The most dangerous liberals in Texas


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

Saul Alinsky, proponent and teacher of Communism? Yep. I've heard of him.

Here's "A 'Tribute to Communism'" found at American Thinker Magazine.
[ame=]A Tribute to Communism - YouTube[/ame]
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

The GOP can target all they like, but here in San Antonio the Castro brothers are golden. They're not going to be losing to any republicans.

As for what they said, I somewhat agree. By 2020, Texas should at least be a purple state. Won't that be fun. :lol:
Yep, the commies are everywhere, those two are only a couple of folks that need to be defeated, we got some major leftist coming out of Houston, Dallas and Austin also.

Commies. :lol:

When I see someone saying that, I picture a bitter old man in bib overalls complaining to all the other bitter old men in the barbershop.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

LOL...."target", like you're going to have to target the up and coming liberals across the entire country? Hello? The demographics have changed and are changing. Texas is slowly "turning blue", and there is little you can do about it. Rick Perry's days are numbered. Target? Is that in "assassination"? You should be careful of your rhetoric. You could easily be reported to the F.B.I.
Yep, the commies are everywhere, those two are only a couple of folks that need to be defeated, we got some major leftist coming out of Houston, Dallas and Austin also.

You damn straight. So get ready.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

LOL...."target", like you're going to have to target the up and coming liberals across the entire country? Hello? The demographics have changed and are changing. Texas is slowly "turning blue", and there is little you can do about it. Rick Perry's days are numbered. Target? Is that in "assassination"? You should be careful of your rhetoric. You could easily be reported to the F.B.I.

Knock down some more Vodka, Komrade.

Since YOU are the one insinuating that the word "target" refers to "assassination", YOU should be reported to the FBI.

Are you a gun owner? Did you know that people who have been judged to be "mentally ill" are not permitted, by law, to purchase or own firearms? That would be another avenue for the FBI to investigate about you.

Just a heads up, Vladimir.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

LOL...."target", like you're going to have to target the up and coming liberals across the entire country? Hello? The demographics have changed and are changing. Texas is slowly "turning blue", and there is little you can do about it. Rick Perry's days are numbered. Target? Is that in "assassination"? You should be careful of your rhetoric. You could easily be reported to the F.B.I.

Knock down some more Vodka, Komrade.

Since YOU are the one insinuating that the word "target" refers to "assassination", YOU should be reported to the FBI.

Are you a gun owner? Did you know that people who have been judged to be "mentally ill" are not permitted, by law, to purchase or own firearms? That would be another avenue for the FBI to investigate about you.

Just a heads up, Vladimir.

Sorry, but my ID reads "Poet", not Vladimir. While I love vodka, I'm strictly 100 % patriotic American, and I believe that the 2nd amendment needs to be repealed and all guns "outlawed". How do you like me now?
Gun owners are scum of the Earth, because it's their family members and loved ones that are the victims of gun violence, 9 times out of 10, because of their carelessness.
Report my ass, quick, fast and in a lawless days are long gone. I'm a model citizen. Can you say the same?
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

LOL...."target", like you're going to have to target the up and coming liberals across the entire country? Hello? The demographics have changed and are changing. Texas is slowly "turning blue", and there is little you can do about it. Rick Perry's days are numbered. Target? Is that in "assassination"? You should be careful of your rhetoric. You could easily be reported to the F.B.I.

Knock down some more Vodka, Komrade.

Since YOU are the one insinuating that the word "target" refers to "assassination", YOU should be reported to the FBI.

Are you a gun owner? Did you know that people who have been judged to be "mentally ill" are not permitted, by law, to purchase or own firearms? That would be another avenue for the FBI to investigate about you.

Just a heads up, Vladimir.

The Russian references are kind of cute, I mean if you're 12.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

Radicals like these guys are only dangerous because there are more radicals, like some here at the message boards, who are equally as stupid and will support this kind of shit.

There are so many immigrants and brainwashed lefties who want to completely destroy America and rebuild something else in it's place. Many, like the Castro twins, are racist and radical.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

Radicals like these guys are only dangerous because there are more radicals, like some here at the message boards, who are equally as stupid and will support this kind of shit.

There are so many immigrants and brainwashed lefties who want to completely destroy America and rebuild something else in it's place. Many, like the Castro twins, are racist and radical.

While most on the extreme right call any democrat a "radical", I fail to see how either of the Castros could be legitimately called a racist.

Some links and concrete examples of their racism would be appreciated.
conservatives need to target these twin brothers....

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a ‘purple state’ then a ‘blue state’ because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans.

Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.


The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama.

They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barack Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.

Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.

The Castro brothers: The most dangerous liberals in Texas - Seguin Gazette: Community Columnists

Radicals like these guys are only dangerous because there are more radicals, like some here at the message boards, who are equally as stupid and will support this kind of shit.

There are so many immigrants and brainwashed lefties who want to completely destroy America and rebuild something else in it's place. Many, like the Castro twins, are racist and radical.

BS. The Bush Administration already did a superlative job at destroying America. It's going to take "lefties" to fix what they fucked up. And, please. You people say that about any minorities. It's just "projection", on your part.
Yes, after three Republican Presidents (two of them two-term Presidents), there really wasn't much left of the country for anyone to destroy. The economy of the entire world was nearly destroyed by the Republicans, just as they did before the Great depression of the 1930's. Republicans started a war on the poor under Reagan, but their policies have done nothing but create more and more poor people who see right through them. Eventually, people recognize that it is not in their own best interests to continue to vote for a party that truly believes voodoo economics works, despite all reasonable evidence to the contrary.

Now all liberals are commies, since communists are the boogie men of American politics. A leftover from the Cold War. Communism is a failed ideology. Even China has gone capitalist. But no, having no real enemies anymore, the conservative mediai trots out the old Cold War boogie men, the communists. They lurk under every bed waiting to destroy the United States. With George Bush, those who opposed our policies are aiding and abetting terrorists, those who oppose conservatives are commies out to destroy the US.
Yep, the commies are everywhere, those two are only a couple of folks that need to be defeated, we got some major leftist coming out of Houston, Dallas and Austin also.

Commies. :lol:

When I see someone saying that, I picture a bitter old man in bib overalls complaining to all the other bitter old men in the barbershop.
Then you must be willing to let commies do away with 97,000,000 people who disagree with your leader.

That's what commies do.
Yes, after three Republican Presidents (two of them two-term Presidents), there really wasn't much left of the country for anyone to destroy. The economy of the entire world was nearly destroyed by the Republicans, just as they did before the Great depression of the 1930's. Republicans started a war on the poor under Reagan, but their policies have done nothing but create more and more poor people who see right through them. Eventually, people recognize that it is not in their own best interests to continue to vote for a party that truly believes voodoo economics works, despite all reasonable evidence to the contrary.

Now all liberals are commies, since communists are the boogie men of American politics. A leftover from the Cold War. Communism is a failed ideology. Even China has gone capitalist. But no, having no real enemies anymore, the conservative mediai trots out the old Cold War boogie men, the communists. They lurk under every bed waiting to destroy the United States. With George Bush, those who opposed our policies are aiding and abetting terrorists, those who oppose conservatives are commies out to destroy the US.

I'll trade you Obama for Harper..

[ame=]PM Stephen Harper announces final tax cut - YouTube[/ame]

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