The MSM has just elected Hillary as our next president! Did the joke go over your heads?

What do you suggest we do?
FIRST of all, THANK YOU for your civil, reasonable response. Those can be pretty tough to find around here.

I want two strong parties to keep each other in check. So if I could wave a magic wand and make the GOP learn a lesson here, I'd look at three things.

First, they're right, this country is slipping away from them. But they're refusing to look in the mirror, they refuse to control what they can control, they refuse to understand the difference between message, messenger, and messaging. Your message, no matter what it is, is ruined if you trot out a horrible messenger like Trump or Palin. The Democrats just LOVE it when you do that. The messaging of this party has been terrible for a decade or so, and the party has not learned its lesson. Meanwhile, the Democrats are great at messaging, tugging at heartstrings.

Second, you need to realize that you can't turn this ship around on a dime. The brilliance of Reagan's 80% Rule - which is now being completely ignored by the absolutists in the GOP - is that it allows for incremental growth and victories. The Democrats know how to take a little victory here and there and patiently build on it until it's a big victory, giving them momentum for further victories. The GOP thinks it can toss a Trump or a Cruz out there without turning people off. Wrong.

Finally, there are WAY too many people in the party who are listening to the wrong voices, the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Levins and Breitbarts of the world. These media guys have a vested professional interest in keeping you pissed off and thinking in simplistic all-or-nothing terms. If Republicans started working with Democrats and we started seeing positive change, they're screwed. They do not want it. They should be marginalized absolutely as soon as possible.

My two cents, worth every penny. And I'm certainly not expecting the party to do any of this right now.
Well then to put it bluntly, maybe it is simply I am a fatalist and you are an optimist who sees a glass half full.

Why should any blame be assigned to Trump being the candidate or for the people choosing him? What did the other 16 republican candidates dare say? They all stayed within the comforts of D.C. establishment decorum. Meanwhile, half this nation was FINALLY fed up with being used by the D.C. establishment with their pseudo concern for Americans, their bogus promises of reforms, their fake concern for real issues. Because none of them dare rock the boat and jeopardize their cushy jobs and careers. The media played along and only pretended to report on real scandals. Instead the media has pampered the prurient interests of the general public. Tell us salacious stories and things we can talk about and giggle about.

But the tea party was the start of the people’s disgust and they started becoming very vocal and making sense. So the democrats and the mainstream media sensed this and knew they had to discredit them and make them look like extremists. So they did, very dishonestly. But the public bought it, big time. The same now with Trump. He will push the nuclear button because he gets upset! He's a creep and only in it for money! Etc, etc. You know the story. But the cover up of the crimes and secret deals and lies of the democrats in high places gets covered up and always has. You tell me which is worse for this nation?

I do not find the high volume anger and agitators of the major right wing voices you noted to be a serious fault at all. After all, they are the only counter to the giant forces of the MSM, the White House, the DC establishment, the liberal educators, the social engineers, the secularists, the race baitors and Hollywood that is propping up the phony state of the union and the democrat ideals in this country. Yes, the divisiveness and polarization of the American people is at an all time high and it does not look to subside. But to point to the extreme right as the main reason this is occurring is by no means correct, IMO. If anything, I point to the left and the MSM as far worse in causing this.

To sum, I am just here to make people angry. I am not all that political, I am really a very afraid soul who wants to avoid hell and most of purgatory for my family and those close to me. That's all.
What will Hillary do if Trump barely wins?
Just waddle back to Huma's loving arms?
The LIB dominated MSM will demand a recount! Then another recount! Then another recount!
And each time the number of ballots cast for Hillary will grow larger.
Al Franken will be the 'Recount Czar' for good reason.
Notice Chris Wallace didn’t even bother asking Hillary if she would contest the election results if she loses. To him, and to the rest of the media, that is unthinkable.

Hillary has already endorsed our democratic system

'Trump hasn't
Not officially, so the question should have been asked.
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he could make Mexico pay for a wall
The greatest trick is fucked up progressives convincing a gullible public that there has been a federal government surplus in many, many decades.
Fucking progressive math were 2+2 is 15… LOL
This nation has turned its back on God and have turned into self-centered lustful materialists. They are very prone to gravitate to those voices who comfort and coddle their desires.

The problem is, you think this is a bad thing. I don't. Religion is a scourge. Religion hasn't done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Hollywood, the music industry, all of TV, the fashion industry, they all push sex is king on even the youngest of children. Everybody accepts this and if they do not, they have given up trying to challenge the status quo.

Horseshit. If anything, Hollywood has gotten more prudish in the last 40 years. When was the last time you saw a movie with an explicit sex scene?
Being it better to say random outrageous things (that honestly no one is immune from doing)...or to lie and obfuscate? Hillary is the queen of artful deception. And to boot, she is a corporatist to the core. She doesn't represent you. And you are a complete joke if you think for two seconds she does.

To be honest, the Clintons were always very good at striking that balance between Corporate interests and working class interests, which aren't diametrically opposed. The problem is, of course, as Herbert Hoover once observed, Capitalists are too damned greedy. They were making fine money on Clinton's watch, but with 3.8% unemployment, they had to share some of that with the wage slaves, which they clearly resented doing.

Now, I know that electing Hillary means we will get more gridlock and some petty scandals and influence peddling.

Which is better than the absolute chaos a Trump PResidency would inflict on this country.

The ones who are a complete joke are those who think the Republican Party can rein in Trump once he becomes president when they can't stand up to him now.

You cannot discuss fiscal policies of President Clinton and not talk about Larry Summers...arguably the most corrupt official in any Presidency. And then of course Obama hired him to fill not one, but TWO advisory capacities. Summers is one of the key players that turned America into the plutocracy it is today.
And Hillary Clinton is an elitist/corporatist that will most certainly continue the extraction of common wealth to corporate wealth. To even allude to Capitalist greed and not acknowledge that Hillary is very -VERY embedded in everything that is wrong with corporatism is hilarious.
This nation has turned its back on God and have turned into self-centered lustful materialists. They are very prone to gravitate to those voices who comfort and coddle their desires.

The problem is, you think this is a bad thing. I don't. Religion is a scourge. Religion hasn't done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Hollywood, the music industry, all of TV, the fashion industry, they all push sex is king on even the youngest of children. Everybody accepts this and if they do not, they have given up trying to challenge the status quo.

Horseshit. If anything, Hollywood has gotten more prudish in the last 40 years. When was the last time you saw a movie with an explicit sex scene?
Damn. Everyday here I find what I call "The biggest liar yet". Congrats.

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