The more Republicans fuck up - the more they get rewarded. Why?

Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

They didn't get rewarded you idiot. We got handed a defeat because we ran a shit candidate.
Not true.
I'm retired. I watched this campaign for months. The media was fascinated with Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Remember, Trump even got free advertising for his golf courses and hotels. Even with one of the worst campaigns in history, when you get that much free air time, it's nearly impossible to overcome. Even a station like MSNBC would run entire Trump speeches daily. Some days they would only mention Hillary by name. And they always said "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable" whenever her name was said. And that includes Chris Mathews, Joe Scarborough, Chuck Todd, even gay Robert Thomas. They couldn't say her name without saying "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable".

It seems Mika B. had an orgasm every single time Trump's name was mentioned. Sure, they brought up his admissions to wanting to date his daughter and his attacks on women. But they never brought up the investigations into Trump Foundation. His stiffing his workers. Where were the interviews? Trump University? His Nov 28th Court date.

And when they asked people, what do you think of Hillary Clinton, the two answers EVERY SINGLE TIME was she's untrustworthy and unlikeable.

Then there's the over blown so called email scandal. Remember, Colin Powell had an AOL account over his iPhone. How many times has AOL been hacked? Thousands. Where was that in the news. Colin and Condi turned over zero emails after they were ordered to turn over their emails. Where was that in the news.

Hillary had the entire GOP and media against her. For over 30 years. Remember, when it's true, it's a scandal, but when it's not true, it's a conspiracy.

Trump Foundation is a scandal.
Trump U is a scandal.
Trump's racism is a scandal.
Trump's self admitted sexual assaults are scandals

But for Republicans? It's OK.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

They didn't get rewarded you idiot. We got handed a defeat because we ran a shit candidate.
Not true.
I'm retired. I watched this campaign for months. The media was fascinated with Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Remember, Trump even got free advertising for his golf courses and hotels. Even with one of the worst campaigns in history, when you get that much free air time, it's nearly impossible to overcome. Even a station like MSNBC would run entire Trump speeches daily. Some days they would only mention Hillary by name. And they always said "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable" whenever her name was said. And that includes Chris Mathews, Joe Scarborough, Chuck Todd, even gay Robert Thomas. They couldn't say her name without saying "untrustworthy" and "unlikeable".

It seems Mika B. had an orgasm every single time Trump's name was mentioned. Sure, they brought up his admissions to wanting to date his daughter and his attacks on women. But they never brought up the investigations into Trump Foundation. His stiffing his workers. Where were the interviews? Trump University? His Nov 28th Court date.

And when they asked people, what do you think of Hillary Clinton, the two answers EVERY SINGLE TIME was she's untrustworthy and unlikeable.

Then there's the over blown so called email scandal. Remember, Colin Powell had an AOL account over his iPhone. How many times has AOL been hacked? Thousands. Where was that in the news. Colin and Condi turned over zero emails after they were ordered to turn over their emails. Where was that in the news.

Hillary had the entire GOP and media against her. For over 30 years. Remember, when it's true, it's a scandal, but when it's not true, it's a conspiracy.

Trump Foundation is a scandal.
Trump U is a scandal.
Trump's racism is a scandal.
Trump's self admitted sexual assaults are scandals

But for Republicans? It's OK.

You thought the liberal media was "fascinated" with Trump and helped him?


And you call anyone else extreme?
You almost gotta laugh at the self denial the radical left is capable of. What are we hearing today even from democrats? "We have to unite the Country" and "fix the economy". Isn't that an admission that Obama has screwed up for the last eight years?
You almost gotta laugh at the self denial the radical left is capable of. What are we hearing today even from democrats? "We have to unite the Country" and "fix the economy". Isn't that an admission that Obama has screwed up for the last eight years?

This election was no doubt a referendum on the last 8 years.
Why does the OP have an avatar of a wolf or coyote? These mammals are pure, very wise and practical. They’re united, and absolutely set in their ways, simply because they’ve worked for thousands of years. They’re not “progress”ives entertaining foolish ideas to please their emotions, which only invite chaos and decay. They recognize real problems, and solve them with efficient and practical solutions.

If I can be of assistance, I’d like to recommend Quail. If you haven’t seen them in action, feel free to look them up with an open mind.
Why are you amazed and shocked? I laid out the facts for you several times and you ignored them. I'll tell you why you're amazed and shocked. You mindlessly believe what you see and hear on TV. When will you understand that you're the one who is getting fucked in all of this by being blind to the fact that the media is lying to you. They have been pushing a narrative that was a lie. Thats wrong. How can you with good conscience accept that?

The media have little to do with how I feel. I take full responsibly for my beliefs and feelings - which are formed from a variety of sources going back to childhood and education. I'm aware of Hillary's faults - and I'm damn sure of Trump's faults.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.

Look, you can praise yourself all you want - but I see it clearly as false praise. BECAUSE, if not for Assange, Putin, and ESPECIALLY Comey - YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WRONG. Hillary would be our new president. You got LUCKY - not SMART.
Right! If they hadn't ratted Hillary out.....she'd be president now!
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

i'm no mad. i just know you lost the popular vote and i'm not interested in talking to bigoted conspiracy loons. and the reality is, you and your white trash will be hurt way more than i will. *shrug*
You don't even know my ethnicity :lol: quit assuming I'm white. I got flava girlllllll.

More whites voted for Romney so try to spin Trumps beating he dished out to Clinton a little more accurately.

I told you exactly what would happen and it did, don't be mad. We'll talk when I get home tonight.
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.

Look, you can praise yourself all you want - but I see it clearly as false praise. BECAUSE, if not for Assange, Putin, and ESPECIALLY Comey - YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WRONG. Hillary would be our new president. You got LUCKY - not SMART.
You're not making sense any more. First you're shocked and amazed now your back peddling and blaming it on Putin and company. Which is it?

Comey's malfeasance made you lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Spin it however you wish. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Therefore, I will not congratulate you or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because you owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how you would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Have you?
Lucky nothing. Comey's announcement had ZERO impact on Hillary. This is a fact. Her numbers went no where. They were always low but the media and pollsters wouldn't tell you that.

You were sucked into the vortex of lies don't blame anyone or anything for her losing. She was losing well before Comey's announcement (fact) Comey's announcement didn't hurt her (fact)
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

It's a very sad day in America. Republicans used to be very picky about their candidates. No Republican would have tolerated a Donald Trump just 4 years ago. Mitt Romney was crucified by paying 5 million in income tax for one year, because he was taxed at the lower 15% investment rate. Trump didn't even release one single return, and we find out that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Taxes in 18 years. He gets a pass on that.

No Republican would have been nominated with a mouth like that. It would have been out of the question. Trump gets a pass on that.

I think we had millions of Americans, including Democrats who were enthralled with a wall that will never be built, mass deportations, that will never happen, and rusted out factories that will never re-open. They voted on emotion & anger. And when you use emotion to make a decision, that decision typically turns out very bad.

They'll lose interest and turn on him when he doesn't deliver. Democrats will take back the house and Senate in 2018, and they'll hog tie him so he gets nothing done.

Hillary Clinton needed to win BIG---to bury these people. If she had won in a close race, all Republicans would have done would have thrown more political dog & pony shows, more taxpayer dollars spent in more worthless investigations, etc. etc. etc. IOW she wouldn't have been able to get anything done--working with a solid Republican congress that doesn't know how to do anything other than say NO.

So now they OWN Donald Trump. He will no longer be able to get away with what was so easy for him during the campaign. The media is going to be all over his ass. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, so he will be called the illegitimate President. The divide is greater than ever in this country today, and Democrats will be looking for payback.
You're right about two things....the media will be spreading lies and negativity about President Trump and Democrats will be looking for payback. That's how liberals operate and people have become aware of that fact; and it's why people don't trust the mainstream media.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.
Explain what fuckup?

What a dumb fuck you are:

1) Disastrous war in Iraq
2) Disastrous war in Afghanistan
3) Hurricane Katrina aftermath
4) Economic crash in 2008

That's just a short list. It's incredible how you stupid Repug mother fuckers can't remember anything before President Obama.
You need to change your name.
Explain what fuckup?

What a dumb fuck you are:

1) Disastrous war in Iraq
2) Disastrous war in Afghanistan
3) Hurricane Katrina aftermath
4) Economic crash in 2008

That's just a short list. It's incredible how you stupid Repug mother fuckers can't remember anything before President Obama.
Thanks fascist....we got it from here.....

Yep, you Repug Trumpkin fuckholes will fuck-up the country even more than Bush did.

Tell me something I didn't already know, assfuck.

More from the asshole that promised to be off the board by to day. Another liberal that lies. Figured as much.

I set you fascists up nicely, I must admit.

If you think I will ever meekly go away while these evil Trumpkin assholes attempt to destroy this country, you've got another thing coming.

I understand, you didn't vote for Trump because you are a "true conservative". Whatever. The REAL reason you should not vote for Trump is that he is racist and a bully and is simply not qualified to be elected dog catcher, let alone President.

Glad you are staying, I love dealing with the daffy lying leftist nutjobs.
Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

i'm no mad. i just know you lost the popular vote and i'm not interested in talking to bigoted conspiracy loons. and the reality is, you and your white trash will be hurt way more than i will. *shrug*
Nobody on here is "white trash".
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

What did the repub congress do that was good? Seemed like a lot of nothing to me.
They won't get away with that for long.

I'm surprised they were rewarded for it. Seemed they were useless to me.
They weren't rewarded. Trump is going to put them to work for a long time.

A lot less "recesses" for Congress now.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.
Explain what fuckup?

What a dumb fuck you are:

1) Disastrous war in Iraq
2) Disastrous war in Afghanistan
3) Hurricane Katrina aftermath
4) Economic crash in 2008

That's just a short list. It's incredible how you stupid Repug mother fuckers can't remember anything before President Obama.
Thanks fascist....we got it from here.....

Yep, you Repug Trumpkin fuckholes will fuck-up the country even more than Bush did.

Tell me something I didn't already know, assfuck.

You mean like...nearly 60,000,000 people voted for Trump.

And you don't have the WH....or the house...or the senate....?

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