'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

Your google search engine is broken? Funny mine works great:

anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent? ' Eyes Dont Feel No Ways Tarrrred? Ive come too far! Nobody told me that I am a dumb biootch! And like all of uze black folks out there, I love frahhd chicken and have it for dinner 12 times a week!

You painfully ignorant tools. SMH :itsok:

Does it hurt to actually be this degree of Stupid?

Listen to that pronunciation of the word "far" "Feeaarrrh". That's a Chicago twang and it's in NO WAY any degree of "Southern accent" at all. It's glaringly out of place in the quote in fact.

Holy shit do you guys want to go in on a bridge?

Once AGAIN for the synaptically impoverished ---- she's reciting the lyrics of a well-known (to that audience gospel song ----- which, if you dispense with the Fakes News edit that deliberately cuts it out to pander to you Gullibles, she clearly introduces as such.

Fucking DUH. That's why the audience starts cheering ---- in recognition of the lyrics.

Here's the aforementioned James Cleveland singing the same song with the same lyrics.

How fucking stupid do you feel after digging yourselves in a hole this deep? Clearly y'all know nothing about "accents", nothing about deceptive video editing, nothing about black music and not a damn thing about credibility.

Y'all got played by Fox Noise and you swallowed it hook line and sinker. And you're still swallowing.
Next time vet your shit.

Uhm...yeah. Everyone knew that already. She should've broke into her rendition of a minstrel show Swing Low. You know, out of empathy for the cause.

With a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.

Apparently everyone doesn't if they think that glaring Chicago twang is somehow a "black accent".

Of course they don't really think that -- they don't think period. They were told to run with a meme and it never occurred to them to critically examine that meme or that they were being played by Fox Noise like a three-dollar banjo.

You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

You stopped beating your wife?

Homosexual marriage is illegal in my country.

To the point, that's why she should've got down on one knee and sang some gospel blues. It's OK, right?
Your google search engine is broken? Funny mine works great:

anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent? ' Eyes Dont Feel No Ways Tarrrred? Ive come too far! Nobody told me that I am a dumb biootch! And like all of uze black folks out there, I love frahhd chicken and have it for dinner 12 times a week!

You painfully ignorant tools. SMH :itsok:

Does it hurt to actually be this degree of Stupid?

Listen to that pronunciation of the word "far" "Feeaarrrh". That's a Chicago twang and it's in NO WAY any degree of "Southern accent" at all. It's glaringly out of place in the quote in fact.

Holy shit do you guys want to go in on a bridge?

Once AGAIN for the synaptically impoverished ---- she's reciting the lyrics of a well-known (to that audience gospel song ----- which, if you dispense with the Fakes News edit that deliberately cuts it out to pander to you Gullibles, she clearly introduces as such.

Fucking DUH. That's why the audience starts cheering ---- in recognition of the lyrics.

Here's the aforementioned James Cleveland singing the same song with the same lyrics.

How fucking stupid do you feel after digging yourselves in a hole this deep? Clearly y'all know nothing about "accents", nothing about deceptive video editing, nothing about black music and not a damn thing about credibility.

Y'all got played by Fox Noise and you swallowed it hook line and sinker. And you're still swallowing.
Next time vet your shit.

Uhm...yeah. Everyone knew that already. She should've broke into her rendition of a minstrel show Swing Low. You know, out of empathy for the cause.

With a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.

Apparently everyone doesn't if they think that glaring Chicago twang is somehow a "black accent".

Of course they don't really think that -- they don't think period. They were told to run with a meme and it never occurred to them to critically examine that meme or that they were being played by Fox Noise like a three-dollar banjo.

You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

Wtf is "black culture"? Banging on drums, booty dancing and dinduing or something?

There is certainly a black American culture, separate and distinct from that of whites. I know, I'm from neither and I've lived in both. Why, they're night and day.
You painfully ignorant tools. SMH :itsok:

Does it hurt to actually be this degree of Stupid?

Listen to that pronunciation of the word "far" "Feeaarrrh". That's a Chicago twang and it's in NO WAY any degree of "Southern accent" at all. It's glaringly out of place in the quote in fact.

Holy shit do you guys want to go in on a bridge?

Once AGAIN for the synaptically impoverished ---- she's reciting the lyrics of a well-known (to that audience gospel song ----- which, if you dispense with the Fakes News edit that deliberately cuts it out to pander to you Gullibles, she clearly introduces as such.

Fucking DUH. That's why the audience starts cheering ---- in recognition of the lyrics.

Here's the aforementioned James Cleveland singing the same song with the same lyrics.

How fucking stupid do you feel after digging yourselves in a hole this deep? Clearly y'all know nothing about "accents", nothing about deceptive video editing, nothing about black music and not a damn thing about credibility.

Y'all got played by Fox Noise and you swallowed it hook line and sinker. And you're still swallowing.
Next time vet your shit.

Uhm...yeah. Everyone knew that already. She should've broke into her rendition of a minstrel show Swing Low. You know, out of empathy for the cause.

With a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.

Apparently everyone doesn't if they think that glaring Chicago twang is somehow a "black accent".

Of course they don't really think that -- they don't think period. They were told to run with a meme and it never occurred to them to critically examine that meme or that they were being played by Fox Noise like a three-dollar banjo.

You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

You stopped beating your wife?

What I agree with is that (a) "faaaeeerr" is in no way a fucking "Southern" accent, nor is it a "black" one, (b) that the posters I addressed are too fucking stupid to comprehend that idea was planted in their heads by Fox Noise and they were so drunk on their own self-delusion they could not and would not see that obvious fact; (c) that the speaker was CLEARLY citing lyrics and quoting them verbatim, and that those lyrics, the unedited speech, and the singer to which they refer are all EASILY looked up on the internets; and (d) that the assholes with the intellectual capacity of a dysentery-derived diarrhea dump, are using this as a grand deflection from a topic they find inconvenient, since the topic is in no way about Hillary Clinton, gospel songs or James Cleveland.


anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent?

That's the degree of abject pig-ignorance I just shot down in a ball of flames. You're welcome.


Homosexual marriage is illegal in my country.

You're in Belize, amirite?

"Have you stopped beating your wife" is a classic call-out of a loaded or strawman question. Which is what you just did.

The point is, once again, exactly what I stated. And that is blowing up the bullshit myth of "fake accents".

And you're doing the same thing they did, trying to shift the topic because you can't bring yourself to admit defeat on the one that was presented.
Last edited:
No surprise, coming from Trump.

'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

Sources say that Trump said Haitian visa holders “all have AIDS” and Nigerians live in “huts.”


The Times realized that the best way to counter Trumps "Fake News" charge is to make up a new fake story daily

It isn't a news story at all. It's an analysis. The citation within that analysis was singled out by a blogger.
What is racist about it? Sounds more nationalist than anything.
Why is the White House denying he said it?

Probably because he didn't say it would be my guess. You have trotted out the typical "no verifiable source but you should still believe everything we print" bullshit that the NYT is now famous for. Face it dudette, in the world of credibility, the donald, a known liar, has more credibility than the NYT.

And that is truly amazing.

What's truly amazing, in an ironical kinda way, is that you continue to trot out the Poison the Well fallacy, whining -- three times now --- about NYT having "no verifiable source" and citing it as a "liar" ---- while citing no verifiable source (or any source at all) for that citation.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Hey PogDerp, if he said it in June, why is it only just now being published, hmm?

Because it's not a "current event" ---- it's an illustration of what the analysis is about. The subject of what it's actually about is ongoing; the illustration could be from any time.

Duh. Wun shood lern two reed.

As far as "anonymous sources" let's quit the bullshit game of pretending we never heard of it before. Sources remaining anonymous to protect their own position is as old as journalism itself, and we all know it so cut the crapola. Moreover the same article quotes other anonymous sources disputing the quotes, or at least noting they did not hear them. Shall we ignore those as well? Shall we just accept only the ones we want?

You must be a Lawrence Welk fan, Bubbles.

I am, faggot. Wanna do summin' 'bout it? I like Jo Ann Castle, motherfucker!

Uhm...yeah. Everyone knew that already. She should've broke into her rendition of a minstrel show Swing Low. You know, out of empathy for the cause.

With a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.

Apparently everyone doesn't if they think that glaring Chicago twang is somehow a "black accent".

Of course they don't really think that -- they don't think period. They were told to run with a meme and it never occurred to them to critically examine that meme or that they were being played by Fox Noise like a three-dollar banjo.
You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

You stopped beating your wife?

What I agree with is that (a) "faaaeeerr" is in no way a fucking "Southern" accent, nor is it a "black" one, (b) that the posters I addressed are too fucking stupid to comprehend that idea was planted in their heads by Fox Noise and they were so drunk on their own self-delusion they could not and would not see that obvious fact; (c) that the speaker was CLEARLY citing lyrics and quoting them verbatim, and that those lyrics, the unedited speech, and the singer to which they refer are all EASILY looked up on the internets; and (d) that the assholes with the intellectual capacity of a dysentery-derived diarrhea dump, are using this as a grand deflection from a topic they find inconvenient, since the topic is in no way about Hillary Clinton, gospel songs or James Cleveland.


anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent?

That's the degree of abject pig-ignorance I just shot down in a ball of flames. You're welcome.

Homosexual marriage is illegal in my country.

You're in Belize, amirite?

"Have you stopped beating your wife" is a classic call-out of a loaded or strawman question. Which is what you just did.

The point is, once again, exactly what I stated. And that is blowing up the bullshit myth of "fake accents".

And you're doing the same thing they did, trying to shift the topic because you can't bring yourself to admit defeat on the one that was presented.
Hey, it's your description of what she was doing. I'm asking, by your own description, if that is acceptable to you. Can white people stand up in front of black people and speak in some indiscernible accent the words to a song that is sacred to them? If so, then maybe a few tunes from Porgy and Bess are called for.
Read it again and this time include all the words in the quote..
Who has more aids than any other island in the Caribbean?


Trump said during a meeting in June that people coming from Haiti "all have AIDS"

He said that in June and it's just now coming out??? How can you believe that?
How can you not believe it? He lies regularly.

If he'd said it, it would have come out in June and you know it.
Apparently everyone doesn't if they think that glaring Chicago twang is somehow a "black accent".

Of course they don't really think that -- they don't think period. They were told to run with a meme and it never occurred to them to critically examine that meme or that they were being played by Fox Noise like a three-dollar banjo.
You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

You stopped beating your wife?

What I agree with is that (a) "faaaeeerr" is in no way a fucking "Southern" accent, nor is it a "black" one, (b) that the posters I addressed are too fucking stupid to comprehend that idea was planted in their heads by Fox Noise and they were so drunk on their own self-delusion they could not and would not see that obvious fact; (c) that the speaker was CLEARLY citing lyrics and quoting them verbatim, and that those lyrics, the unedited speech, and the singer to which they refer are all EASILY looked up on the internets; and (d) that the assholes with the intellectual capacity of a dysentery-derived diarrhea dump, are using this as a grand deflection from a topic they find inconvenient, since the topic is in no way about Hillary Clinton, gospel songs or James Cleveland.


anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent?

That's the degree of abject pig-ignorance I just shot down in a ball of flames. You're welcome.

Homosexual marriage is illegal in my country.

You're in Belize, amirite?

"Have you stopped beating your wife" is a classic call-out of a loaded or strawman question. Which is what you just did.

The point is, once again, exactly what I stated. And that is blowing up the bullshit myth of "fake accents".

And you're doing the same thing they did, trying to shift the topic because you can't bring yourself to admit defeat on the one that was presented.
Hey, it's your description of what she was doing. I'm asking, by your own description, if that is acceptable to you. Can white people stand up in front of black people and speak in some indiscernible accent the words to a song that is sacred to them? If so, then maybe a few tunes from Porgy and Bess are called for.

Once again for the interminably thick-skulled....


Once AGAIN --- just check out the difference in the word "far" between Clinton and Cleveland.

Stop acting like a fucking moron. We already have the poster I quoted to fill that role.
Read it again and this time include all the words in the quote..
Who has more aids than any other island in the Caribbean?


Trump said during a meeting in June that people coming from Haiti "all have AIDS"

He said that in June and it's just now coming out??? How can you believe that?
How can you not believe it? He lies regularly.

If he'd said it, it would have come out in June and you know it.

Why would that be the case? Happens all the time when politicians say stupid stuff that eventually someone (perhaps one of the dozens who've left this administration) lets out that gets vetted and corroborated.
You agree that white people mimicking black culture is acceptable?

You stopped beating your wife?

What I agree with is that (a) "faaaeeerr" is in no way a fucking "Southern" accent, nor is it a "black" one, (b) that the posters I addressed are too fucking stupid to comprehend that idea was planted in their heads by Fox Noise and they were so drunk on their own self-delusion they could not and would not see that obvious fact; (c) that the speaker was CLEARLY citing lyrics and quoting them verbatim, and that those lyrics, the unedited speech, and the singer to which they refer are all EASILY looked up on the internets; and (d) that the assholes with the intellectual capacity of a dysentery-derived diarrhea dump, are using this as a grand deflection from a topic they find inconvenient, since the topic is in no way about Hillary Clinton, gospel songs or James Cleveland.


anyone actually believe that Hillary has never spoken to a crowd of black people using thier own accent?

That's the degree of abject pig-ignorance I just shot down in a ball of flames. You're welcome.

Homosexual marriage is illegal in my country.

You're in Belize, amirite?

"Have you stopped beating your wife" is a classic call-out of a loaded or strawman question. Which is what you just did.

The point is, once again, exactly what I stated. And that is blowing up the bullshit myth of "fake accents".

And you're doing the same thing they did, trying to shift the topic because you can't bring yourself to admit defeat on the one that was presented.
Hey, it's your description of what she was doing. I'm asking, by your own description, if that is acceptable to you. Can white people stand up in front of black people and speak in some indiscernible accent the words to a song that is sacred to them? If so, then maybe a few tunes from Porgy and Bess are called for.

Once again for the interminably thick-skulled....


Once AGAIN --- just check out the difference in the word "far" between Clinton and Cleveland.

Stop acting like a fucking moron. We already have the poster I quoted to fill that role.
Hey, if you want to pretend Hillary wasn't blatantly pandering to her audience in the most racist way possible (to their approval), then that's on you. If she was or wasn't, it didn't work out too well for her either way.
Why is the White House denying he said it?

Probably because he didn't say it would be my guess. You have trotted out the typical "no verifiable source but you should still believe everything we print" bullshit that the NYT is now famous for. Face it dudette, in the world of credibility, the donald, a known liar, has more credibility than the NYT.

And that is truly amazing.

What's truly amazing, in an ironical kinda way, is that you continue to trot out the Poison the Well fallacy, whining -- three times now --- about NYT having "no verifiable source" and citing it as a "liar" ---- while citing no verifiable source (or any source at all) for that citation.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Hey PogDerp, if he said it in June, why is it only just now being published, hmm?

Because it's not a "current event" ---- it's an illustration of what the analysis is about. The subject of what it's actually about is ongoing; the illustration could be from any time.

Duh. Wun shood lern two reed.

As far as "anonymous sources" let's quit the bullshit game of pretending we never heard of it before. Sources remaining anonymous to protect their own position is as old as journalism itself, and we all know it so cut the crapola. Moreover the same article quotes other anonymous sources disputing the quotes, or at least noting they did not hear them. Shall we ignore those as well? Shall we just accept only the ones we want?

You must be a Lawrence Welk fan, Bubbles.

I am, faggot. Wanna do summin' 'bout it? I like Jo Ann Castle, motherfucker!

I'm a YUUUUGE Jo Ann Castle fan muthafucka.

Check out that left hand at 0:56

Say ain't that you on the dance floor too?

But I didn't say Jo Ann Castle ---- I said Lawrence Welk. The Bubble Guy.

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