The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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In 2018, photo ID to vote should be 'well duh'...and I don't much care what the excuses are.

But I also think that the Trump/Trumpbots claims of voter fraud are just more total nonsense.
Why they expect 'normal' people to believe them when they offer ZERO unbiased, factual evidence is laughable.
well tis thread has plenty of "unbiased, factual evidence", If you took the time to read it.

Secondly, we don't HAVE TO HAVE any evidence. Even if there would have been zero alien voting, it still would be a good (no cost) idea to have the requirement of citizenship proof, to be able to vote, if even just as a preventative measure.
But he still bitches about the 'millions of illegals changing hats and coming around to vote again! Totally delusional Trumpanzees say 'Yeah, right on!', so he keeps on spouting this nonsense, though he knows full well it's BS.
I wonder if Trumplicans know what kind of fools and morons they look like when they bring up the lie of voter fraud?
I wonder if Trumplicans know what kind of fools and morons they look like when they bring up the lie of voter fraud?
I have to remind myself from time to time, that hard core trump fans have elevated him and what what he says, to the status of a religion. I'm talking devotion here. There is nothing so cruel, immoral or illegal he can do that his followers will not rush to his side and defend him. There is nothing he can say that his fans will not treat as pure faith. There is no discussion or rationalizing, much less compromising, with these people.

trumps so-called "voter fraud commission" was never about voter fraud; the commission’s entire purpose was to legitimize voter suppression. The states got wind of that fast, even Wisconsin which was under a republican governor and legislature, refused to cooperate with that phony group.
For all the questionable proof the far right loons have, and despite the hundreds of constitutional experts in this forum, not one successful lawsuit has been won in a court of law, proving wide scale election fraud. I do believe we should have photo ID however.

Four Women Indicted in North Texas Voter Fraud Ring
By Eline de Bruijn
Published Oct 12, 2018 at 12:17 PM | Updated at 6:36 PM CDT on Oct 12, 2018

Four Women Indicted in North Texas Voter Fraud Ring


Texas Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud for THIRD Time, Twice in Two Weeks

4 weeks ago on Oct 22, 2018
By Peter D'Abrosca

A Texas woman has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of voter fraud for the second time in two weeks, according to a Monday report.

Texas Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud for THIRD Time, Twice in Two Weeks - Big League Politics

Obvious, Blatant Voter Fraud: Brenda Snipes in Broward County
How Obvious can you be in voter fraud without being caught.
by Ryan Crescitelli
November 10, 2018
in Politics and Elections


As someone who’s quite literally had to live with Brenda Snipes’ incompetency, bias, or both for over a decade – since she took the reins after her predecessor was fired for gross illegal misconduct – the Broward official has a *long* history of being absolutely terrible at her job (deliberately or not is up for debate). Our faithful Floridian publication the Sun Sentinel lists off a few with ample sourcing;

  1. A court ruled she had broken election lawwhen she destroyed ballots from the 2016 election 12 months after it, instead of the 22 months required by federal law.
  2. A medical marijuana amendment was left off some ballotsin 2016.
  3. Election results in the 2016 primary were posted on the elections office’s website before polls closed, another violation of election law.
  4. In 2012, almost 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election
  5. In 2004, some 58,000 mail-in ballots were not deliveredto voters, leaving election officials to scramble to send new ones.
  6. And now, after days passed in which Snipes could not or would not say how many ballots remained to be counted, and failed to give regular updates to the state every 45 minutes as required by law, she was hit with a lawsuit by Scott’s Senatecampaign and the National Republican Senate Committee demanding she inform the public how many votes remained to be counted.
Obvious, Blatant Voter Fraud: Brenda Snipes in Broward County
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Four Women Indicted in North Texas Voter Fraud Ring
By Eline de BruijnPublished Oct 12, 2018 at 12:17 PM | Updated at 6:36 PM CDT on Oct 12, 2018 Four Women Indicted in North Texas Voter Fraud Ring
Proof positive of a national conspiracy of voter fraud. <sarc>
But he still bitches about the 'millions of illegals changing hats and coming around to vote again! Totally delusional Trumpanzees say 'Yeah, right on!', so he keeps on spouting this nonsense, though he knows full well it's BS.
Everybody knows it's true, and Democrats would not have won a single seat in the House without the alien vote, and we all know that too. Ho hum.
This was very recently, and I even remember the names if the vote harvesters (thieves) >> Leticia Sanchez, Maria Solis, and Laura Parra. - who got serious prison sentences (20 years for Sanchez)

Here's another vote fraud network, an organized illegal voting scheme orchestrated by political operatives that was discovered and shut down in Texas, just 10 days ago >>

AG Paxton’s Election Fraud Unit Arrests Nine Alleged Participants of an Organized Illegal Voting Scheme in Edinburg | Office of the Attorney General
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I wonder if Trumplicans know what kind of fools and morons they look like when they bring up the lie of voter fraud?
I wonder if you know what a stupid fool you look like going around trying to deny what everyone knows. OR: maybe you actually believe what CNN, MSNBC, etc has been feeding you.

If that's the case, my bridge in Brooklyn is going for half price, THIS WEEK ONLY!!!!!!
But he still bitches about the 'millions of illegals changing hats and coming around to vote again! Totally delusional Trumpanzees say 'Yeah, right on!', so he keeps on spouting this nonsense, though he knows full well it's BS.
Everybody knows it's true, and Democrats would not have won a single seat in the House without the alien vote, and we all know that too. Ho hum.
Every voting place in America had Republican poll watchers. Meaning, Republican examiners were physically present from the time the voting facility opened until the time it closed. How many examples of these examiners submitting suspicious person names thought to be aliens are there?
`I have to remind myself from time to time, that hard core trump fans have elevated him and what what he says, to the status of a religion. I'm talking devotion here. There is nothing so cruel, immoral or illegal he can do that his followers will not rush to his side and defend him. There is nothing he can say that his fans will not treat as pure faith. There is no discussion or rationalizing, much less compromising, with these people.

trumps so-called "voter fraud commission" was never about voter fraud; the commission’s entire purpose was to legitimize voter suppression. The states got wind of that fast, even Wisconsin which was under a republican governor and legislature, refused to cooperate with that phony group.
I can see that CNN, PBS, NYT, WP, MSNBC, etc, have got YOU programmed. Your every word is pure leftist propaganda, utter NONSENSE.

Trump was popular because he said what Americans wanted to hear - stop illegal immigration, stop Muslim Islamization and terrorism, stop ISIS, protect 2nd amendment rights, stop the idiotic giveaway of our valuable market to foreign countries who treat us poorly. America first.

And YES, the voter fraud commission WAS about voter suppression. Not to legitimize it (because it IS legitimate), but to carry it out >> to suppress illegal voting by millions of illegal aliens, and that is being down now by deportations, which Obama refused to do.

And now he's still popular, because he has kept his promises, and has a list of accomplishments that is impressive and record-breaking.

1. Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
Looks like we have a lot of work to do on the voting front. Here's a guy who writes books, does investigations about voter fraud. Seem like in Georgia, MLK's cousing wasn't allowed to vote this time, even after having voted for the last fifty years. Hmm, republican dominated state too. Seems odd. Maybe there should be voter i.d. but that can be expensive for some people, depending on the state. Maybe set aside a little money for that item during the next big tax cut for billionaires?

Martin Luther King's Cousin Blocked by Kemp from Casting a Ballot
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