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The New Cult Of LGBT Packaging Of Child Sexual Mutilation: "Regular People Just Don't Care"

I'd place bets on a jury finding the surgery named "sexual reassignment" pitched to addled patients or non addled patients, when it does not change sex, an example of deceptive malpractice.
Given you're not an attorney, judge, or doctor I say who cares given your history of delusional silliness in these forums.
No, only when our questions are run before a jury are they debunked.

I have faith that a jury will see the term "sex reassignment surgery" coupled with a patient so addled in the head that he thinks his penis and testicles need to be amputated and put two and two together. A doctor who names his surgery "sex reassignment" and then warns said addled patient on the cusp of amputation: "oh...by the way...this won't actually change your sex..." is a doctor guilty of deceptive criminal malpractice.

...I'd place bets on a jury finding the surgery named "sexual reassignment" pitched to addled patients or non addled patients, when it does not change sex, an example of deceptive malpractice.
Given you're not an attorney, judge, or doctor I say who cares given your history of delusional silliness in these forums.

Nobody need be an attorney, judge or doctor to understand that deceptive malpractice is criminal malpractice. How many people on a jury are attorneys doctors or judges? They're layman who simply examine bedrock common sense facts presented to them to render a verdict. It doesn't have to be complex. The jury will see the name and overt insinuated promises of "sex reassignment surgery" and the waiver that says "you know this really isn't sex reassignment surgery"...then they'll deliberate about the cross-examined ACTUAL mental state of the patient, (& the permanent disfiguring damage done to his body by "doctors" involved) vs what the rubber-stamped forms say of his competence and mental fitness. Then they'll render a layman's verdict.

For every expert witness the defense presents, the prosecution will have one in counter-point. So, don't forget that..

And may God have mercy on their bank accounts and ability to practice medicine (or not be behind bars) at that point..
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No, only when our questions are run before a jury are they debunked.
You need to go back to school and learn basics of logic and debate. There is no requirement to have a jury to have your arguments proven faulty, as you have demonstrated dozens of times in this thread.

I have faith that a jury will see the term "sex reassignment surgery" coupled with a patient so addled in the head that he thinks his penis and testicles need to be amputated and put two and two together.
You had faith that Tokyo was being secretly evacuated (women and children first!) and where did that get you? It got you looking like a delusional drama queen.
You had faith that once Ebola got in to a large city it couldn't be contained, where did that get you after Dallas? It got you looking like a delusional drama queen.

Clearly your expertise on all matters is far lower than you think it is.
Clearly your expertise on all matters is far lower than you think it is.
Look at the title of this thread. It incorporates "regular people". You know, like who sit on a jury of the accused?

OK, now that I've got you back on track...

Will regular people on the jury (at large or in a courtroom...say...in Omaha Nebraska or somewhere in Kentucky or North Carolina or Pennsylvania) "not care" if the physician cannot actually change a person's gender when he does surgery on a patient he knows is keen to change his own gender....and the MD names the surgery "sex reassignment". And that not-working surgery sterilizes, sexually numbs and permanently disfigures that person for life...also leaves them open to regular infections of their urinary tract..

That's it. Now answer that and stay focused. But also bear in mind, these "regular people" on the jury will be hearing from expert witnesses from BOTH sides. And not all psychologists feed at the rainbow-cult-APA trough...

I realize you believe that if your side has the case in San Francisco and you can gag the prosecution's witnesses professionally, or harass them, you've got this all locked up. But the country isn't limited to just court hearings in San Francisco or the 9th circus. Lucky for all of us...
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Look at the title of this thread. It incorporates "regular people". You know, like who sit on a jury of the accused?
Well you, with well established posting history demonstrate delusional behavior, attempt to put forth your opinion on how anything will play out I think it's fair to roll eyes regardless of thread title. Tokyo anyone? Ebola pandemic?

Will regular people on the jury (at large or in a courtroom...say...in Omaha Nebraska or somewhere in Kentucky or North Carolina or Pennsylvania) "not care" if the physician cannot actually change a person's gender when he does surgery on a patient he knows is keen to change his own gender....and the MD names the surgery "sex reassignment". And that not-working surgery sterilizes, sexually numbs and permanently disfigures that person for life...also leaves them open to regular infections of their urinary tract..
Already debunked "actually" changing gender argument

I realize you believe that if your side has the case in San Francisco and you can gag the prosecution's witnesses professionally, or harass them, you've got this all locked up. But the country isn't limited to just court hearings in San Francisco or the 9th circus. Lucky for all of us...
Straw man argument. I've never stated any intent or opinion to gag or harass anyone, nor do I think anything is locked up. To be honest this is an issue for you and your LGBT obsession, I doubt most other people give a shit.

I don't feel strongly one way or the other, I just enjoy watching your logic-fail parade.
Hey, go drink the ground water in Tokyo all day and night, go bunk up with someone fresh back from West Africa. Knock yourself out. But meanwhile, try to stay on topic, OK?

If there were expert witnesses saying that "sex reassignment" surgery was not delivering what the name promised, your cult would be thick on them like white on rice. Like I've said before, your cult makes Scientology blush. Even still, a jury would listen and the case would be decided on if the name of the surgery was incorrect (it is) and if a patient who wants his genitals amputated is not mentally fit to sign waivers for said procedure (he isn't) and if those two things combined, with the completion of said procedure leaving said patient ruined and physically mutilated for life constitutes deceptive criminal malpractice (it does). Regular people hearing raw facts and rendering a verdict.
Hey, go drink the ground water in Tokyo all day and night, go bunk up with someone fresh back from West Africa. Knock yourself out. But meanwhile, try to stay on topic, OK?
You do realize there is a huge difference between concerns about ground water in Tokyo, and claiming it gone and secretly being evacuated women and children first? Groundwater claims might be something one could argue (I have no idea) but you repeatedly insisting there were no people there anymore is entirely different. Likewise whether I would bunk with any of the thousands of travelers who return from West Africa daily is different than your claims that once someone with Ebola enters a large city it will spread unchecked, the delusion being you assuming your experience raising animals made you an infectious disease expert.

It is on topic because you're brought delusion into it, and I think your hilarious Tokyo thread fits the bill. It is also on topic because your history of drama-queenism comes into play related to your prediction about laws related to the LGBT obsession you have.

If there were expert witnesses saying that "sex reassignment" surgery was not delivering what the name promised
Already dunked as per your link on how much counseling they receive.
Yep, you're getting whipped on this topic so you're trying for a diversion. Thanks. It's been a fun debate. Better luck next time.
Yep, you're getting whipped on this topic so you're trying for a diversion. Thanks. It's been a fun debate. Better luck next time.
More delusion. Every point you've attempted to make has been thoroughly debunked, even though you've attempted to recycle them half a dozen times.

You are logic fail personified.
If there were expert witnesses saying that "sex reassignment" surgery was not delivering what the name promised, your cult would be thick on them like white on rice. Like I've said before, your cult makes Scientology blush. Even still, a jury would listen and the case would be decided on if the name of the surgery was incorrect (it is) and if a patient who wants his genitals amputated is not mentally fit to sign waivers for said procedure (he isn't) and if those two things combined, with the completion of said procedure leaving said patient ruined and physically mutilated for life constitutes deceptive criminal malpractice (it does). Regular people hearing raw facts and rendering a verdict.

Every point you've attempted to make has been thoroughly debunked, even though you've attempted to recycle them half a dozen times.

You are logic fail personified.

"thoroughly debunked"... :lmao: Link?
If there were expert witnesses saying that "sex reassignment" surgery was not delivering what the name promised
Already debunked by your link about extensive counseling, clearly patient knows exactly what surgery does

your cult
Desperate flail. I'm part of no cult and am no advocate of LGBT. I just won't accept logical failures by someone with bizarre ax to grind, and frankly your repeated cult accusations sounds like you have some paranoia issues as well. Others who disagree with you must be on some organized effort against you eh? Between that and the delusions maybe you should be posting in the mental health forum.

"thoroughly debunked"... :lmao: Link?
We've got 20 pages of it, you have an amazing capacity to repeat things over and over that have already been chewed up and spit out.

I'm guessing you don't think your cocksure "expertise" about Ebola spreading unchecked once entering a large city and Tokyo being gone and evacuated have been debunked either. The fool is always the last to realize how foolish they sound.
Desperate flail. I'm part of no cult and am no advocate of LGBT. I just won't accept logical failures by someone with bizarre ax to grind, and frankly your repeated cult accusations sounds like you have some paranoia issues as well. Others who disagree with you must be on some organized effort against you eh? Between that and the delusions maybe you should be posting in the mental health forum.


I'd say that a group of organized individuals who took over the APA in the 1970s & 80s, Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. who eliminated science from their research and instead rely on small sampling and audited (cloister-controlled) "feelings" before a paper can be published, who has sung to the world that drugging delusional boys to have their genitals chopped off later in a surgery called "sex reassignment" is "OK"...when MDs tell them in a waiver "isn't really what this does"...all qualify as a cult.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

And it's not just me pal. A WARNING FOR THOSE CONSIDERING MtF SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY (SRS) Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success Sex changes are not effective, say researchers In Opinion: What I wish I’d known before undergoing sex reassignment surgery What the Sex-Change Industry Doesn’t Tell You When sex-change is a mistake: Some transsexuals suffer bitter regrets. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ Stop Allowing People to Change Gender

Let's run it in front of a jury, shall we? You OK with that? We need to charge an MD in a red state with criminal malpractice and let a jury decide if the links above have merit.
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I'd say that a group of organized individuals who took over the APA in the 1970s & 80s,
Irrelevant, you said "your cult" and I'm not part of any organization and have never taken any action on this issue other than debunking your bullshit. This sort of thinking, that others must be part of some conspiracy, sounds like paranoia issues common among the mentally ill. See your doctor.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
Says the one who claimed Tokyo has no more people in it. Apparently you have problems with duck recognition.

Let's run it in front of a jury, shall we? You OK with that? We need to charge an MD in a red state with criminal malpractice and let a jury decide if the links above have merit.
Charges aren't brought by delusional armchair prosecutors on message boards. See your doctor.
I like your side step. You said my claims that "sex reassignment" surgery being deceptive as to delivery were "thoroughly debunked". Then I countered you with a half dozen links (ran out of time, many more popped up on search engines) of case studies and larger studies indicating I am correct. So naturally you're off to denying that the groundwater in Japan has high levels of radiation from Fukushima.

If you're going to accuse that I've been "thoroughly debunked" talk to the links I posted showing otherwise. Because what you're up to here is trolling using ad hominem & diversion.
I like your side step.
It wasn't a sidestep, you think recycling the same debunked logic in different formats accomplishes anything, it doesn't. So as I explained I'll just say debunked so I don't have to bother retyping everything too.

So naturally you're off to denying that the groundwater in Japan has high levels of radiation from Fukushima.
Here you are either lying or delusional, which is it? I've never said anything about the groundwater in Japan, I scoffed at your claims that Tokyo was gone, the people were gone, and there was some secret evacuation. You're desperate to turn it into a groundwater argument because you know how delusional and ridiculous you were, but internet doesn't lie... you claimed Tokyo was gone and empty. That takes an amazing ability to suspend reality, probably to a point where you shouldn't be allowed to sign waivers or contracts.
I like your side step.
It wasn't a sidestep, you think recycling the same debunked logic in different formats accomplishes anything, it doesn't. So as I explained I'll just say debunked so I don't have to bother retyping everything too.

So naturally you're off to denying that the groundwater in Japan has high levels of radiation from Fukushima.
Here you are either lying or delusional, which is it? I've never said anything about the groundwater in Japan, I scoffed at your claims that Tokyo was gone, the people were gone, and there was some secret evacuation. You're desperate to turn it into a groundwater argument because you know how delusional and ridiculous you were, but internet doesn't lie... you claimed Tokyo was gone and empty. That takes an amazing ability to suspend reality, probably to a point where you shouldn't be allowed to sign waivers or contracts.
Shut up. You lost. Sil won.....like she always does.
:clap2: ^^ Thank you for once again "announcing" that I have bested you in this debate.

There is no such thing as "sex reassignment" surgery. Selling it as such to a deranged person is deceptive criminal malpractice.
I'd say that a group of organized individuals who took over the APA in the 1970s & 80s,
Irrelevant, you said "your cult" and I'm not part of any organization and have never taken any action on this issue other than debunking your bullshit. This sort of thinking, that others must be part of some conspiracy, sounds like paranoia issues common among the mentally ill. See your doctor.

I guess we should run by a jury whether or not doctors performing "sex reassignment" surgeries that do no such thing, to patients who are imagining their genitals don't belong attached to them is deceptive criminal malpractice? That way they could tell if I'm a "paranoid conspiracy theorist" on this topic.

Ad hominem as a diversion much?

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