The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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”Democrats have largely lost the support of the American people.”


That must explain why the Democrat running for president in 2016 got more votes than the Republican— because they lost support of the voters. Must explain too why they just won control of the House.

No support.

Either that — or you have no brain.
Maybe you should take a READING COURSE. I didn't say "they lost support of the voters" YOU said that.

I said "largely lost the support of the American people"

Note how you changed my words from "American people", (which includes only American citizens), to your word > "voters" (which includes American citizens + illegally voting aliens)

And while millions of aliens voted for House Democrats, more AMERICANS vote for Republicans for the Senate. And, more Americans voted for Republicans for governor, as well. (20-16) :biggrin:

Tracking the 2018 Governors Race Results


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Obviously the OP's author did not bother to read any of the extensive research on voter fraud.

Instances of Voter Fraud Continue to Mount, Further Compromising Our Elections
This is the part of your link that might be the most significant >>

"voter identification requirements to verify eligibility and citizenship;" (my emphasis)

Also, very interesting is this >>

Talking about voter ID policies....>> "Many on the left oppose these policies because they say such laws are intended to discriminate against racial minorities.

But in a recent case that challenged Texas’ voter identification law, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held there is no evidence showing voter identification laws are discriminatory toward minorities.

In that case, the 5th Circuit upheld a Texas law enforcing photo identification requirements and rejected claims the state was intentionally discriminating against minorities. There was no evidence to support such a claim, and Judge Edith Jones stated that such accusations “rel[y] on incorrect presumptions of taint and invalidity … presuming, without proof” that these measures were implemented based on “invidious intent.” In fact, as Heritage scholar Hans von Spakovsky showed in a study, minority turnout increased after Texas adopted voter ID.

Similar allegations of racial discrimination were leveled against Ohio’s voter roll cleanup law, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court. As Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority, pointed out, there is a dearth of evidence that Ohio “carried out its program with discriminatory intent” and chalked up much of the opposition to it as a “policy disagreement” outside of the proper scope of judicial authority.

Clearly, as the 5th Circuit and the Supreme Court have demonstrated, the left’s argument that election integrity is a smoke screen for discrimination is fallacious."
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

If one side feels like something isn’t right shouldn’t we as Americans want to do what we can to insure our vote is secure, and what’s wrong with showing a ID to vote, shouldn’t we be happy to show that we are American an deserve to vote, because non Americans can’t vote.
And don’t act like the right is crazy, there are plenty of examples of democrats wanting illegals to vote, and how is it that it’s always democrats that happen to find sacks of misplaced votes that miraculously have plenty of democrat votes.
And why is it if a democrat losses they can’t accept it and start screaming and crying

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‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Screw you, ID to vote helps insure election integrity, that's reason enough to have it and SCOTUS says it's constitutional. Now if we could just require proof of citizenship to register to vote, we'd be much better off.

Most states already require ID to vote.

Next whine...?

Like here in Ga, and Abrams lost and sued to get to count illegal votes. She actually said this , documented and undocumented will be part of the blue wave in Ga.
See people saying things like that make true Americans worry about the security of our election system.

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For all the questionable proof the far right loons have, and despite the hundreds of constitutional experts in this forum, not one successful lawsuit has been won in a court of law, proving wide scale election fraud. I do believe we should have photo ID however.

Don’t forget Trump tried to investigate illegals voting but for some reason democrat run states wouldn’t allow it in their states, that makes me wonder what their hiding .

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Dem's are liars and cheaters, that's not going to change.
Coming from the party of voter suppression, your post is farcical.
Voter suppression in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. It all depends on WHOSE votes you are suppressing. In the case of non-citizen illegal voting, voter suppression of that is not only OK, it is essential to provide a proper and legal vote, that represents the AMERICAN people, and not a foreign country (ex Mexico)

It is also essential to prevent voting which skews a vote to Democrats, who actively work to set up programs (amnesty, sanctuary cities, birthright citizenship, etc) to stack ballot counts with improper/illegal alien votes.

Also, Post # 54 and 65 showed that claims by Democrats of voter suppressions of minorities is a myth, with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas ruling against Democrats' claims, as well as the US Supreme court too.

Instances of Voter Fraud Continue to Mount, Further Compromising Our Elections
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What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.
I see what happens when you foolishly cherry pick one link out of 9, and expect to have anyone believe that you refuted them all. This is too stupid to even deserve rebuttal. If they want to "Read More", they should read all 9 of my Post 3 links
I tried to read the first three
Info wars
Conservative review
Washington times
One of the others had "very little reliable data"
It always amuses me how our old white fart socialist benefits sucking lads have admitted cheaters as their moniker.
Eisenhower, john Wayne, another deferment guy
You have to have no life to sort through the reams of right wing garbage.
Problem is, our benefits boys, time is all they have
I tried to read the first three
Info wars
Conservative review
Washington times
One of the others had "very little reliable data"
It always amuses me how our old white fart socialist benefits sucking lads have admitted cheaters as their moniker.
Eisenhower, john Wayne, another deferment guy
You have to have no life to sort through the reams of right wing garbage.
Problem is, our benefits boys, time is all they have
You have to be awfully bored to be willing to read left-wing, rhetorical hot air. if/when you have some substance to contribute, do so. And if you aren't sure what the word SUBSTANCE means, this might give you a clue >>

"The records uncovered by the Public Interest Legal Foundation reveal how 139 individuals in Allegheny County alone reported or confirmed their ineligible noncitizen statuses despite being registered to vote since 2006. The vast majority of these (71 percent) came forward with the hope their records did not hinder or derail their plans for citizenship naturalization. The remainder admitted their status after a typically unrelated list maintenance action occurred. These records further show that 27 percent of self-reporting noncitizens cast at least one ballot prior to their admission of ineligibility and removal from the rolls. This report will further account for the confusion and unlawful votes suffered in the wake of this entirely avoidable matter.

The data presented in this report requires an important caveat. The noncitizens found on the rolls in Allegheny County are only the ones who self-reported their noncitizen status to election officials. Given the twenty-year period during which the socalled registration “glitch” persisted, one thing is for sure: the total number of noncitizens who found their way into Pennsylvania’s voter registration system far exceeds the number of noncitizens who have outed themselves to date."

PS - Eisenhower, like Trump, was one of best presidents.
So that lawsuit in Pennsylvania was filed 8 months ago, what of it now?

About the 2014 voter fraud report: its detailed here.
Public Interest Legal foundation reputation.

And youre referencing infowars?

Here you are attacking sources, and you're using Media Bias Fact Check. LOL

As further evidence of its untrustworthiness, Media Bias Fact Check has declared that PolitiFact “is the gold standard for political fact checking.” To the contrary, Just Facts has documented that PolitiFact has an extensive record of propagating falsehoods.

And who can forget the PolitFarce spokesman, who said vetting of Syrian refugees can be done satisfactorly, because there's 2 (Obama) federal agencies doing it ? Good grief.

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

The laughingstock known as Media Bias Fact Check is owned by Dave Van Zandt, who makes no bones about MBFC not being proficient. In his own words he says >> "
“I am not a journalist and just a person who is interested in how media bias impacts politics. You will find zero claims of expertise on the website.”

And this >> "
“We have disclaimers on every page of the website indicating that our method is not scientifically proven and that there is [sic] subjective judgments being used as it is unavoidable with determining bias.”
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I didn't have one but one of my nieces had a fake ID from Iowa. She has never been to that state in her life.

She used it all the time until she became 21. She never had any problems with it too.

Fake ID is very common and rampant. Anyone can get a fake ID and vote with absolutely no problem. The people they show it to are just volunteers from the district. They don't know much about IDs and how to spot a fake one.

So anyone who actually believes there's fraud going on with all the studies and reports to the opposite, would have to be very brain dead to believe it's going on and to not see the problems with fake IDs and how very easy and cheap it is to get one. The thing is. they could only use it to vote once and they would have to know a name on the voting rolls and would have to look like the person they're impersonating since the workers are the neighbors of that person.

It seems like a lot of hassle and work just for one vote without there being any monetary benefit to the person committing fraud.

The whole allegation of widespread voter fraud is silly. In Florida, for example, the Republican AG won the election. There were 15 House seats that went to Republicans. One would think that the Dems would sweep the state or at least get a majority of the 27 House Seats.
The whole allegation of widespread voter fraud is silly. In Florida, for example, the Republican AG won the election. There were 15 House seats that went to Republicans. One would think that the Dems would sweep the state or at least get a majority of the 27 House Seats.
1. Dems haven't perfected their cheating. :biggrin:

2. Don't you think we should have requirements for citizenship ID ? When I applied for medical coverage from the VA, I had to show my DD214. Shouldn't voters have to show they're eligible too ?
I cherrypicked nothing. I started with your list. I got as far as the first one to see it’s a complete fabrication on InfoWar’s part. And why on Earth would I continue? Why would I expect you didn’t post bullshit in your other links too?

The fact that you posted that first one proves you don’t even bother to fact check the material you post on here. You just grab what states the position you’re trying to defend and hope it helps.

Now I know to never trust what you post.
Ii don't acknowledge anything you say about any of the links I posted, 89% of which you admit you didn't read.

Why should you continue to read the links ? >> So you wouldn't brand yourself as a gutless coward, who comes in here and runs away from his your debate competition, like a scared rabbit, that's why. And since you haven't read THEM (all 9) you have no standing to continue to blabber about evidence of illegal aliens voting, one way or the other.

And NO, you DON'T KNOW what to trust, because you haven't seen what was presented to you, Mr Cherry-Picker. :biggrin:
Your first link was to a bullshit article which you clearly didn’t bother to check out. Why should I read links you don’t factcheck??
Oh? And how did millions of them get registered to vote?
The same way anybody registers to vote. if you know how YOU registered, then you already know how they do.

And don't try to bullshit anybody here, that voters are required to present citizenship proof to register, They are NOT. Not in any state of the USA.
Dumbfuck, I had valid, legal U.S. documentation to acquire voter’s registration. Not something illegals have.

But since your goal was to avoid answering the question, kudos to you for accomplishing that.
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