The New Definition of Gay Tolerance..Just what Those Opposed Thought it WAS!!

It has it's moments - like Canadian Idol, the most redundent of all Idols. :D

But seriously, I think in many cases, children will carry some of what their parents taught them into adulthood, like it or not.

I thank god for the example my parents set for me, they weren't perfect ,no parents are, but, they gave what I needed most, aside from a loving home, was some sense of moral direction which I'd be lost today without.
All people have a right to make value judgements for themselves and their children, and it's no one else's business to step in and say otherwise, especially not government, or does that work for liberals only?

Cool. Then you have no problem with gays marrying or adopting kids, right? It's no one else's business, right?
Cool. Then you have no problem with gays marrying or adopting kids, right? It's no one else's business, right?

How do you jump from - no ones business how you raise your kids to no ones business whether to change fundamental institutions of society and giving children to people who lack self control?
How do you jump from - no ones business how you raise your kids to no ones business whether to change fundamental institutions of society and giving children to people who lack self control?

Simple. The quote said:
All people have a right to make value judgements for themselves and their children

And I agree. So gay people who adopt children are parents. They have those rights. What does self control have to do with homos? I like chocolate. I eat it. I lack self control. Sue me....
I know a couple of catchphrases. Like liberal elitist and homophile. You have no problem with these catchphrases.

Never used either of those catchwords so try again.................douchebag, that is a catchword I use quite often.
Simple. The quote said:
All people have a right to make value judgements for themselves and their children

And I agree. So gay people who adopt children are parents. They have those rights. What does self control have to do with homos? I like chocolate. I eat it. I lack self control. Sue me....

Gay folk cannot have kids. The answer to it is, Abolish the practice of homosexuals adopting children. When people, Normal, healthy people adopt children, they become parents. When they are parents, "they have a right to make value judgements for themselves and their children."

Homosexuals, by their willing participation in a hobby which is both physically and spiritually destructive, show such piss-poor judgement they have no business raising children.
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I am a single mother. But I am not a single mother by choice. I did not set out to get pregnant on purpose or to raise a child by myself on purpose. I got pregnant and my lover broke up with me the day I told him I was pregnant. While that did not surprise me, it did break my heart.

I considered an abortion. I am militantly pro-abortion. I don't believe any man has a right to even express an opinion on the subject, and when I go though menopause and can no longer conceive, neither will I. That decision is totally up to the woman and she should have the right to make that decision and it's nobody else's business. I was 34 years old, I owned my own home, I made good money, and I loved him. I couldn't do it. I chose to have the baby.

Being a parent is the hardest single thing I have have ever done in my life and I do not recommend it to anybody. Married or single. In some ways I have it easier than married couples do. My word goes. I don't have any conflict with a father to have to deal with. There is no father. It's just me.

Why anybody would purposely put themselves in that position I will never understand. Being a parent is so hard. It's not the least bit rewarding. It's worry, and guilt, and more worry, and it never ends. If we're lucky, our kids won't turn out to be drug addicts or hookers or serial killers. If we're really lucky, they'll grow up to be decent people who can make their own way in the world, and not hate us too much.

I sorta forgot what my point was, but being a single parent does not only suck from the kids point of view.

nt250... do you REALLY mean that? You don't see ANYTHING rewarding about being a parent? I know it is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, but, REALLY? Not ANYTHING rewarding in the experience?
Parents HURT children by failing to teach some 'hate' and 'intolerance'.

Off the top of my head, my kids will learn to hate:

Cottage Cheese.
Political Correctness.

My kids will learn to be intolerant of:

Things they hate.

Cottage cheese is very good topped with pineapples. You're such a hater! Free your mind, dude!
Cool. Then you have no problem with gays marrying or adopting kids, right? It's no one else's business, right?

I never said I didn't. I don't care about civil unions for gays just not church marriages. As far as children go Im a good one to ask as I work in that area for the State with dysfunctional families and child custody issues. That state gives me authority to invesitgate all child welfare cases, I make my recommendations based on what the courts tell me. Personally I don't believe gay couples provide stable homes for children as don't some heterosexual families these days period, but that's my opinion. The Government does have a responsibilty to protect children on a limited basis with some intrusive means if very necessary. Now does that mean government has the right to force parents to accept their kids being taught that Daddy and his male roomate took me to the park for a picnic we had fun, then they went home and fu@ked eachother while I watched cartoons is normal...............HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!! That is every parents business.
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nt250... do you REALLY mean that? You don't see ANYTHING rewarding about being a parent? I know it is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, but, REALLY? Not ANYTHING rewarding in the experience?

I'll assume she meant why would anyone want to be a single parent. However, wanting your daughter to quite school..........
I'll assume she meant why would anyone want to be a single parent. However, wanting your daughter to quite school..........

I can understand not wanting to be a single parent... one of my worst fears!
If you're a faggot, you're sick in the head. All normal people know that. You HAVE to be sick in the head if you're a man, and think you want to stick your johnson up another man's poop shoot. That's sick. There's NOTHING ANYONE can say to make that OK.

So what do the butt pokers do? Everytime they get a small victory, they try and keep the momentum going. So they figure most people "tolerate" them, so now they're going to tell us all "how" to tolerate them, just exactly what that means. Not to "us", but to "them", and it's by their rules that they want us to play.

Well I'm not playing. Not for one fucking second. There's no force on EARTH that could make me TOLERATE, or CONDONE, or TELL A CHILD that homosexuality is ANYTHING but SICK!!!

nt250... do you REALLY mean that? You don't see ANYTHING rewarding about being a parent? I know it is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, but, REALLY? Not ANYTHING rewarding in the experience?

Yes, I really mean it.

My kid is 13.

Ask me again in five years. Maybe I'll have a different answer.

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