The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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You said it. You can give conservatives some credit for the points they make from time to time but you’re correct about protectionist ; he’s a dumbfuck of the first order. He claimed to have been in combat (at the age of 60+) one time (I think it was 2016); thinks the cop who shot the fleeing suspect in the back and was filmed dropping a weapon next to him is innocent, and really believes Trump has never told a lie.
REPORTED (for the 7th time) Hopefully you'll be banned this time.

1. I didn't say I was IN combat. I said I flew over it (in Iraq). And you have no way of knowing one way or the other , so :anj_stfu:

2. Michael Slager, who shot Walter Scott IS innocent, as he was in conformnce with the Fleeing Felon Rule. His charges were purely political in a black majority voting district. You've been educated to that already. Some people have to be told twice.

3. I know of no lie that Trump has told, and no Trump basher in USMB has ever presented one here, that I have seen, including YOU, trashbag, but I wouldn't even bother to read it if you did.
Sen. Hyde-Smith Filmed Talking About Making It Harder For Liberals To Vote
Some people have to be told TWICE.

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote
So that lawsuit in Pennsylvania was filed 8 months ago, what of it now?

About the 2014 voter fraud report: its detailed here.
Public Interest Legal foundation reputation.

And youre referencing infowars?
`The vast majority of fake ID's are obtained by underage kids so they can drink. However, there are no statics to confirm that. Still, It's not the problem the far right imagines it to be.
Democrats have largely lost the support of the American people. They DEPEND on foreigners to stuff their ballot boxes with Democrat votes (in addition to fake manufactured votes)

This is why they give illegals sanctuary and amnesty. Without their votes, they're sunk (and they've already lost the presidency, half the Congress, and the SCOTUS, even with millions of illegals voting for them)
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
After what Hillary, the DNC, and the DNCMSM did to Bernie, you have the nerve to post this obvious drivel. WTF is wrong with you?

Rhetorical question...the answer is obvious.
If youre really a Bernie Sanders supporter, then you should be concerned about the myth of voter fraud. And the voter suppression which accompanies.
If you think voter fraud is a myth, you likely believe Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from the criminal in a also likely believe Kavannugh is a rapist, and you likely believe AGW is going to get us all killed soon.

Am I right?
Sen. Hyde-Smith Filmed Talking About Making It Harder For Liberals To Vote
If think the D Party is not also guilty of voter suppression, you aren’t thinking. Partisans seldom do.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).

What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.


On July 31, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that, in court, “Snipes acknowledged the processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”

Florida Democratic Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting

Democrats really can’t make the case that they are not trying to get illegals or felons to vote in upcoming elections.

Non-citizens can now vote in College Park, Md.J
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Screw you, ID to vote helps insure election integrity, that's reason enough to have it and SCOTUS says it's constitutional. Now if we could just require proof of citizenship to register to vote, we'd be much better off.

Most states already require ID to vote.

Next whine...?

Most ain't all and a requirement to prove citizenship, to register, instead of just taking peoples word for it, isn't even on the horizon. The bitch in Broward county admitted under oath she counted known non-citizen votes in the past and didn't even turn the people into law enforcement. So keep telling your lies and spreading your propaganda, non-citizens are voting but no one seems to be interested especially you regressives. Oh, and don't tell me it's not that many, because that's not the point, 1 is too many.

Too bad for you. States still get to run their own election the way they want. And 1 of any crime is too many; yet there will still alway be crime.
What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.
I see what happens when you foolishly cherry pick one link out of 9, and expect to have anyone believe that you refuted them all. This is too stupid to even deserve rebuttal. If they want to "Read More", they should read all 9 of my Post 3 links
I cherrypicked nothing. I started with your list. I got as far as the first one to see it’s a complete fabrication on InfoWar’s part. And why on Earth would I continue? Why would I expect you didn’t post bullshit in your other links too?

The fact that you posted that first one proves you don’t even bother to fact check the material you post on here. You just grab what states the position you’re trying to defend and hope it helps.

Now I know to never trust what you post.
I didn't have one but one of my nieces had a fake ID from Iowa. She has never been to that state in her life.

She used it all the time until she became 21. She never had any problems with it too.

Fake ID is very common and rampant. Anyone can get a fake ID and vote with absolutely no problem. The people they show it to are just volunteers from the district. They don't know much about IDs and how to spot a fake one.

So anyone who actually believes there's fraud going on with all the studies and reports to the opposite, would have to be very brain dead to believe it's going on and to not see the problems with fake IDs and how very easy and cheap it is to get one. The thing is. they could only use it to vote once and they would have to know a name on the voting rolls and would have to look like the person they're impersonating since the workers are the neighbors of that person.

It seems like a lot of hassle and work just for one vote without there being any monetary benefit to the person committing fraud.
What you completely overlooked before you went off on this useless tangent, is that illegal aliens can vote just like ANYBODY ELSE. They register, and then they vote from that registration.

The only thing that could stop them is if there were CITIZENSHIP PROOF requirements. Currently, not a single one of 50 states has that requirement. Ilegals can vote anywhere in America, 100% undetected,
Oh? And how did millions of them get registered to vote?
`The vast majority of fake ID's are obtained by underage kids so they can drink. However, there are no statics to confirm that. Still, It's not the problem the far right imagines it to be.
Democrats have largely lost the support of the American people. They DEPEND on foreigners to stuff their ballot boxes with Democrat votes (in addition to fake manufactured votes)

This is why they give illegals sanctuary and amnesty. Without their votes, they're sunk (and they've already lost the presidency, half the Congress, and the SCOTUS, even with millions of illegals voting for them)
”Democrats have largely lost the support of the American people.”


That must explain why the Democrat running for president in 2016 got more votes than the Republican— because they lost support of the voters. Must explain too why they just won control of the House.

No support.

Either that — or you have no brain.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal......Trump exaggerates, while the OP is intellectually dishonest. If you write a check for cereal, then bet your ass you need ID.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote. You're still on this huh? Be honest, you don't believe voters should be identified, so that illegals can vote Democrat.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however. Incorrect. What you don't understand is US CITIZENS have a right to vote.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity. Consequently, your ridiculous talking-point fails, providing further proof progressives are desperate to criticize Trump despite his great success.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’ And the OP is a fool to believe a losing candidate is wrong on the issues, thus it's people like the OP who desire candidates be dishonest and only "tell them what they want to hear", and that's what I call irony.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).

What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.


On July 31, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that, in court, “Snipes acknowledged the processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”

Florida Democratic Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting

Democrats really can’t make the case that they are not trying to get illegals or felons to vote in upcoming elections.

Non-citizens can now vote in College Park, Md.J
Umm, that case against Snipes was dismissed. :eusa_doh:

Snipes is a dishonest hack who should have been thrown out for other reasons. I can’t believe you actually picked the case in which she prevailed. :lmao:
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).

What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.


On July 31, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that, in court, “Snipes acknowledged the processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”

Florida Democratic Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting

Democrats really can’t make the case that they are not trying to get illegals or felons to vote in upcoming elections.

Non-citizens can now vote in College Park, Md.J
Umm, that case against Snipes was dismissed. :eusa_doh:

Snipes is a dishonest hack who should have been thrown out for other reasons. I can’t believe you actually picked the case in which she prevailed. :lmao:
10 mins

‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).

What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.


On July 31, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that, in court, “Snipes acknowledged the processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”

Florida Democratic Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting

Democrats really can’t make the case that they are not trying to get illegals or felons to vote in upcoming elections.

Non-citizens can now vote in College Park, Md.J
Umm, that case against Snipes was dismissed. :eusa_doh:

Snipes is a dishonest hack who should have been thrown out for other reasons. I can’t believe you actually picked the case in which she prevailed. :lmao:

Democrats seeking to grant illegals or felons the right to vote in an effort to tip results in Democrats favor to win elections is nothing new for progressives.
Too bad for you. States still get to run their own election the way they want. And 1 of any crime is too many; yet there will still alway be crime.
But does not have to sit idly by and ALLOW crime to occur, when preventing it could easily be achieved. :biggrin:
I cherrypicked nothing. I started with your list. I got as far as the first one to see it’s a complete fabrication on InfoWar’s part. And why on Earth would I continue? Why would I expect you didn’t post bullshit in your other links too?

The fact that you posted that first one proves you don’t even bother to fact check the material you post on here. You just grab what states the position you’re trying to defend and hope it helps.

Now I know to never trust what you post.
Ii don't acknowledge anything you say about any of the links I posted, 89% of which you admit you didn't read.

Why should you continue to read the links ? >> So you wouldn't brand yourself as a gutless coward, who comes in here and runs away from his your debate competition, like a scared rabbit, that's why. And since you haven't read THEM (all 9) you have no standing to continue to blabber about evidence of illegal aliens voting, one way or the other.

And NO, you DON'T KNOW what to trust, because you haven't seen what was presented to you, Mr Cherry-Picker. :biggrin:
What do the Democrats on this board think ought to be done about illegal, non-citizen voters ? Should they be stopped ? Should we require citizenship proof in all 50 states ? Well Dems, what's your answer ?
Oh? And how did millions of them get registered to vote?
The same way anybody registers to vote. if you know how YOU registered, then you already know how they do.

And don't try to bullshit anybody here, that voters are required to present citizenship proof to register, They are NOT. Not in any state of the USA.
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