The MSM has just elected Hillary as our next president! Did the joke go over your heads?


Trump elected Clinton president, not the 'MSM,' the only thing insane is trying to blame Trump's incompetence and failings on anyone or anything else but Trump.


Wallace even tried to give Trump a chance to walk back some of his crazier statements, and Trump refused to do so.

Being it better to say random outrageous things (that honestly no one is immune from doing)...or to lie and obfuscate? Hillary is the queen of artful deception. And to boot, she is a corporatist to the core. She doesn't represent you. And you are a complete joke if you think for two seconds she does.
Breaking News is splashed across all their screens immediately following the debate. All 6 mainstream media panels faint when Donald won't commit. This is horrifying!!


I watched them all flipping steadily through the channels. That is all they talked about right after, including Fox and the darling megyn kelly who was as mortified as all the others. How dare he?

What a joke this nation has become! Sensationalize something, anything! Find something on Trump that we can destroy him! That is your mission!

The media is the biggest poison in this nation by far!! They have a glaring agenda to make this nation beholden to ALL leftist ideologies. They have an agenda to destroy Christian values and morals. To mock family values and champion perversions. They do not care what risks they take with foreign elements or terrorists, they do not care about this economy or the little guy except to fool them into voting democrat. They are destroying us -- easily -- because you all do not care about the truth from above or within.

Hillary will win easily with the media and govt and educators and D.C. elitists (including republicans) all pushing hard against Trump and lying their way through it. Hillary deflected almost every question tonight with her boring, cliche rambles. But all the big six TV news channels cared about was Trump will not say if he will accept the results!!!!!

How insane. How obvious is their agenda. The media, worse than the people, could not care less about what really matters in this election or nation, and it has become impossible to stomach.

The Republican base elected Hillary, a woman nobody really wants, by pushing a man unacceptable to most Americans, even though it was clear from the beginning he was a very bad candidate.

Good job.

Being it better to say random outrageous things (that honestly no one is immune from doing)...or to lie and obfuscate? Hillary is the queen of artful deception. And to boot, she is a corporatist to the core. She doesn't represent you. And you are a complete joke if you think for two seconds she does.

To be honest, the Clintons were always very good at striking that balance between Corporate interests and working class interests, which aren't diametrically opposed. The problem is, of course, as Herbert Hoover once observed, Capitalists are too damned greedy. They were making fine money on Clinton's watch, but with 3.8% unemployment, they had to share some of that with the wage slaves, which they clearly resented doing.

Now, I know that electing Hillary means we will get more gridlock and some petty scandals and influence peddling.

Which is better than the absolute chaos a Trump PResidency would inflict on this country.

The ones who are a complete joke are those who think the Republican Party can rein in Trump once he becomes president when they can't stand up to him now.
MSM is stating the obvious....Trump is TOAST
To state otherwise would be a dereliction of journalistic standards

With three weeks to go, any credible journalist who proclaims....This could go either way
Is not doing their job
The Republican base elected Hillary, a woman nobody really wants, by pushing a man unacceptable to most Americans, even though it was clear from the beginning he was a very bad candidate.

Good job.


What I will acknowledge:

Trump says some incendiary things that makes the hearts of the ignorant onlookers flutter and the media go into a frenzy.

Trump is not a saint nor a brilliant communicator. He is prone to be pilloried by the media and his adversaries --- sometimes fairly, but far more often unfairly and dishonestly. .

What you will not acknowledge:

This nation has turned its back on God and have turned into self-centered lustful materialists. They are very prone to gravitate to those voices who comfort and coddle their desires.

There is virtually no difference amongst all the major media news outlets. They are being controlled by the same forces and their agenda is a secular humanist one. That is, program the people to think money, sex and materialism should be our goals. Do not think about a mythical God, in fact make these Christians look like extremists who want to control your lives and hate you for not being like them.

Hollywood, the music industry, all of TV, the fashion industry, they all push sex is king on even the youngest of children. Everybody accepts this and if they do not, they have given up trying to challenge the status quo.

This nation is so easily manipulated by the mainstream media it is painful to witness. They have TOTALLY covered up the sins and crimes and lies and faults of Obama and now Hillary. They have totally destroyed Trump by picking and choosing what they will report on. Last night was a glaring example of that.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the leftist ideology, the republican establishment, the brainwashed and programmed public, the abortion industry, the zealots who demand their perversions go mainstream, the universities, educators and social engineers in power, the environmentalist extremists, the global financial powers and corporations, the corrupt heads of justice and other agencies, the entertainment industries, apologists for Islamic malevolence, and of course the Mainstream Media ---- they are all far and away corrupting this world and spitting in the face of God. That is why we are all in big trouble, either when we die or when hell comes to visit this nation.
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What will Hillary do if Trump barely wins?
Just waddle back to Huma's loving arms?
The LIB dominated MSM will demand a recount! Then another recount! Then another recount!
And each time the number of ballots cast for Hillary will grow larger.
Al Franken will be the 'Recount Czar' for good reason.
Breaking News is splashed across all their screens immediately following the debate. All 6 mainstream media panels faint when Donald won't commit. This is horrifying!!


I watched them all flipping steadily through the channels. That is all they talked about right after, including Fox and the darling megyn kelly who was as mortified as all the others. How dare he?

What a joke this nation has become! Sensationalize something, anything! Find something on Trump that we can destroy him! That is your mission!

The media is the biggest poison in this nation by far!! They have a glaring agenda to make this nation beholden to ALL leftist ideologies. They have an agenda to destroy Christian values and morals. To mock family values and champion perversions. They do not care what risks they take with foreign elements or terrorists, they do not care about this economy or the little guy except to fool them into voting democrat. They are destroying us -- easily -- because you all do not care about the truth from above or within.

Hillary will win easily with the media and govt and educators and D.C. elitists (including republicans) all pushing hard against Trump and lying their way through it. Hillary deflected almost every question tonight with her boring, cliche rambles. But all the big six TV news channels cared about was Trump will not say if he will accept the results!!!!!

How insane. How obvious is their agenda. The media, worse than the people, could not care less about what really matters in this election or nation, and it has become impossible to stomach.

The Republican base elected Hillary, a woman nobody really wants, by pushing a man unacceptable to most Americans, even though it was clear from the beginning he was a very bad candidate.

Good job.

Total lies all. You are a magnificent kunt.
The media is the biggest poison in this nation by far!! They have a glaring agenda to make this nation beholden to ALL leftist ideologies. They have an agenda to destroy Christian values and morals. To mock family values and champion perversions. They do not care what risks they take with foreign elements or terrorists, they do not care about this economy or the little guy

That's not the media, that would be the GOP candidate...:lol:
4 years of Hillary, they will find out what hardship and oppression is.
Yeah, that's what they said about Obama in '08: "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this guy, and we get it back."

And that's what they said about Obama in '12: "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this guy, and we get it back."

Now Hillary. "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this lady and we get it back."

So I'll put you down for a "nothing, we've learned nothing from this, not a goddamned thing". Okay.

This strategy rocks, though!
LoL! So true.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The Republican base elected Hillary, a woman nobody really wants, by pushing a man unacceptable to most Americans, even though it was clear from the beginning he was a very bad candidate.

Good job.


What I will acknowledge:

Trump says some incendiary things that makes the hearts of the ignorant onlookers flutter and the media go into a frenzy.

Trump is not a saint nor a brilliant communicator. He is prone to be pilloried by the media and his adversaries --- sometimes fairly, but far more often unfairly and dishonestly. .

What you will not acknowledge:

This nation has turned its back on God and have turned into self-centered lustful materialists. They are very prone to gravitate to those voices who comfort and coddle their desires.

There is virtually no difference amongst all the major media news outlets. They are being controlled by the same forces and their agenda is a secular humanist one. That is, program the people to think money, sex and materialism should be our goals. Do not think about a mythical God, in fact make these Christians look like extremists who want to control your lives and hate you for not being like them.

Hollywood, the music industry, all of TV, the fashion industry, they all push sex is king on even the youngest of children. Everybody accepts this and if they do not, they have given up trying to challenge the status quo.

This nation is so easily manipulated by the mainstream media it is painful to witness. They have TOTALLY covered up the sins and crimes and lies and faults of Obama and now Hillary. They have totally destroyed Trump by picking and choosing what they will report on. Last night was a glaring example of that.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the leftist ideology, the republican establishment, the brainwashed and programmed public, the abortion industry, the zealots who demand their perversions go mainstream, the universities, educators and social engineers in power, the environmentalist extremists, the global financial powers and corporations, the corrupt heads of justice and other agencies, the entertainment industries, apologists for Islamic malevolence, and of course the Mainstream Media ---- they are all far and away corrupting this world and spitting in the face of God. That is why we are all in big trouble, either when we die or when hell comes to visit this nation.
Does the Christian right have anything to do with it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Okay, so now what?

What, if anything, could the GOP take from this campaign, what could it learn?

Should it just give up, knowing the media is against it?

The Dems ran a terrible candidate, and the GOP countered with Trump, a guy tailor-made for the media to use as a chew toy.

What's next? What have you learned?

Well for starters, as they say, the first step to recovery is admit you have a problem. I think I have gone that far. Has the media? Has the White House? Has Hillary? Has the D.C. establishment? All, "No, they have not." But Trump has spoken to it. But almost none of the voters are smart enough to pick up on that, or they are preoccupied where they really do not care.

Who said anything about giving up because the media is against it? Many Christian voices, in many ways, have not given up, they are just a minority and are all too often manipulated by the media, et al. too look the part of being extremists and mean.

You making this whole thing to be about Trump is bogus. It has been going on since I would say the 60's. That is the turning away from morals and virtue, the villifying of Christian values, and the championing of sexual desires and love of self. And the beliefs and platforms of the conservative party clash with that agenda. So they make all conservative candidates look to be the prudes and task masters demanding obedience. It is a total joke.

What do you suggest we do? Find common ground and pretend we all are friends and I'm Ok you're Ok? Make the transgender bathroom ordeal to be the big issue our president focus on and in the meantime let unvetted Muslims roam free in this nation? Fine, but then I would say you are the one not really doing much good if that is your answer.
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The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he could make Mexico pay for a wall
It's easy. But you libs don't think it's possible because the powers that be don't want the damned thing built.
Hillary was whining about how difficult it would be to enforce immigration law. The fact is Trump isn't saying they're going to go looking for them. What will happen is because they entered the country illegally, they lose the right to ever become a citizen. So, even if they stay here, they are useless to the Democrats. He doesn't have to send them back. They also won't be eligible for benefits. No welfare, no Social Security, no Obamacare. Nothing funded by the taxpayer. They'll have to go back on their own. And all of these benefits will stop being a magnet for million more that are pouring over our borders.
Meh whatever. We'll never find out so :dunno:
We'll never find out if you keep electing people like Hillary, McCain, or Bush.
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What do you suggest we do?
FIRST of all, THANK YOU for your civil, reasonable response. Those can be pretty tough to find around here.

I want two strong parties to keep each other in check. So if I could wave a magic wand and make the GOP learn a lesson here, I'd look at three things.

First, they're right, this country is slipping away from them. But they're refusing to look in the mirror, they refuse to control what they can control, they refuse to understand the difference between message, messenger, and messaging. Your message, no matter what it is, is ruined if you trot out a horrible messenger like Trump or Palin. The Democrats just LOVE it when you do that. The messaging of this party has been terrible for a decade or so, and the party has not learned its lesson. Meanwhile, the Democrats are great at messaging, tugging at heartstrings.

Second, you need to realize that you can't turn this ship around on a dime. The brilliance of Reagan's 80% Rule - which is now being completely ignored by the absolutists in the GOP - is that it allows for incremental growth and victories. The Democrats know how to take a little victory here and there and patiently build on it until it's a big victory, giving them momentum for further victories. The GOP thinks it can toss a Trump or a Cruz out there without turning people off. Wrong.

Finally, there are WAY too many people in the party who are listening to the wrong voices, the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Levins and Breitbarts of the world. These media guys have a vested professional interest in keeping you pissed off and thinking in simplistic all-or-nothing terms. If Republicans started working with Democrats and we started seeing positive change, they're screwed. They do not want it. They should be marginalized absolutely as soon as possible.

My two cents, worth every penny. And I'm certainly not expecting the party to do any of this right now.
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he could make Mexico pay for a wall

The Whore of Babylon's biggest trick will be to have convinced gun owners that they should give up their weapons "for the toddlers".

Yet you've spent 8 years shrieking that Obama is going to take your guns. So when did he take them?

Not for lack of trying.
Did you notice how upset Finestein was when her gun ban bill was shot down?
4 years of Hillary, they will find out what hardship and oppression is.
Yeah, that's what they said about Obama in '08: "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this guy, and we get it back."

And that's what they said about Obama in '12: "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this guy, and we get it back."

Now Hillary. "Yeah, we'll just sit here, four years of this lady and we get it back."

So I'll put you down for a "nothing, we've learned nothing from this, not a goddamned thing". Okay.

This strategy rocks, though!
As with anything they do, they do it in stages.

Before Obama was re-elected we didn’t know he was going to meet with paid anarchists in the White House. We didn't know that he was going to use an EO to give amnesty to illegals. We didn't know he was going to start bringing tens of thousands of potential terrorists into the US. We didn't know he was going to corrupt the FBI and the DOJ to the point that espionage could be ignored if you're part of their club. We didn't know he was going to release thousands of criminals into our streets. We didn't know that he would start a media campaign that attacks cops for doing their jobs. We didn't know he would give Iran $1.6 billion in cash to fund terrorism. We didn't know he was going to stick us with the largest tax increase in US history.
Breaking News is splashed across all their screens immediately following the debate. All 6 mainstream media panels faint when Donald won't commit. This is horrifying!!


I watched them all flipping steadily through the channels. That is all they talked about right after, including Fox and the darling megyn kelly who was as mortified as all the others. How dare he?

What a joke this nation has become! Sensationalize something, anything! Find something on Trump that we can destroy him! That is your mission!

The media is the biggest poison in this nation by far!! They have a glaring agenda to make this nation beholden to ALL leftist ideologies. They have an agenda to destroy Christian values and morals. To mock family values and champion perversions. They do not care what risks they take with foreign elements or terrorists, they do not care about this economy or the little guy except to fool them into voting democrat. They are destroying us -- easily -- because you all do not care about the truth from above or within.

Hillary will win easily with the media and govt and educators and D.C. elitists (including republicans) all pushing hard against Trump and lying their way through it. Hillary deflected almost every question tonight with her boring, cliche rambles. But all the big six TV news channels cared about was Trump will not say if he will accept the results!!!!!

How insane. How obvious is their agenda. The media, worse than the people, could not care less about what really matters in this election or nation, and it has become impossible to stomach.

Trump elected Clinton president, not the 'MSM,' the only thing insane is trying to blame Trump's incompetence and failings on anyone or anything else but Trump.

While Hillary sits on her fat ass the media trashes Trump 24/7.



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What will Hillary do if Trump barely wins?
Just waddle back to Huma's loving arms?
The LIB dominated MSM will demand a recount! Then another recount! Then another recount!
And each time the number of ballots cast for Hillary will grow larger.
Al Franken will be the 'Recount Czar' for good reason.
Notice Chris Wallace didn’t even bother asking Hillary if she would contest the election results if she loses. To him, and to the rest of the media, that is unthinkable.
LMAO! "Trump won't commit" and the nation goes crazy. Amazing that people haven't figured out this man by now. He's a master negotiator and will never play his hand. He'll commit if Hillary wins. Maybe not immediately, but he will. If Hillary wins it's to bad we won't have someone like Trump negotiating for us. America is hell bent on keeping the same 'ol inside the beltway garbage in Washington. They blindly follow the same Washington elite establishment, then they'll complain about how the system is rigged against them later.
What do you suggest we do?
FIRST of all, THANK YOU for your civil, reasonable response. Those can be pretty tough to find around here.

I want two strong parties to keep each other in check. So if I could wave a magic wand and make the GOP learn a lesson here, I'd look at three things.

First, they're right, this country is slipping away from them. But they're refusing to look in the mirror, they refuse to control what they can control, they refuse to understand the difference between message, messenger, and messaging. Your message, no matter what it is, is ruined if you trot out a horrible messenger like Trump or Palin. The Democrats just LOVE it when you do that. The messaging of this party has been terrible for a decade or so, and the party has not learned its lesson. Meanwhile, the Democrats are great at messaging, tugging at heartstrings.

Second, you need to realize that you can't turn this ship around on a dime. The brilliance of Reagan's 80% Rule - which is now being completely ignored by the absolutists in the GOP - is that it allows for incremental growth and victories. The Democrats know how to take a little victory here and there and patiently build on it until it's a big victory, giving them momentum for further victories. The GOP thinks it can toss a Trump or a Cruz out there without turning people off. Wrong.

Finally, there are WAY too many people in the party who are listening to the wrong voices, the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Levins and Breitbarts of the world. These media guys have a vested professional interest in keeping you pissed off and thinking in simplistic all-or-nothing terms. If Republicans started working with Democrats and we started seeing positive change, they're screwed. They do not want it. They should be marginalized absolutely as soon as possible.

My two cents, worth every penny. And I'm certainly not expecting the party to do any of this right now.
Ha ha ha.....

I've got news for you......Republicans are already working with Democrats, but in the wrong way. Telling us one thing and doing another. Cruz is part of the establishment. People who aren't don't stay around long.
What will Hillary do if Trump barely wins?
Just waddle back to Huma's loving arms?
The LIB dominated MSM will demand a recount! Then another recount! Then another recount!
And each time the number of ballots cast for Hillary will grow larger.
Al Franken will be the 'Recount Czar' for good reason.
Notice Chris Wallace didn’t even bother asking Hillary if she would contest the election results if she loses. To him, and to the rest of the media, that is unthinkable.

Hillary has already endorsed our democratic system

'Trump hasn't

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