The muslim girlm, Yasmin, who LIED about being attacked by Trump supporters could get honor killing


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Nothing at all odd about this, right snowflakes? This is completely reasonable treatment of women...

Media Ignores That Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxer Is In Real Danger

Media Ignores That Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxer Is in Real Danger


Her family has ALREADY shaved her head as a punishment. Yasmin Seweid and her father appear at court. Photo by Christopher Sadowski, New York Post.

After her story made international headlines, it came out last week that a hijab-wearing Muslim who said she was harassed and threatened on a New York subway by drunk Donald Trump supporters actually made the whole story up.

But Yasmin Seweid doesn’t seem to be a cynical hoaxer; she apparently made up the story to avoid the wrath of her strict Muslim father over her being out late and having a non-Muslim boyfriend.

And so while purveying this fake news about Seweid being the victim of an anti-Muslim hate crime, the establishment propaganda media is missing the real story: this young woman is in very real danger.

It is clear that Yasmin Seweid has every reason to be afraid of her father, who actually forced her to shave her head after the story broke of her hoax. This was not, apparently, a punishment for the hoax, but for dallying with a Christian boyfriend.
I had my long hair shaved off when my mother found my stash of joints back in the day.
While she deserves to be punished according to the laws of the US she should also be protected from any 'Honor killing'. This ain't 'Islamistan' and we don't allow Sharia law here.
We still call that murder.

Notice how virtually EVERY "hate crime" related to Trump has turned out to be a hoax? Notice how the MSM Fake news is not apologizing or investigating why the hate filled left is perpetrating all these hoaxes?

Funny dat...
We still call that murder.

Notice how virtually EVERY "hate crime" related to Trump has turned out to be a hoax? Notice how the MSM Fake news is not apologizing or investigating why the hate filled left is perpetrating all these hoaxes?

Funny dat...

Once they are identified as HOAXES, the MSM ignores them. If ti doesn't further their bullshit narrative, they are very reluctant to report on it.
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This girl is 18 years old, and her father FORCED her to have her head shaved to punish her in the name of Islam.

She is a LEGAL ADULT, but her father made her shave her head in the name of religion as PUNISHMENT.

Do snowflakes find ANYTHING AT ALL wrong with this, or do they support this type of treatment of women in America?

She has now also made it completely acceptable for horrible people to question the validity of every actual bias/hate crime and incident of harassment.

“That woman did it, so why wouldn’t this one do the same?” The police may not be as interested in investigating these kinds of allegations since there’s a chance that they’re just bullshit and cop time is valuable.

The media will now have a reason to cast doubt on the validity of every bias incident. And think about how this will affect actual victims. Will they even bother going to authorities to tell their story since there’s a big chance no one will believe them?
I have a feeling Donald Trump is gonna be the scapegoat for every loser Democrat the next 4yrs. This woman represents the Democratic Party perfectly. Wikileaks showed that it is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. But that being said, she could be in real danger. I'll pray for her safety.
Is her dad islamaphobic? He is treating a muslim female poorly according to Western sensibilities....but they ARE living in America, maybe they should follow Western treatment of women who are living in the USA.

Should this Muslim father be treating his adult daughter in this fashion?

I'm not sure we can make a judgement if her father performs an honor killing, because of the CRUSADES. She embarrassed her family. in her culture, she should have her head chopped off with a special ceremonial sword.
She should emancipate herself, get a job and find a new life away from religionist.
Good. The fewer muslim inbred vermin on this planet the better. My favorite quality of that Pisslam, crybaby horror show of a religion is these cousin-fucking genetic abominations killing each other.
We really shouldn't judge, know....because of JIM CROW laws.
As punishment, her father should make her marry a man whom she has never met before.

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