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The New Cult Of LGBT Packaging Of Child Sexual Mutilation: "Regular People Just Don't Care"

No actually, the definition I quoted and gave a link to in post #145 actually described a delusion as the imagining of extra or missing body parts as "reality" when it doesn't match actual reality.

Symptoms of Delusional Disorder
Delusions are generally categorized in 4 groups: bizarre, non-bizarre, mood-congruent and mood-neutral. Bizarre delusions are strange and implausible, such as being vivisected by aliens, while non-bizarre delusions are possible but unlikely, such as being under surveillance. Mood-congruent delusions are false beliefs that are consistent with the patient’s mood if disordered, such as power and influence with mania and rejection and ostracism with depression. Mood-neutral delusions are not related to the patient’s mood, such as having two heads or one arm. Delusional Disorder DSM-5 297.1 (F22) - Therapedia

....or having a penis and saying it is "wrong and shouldn't be there". A person engaged in such a depth of delusions would not be able to discern nuances in contracts and waivers if gross realities escape their embrace. A person who signs legal forms binding with another who rants about how certain body parts don't belong attached to them, does so at their own legal peril. Especially one doing so for gain, taking advantage of said delusions while acknowledging at the same time that what they're doing for that person/patient "won't really work"....ESPECIALLY onerous if those "doings' result in statistical harm to said patient. Refer to my last post.
Nope. They aren't imagining that, they are wanting that and believing they are meant to not have it. If you asked 'em if they have a dick they'd say yes, which is correct.

What they are imagining in delusion is that their dick doesn't belong attached to their body; hence why they want it cut off. And then an MD tells them "you know you won't really become the other gender and must remain on artificial cancer-causing hormones for life" ...and then goes ahead and cuts their dick off for them anyway....mutilating their vital organs forever and prescribing said cancer-causing hormones for life. The longer a person remains on artificial hormones, the more likely they'll develop cancer from them. Seems an odd protocol for a mental delusion.

There's an ethical problem there. If you cannot see it, you shouldn't be in the business of debating psychology, medicine and law.

Remember our checklist from the previous page on criminal malpractice?

The heinous aspects of criminal malpractice

  • Willful, reckless endangerment
  • Wanton disregard of past negative outcomes
  • Lack of timely response
  • Improper motive
  • Depraved indifference to human life
  • Gross negligence
  • Intoxication
  • Deception
  • Unjustifiable risk
If an MD prescribes a hormone therapy or surgical procedure known to cause high risk or harm in either event, for a condition that he knows full well in advance won't be alleviated AT ALL by said risky protocols, and that MD knows from literature that the fallout of those protocols results in no measurable statistical change or cure, and worse, results in harm, with the intent to profit monetarily from said procedures, deceiving said patients with double-speak (offering the protocols known to be harmful...which suggests the MD offers them as "curative" when in fact he knows they are not, evidenced by the waiver he has patients sign saying "you know this won't really do what you want"), putting said patients at unjustifiable risk, means said MD is guilty of criminal malpractice.
Rapists today can be chemically castrated

That's a nice strawman you're trying to use to bury the facts. (See above). You ran out a whole page to its end with it. And here we are, on a new page. Talk to my points and don't change the subject.
....or having a penis and saying it is "wrong and shouldn't be there".
You can repeat the same thing until you're blue in the face, it doesn't mean you can arbitrarily type "or" to add your own interpretation to a scientific definition and call it the new definition.

What they are imagining in delusion is that their dick doesn't belong attached to their body; hence why they want it cut off. And then an MD tells them "you know you won't really become the other gender and must remain on artificial cancer-causing hormones for life" ...and then goes ahead and cuts their dick off for them anyway....mutilating their vital organs forever and prescribing said cancer-causing hormones for life. The longer a person remains on artificial hormones, the more likely they'll develop cancer from them. Seems an odd protocol for a mental delusion.
You're still in logic fail zone because you are basing your house of cards on the a misunderstanding of what a delusions is. If you ask one of these people if they have a dick they'll say yes, they do. Believing they shouldn't and wanting it removed isn't delusional.

There's an ethical problem there. If you cannot see it, you shouldn't be in the business of debating psychology, medicine and law.
You are which:
1. Lawyer
2. Doctor
3. Psychologist

Didn't think so. So now grounds to say people who disagree with your poorly thought out opinion shouldn't be debating.

Talk to my points and don't change the subject.
Your points have been addressed, your position is weak. You're trying to apply the word delusion where it doesn't apply, you're trying to assign a level of risk as unacceptable when you have no medical training to do so, what you're basically trying to do is take your own sense of morality and twist science to shove it down everyone else's throat.
You are which:
1. Lawyer
2. Doctor
3. Psychologist

Didn't think so. So now grounds to say people who disagree with your poorly thought out opinion shouldn't be debating.

Those aren't my guidelines nor my website that outlines the parameters for criminal malpractice. Go back and visit the link.
Those aren't my guidelines nor my website that outlines the parameters for criminal malpractice. Go back and visit the link.
The problem is your interpretation of the guidelines, any fool can read a website. Your pretending others shouldn't bother debating because they don't agree with your completely amateur armchair expert views is absurd.
Those aren't my guidelines nor my website that outlines the parameters for criminal malpractice. Go back and visit the link.
The problem is your interpretation of the guidelines, any fool can read a website. Your pretending others shouldn't bother debating because they don't agree with your completely amateur armchair expert views is absurd.
Debate away. Please explain (you have yet to, though asked many times) how it is not criminal malpractice to amputate a person's vital organs and at the same time have them sign a waiver that says "you know this really won't change your gender"? All to a person who is so deluded that they look between their legs and believe "that doesn't belong there". ie: they're incapable of signing a waiver for said unnecessary procedure. That's deception and unjustifiable risk defined, with premeditation on behalf of the MD....by taking advantage of a mentally handicapped person.

Please describe as best you can how I am "wrong"?
Debate away. Please explain (you have yet to, though asked many times) how it is not criminal malpractice to amputate a person's vital organs and at the same time have them sign a waiver that says "you know this really won't change your gender"?
The burden isn't on me to explain anything, you're the one claiming it is and your reasoning has already been soundly debunked. I invite you to scroll back through the thread if you've already forgotten.

Please describe as best you can how I am "wrong"?
Click the little buttons for the thread pages and reread, I've explained how you're wrong over and over. Asking to be proven wrong again doesn't change the outcome.
No, you have not said how it is that doctors are telling patients that their hormones and surgery will not actually change their gender...how that is ethical at all for them to represent by doing the therapies themselves which are harmful, as curative, when their waivers say they are not. You have not talked to that paradox at all.
No, you have not said how it is that doctors are telling patients that their hormones and surgery will not actually change their gender...
Because it won't. You can't get your head (no pun) around the patients understanding this too.

how that is ethical at all for them to represent by doing the therapies themselves which are harmful, as curative, when their waivers say they are not. You have not talked to that paradox at all.
You've not proven they aren't curative since you don't understand the goal.
No, you have not said how it is that doctors are telling patients that their hormones and surgery will not actually change their gender..

how that is ethical at all for them to represent by doing the therapies themselves which are harmful, as curative, when their waivers say they are not. You have not talked to that paradox at all.
Because it won't. You can't get your head (no pun) around the patients understanding this too....You've not proven they aren't curative since you don't understand the goal.

Please explain the goal of a patient who is delusional to the point of demanding their genitals don't belong attached to them, going into a doctor's office asking for SEX CHANGE operation....that doctor ignoring said patent delusion, offering that he gives hormones and surgery to help the patient with his goal (yes, that is in fact what these doctors offer while simultaneously saying "it doesn't really work") and then drugging and mutilating that patient to what? change or not change their gender? (remember, it's not both) Legally, is the gender changed or not if the MDs are saying "this doesn't really work" in waiver form?

Your answer is clear as mud. Please explain in detail the 'goal' of MDs who handle these patients. And if you say "to help them look outside more like they feel inside" we are talking about physical amputation, surgeries, risk and cancer causing drugs....none of which ultimately cure the MENTAL issue: a complete rejection of their gender.

Armchair observation yes, but logically pleasing none the less. This is why many male transsexuals don't want to be male but stay with their wives after the surgery. They want to be a woman and be around women: ie they want NOTHING to do with males. The ones who dress up like whore bags, may want to control other males with their "sexyness". Either way its mentally dysfunctional and is based in deep seated repressed issues (hence the reason cursory forms & hurdles required ...for now...for surgery signed by LGBT-APA "psychologists" aren't sufficient).
Please explain the goal of a patient who is delusional to the point of demanding their genitals don't belong attached to them, going into a doctor's office asking for SEX CHANGE operation
They want to look more like a female.

....that doctor ignoring said patent delusion,
It isn't a delusion, already explained why at least five times

Your answer is clear as mud. Please explain in detail the 'goal' of MDs who handle these patients.
Goal is to remove their penis so patient looks more like a female.

And if you say "to help them look outside more like they feel inside" we are talking about physical amputation, surgeries, risk and cancer causing drugs....none of which ultimately cure the MENTAL issue: a complete rejection of their gender.
We do the same with breast augmentation. Surgery with risk of infection and other postop issues, none of which cure the MENTAL issue: low self-esteem
Please explain the goal of a patient who is delusional to the point of demanding their genitals don't belong attached to them, going into a doctor's office asking for SEX CHANGE operation
They want to look more like a female.
From what I've heard, these patients claim to be born in the wrong body. Their quest for surgery isn't merely to look more female, it is to BE female. Hence the reason they go so far as to try to get their legal gender changed on their birth certificates. So, you're lying there.

....that doctor ignoring said patent delusion,
It isn't a delusion, already explained why at least five times
Thinking you are born in the wrong body is as delusional as the word "delusion" can be. There is probably no greater example that a person's immediate proximate surroundings (their body).

Your answer is clear as mud. Please explain in detail the 'goal' of MDs who handle these patients.
Goal is to remove their penis so patient looks more like a female.
Again...not "more like"....AS. The patient assenting to this type of mutilation means they believe they will become female, not just be "more like" female. The doctors make them sign a waiver saying differently, then, knowing this is where the patient's head is at, go ahead and do the surgery anyway (illegally).

And if you say "to help them look outside more like they feel inside" we are talking about physical amputation, surgeries, risk and cancer causing drugs....none of which ultimately cure the MENTAL issue: a complete rejection of their gender.
We do the same with breast augmentation. Surgery with risk of infection and other postop issues, none of which cure the MENTAL issue: low self-esteem

Agreed. But low self esteem is different than believing one's gender is "wrong". Typically breasts are not vital organs attached to the elimination system like genitals are. The augmentation of breasts outside of cancer patients is surgery that doesn't justify the risks.

A woman isn't fooling anyone with those scars and obvious implants. (although she may be providing humanity with an excellent service, indicating to any potential sex partner that she is vain enough to mutilate her body..or self-loathing enough to do so...giving them a heads-up on what their life might be like with her over the long haul.) She could pad her bra just as easily without risking infection and other post op complications.

Sex mutilation surgery, besides being done unethically, taking advantage of a patient who believes it will change their gender (when MDs know it won't), carries with it a lifetime of much higher risks for UTIs, sexual numbness, sterility, cancer and more. Worse, post-op patients statistically are just as depressed mentally as before surgery; some often more depressed. Wouldn't you be if your doctor just hacked off your junk when he should've ordered regressive psychotherapy to discover why you completely reject being male? Sex changes are not effective, say researchers
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From what I've heard, these patients claim to be born in the wrong body. Their quest for surgery isn't merely to look more female, it is to BE female. Hence the reason they go so far as to try to get their legal gender changed on their birth certificates. So, you're lying there.
Logic fail. Claiming to have been born in the wrong body doesn't mean they believe a surgery to remove their penis makes them female. It merely another step to try to get themselves closer to a gender identity they prefer.

Thinking you are born in the wrong body is as delusional as the word "delusion" can be.
Again, where is your psychology degree from? Your only expertise on delusion comes from personal experience with that mental health problem when you made a thread four years ago claiming Tokyo was gone, the people were no longer there, and there was a secret evactuation going on women and children first. The irony of someone who convinced themselves of that calling people who believe they should be a different gender delusional is great, isn't it?

Again...not "more like"....AS. The patient assenting to this type of mutilation means they believe they will become female, not just be "more like" female.
Nope, you're manufacturing information again. Does this come from all the polls you've done of pre-op gender surgery patients where they told you they believe the surgery will actually change their chromosomes to make them biologically female? Didn't think so.

Agreed. But low self esteem is different than believing one's gender is "wrong". Typically breasts are not vital organs attached to the elimination system like genitals are. The augmentation of breasts outside of cancer patients is surgery that doesn't justify the risks.
And we are back to you taking your personal opinions and stating them as facts, despite having no professional experience or qualifications in this field.

A woman isn't fooling anyone with those scars and obvious implants. (although she may be providing humanity with an excellent service, indicating to any potential sex partner that she is vain enough to mutilate her body..or self-loathing enough to do so...giving them a heads-up on what their life might be like with her over the long haul.) She could pad her bra just as easily without risking infection and other post op complications.
But it's accepted by society as moral and legal.

Sex mutilation surgery, besides being done unethically, taking advantage of a patient who believes it will change their gender (when MDs know it won't), carries with it a lifetime of much higher risks for UTIs, sexual numbness, sterility, cancer and more. Worse, post-op patients statistically are just as depressed mentally as before surgery; some often more depressed. Wouldn't you be if your doctor just hacked off your junk when he should've ordered regressive psychotherapy to discover why you completely reject being male? Sex changes are not effective, say researchers
You're basing an argument on another argument (unethical) that I've already dismissed and debunked, so not worth reading the rest. You have a problem where things you haven't established as true (unethical, criminal, unsafe, etc.) are then used as the foundation of additional arguments. Makes a nice house of cards stacked on a turd.
From what I've heard, these patients claim to be born in the wrong body. Their quest for surgery isn't merely to look more female, it is to BE female. Hence the reason they go so far as to try to get their legal gender changed on their birth certificates. So, you're lying there.
Logic fail. Claiming to have been born in the wrong body doesn't mean they believe a surgery to remove their penis makes them female. It merely another step to try to get themselves closer to a gender identity they prefer.

That's not how I have read the transgender issue. Here, let's take a look: 5 Bizarre Realities Of My 'Sex Change' You Don't See On TV

Well, it's not like nobody has ever thought of that. Gender reassignment surgery is a massive, totally life-altering process that we'll cover in just ... so much gross detail shortly. It's such a serious procedure that the first step involves proving you really, really, really, really want it. The World Professional Association For Transgender Health advises patients to spend at least a year living and dressing as the gender they'd like to transition to. This is called real-life experience. Nora lives in the Netherlands, where gender reassignment is covered by government-mandated health insurance, and an extended period of RLE is mandatory there:

"I had to wait out a six-month list to see a psychiatrist for a minimum of three sessions before I could start hormone-replacement therapy, but only if I could show I was going to start living as my gender."

And then there's the litany of warnings about all the things that can go horribly wrong. If you have any lingering doubts, just see if they can withstand this news: "You may lose sensitivity and end up not being able to have physical pleasure from sex. Like I was having so much fun with it before and totally didn't want to cry after. But it's a major surgery in a very difficult area; complications like infections or fistulas aren't unheard of. For the hormones, there are different side effects. ... They increase the risk of developing deep-vein thrombosis and require careful monitoring. I met a woman once who had self-medded; she had a stroke that left half of her face paralyzed. She was only 30 years old. It broke my heart."

All of this, by the way, is why many transgender people never attempt surgery -- they just live their lives as the other gender and forever dread the moment they have to explain why they have the wrong genitals.

Note the words "wrong genitals". These people believe they have "the wrong genitals". That is delusion. You have what you have what you have what you have. There is no "wrong" about what you have. It's akin to me saying I have the "wrong bank account" and claiming a rich person's identity instead, because I always knew and felt like I was a rich person born in a poor person's body. Which is actually more sane to think since you can actually change your financial status without getting embolisms, urinary tract infections, sterility, sexual numbness or cancer.
That's not how I have read the transgender issue. Here, let's take a look: 5 Bizarre Realities Of My 'Sex Change' You Don't See On TV
I didn't see anything there that says that person thought the surgery would physically make them an actual woman in a scientific sense, which is what you seem all hung up on. Did see this though:

"The best evidence we have suggests it does have a positive mental health impact on most patients"

Shame someone else feels it is everyone else's business and the government should step in and control other people's private lives and choices. Where does it end with people like you? Stopping people from getting gastric bypass since they are delusional thinking they should be skinny? I'm always amazed at how far reaching the pro-big brother types like you want to go to invade peoples' private lives and control their choices.

Note the words "wrong genitals". These people believe they have "the wrong genitals". That is delusion.
No it isn't. Delusion would be asking them if they have a penis, and them saying no. They no quite well what they have, they just believe it's wrong.

It's akin to me saying I have the "wrong bank account" and claiming a rich person's identity instead, because I always knew and felt like I was a rich person born in a poor person's body.
Nope. It's akin to you saying you deserve to be rich and your pitiful bank account is wrong, but knowing full well it is your account and you are poor.
I didn't see anything there that says that person thought the surgery would physically make them an actual woman in a scientific sense..

Only in the pretend sense...yes...I get it.. To bad the patient doesn't.. Here, let's look at the quote again (larger font this time)

All of this, by the way, is why many transgender people never attempt surgery -- they just live their lives as the other gender and forever dread the moment they have to explain why they have the wrong genitals.

So, the MD has a patient, with a set of genitals they consider "wrong" (though they are normal and they were born with them). That patient asks the MD to cut them off. The patient then goes to the courts and asks for their gender on their birth certificate to say they are the opposite gender. But the MD knows they never will be; and the hormones they'll have to take for the rest of their life will almost certainly give them cancer.

So the MD is representing to said delusional patient that amputation can change their gender...yes...that's why it's called "sex reassignment surgery"...while at the same time that MD knows for a fact no such actual change takes place. And that MD knows that his patient will almost certainly encounter unfortunate and (unnecessary) complications from said surgery and hormones. And that MD goes ahead and does the procedure(s) anyway.

Which is, criminal malpractice. Say it with me everybody..
Only in the pretend sense...yes...I get it.. To bad the patient doesn't.. Here, let's look at the quote again (larger font this time)

All of this, by the way, is why many transgender people never attempt surgery -- they just live their lives as the other gender and forever dread the moment they have to explain why they have the wrong genitals.
If a man is living their life as a woman, and dresses/acts like a woman, it would indeed be awkward if someone sees their genitals and discovers they aren't female. That is what this means, "wrong" is in context of expectations.

You are trying way to hard to read into everything to conform to your worldview.

So, the MD has a patient, with a set of genitals they consider "wrong" (blah blah blah)
Like so many other arguments you make the very first premise is incorrect (see above) so why waste time reading what is concluded from it.

Which is, criminal malpractice. Say it with me everybody..
See above. Argument built on fail is always fail.
Only in the pretend sense...yes...I get it.. To bad the patient doesn't.. Here, let's look at the quote again (larger font this time)

All of this, by the way, is why many transgender people never attempt surgery -- they just live their lives as the other gender and forever dread the moment they have to explain why they have the wrong genitals.
If a man is living their life as a woman, and dresses/acts like a woman, it would indeed be awkward if someone sees their genitals and discovers they aren't female. That is what this means, "wrong" is in context of expectations.

Wow you're a gymnast with reading comprehension, aren't you? What a person seeking sex REASSIGNMENT surgery is doing, mentally by saying they have "the wrong genitals" is entering into an oral & written contract with the MD, with the expectation that their actual gender will change. Yes, that is factually their expectations. If they believed that mutilating their body won't actually be a sex reassignment (as the MDs caution them it really isn't in a waiver they have them sign), if they ACTUALLY understood that, instead of what's happening with their being steeped in delusion, few if any of them would consent to surgery or cancer hormones. It is because they are insane that they consent. And the MD's know this. So hence the crime.

If you went to a doctor and he frankly confronted you with the fact that the say, drug you were wanting him to prescribe you would in no way work at all for what you wanted, and worse, it came with a dozen harmful, lifelong-inescapable side effects, that MD would be in criminal violation of law if you were able to convince him to give it to you anyway.
Wow you're a gymnast with reading comprehension, aren't you? What a person seeking sex REASSIGNMENT surgery is doing, mentally by saying they have "the wrong genitals" is entering into an oral & written contract with the MD, with the expectation that their actual gender will change. Yes, that is factually their expectations.
This isn't true. Not only do you like to twist and bend the definition of delusion to build your house of logic cards you also make up whatever pops into your head about the feelings/intentions/beliefs of people you've never met.

1. They know they have a penis, thus are not delusional.
2. They don't believe removing it will change their chromosomes to become a biological woman.

If they believed that mutilating their body won't actually be a sex reassignment (as the MDs caution them it really isn't in a waiver they have them sign), if they ACTUALLY understood that, instead of what's happening with their being steeped in delusion, few if any of them would consent to surgery or cancer hormones
Sex reassignment is just the name of the procedure.

If you went to a doctor and he frankly confronted you with the fact that the say, drug you were wanting him to prescribe you would in no way work at all for what you wanted, and worse, it came with a dozen harmful, lifelong-inescapable side effects, that MD would be in criminal violation of law if you were able to convince him to give it to you anyway.
And here we have the usual Silhouette conclusion based on premise that has already been debunked. They want their dick off, and that's what happens.

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