The "N-word" and other Euphemisms

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Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus

Wow, and here I thought all the "Cool kids" in school went to the back of the bus, anyways. LOL

The so called oppression Blacks went through in the 20th century, is nothing compared to what Poles went through.'

So, if mocking Blacks as "Negro" is so offensive, why do you think mocking Poles as "Dumb Polak" is not offensive?

Do you ever make sense?

It's like you're trying to be as retarded, and worthless as possible.
So says the guy who cries hysterically about the word Negro, while telling dumb Polak jokes, not only does this not make logical sense upfront because it's hypocrisy, it makes even less sense because Blacks cause an enormous amount of issues in the U.S.A rather than Polish people.
Keep in mind Blacks make up a strong disproportionate amount of murders, rapes, robberies, welfare recepients in this country, and Poles obviously don't, and the proof is in Chicago which has a lot of Poles has a pretty low White murder rate, even if Black murder rates in Chicago are off the charts.
You suffer from a genetic defect which impacts your intelegence. Polish people have been proven to be stupid

Blacks, Jews and Muslims have no such defect

You're incredibly stupid, even too stupid for words, rather than relying on data, you just kind of Chimp out with what ever the most stupid f*cker comes up with on the TV.
You're definitely less than Human.

Oh it's so mean to say the word Negro, but dumb Polak is not.

BTW, Poland's IQ , PISA scores, and literacy rates are quite higher than Blacks, Muslims, and Israel.

You're just a genetic trash bag, and don't deserve to be treated as a fellow Human.
Saying the word Negro is offensive
Saying Polacks are stupid is just stating the obvious

Actually Negro just means Black, and Polak just means Polish male.

Both terms are not particularly offensive, however when you put dumb, or stupid, or criminal, or stinky before Negro, or Polak then it can certainly become offensive.

You're just too stupid to know better, you can't help yourself.

BTW. Are you actually a Negro?
You cannot be held responsible for a genetic defect
You did not get to pick your parents

Who really cares if you are genetically inferior to blacks, Jews and Muslims?

You're incapable of logical, or unbiased reviews, not by a little, but by a lot.
Indeed, I don't hold genetic defects like yourself accountable for being born, but I do hold you responsible for having kids.
If it was up to me, people like you would be heavily fined everytime you had a kid, to at least attempt to tackle the fact of the retarded having more kids than those of genius levels of intelligence.

Anyways, no Negro just means Black, you just don't get it.

As for Blacks they think everything is offensive, one time 10 years ago roughly, I told a Black guy in a Putnam Lake, NY bar that Blacks were good dancers, and he started crying "That's offensive"

Meanwhile, I told a half Scottish guy in a Pawling, NY bar that Scots were intellectually important, and he started saying "That's awesome, thank you"

It seems that some people just think everything is offensive, AHEM.
It's Spanish for Black ... if I wanted to describe the color of my car to a Spanish-speaker, I would totally use the word Negro.

Mi carro es negro.
Automotive racist.

LOL, a lot of people here in Pawling, NY bars make fun of their own ethnic heritage to "Others" anyways.

I hear people saying things like "I'm a guinea" or "I'm Dago like Mussolini" or " I'm a Negro Sicilian"
or how about "I'm a dumb Polak" or "I'm a drunken Mick" or even "You're okay for a White guy," by White guys.

I've introduced myself as Polish, and Irish in the bar, and said "I'm too stupid, to know when to stop drinking"

Meanwhile, you say "Negro" it's the end of the World
just as bad GASP compliment Blacks as "Good dancers" as I did to receive "That's offensive" from a Black dude.
Is it a kind of insult? Why?

"Afroamerican" is not correct. I faced a situation when negros from Africa, Asia or Europe were called afroamericans...looks pretty stupid.

I think your intent is rhetorical.
Second, anything chosen by "us" that is not in agreement or is in defiance of what "others" choose will be seen as incorrect and stupid due to the fact that "others" think "we" are mentally inferior. Anything that the black masses chooses......will always be seen as inferior/stupid from the prism of people who believe we are inferior.
I would like some True Witness bearing on a question i have;

why does race matter, to the sole surviving species in our genus?

A.) I don't know? Why don't you ask Negroes, who refused to assimilate for the past how many hundreds of years?
They exist, because they never assimilated.
Why do they seem to think it's so important to be Black, rather than American?

B.) People built a culture, and fought to defend it, it's completely insulting to cause a culture to vanish because of Multi-culturalism.

C.) The modern World needs more intelligent people, unfortunately the opposite has happened not only have stupid Whites had more kids than smart Whites, the lower IQ races have even more kids than that.

D.) Ultimately we can't have a serious discussion on such issues, WELL at least pertaining to dumb Negroes, as for dumb Polak's it's acceptable.
Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus
Negroid is their race. Nevermind that most blacks today probably don't even know who the fuck Jim Crow is or what that was all about.
I would like some True Witness bearing on a question i have;

why does race matter, to the sole surviving species in our genus?

A.) I don't know? Why don't you ask Negroes, who refused to assimilate for the past how many hundreds of years?
They exist, because they never assimilated.
Why do they seem to think it's so important to be Black, rather than American?

B.) People built a culture, and fought to defend it, it's completely insulting to cause a culture to vanish because of Multi-culturalism.

C.) The modern World needs more intelligent people, unfortunately the opposite has happened not only have stupid Whites had more kids than smart Whites, the lower IQ races have even more kids than that.

D.) Ultimately we can't have a serious discussion on such issues, WELL at least pertaining to dumb Negroes, as for dumb Polak's it's acceptable.
the unorganized militia is simply that.

it is a management problem:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus
Negroid is their race. Nevermind that most blacks today probably don't even know who the fuck Jim Crow is or what that was all about.

This convo is for the birds, speak of which I have to feed the birdies.

But, there's certainly a glaring hypocrisy on the word Negro, considering the media, and Hollywood never thought twice about words like Redneck, Hillbilly, Mick, Guido, Dago, Guniea, dumb Polak, French Frogs etc. etc.

It seems there's only one kind of politiical correctness, and it only encompasses non-Whites, otherwise if you're White, you're a target.

So, long as they can say anti-White slurs, like Cracker, or Honkey I fail to see why we can't say Negro?

Especially considering they themselves call each other N*ggas. (Which is prob even more offensive)
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It is offensive
But why?

There are 3 races on earth: europeoids, negroids and mongoloid
So, what is offensive to call white Europeans, black - negros, asians - mongols?
I don't see any offensive, honestly.
But calling all white Europeans is not correct as they might be from Americas, asia or any other continent. Mongols may be confused to nation of Mongolia, so Asian is more understandable. But negros is the most correct for calling black people, isn't it?
What is wrong with African American if someone is an American citizen and their descendants hailed from Africa?
If there are black folks who aren't from America, you could call them African, I suppose, or black. "Negro" is just a really old term that accumulated so much negative connotation that it stopped being used, much as my grandmother's term "colored" went out with davenports and petticoats.
Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus
Negroid is their race. Nevermind that most blacks today probably don't even know who the fuck Jim Crow is or what that was all about.

This convo is for the birds, speak of which I have to feed the birdies.

But, there's certainly a glaring hypocrisy on the word Negro, considering the media, and Hollywood never thought twice about words like Redneck, Hillbilly, Mick, Guido, Dago, Guniea, dumb Polak, French Frogs etc. etc.

It seems there's only one kind of politiical correctness, and it only encompasses non-Whites, otherwise if you're White, you're a target.

So, long as they can say anti-White slurs, like Cracker, or Honkey I fail to see why we can't say Negro?

Especially considering they themselves call each other N*ggas. (Which is prob even more offensive)
I don't go all apeshit into a banana frenzy if someone calls me a Caucasian. They need to relax.
Is it a kind of insult? Why?

"Afroamerican" is not correct. I faced a situation when negros from Africa, Asia or Europe were called afroamericans...looks pretty stupid.
Use of the word picked back up as the Nazi crowd hijacked the government for a while last year, but they've been soundly beaten into submission. So don't worry about it too much.

LOL, violence, yeah?

Do you promote violence because of "Words" oh boo hoo hoo, "Negro" meaning Black in Spanish, somehow justifies violence.

Funny how people who WERE NOT Polish used to tell dumb Polak jokes in Northwood Inn a localized Polish bar-restaurant in Mahopac, NY.

NOBODY Polish started violence, in fact many Poles laughed.

Meanwhile, you say Negro, and it's a violent Chimp spasm, swinging the arms all about, flailing around the arms like they're doing the Chicken dance "Attempting" to prevail in a fight they'll prob fail.
Is it a kind of insult? Why?

"Afroamerican" is not correct. I faced a situation when negros from Africa, Asia or Europe were called afroamericans...looks pretty stupid.
Use of the word picked back up as the Nazi crowd hijacked the government for a while last year, but they've been soundly beaten into submission. So don't worry about it too much.

LOL, violence, yeah?

Do you promote violence because of "Words" oh boo hoo hoo, "Negro" meaning Black in Spanish, somehow justifies violence.

Funny how people who WERE NOT Polish used to tell dumb Polak jokes in Northwood Inn a localized Polish bar-restaurant in Mahopac, NY.

NOBODY Polish started violence, in fact many Poles laughed.

Meanwhile, you say Negro, and it's a violent Chimp spasms, swinging the arms all about, flailing around the arms like they're doing the Chicken dance "Attempting" to prevail in a fight they'll prob fail.
Well polish people are pussies so I don’t see the problem
Is it a kind of insult? Why?

"Afroamerican" is not correct. I faced a situation when negros from Africa, Asia or Europe were called afroamericans...looks pretty stupid.
Use of the word picked back up as the Nazi crowd hijacked the government for a while last year, but they've been soundly beaten into submission. So don't worry about it too much.

LOL, violence, yeah?

Do you promote violence because of "Words" oh boo hoo hoo, "Negro" meaning Black in Spanish, somehow justifies violence.

Funny how people who WERE NOT Polish used to tell dumb Polak jokes in Northwood Inn a localized Polish bar-restaurant in Mahopac, NY.

NOBODY Polish started violence, in fact many Poles laughed.

Meanwhile, you say Negro, and it's a violent Chimp spasms, swinging the arms all about, flailing around the arms like they're doing the Chicken dance "Attempting" to prevail in a fight they'll prob fail.
Well polish people are pussies so I don’t see the problem

Haha, good laugh.

It sounds like many Blacks who start violence over "Words" like Negro, are sensitive snow-flakes.

As for Poles vs Negroes?
Yeah? really?
We're the pu$$ies?

Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus

Wow, and here I thought all the "Cool kids" in school went to the back of the bus, anyways. LOL

The so called oppression Blacks went through in the 20th century, is nothing compared to what Poles went through.'

So, if mocking Blacks as "Negro" is so offensive, why do you think mocking Poles as "Dumb Polak" is not offensive?

Do you ever make sense?

It's like you're trying to be as retarded, and worthless as possible.
Amazing how clueless you are on the social impact of being forced to the back of the bus

But considering your heritage, it is understandable
Negros don't like being called negro because they don't want to be reminded that they're black.
They don’t want to be reminded of Jim Crow America when “negroes” were forced to the back of the bus

Wow, and here I thought all the "Cool kids" in school went to the back of the bus, anyways. LOL

The so called oppression Blacks went through in the 20th century, is nothing compared to what Poles went through.'

So, if mocking Blacks as "Negro" is so offensive, why do you think mocking Poles as "Dumb Polak" is not offensive?

Do you ever make sense?

It's like you're trying to be as retarded, and worthless as possible.
Amazing how clueless you are on the social impact of being forced to the back of the bus

But considering your heritage, it is understandable

Considering millions of Poles were killed, and enslaved in WW2 by Nazis, Soviets, Ukrainian UPA etc. etc.

I certainly don't think much of "Back to the Bus"

Much less "Negro" being an offensive, boo hoo hoo "Word" sniff, sniff.

You're just a wimp, both in terms of emotional strength, and intellectual strength, you fail being a logical Human.
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