The ‘New Gestapo’?

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:
This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?
This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.


When did Maine become a hot bed of overly conservative ideals and jargon?

Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government

Preach it brother, PREACH

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:
This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?
This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.


When did Maine become a hot bed of overly conservative ideals and jargon?

Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government

Preach it brother, PREACH

I'll care when we start leaving people on the side of the road, if they don't have insurance. We're supposed to worry about "free riders" in other cases. Why not in this one?
When 14,000 factories were moved overseas and 3m manufacturing jobs, its not realistic to expect a quick turn-around in the economy. We need those manufacturing jobs as opportunities for advancement as well as survival.
In order to avoid "dependency" we need to provide "opportunities".

A vivid example of the depths to which contemporary American political discourse has fallen.

He's pissed off that the IRS has been given so much authority by Obamacare (a point with which I heartily agree). So he compares the IRS to a group of evil thugs that was complicit in and/or partially responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, and for the brutal (both physical and mental) control of millions of German citizens. Okie dokie.

The decay continues.

This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.

LePage is obviously as unhinged, hyperbolic, and ignorant as the right on USBM.
You voted for HOPE and Change

all you got is more Government chains by your Dear Leader


Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:
This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?
This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.


When did Maine become a hot bed of overly conservative ideals and jargon?

Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government

Preach it brother, PREACH
And he's correct. Bravo to the Governor...Government gets larger...Liberty suffers. ObamaCare needs to be repealed to stave this off.

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:
This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?
This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.


When did Maine become a hot bed of overly conservative ideals and jargon?

Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government

Preach it brother, PREACH
And he's correct. Bravo to the Governor...Government gets larger...Liberty suffers. ObamaCare needs to be repealed to stave this off.

The second half is right, and he was doing ok on the first half until he compared the irs to the gestapo

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:
This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?
This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.


When did Maine become a hot bed of overly conservative ideals and jargon?

Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government

Preach it brother, PREACH
And he's correct. Bravo to the Governor...Government gets larger...Liberty suffers. ObamaCare needs to be repealed to stave this off.

The second half is right, and he was doing ok on the first half until he compared the irs to the gestapo

Fair enough.
Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-On.

Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Maine Democratic Party Chairman Ben Grant, responding to LePage's remarks, said, "We've come to expect a bunch of nonsense from Gov. LePage, but this is a step too far. There appears now to be no limit to the extreme language he will use to misinform, degrade and insult people. Somebody needs to explain to him that he's the governor of a state, and not a talk radio host. I demand a full apology on behalf of all those who suffered at the hands of the real Gestapo."

"There is nothing that degrades politics more than purported leaders who so cavalierly invoke the worst in human history when they can't get their way in legitimate, modern policy disagreements," Grant said.

The Gestapo were Nazi Germany's official secret police under Adolf Hitler, who imprisoned and murdered thousands of people without cause.

The debate over the mandate has become a political flash point since the health law was enacted. Republicans maintain that the requirement is an unfair tax. Democrats say the mandate was originally a Republican idea born from the conservative Heritage Foundation, which introduced the measure in 1989 as a counterpoint to calls for a single-payer health care system...

Read More:
LePage calls IRS the 'new Gestapo' | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME
Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.


A vivid example of the depths to which contemporary American political discourse has fallen.

He's pissed off that the IRS has been given so much authority by Obamacare (a point with which I heartily agree). So he compares the IRS to a group of evil thugs that was complicit in and/or partially responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, and for the brutal (both physical and mental) control of millions of German citizens. Okie dokie.

The decay continues.

Pffft....The political discourse was far worse back in the bad old days of the 18th & 19th centuries.

Now, if you want to talk cultural rot, that's another story.
Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.



Who's going to fight to the death over some debt?

you can get arrested if the government can't get the money from you any other way, after it's gone WAY up
Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.


Yeah, i just don't get all the celebrating over this awful Totalitarian takeover. American Citizens are now less free. LePage is correct.
It wasn't surprising that LePage correctly identified the newly expanded power of the IRS to the Gestapo, it was that this came from Maine, one of the bluest states in the union.
Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.


Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.



Who's going to fight to the death over some debt?

you can get arrested if the government can't get the money from you any other way, after it's gone WAY up

Wrong on both counts.
Lets not compare anything we do, to what the nazis did.

at least until we are going door to door killing off the competition.

Sadly, Governor LePage is Spot-on. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo."

The IRS description was a reference to a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans not insured by their employers or Medicaid to buy health insurance or pay an annual penalty when filing their tax returns. The provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

LePage said the court decision has "made America less free."

"We the people have been told there is no choice," he said. "You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo -- the IRS."

Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.


Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.



Who's going to fight to the death over some debt?

you can get arrested if the government can't get the money from you any other way, after it's gone WAY up

Wrong on both counts.

So what happens when you can't pay?
Obama Hellcare is an act of aggression against Americans: Buy insurance (to state-dictated specifications) or some of your money will be taken from you, by force—even lethal force—if necessary.



Who's going to fight to the death over some debt?

you can get arrested if the government can't get the money from you any other way, after it's gone WAY up

Wrong on both counts.

So what happens when you can't pay?

The first thing is that the government will confiscate your property.
Holy nazi-sympathizing Pope on a rope, talk about fauxrage! :lol:

'Gestapo' has become a generic term describing government thuggery, for which the IRS certainly qualifies. It's not a direct comparison to the actual Gestapo of Nazi Germany.

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