The more Republicans fuck up - the more they get rewarded. Why?

Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.
There is no logical explanation from either Science or from Philosophy on this.

The only logical explanation comes from Religion:

God is apparently currently a Republican.

It was the democrat party that fucked up. Liberals need to come to terms with this.
It is because Hillary would not give Billy Boy daily and nightly blow jobs during her marriage to him, and so he developed a wandering eye, and then she had to lie to cover for him, and she became a pathological liar, and half of the females hate her now.

That's probably why.

But that does not explain the other miracle of the US Senate returning with 51 GOP senators and possibly even 1 more to make it 52.

So I am going with the God explanation for now.

Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

People like their policies. Liberals run on charisma (Obama) and trying to savage every republican.
Obama was well liked, but he fucked the democrat party, even more than Bill Clinton.
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Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.
Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

You do realize that neocons opposed Trump and some backed Hillary
You need to update your talking points
Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

You do realize that neocons opposed Trump and some backed Hillary
You need to update your talking points

If you reread my post - you will see that I have provided for that event.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

What did the repub congress do that was good? Seemed like a lot of nothing to me.
They said NO.

To doing anything? I would have liked some fiscal responsibility.
That's where the NO comes in.

So they had no fiscal responsibility? I didn't notice any.
Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

You do realize that neocons opposed Trump and some backed Hillary
You need to update your talking points

If you reread my post - you will see that I have provided for that event.
Nothing in there about that.
But this paranoia of Russia, you qrealize it was a talking point, they have no clue.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

What did the repub congress do that was good? Seemed like a lot of nothing to me.
They said NO.

To doing anything? I would have liked some fiscal responsibility.
That's where the NO comes in.

So they had no fiscal responsibility? I didn't notice any.
True. You didn't notice. They cut spending growth for one.
What did the repub congress do that was good? Seemed like a lot of nothing to me.
They said NO.

To doing anything? I would have liked some fiscal responsibility.
That's where the NO comes in.

So they had no fiscal responsibility? I didn't notice any.
True. You didn't notice. They cut spending growth for one.

That sure wasn't noticeable in the debt. Are you sure? Link?
Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

You do realize that neocons opposed Trump and some backed Hillary
You need to update your talking points

If you reread my post - you will see that I have provided for that event.
Nothing in there about that.
But this paranoia of Russia, you qrealize it was a talking point, they have no clue.

Sure there is:

"Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump."
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

Let me get this straight, Hillary used a private server she knew she was not suppose to use and then got caught, and then promptly deleted her e-mails with bleach bit and destroyed her servers, then lied her arse off about it afterwards? Then she had a foundation she was using as a money laundering scheme? Then she fixed the primary against Bernie?

How do Republicans do so well?

Well, if you're gonna put it that way...
Comey's malfeasance made NaziCons lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Therefore, I will not congratulate NaziCons or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because they owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how they would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump's investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Comey's malfeasance dissuaded some potential Hillary voters and emboldened all the alt-right peckerwoods to come out of the woodwork and vote for Trump. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Spin it however you wish.

"Then came Comey"
Why did the THREE REP Senators (who opposed Trump) all lose? uh-huh Chief? Buffalo herd making too much noise for you to think? If you are not with Trump you don't win. Still crying about those private Tax returns? Give it up already. geez!

Republicans Dominated The Senate Races, Except The Ones Who Dumped Trump

Read more: Republicans Dominated The Senate Races, Except The Ones Who Dumped Trump
The more Republicans fuck up - the more they get rewarded. Why?

I'm pretty sure it was the Clinton campaign who fucked up and royally so. Once Trump got the nomination the Clintons had this election in the bag. It took a whole shit load of incompetence and malfeasance to blow that
Thank you, Captain Obvious.


I had to look it up..............
The media has everything to do with how you feel. They mislead you the entire time. You just admitted you were shocked and amazed. Why? You listened to their BULLSHIT. Had you not, you would have seen what was behind the curtain they put up.

Just get down on your Brietbart Christian knees and thank James Comey, Assange and Putin for your alt-right mesiah's victory. Meanwhile, you can continue to praise yourself for being right.
You just proved my point. You just parroted and entire sentence that you heard/saw on TV. You'll forever be enslaved by your masters. Good luck with that, it will never serve you.

Look, you can praise yourself all you want - but I see it clearly as false praise. BECAUSE, if not for Assange, Putin, and ESPECIALLY Comey - YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WRONG. Hillary would be our new president. You got LUCKY - not SMART.
You're not making sense any more. First you're shocked and amazed now your back peddling and blaming it on Putin and company. Which is it?

Comey's malfeasance made you lucky - not smart. Up until about two weeks ago, Trump was defeated - and even his team knew that. Then came Comey. Spin it however you wish. Yes, I'm amazed and shocked - as are many others. Therefore, I will not congratulate you or any Trumpster for Trump's victory - because you owe it all to Comey. I can only imagine how you would have felt had the IRS released Trump's tax returns or if Comey had released any information regarding Trump investigations. BTW, I still wonder why Assange and Putin didn't release any RNC's emails. Have you?

Let's talk about the corrupt, biased media malfeasance

The motherfuckers disguised news reporting as editorials, fake polls, and "fact checking".

It didn't work. The strategy backfired.

Go protest in front of the NY Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc

Lakhota hows defeat taste? Pretty bitter huh? :lol:

You should have heeded ck's warnings that Trump had it in the bag instead of trusting CNN and the pollsters. I'm never wrong.

You seen my girlfriend jillian around? I think she's mad at me for being so goddamn right all the time. For once I'd love to be wrong, I guess its not in the cards for me.

Your 'team' fielded a really shitty candidate, thats why you lost. It's that simple.

i'm no mad. i just know you lost the popular vote and i'm not interested in talking to bigoted conspiracy loons. and the reality is, you and your white trash will be hurt way more than i will. *shrug*
Nobody on here is "white trash".

ir you say so

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