The New Cult Of LGBT Packaging Of Child Sexual Mutilation: "Regular People Just Don't Care"

he was not with the APA in 2012. He had been retired

The definition of insanity: being out of touch with physical reality completely, is timeless. It's present in any version of the DSM.

Then we have one exception to that rule made on behalf of the cult of LGBT who seem riveted on sexual depravity as-religion: "Transgenderism". But at the same time reality knocks again on that door with a waiver patients are required to sign that says "you know this cancer-causing hormone therapy/surgery is never actually going to change your gender".

So in essence we have a lawsuit or a criminal prosecution. It is MDs doing things to people who are defined as incapable of legal consent. It is quintessential criminal malpractice. They take money to do these things to people. Crime.

It would be like letting MDs off the hook for treating a broken wrist by removing the patient's kidney....& making the patient sign a waiver that says "you know removing your kidney won't actually mend your broken wrist". And then doing the surgery anyway.

Clean their clocks people. Especially where kids are involved.
out of touch with advances in diagnosis and treatment from around the world
No he wasn't and isn't.
Interview with Dr. Cummings himself:

Don't mind the title of the video, it's just a short interview with the Dr. on a European TV station.

he retired in 2011 at the age of 87 and did the interview a year later. He was out of touch with the research and treatments.

No, the interview was about the timeline when he served as APA president & watched the gay cabal take over the organization. He outlines how they systematically took out the Leona Tyler principle without so much as an up or down vote from the board. The Leona Tyler principle was the decades long practice of the APA which said that if they took any position publicly on any psychological phenomenon, it HAD to be backed with science. The gay cabal simply "disappeared" the Leona Tyler principle. Dr. Cummings says you cannot even find it's decades-long Golden Ruling Principle in the APA archives. It's simply was vanished as a favor to the cult of LGBT.

Those who know how science works, with large samplings, statistics and blind corroborating repeatable peer-reviews are STUNNED at the APA's new religion which urges small samplings, a reliance on "(subjective) feelings instead of numbers", associate "auditing" (read: peer pressure from close colleagues) and other religious practices that have NOTHING to do with science. Don't believe me? Read more on "CQR" methods from the APA here: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

Stephen Hawkings decides to get a brain transplant but the only viable body that is compatible is a woman's, would you expect him to live and act as a woman or if he wanted to go through GRS?
A male brain in a female body, you would call him insane?
If he was still married, would you expect him to not want to have relations with her?

Brain rules the body not the other way around

Why can't you accept that people have a right to be happy and if changing what they feel is wrong then let them.

Stephen Hawkings decides to get a brain transplant but the only viable body that is compatible is a woman's, would you expect him to live and act as a woman or if he wanted to go through GRS?
A male brain in a female body, you would call him insane?
If he was still married, would you expect him to not want to have relations with her?

Brain rules the body not the other way around

Why can't you accept that people have a right to be happy and if changing what they feel is wrong then let them.
Why can't you accept that it is morally repugnant to indulge the mentally disturbed's delusions...and even more grotesque to make a profit off of lying to and mutilating them? When the operations have been proven to not make them any less likely to be depressed or suicidal?

I get that you think you are just being a tolerant and open-minded individual..that you are helping...but you aren't in reality.

You're essentially excusing scam artists taking advantage of the mentally ill for profit, because it makes you feel good to indulge trans people's delusions.

Stephen Hawkings decides to get a brain transplant but the only viable body that is compatible is a woman's, would you expect him to live and act as a woman or if he wanted to go through GRS?
A male brain in a female body, you would call him insane?
If he was still married, would you expect him to not want to have relations with her?

Brain rules the body not the other way around

Why can't you accept that people have a right to be happy and if changing what they feel is wrong then let them.
Why can't you accept that it is morally repugnant to indulge the mentally disturbed's delusions...and even more grotesque to make a profit off of lying to and mutilating them? When the operations have been proven to not make them any less likely to be depressed or suicidal?

I get that you think you are just being a tolerant and open-minded individual..that you are helping...but you aren't in reality.

You're essentially excusing scam artists taking advantage of the mentally ill for profit, because it makes you feel good to indulge trans people's delusions.

You did not address by hypothetical

If a man's brains was in a woman's body, would you call him insane if they did not feel or act like a woman and opt for GRS?

Instead of changing the body they have, should transgender opt for a brain transplant at more cost and higher risk?

Twin embryos can merge like a cymera. If a person can be born with two separate brains, why is it so hard to accept that a person might be born with a brain and body of differing sexes?
Brain rules the body not the other way around

Why can't you accept that people have a right to be happy and if changing what they feel is wrong then let them.

So by your definition then, if a brain is telling a body "eat too much food and then throw up right after", we should indulge that as a society? If a brain tells a body "shoot up that heroin until you pass out" we should indulge that as a society? If a brain tells a body, "cut yourself because when you do it releases endorphines and you feel better", we should indulge that as a society? If a brain says "never mind what you see between your legs, cut it off so you can pretend you're the opposite gender, even though you never will be", we should indulge that as a society?

Insanity is defined in any volume of the DSM as the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and sees a normal set of male genitalia and says then to the world "I am a woman", he is clinically insane by definition. He is not happy; nor will he ever be happy. Chances are he has been mishandled as a boy, likely has some derision about being male deep in his brain in general from some horrible male role model he rejected so thoroughly that he now rejects his own male body. These issues are deep seated psychological problems that need regressive therapy. Doctors playing along with cancer-causing hormones or amputation isn't going to help.

Again, these folks are not happy, nor is the hormones or surgery making them happy. The studies done found that post-butchery "transgenders" were no more happy than before surgery; and often even more depressed. Obviously so, since the treatment was not what is prescribed for their cure: which exists in the mind, not the body.

So, MDs doing this type of malpractice simply need to be 1. sued 2. have their licenses revoked and 3. Fined and 4. Thrown in jail. They know what they're doing is wrong. The patients don't prescribe their own cures when they are legally incapable of consent. The doctors who make them sign the waivers that say " you know this won't really change your gender" are the ones who are culpable. The round up of these predators must begin today.
Brain rules the body not the other way around

Why can't you accept that people have a right to be happy and if changing what they feel is wrong then let them.

So by your definition then, if a brain is telling a body "eat too much food and then throw up right after", we should indulge that as a society? If a brain tells a body "shoot up that heroin until you pass out" we should indulge that as a society? If a brain tells a body, "cut yourself because when you do it releases endorphines and you feel better", we should indulge that as a society? If a brain says "never mind what you see between your legs, cut it off so you can pretend you're the opposite gender, even though you never will be", we should indulge that as a society?

Insanity is defined in any volume of the DSM as the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and sees a normal set of male genitalia and says then to the world "I am a woman", he is clinically insane by definition. He is not happy; nor will he ever be happy. Chances are he has been mishandled as a boy, likely has some derision about being male deep in his brain in general from some horrible male role model he rejected so thoroughly that he now rejects his own male body. These issues are deep seated psychological problems that need regressive therapy. Doctors playing along with cancer-causing hormones or amputation isn't going to help.

Again, these folks are not happy, nor is the hormones or surgery making them happy. The studies done found that post-butchery "transgenders" were no more happy than before surgery; and often even more depressed. Obviously so, since the treatment was not what is prescribed for their cure: which exists in the mind, not the body.

So, MDs doing this type of malpractice simply need to be 1. sued 2. have their licenses revoked and 3. Fined and 4. Thrown in jail. They know what they're doing is wrong. The patients don't prescribe their own cures when they are legally incapable of consent. The doctors who make them sign the waivers that say " you know this won't really change your gender" are the ones who are culpable. The round up of these predators must begin today.

So a brain, born or transplanted to a different body has to be that body? A man's brain imidiatly is woman?

The brain rules even to addiction or induce pain. Body does not tell the brain what to do.
So a brain, born or transplanted to a different body has to be that body? A man's brain imidiatly is woman?

The brain rules even to addiction or induce pain. Body does not tell the brain what to do.

I'd love to entertain your strawman here. But we're talking about regular brains born in regular bodies that are regularly either male or female. Helping them in their delusions by giving them cancer-causing hormones or amputation butchery is a crime against the mentally disabled. And, Drs need to be sued, fined and jailed for said crime. You're trying to make a simple case of malpractice into "something tricky, a gray area!"

You did not address by hypothetical

If a man's brains was in a woman's body, would you call him insane if they did not feel or act like a woman and opt for GRS?

Well 99% of people being butchered by doctors or drugged with cancer-causing hormones are not Frankenstein

This topic is about MDs butchering or causing cancer in the mentally ill for cash. All at the same time requiring them to sign a waiver (even though by definition they aren't legally able to consent) that says "you know this treatment won't change who you really are."

It's malpractice defined.
You did not address by hypothetical

If a man's brains was in a woman's body, would you call him insane if they did not feel or act like a woman and opt for GRS?

Well 99% of people being butchered by doctors or drugged with cancer-causing hormones are not Frankenstein

This topic is about MDs butchering or causing cancer in the mentally ill for cash. All at the same time requiring them to sign a waiver (even though by definition they aren't legally able to consent) that says "you know this treatment won't change who you really are."

It's malpractice defined.
I don't see how anyone could support this garbage. It's disgusting.
You did not address by hypothetical

If a man's brains was in a woman's body, would you call him insane if they did not feel or act like a woman and opt for GRS?

Well 99% of people being butchered by doctors or drugged with cancer-causing hormones are not Frankenstein

This topic is about MDs butchering or causing cancer in the mentally ill for cash. All at the same time requiring them to sign a waiver (even though by definition they aren't legally able to consent) that says "you know this treatment won't change who you really are."

It's malpractice defined.

Men and women for other reasons are given hormones for the rest of their lives but you don't seem to be objecting to doctors treating them

hormones are also given to women who have been diagnosed with breats cancer.

Under a doctor's care they can and are prescribed and should be.

Your hang up still seems to be with transgenders

birth control pills are hormones

True some women, and probably men, cannot take hormones or choose not to because of side effects. I tried several different types and opted to not take them. I take herbs that offer some of the similar benefits instead, but not all.
Men and women for other reasons are given hormones for the rest of their lives but you don't seem to be objecting to doctors treating them

hormones are also given to women who have been diagnosed with breats cancer.

Under a doctor's care they can and are prescribed and should be.

Your hang up still seems to be with transgenders

The World Health Organization has declared hormone additives carcinogenic. But that was merely a formality. Everyone, including MDs & pharmacological companies already has known that with a yawn for decades now. Hormones in ten years, because of that declaration, in most countries except those like ours where BigPharma lobbies relaxed laws in their favor, will not be prescribed except in cases where doing so will save a life.

You don't save the life of a boy who has deep seated psychological rejection of his own gender by prescribing him estrogen. You don't save his life by chopping his dick off after years of taking estrogen so he no longer is able to make "his own" choice on that surgery. You put the boy on a couch and ask him what male person in his life made him so disgusted with men in general that he rejected his own body parts. That's how you treat that mental illness.
Oh, but we don't hate the gays anymore. Those days are over. We don't want them all dead.
Oh, but we don't hate the gays anymore. Those days are over. We don't want them all dead.
That's a strawman. You played the pity-card one too many times. People are numb to it. Stay with the topic. You don't get to have your way like a child with destructive behaviors, holding your breath until your face turns blue, having tantrums or by lying about the truth of how homosexuals treated in the West.

Or, were you talking about Muslims and how they treat the ghey?
Men and women for other reasons are given hormones for the rest of their lives but you don't seem to be objecting to doctors treating them

hormones are also given to women who have been diagnosed with breats cancer.

Under a doctor's care they can and are prescribed and should be.

Your hang up still seems to be with transgenders

The World Health Organization has declared hormone additives carcinogenic. But that was merely a formality. Everyone, including MDs & pharmacological companies already has known that with a yawn for decades now. Hormones in ten years, because of that declaration, in most countries except those like ours where BigPharma lobbies relaxed laws in their favor, will not be prescribed except in cases where doing so will save a life.

You don't save the life of a boy who has deep seated psychological rejection of his own gender by prescribing him estrogen. You don't save his life by chopping his dick off after years of taking estrogen so he no longer is able to make "his own" choice on that surgery. You put the boy on a couch and ask him what male person in his life made him so disgusted with men in general that he rejected his own body parts. That's how you treat that mental illness.

When was the last time you went to psychiatrist?

and what of the other 88% of transgenders who were not abused?

The percent of abuse is only a fractions higher than that of other children and the majority of children abused are female.

>>sexual abuse does not "cause" heterosexual youth to become LGBTQ<<
When was the last time you went to psychiatrist?

and what of the other 88% of transgenders who were not abused?

The percent of abuse is only a fractions higher than that of other children and the majority of children abused are female.

>>sexual abuse does not "cause" heterosexual youth to become LGBTQ<<

About 10 years ago I was in debate with a guy who was married to a woman. He decided to "go transgender". Had the surgery, all of it. He looked hideous. But also said he was still attracted to women sexually; as many of them still are. After pages and pages of very excruciating back and forth, involvement with moderators coddling him and so forth, the truth finally came out. He admitted that because he had a smaller penis than boys back in grade school gym class, he felt inadequate. They teased & taunted him so that he began to hate males in general altogether. Being male himself, that meant his own equipment. So, he deduced it had to go. But he was still depressed afterwards. The "treatment" didn't change that at all. And of course, his wife was talking about leaving him at that time. Not sure if she ever did.

When waxing poetic about "being a woman finally" all he would talk about was how gaudy his clothing would be, the extremes of what he saw as the opposite of what he hated...high heels, tons of makeup, everything pink pink pink, long nails and on and on and on. Those are not universal themes of being female BTW. They are only the stereotypes he had in his mind being raised in America. So that was what he thought "would finally make him not male".

And he had not told this to his therapists BTW. He had coerced them to believe he was one of the ones you seem to think belong to the 88% who didn't suffer abuse. Abuse can take many forms; not all of them easily detected on a simple form before one is admitted for surgical amputation of one's penis and testicles. Turns out his was peer abuse. But I can imagine a boy seeing a horribly violent stepfather or another set of males beating up on people or any other extremely negative association with the stereotype grown in his mind as "being male" would lead him in certain extreme cases to want to change his gender to the stereotypical "western female" one. And it's a "fix" that doesn't work to root out the actual problem of the mind.

Doctors know this, and hence the waiver. That they would take money to do what they know is wrong is a criminal offense and gross malpractice.

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