goldman Sachs, and was then re-hired a year later.

the same will happen with the Trump White House, my friends!

Trump tossed out The Mooch like an empty Big Mac box. he has since regretted doing that!
Anthony Scaramucci is giving us a warning, something I've known ALL ALONG.

Anthony Scaramucci

For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn’t pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country.

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160382091592384513 …



He's butthurt because he's an idiot and managed to get himself FIRED in record time. Nobody cares what he thinks. If the economy stays as it is, Trump is highly likely to win again.

all of you RW AR nuts will be butthurt when Goldilocks throws you under the bus ...

It’s funny you think conservatives have a allegiance to any one person, doesn’t matter which person is doing the conservatives work.
they are almighty and all knowing, and have authority vested unto them by virtue of the wizard of oz.
all of you RW AR nuts...

What is "AR"?
I'm guessing Alt Right but who knows with these guys. We have a Lib poster that insists on calling Conservatives CRCs. :dunno:

I long for the days of being called a neocon

Nope, you're a white supremacist now.
so no one is now?

Pretty much. The lib media constantly abuses their descriptors ie neocon, racist, white supremacist, bigot, etc, until they are absolutely meaningless. They do this for shock value. Our media is worthless.
He's butthurt because he's an idiot and managed to get himself FIRED in record time. Nobody cares what he thinks. If the economy stays as it is, Trump is highly likely to win again.

But, but, but Donald said he only "hires the best people".
And look at the list of those who have either been fired or resigned.

Trump is a fucking asshole, that's why the list is so long.


The Turnover at the Top of the Trump Administration

And he's fucking the economy, too.

U.S. Stocks Decline Amid Trade Woes

10% Tariffs Were Manageable. At 25%, Businesses Are Squirming.

You idiots need to wake the fuck up before it's too late. He doesn't give a shit about you. Only himself. And with 39 Trump trademarks approved in China since he's been elected, that should be proof enough even for the simplest minds.
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The Mooch worked his rear end off to become rich, while Trump inherited his wealth.

while The Mooch was making america great again, Trump took a hike to play golf
The mooch when push came to shove showed his honor, integrity and character to be of the swamp fiefdom. It take a real man to stand up to that. To be an individual with those qualities. It is not an easy thing to do. Very few show it. And when they do, they are blitzed and destroyed.

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